Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Location: Forests of Dxun


The first thing the disciple noticed about the Demon Moon was the moisture. The black and red robes she'd chosen clung to her frame within moments of stepping off the crowded transport and into the lush green jungle of Dxun. Her saber hung from the leather belt wrapped around her waist, it's weight and the constant light thud of the metal against her side was a comfort in such an alien place. She knew that the saber would have to be left with the transport when they embarked on their first...mission? Challenge? Whatever they deigned to call it. But until that moment, she would keep it with her. She could already feel the affect of the humidity on her hair, the curls weighed down by the added water.

Ara was the first off of the transport, desperate to escape the metal death trap called a ship that everyone seemed content to deem a reliable form of travel. She knew the collection of Knights and Disciples could feel her fear and anxiety throughout the entire trip from Virgillia to Dxun, despite her attempts to sit in the back of the cargo hold and meditate through it. She was nowhere near banishing her fear of heights and it was precisely for that reason she had requested a separate mode of transportation.

Apparently the First Order didn't agree with the extra expenditure or resources strictly to accommodate a Disciple's acrophobia.

Within moments of stepping out into the small clearing they'd made into a landing strip, she was soaking wet, anxious, and angry. It was a great start to a long weekend.

She stepped forward, as the troopers who accompanied them fanned out around the small space, blasters ready should a predator or another uninvited guest attempt to intercept the small party. They were here for a survival expedition, a competition of sorts. Ara wasn't sure that she bought into the hype of spending days in the middle of a jungle of predators with the intent of competing in three challenges meant to test their skills as members of the Ren, both individually and in teams. But training was training and she was hardly one to argue.

She turned, raising an eyebrow at the others as they disembarked. It was going to be a very long trip.

[member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Perth Levov"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Mishel Ren"] | [member="Jaron Lesan"] | [member="Zmej Ren"]


[member="Garett Van"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Torian Pierce"]

The trip to Dxun was a silent one for Kaalia. The upcoming days were going to be tough, and she we need every bit of what she had. The occasion would be perfect to test her skills however, as well as learn some new ones. It would make her stronger, and it was an exciting prospect. The competition more of a way to track her own progress, and she cared little for the eventual outcome. She wasn't the most powerful of the small group, but perhaps this experience would help close the gap. One step at a time.

The redhead could be found meditating when the shuttle landed, and when the shuttle opened her eyes did the same, taking in the scenery found outside. The woman got up, calm and collected, and went to meet the humid air of the planet. She wore dark grey robes, paired with black boots. A hood covered her head, and her lightsabers were clipped to her belt to be used when needed. The flame-haired woman wondered what challenges they would face here, eager to put what [member="Jaron Lesan"] had taught her to the test. It was a perfect opportunity.

Satisfied with taking in the environment around her, Kaalia turned to the others who had come along. [member="Ara Ren"] in particular looked uncomfortable in this situation, but it was important to learn how to survive in any given situation. She gave her friend a quick nod, but didn't break her silence. Where Ara was more comfortable in social events, perhaps Kaalia had more experience in situations like this.

[member="Perth Levov"] [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Mishel Ren"] [member="Zmej Ren"] [member="Garett Van"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Torian Pierce"]

Connor Harrison

At one time or another, this transport of Dark Side Disciples and Knights would have been fodder for Connor and his Jedi upon arrival. Now, he was standing at the rear of said transport as one of them. A Disciple of Ren. The bottom of the ladder to ascended through to becoming Master once more and help lead and forge the Ren into something wonderful, and aide the First Order to securing peace, law and order.

Leaving his personal items on the ship, namely half his tunic and cloak, he knew how humid Dxun was after his recent…cleansing…on the planet, and so wore simply his training vest, trousers and sturdy boots. The lightsaber taken from Lord Abyss of the Sith hung by his side where the Skywalker hilt once resided.

His right hand gripped the rail as the transport came down, the bodies on board rocking and swaying gently with the descent and landing.

He recognised a few faces. [member="Ara Ren"] was obvious, and also [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] and the daughter of Kerrigan, [member="Mishel Ren"]. The rest he didn’t know, ubt probably would in time if they were to be those he trained and stood beside.

Connor disembarked into the humidity of the planet and felt the air cling to him, and was glad he wore nothing cumbersome. He let out a slow breath and stood back, watching and waiting, finding it hard to take stock of the situation to once be so respected and looked up to, to now being a nobody whose past made them nothing but a threat to the wrong kind of people.

[member="Perth Levov"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Zmej Ren"] | [member="Garett Van"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Torian Pierce"]
Although voluntary, the act of parting with her weapon still made her feel a terrible sense of loss. It was akin to tearing off a piece of one’s soul. Carefully planting the treasured weapon down with the utmost care and respect, Zmej said her goodbyes to the deadly tool and followed after her fellow Ren, black boots slowly tapping over the ship’s boarding ramp and delivering her outside. Locks of gold defiantly fluttered as she looked left and right, a quick observation of others. Among the numerous faces, some of which she recognized and others not, was the familiar visage of one [member="Kaalia Voldaren"], her strongly hued red hair impossible to miss, which curled the blonde’s lips into a grin. Zmej liked to see her sister lived still despite the troubled times. Better yet, the order of Ren seemed to grow. [member="Mishel Ren"] caught her sulphur gaze as well, and Zmej couldn’t help but wonder how the brunette’s training progressed.

Given Zmej has been way too busy to get to know more Ren, always on missions and spreading the First Order’s influence beyond the borders, she took this challenge as an opportunity to correct that and get acquainted with the deadly instruments of the Supreme Leader. That was the purpose, after all. Team building and strengthening the group through dangerous trials, one of the rare occasions for many disciples to get together and work as one to achieve their goal. Although not a serious mission per se, the dark disciple approached the challenge as one nonetheless. She wasn’t one to pass an opportunity to impress the Supreme Leader, mind-set focused on success.

All work and no fun, just the way she liked it.

Out of her armour and lacking the trusty cross-shaped lightsaber hilt, yet dropped in a place famous for its deadly predators, Zmej felt naked despite wearing the traditional dark coloured apparel of her order. Without a way to shield herself from the planet’s high moisture, beads of sweat soon dotted the blonde’s sickly pale forehead as she inhaled the humid air, taking a while to accustom herself to Dxun’s climate once the transport spat them out and they made their way towards the dark jungle. Zmej made no comment to voice her discomfort, for she’d been trained into a survivor, one capable to adapt and adjust whenever required. All the knowledge she needed was there – and the pale skinned disciple actually found putting all the endless hours of studies and training to another test quite exciting.

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Ara Ren"] [member="Perth Levov"] [member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Samka Derith"] [member="Jaron Lesan"] [member="Garett Van"]

Perth Levov

It matters not who I am. My power is all that shou
Perth relaxed as their transport hit the turbulence of Dxun's heavy cloud cover. She knew at least one other that would not enjoy being buffeted by the landing. Not that she took pleasure from this – but rather she wondered if she was coming to terms with her phobia.

Like the others, she had done her homework. The jungles of Dxun were filled with deadly predators. The sort to stalk you day and night, and the moment you let your guard down they strike.

Soon they had landed and Perth simply joined the exodus – not looking to be at the front or the back of the queue. She saw no benefit in trying to establish an early pecking order. They were in this together and would escape the moon only with that attitude. She wore her standard robes and had handed over her sabers like the others, for a time deemed appropriate by the organiser of this expedition.

She glanced around, free to examine her environment more closely. The thick forest canopy above blocked out most light; even though it was probably midday she found herself bathed in twilight. Reaching out with the Force, she took closer stock of her surroundings. They appeared to be close to the heart of a forest; trees going for kilometres in every direction. And as she probed the surrounding foliage for signs of life, she sensed the forests of Dxun teemed with a host of deadly and voracious beasts. She wondered how long it would be before one of the jungle denizens decided to figure out where this group fitted in on the food chain.

And she wondered how many famous Sith had trodden these paths. Regardless of history and the infamous tomb, this was a world infused with the power of the dark side. She enjoyed the feeling. The Force nexus made her feel strong, although she was smart enough to understand that the creatures prowling the wilderness would be drawing on that very same power.

[member="Zmej Ren"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] [member="Ara Ren"]

Mishel Kryze


Hot, humid jungles greeted the young Disciple of Ren. Disembarking from her transport, she had only her robes and nothing more. She felt an expedition of survival should be just that, survival. Robes were a deep maroon that seemed to blend in with the thickest parts of the jungles. She recognized [member="Connor Harrison"] from the Ball, perhaps he had indeed found his way into the Knights of Ren.

She'd yet to see him around the Bastion, though. [member="Zmej Ren"], [member="Ara Ren"] and [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] were other faces she recognized from one interaction or another. Usually, Samka would be here but as it stood - Mishel would have to do this without her. She would have to prove that she was capable of looking out for herself without [member="Samka Derith"] around.

Mishel determined after descending to the surface that she and Dxun would have to work out the humidity. Having never quite faced a planet like this, she had not realized her hair would suddenly disagree. Grabbing it she pulled it up into a loose bun so that her skin might be able to breathe. They were here to work as a team, to learn to work together while sober and not so drunk they become responisble for destroying an entire mining complex and then some. Seiger was none too pleased with the lot of them after New Balosar's little pub crawl. She wondered if father was punishing them all, all the little Knights who chose to be disobedient children when they were supposed to be gathering information on his behalf.

She skulked at the thought kicking at the ground, and wondered if her mother would have saw fit to make her survive out here on her own. And as that thought snaked through her mind, a small electrical shock hit her mind. A reminder that the only parent she had now was Seiger Ren. Mishel winced, a hand to the back of her neck as she followed after Zmej. Looking about she didn't recognize [member="Perth Levov"] or [member="Jaron Lesan"]. Then again she supposed that there would always a be a brother or sister that she did not know given how extensive her father's empire was.

"Don't suppose this is due punishment for our actions..." She comment directed toward Ara and Kaalia.

[member="Garett Van"] | [member="Torian Pierce"]
First Order Planetary Defense Forces
His shuttle lands on Dxun near the group of Ren, a makeshift camp already made for them. Though not sure why he was chosen to test the Ren for their skills as he wasn't a force user himself, Garett was finally fully recovered from his fatal accident. As the ramp to the shuttle dropped, he walked out, again not something he was used to. Normally he was rushing as it was a combat situation. Once off the shuttle, the shuttle lifted off and made for the ship in orbit that transported him here. He walked slowly over to the Ren fear built up, as the sight of so many made him a tad uncomfortable.​
"Welcome everyone, I am Captain Garett Van and I will be the one keeping this on track. Now there are hidden probe droids around the area for people to watch back home. I know leadership of your order is making sure this goes just how they want it. You will be split into team, which are as followed;
Team One
[member="Kyrel Ren"] Team Leader​
[member="Connor Harrison"]​
[member="Mishel Ren"]​
[member="Zmej Ren"]​
Team Two
[member="Jaron Lesan"] Team Leader​
[member="Ara Ren"]​
[member="Kaalia Voldaren"]​
[member="Perth Levov"]​
Now you all will have to work as a team for this, though there aren't many rules, just no killing each other or wounding each other. Anything else will fly as per my orders."
With this statement the trials would begin. The first one would be a test of the force abilities.​
"Now for the first challenge, is a test of one's force abilities. So I request for everyone to please place your lightsabers in this box for safe keeping. The test is going for you to track down and kill with force powers only, a Zakkeg. Without being tracked by any other animal."
With the task given out he would watch to see what the Ren would do.​
[member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Torian Pierce"]​
Jaron was eager to see what this challenge would bring for the Ren. He recognized some of the individuals who were participating, one of them was his own apprentice who had spent the entire journey preparing herself mentally for the task ahead. Naturally it was a habit which had been instilled in her as a Jedi, but Jaron did not deny the help it could be. Focused thoughts were always helpful in ensuring one used their emotions rather than becoming a slave to them.

The Knight had never been one to allow his passions to get the better of him. Of course he used them as a weapon, a powerful weapon, but he refused to be a slave to them. There were those darksiders who had, and many of them were now hunted or dead. Jaron was not going to be labeled a lunatic or a fanatic. The Knights of Ren may have been labeled that already, but Jaron kept a distance from the religiosity some poured into it.

He sensed the darkeness of the world they had been taken to. The thick forests were full of the dark side's energy. As per the rules his mask was left behind, the armored chest plate left behind as well. Otherwise he was in his usual field gear. When on missions he did not opt for robes or armor. Jaron was a scout and had always dressed the part. His twin lightsabers were hanging from his belt until he was told to turn them in. For now, it was hurry up and wait.

Once the teams had been decided, he nodded. His apprentice would be left with him, which was good. There was chemistry already, and hopefully they would put it to good use. His mind touched hers only. "Open yourself while here. The darkness is thick and you must soak it in," came the instructions.

Jaron did as instructed and motioned for his team to do the same. His team was all women, which made him chuckle to a degree. [member="Ara Ren"], [member="Perth Levov"], and [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] were assembled and ready.

"Into the woods. Feel them around you, and find the beast. I will make sure we are not tracked."
Challenge 1: Force Ability
Post: 1

Ara smiled towards [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] and [member="Mishel Ren"] as they joined her in the clearing, finding some semblance of comfort in their familiar presences and the feeling of solid ground under her boots. Returning Kaalia's nod, she glanced around, recognizing another, [member="Perth Levov"], from a shared mission on Rakata Beta. She would have recognized the girl sooner, if she hadn't spent the entire trip focused on keeping her emotions under some semblance of control. [member="Connor Harrison"] was another familiar face and she flashed him an easy smile from across the clearing. Her hands had stopped shaking and her pulse was under control by the time the second shuttle touched down.

Mishel's question made her chuckle, but she was saved from answering by the beginning of the first task. They were assigned into groups and she was pleased that she was on the same team as Kaalia, even more pleased with Perth and [member="Jaron Lesan"] being added to the mix. They had a good solid group and she couldn't help but laugh quietly as she considered the trouble Connor was about to be in for. She knew the blonde from a tour of a Kyber factory a while back, enough to know that she took no crap and was a difficult person to get along with. Mishel...well Mishel would be a handful if the ball and pub crawl were any indication.

When requested, the girl stepped up and set her hilt into the box offered, frowning as she stepped away. The lack of weight on her belt was foreign after so many weeks with the weapon plastered to her side or tucked in a pocket. Still, rules were rules, and she was hardly helpless without it.

She'd done a bit of research in preparation of their visit and was familiar with the creature called a Zakkeg. They were armored, territorial, and very difficult to kill. She glanced at Jaron as he spoke, simple instructions to the team but effective.

"Yes, sir." She nodded once, sharply, and strode off unceremoniously, it was time to prove she was more than just a pretty face. She would trust the Knight to cover their backs.

A few feet into the damp, dark cover of the forest and Ara paused, her vision rapidly declining with the light. Before, she would have to depend on her hearing and her dexterity. Now, she had the training of Talon Ren. Opening herself up to the force, the threads of anxiety and fear still running through her strengthening the connection, she sent her awareness out a mental map populated by force signatures and auras rapidly forming.

As soon as she was satisfied, the range of her mind's eye a little over ten meters in all directions, she pushed the Force further, demanding to see her surroundings as well as sense them. A black and white monochrome image overlaid the hazy shadows from her own eyes, a self-satisfied smile curling up the corners off her mouth. She glanced back, sensing the movement of her fellow Ren, letting them overtake her progress. She'd follow them and assist where needed. They were a team after all.

[member="Garett Van"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Zmej Ren"]
Challenge 1
Post: 1

Upon hearing who her teammates would be in this expedition, Kaalia flashed a smile. Her master, [member="Jaron Lesan"], were to lead the group, and [member="Ara Ren"] and [member="Perth Levov"] were part of the team as well. There was a good amount of chemistry between Jaron and her, and Ara was a good friend who she would have little trouble working together with either. She didn't knew Perth very well, but this was as good of a time as any to learn more about her. She unclipped her lightsabers and parted with them, understanding that this trial was to test her Force abilities.

Her master sent out a message to her through the Force, telling her open herself to the darkness. Kaalia gathered the Force around her, let it flow through her being. It still was a strange sensation to her, but she felt it empower her. With the training she was still receiving the redhead got more attuned to the power of the dark side. Kaalia took a deep breath, and nodded in Jaron's direction.

Still not saying a word, Kaalia simply nodded at Jaron's instructions. Her mind reached out to the Force, and as she felt it swirling around her the woman took in what the Force showed her. Their target was to kill a Zakkeg, a ferocious beast that would be tough to take down. Her mind was with the Force, her body as the tether.

Connor Harrison

CHALLENGE: Force Ability
POST: 1 / 4
TEAM: [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Mishel Ren"] | [member="Zmej Ren"]

Connor unclipped his sliver hilt, spinning it in his palm as the Captain [member="Garett Van"] spoke the instruction. Another beast hunt? Connor had had his fair share of beast hunts in recent years - Krayt Dragons of Tatooine to the Boma of Dxun where they were now. He placed the hilt in a large box and made his way to the team he was given.

He knew none, bar Mishel and that was briefly under a veil of alcohol at the ball. The pale girl and the masked team leader he didn't know at all.

"Well, if it's any help, I've been here before and taken down a Boma without a blade. Similar to the Zakkeg but with a dense outer shell. However, the Force doesn't care for a shell like when you take down a Star Destroyer from the sky - material components and armour is nothing when the Force penetrates the heart it. We combine our effort into one direct assault on the mind with the Force, and one tracking, we can pulp it within seconds.”

He shot a glance to the other team and then back to his.

"Also be mindful of the Orbalisks. The lurk in dark places, dank caverns and such and feed on the Force aura of those who weave the Dark Side. Once these critters get on you, they don't come off and you'll be eaten from the inside out. I've seen it happen. Not pretty. Just be aware, and be careful not to make yourself a beacon until the right moment when we can take down that beast together.”

No point keeping information to himself; these were his team and all were his allies now. Not the Jedi. He was working to ensure his survival and theirs, and also the victory.

[member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Ara Ren"] | [member="Jaron Lesan"] | [member="Perth Levov"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Torian Pierce"]
Objective 1
Post 1

Kyrel had landed his ship on the ancient world, His boots making large sounds with each step he took. He had come here with no clear reason other than participating with his fellow Ren. His cape flowed in the wind as he made sure to avoid such plant life that could ensnare his heavy armor into it's clutches. He than came across the camp his breathing, and the heavy steps of his boots were the only sound being made. He stood there not saying a word as he looked all around. He noticed some Ren he knew, and others he didn't quite know either way he looked forward to this event.

He stood there for several minutes gazing at his surroundings lazily waiting for something exciting to happen, he had hoped that whatever occuried next would bring some type of fun, he had hoped it would be something competitive and not team based. Throughout many of his missions he had tolerated his brothers and sisters in the dark side, only in trying to complete his missions that were utmost importance to the Supreme Leader, and Kyrel would always gladly carry out his will.

He stood at attention when @Garrett Van explained what was required of them. His worst fears were realized as he heard the teams. He mentally groaned when he had heard who he was assigned with, and found that being made Team Leader was all the more Insufferable. He cursed himself as he always was never one for being a Leader, he only thought he was better at being a weapon to be wielded. A weapon that was him. He walked over, and placed his saber into the box. He looked around at his teammates and judged them. Here was a half man half machine obsessed with Darth Vader as the leader, Leading three disciples. He knew of [member="Zmej Ren"] and [member="Mishel Ren"], but never spent too much time with, and he knew of the Ex Silver Jedi turned Disciple of Ren [member="Connor Harrison"] who he had known of recently. Either way weather he liked it or not he was going to have to deal with this new found responsibility. He nodded taking in Connor's advice on the beast, and when he was finished he finally spoke, his vocabulater not showing a hint of displeasure or disappointment given the current circumstances.

"Well my fellow Ren, I know i am hardly a candidate for leadership in this challenge, but I do hope to do my best to lead everyone, now where shall we find this beast?"
Challenge 1
Post 1

The captain’s appearance was most unexpected – Zmej had anticipated one of their own to oversee the trials and tests, not a man with zero connection to the order. Definitely and interesting choice, to have an unrelated party observe and judge the contesting Ren. Eyeing him carefully, sick yellow sinking right through his body, she listened and offered a subtle nod. No comment concerning the teams left her mouth, although the blonde haired head swiftly turned and regarded each of her new team members with a prolonged glance. There was a slight smirk curling her lips – she realized Kyrel’s armour offered an advantage should any of the challenges require the suit’s protective capabilities. Then again, any task to swim would be the end for the heavily crippled man and his life support suit.

Hunting dangerous beasts was not unexpected. It was the requirement to use the Force. If Zmej recalled correctly, the desired animal wore a hide thick as durasteel. That alone wouldn’t have been a problem to cut through with lightsabers, but lacking these legendary weapons, she had to admit coming up with a solid enough plan was a challenge in its own right. Telekinesis, maybe? Would her ability to squeeze one’s throat be enough to choke the life out of the beast? Perhaps – but when lacking experience, it was best to learn from another who suffered no such disadvantage and remember she worked with three other Ren. As such, the teammate’s revelation about his previous experience on Dxun came as a blessing. Zmej listened intently, taking in every bit of information. Before offering her bit, Kyrel spoke up, prompting her into a response.

“Why the doubt, Kyrel? You’re the greatest of us. I’m sure you’ll do well as our leader.” Zmej reassured the armoured monstrosity with a smile before finally turning to the hunter, pursing her lips.

“Connor, is it? Your plan is a sound one, though I’m afraid my abilities concerning telepathic attacks are lacking. Might I suggest telekinesis instead? Focusing on the Zakkeg’s neck simultaneously should produce enough pressure to cause significant harm.” She told him, confident all of them knew how to use the dark side’s crushing power to grip and hold.

Her golden gaze eventually shifted to the forest behind them. Although far from inviting, the dark jungle’s charm was hard to deny. As if everything’s been reduced to before cities and strong walls put an end to wild threats, it offered a unique experience and feeling when one delved into the Force and listened. Many dangers lurked within, commending great care and caution. The pale skinned Ren worried about their leader’s ability to traverse unnoticed – his heavy armour could be heard miles away. How he intended to deal with it she did not know, oblivious of his armour’s exact specs.

“Let’s go. May the Supreme Leader watch over us.”

Oh, he certainly did watch, observing the progress through the several hidden droids. The chance of impressing her Father and sitting in his lap sang to Zmej and she listened, incapable of denying the lure of victory. Part of her wanted to rush through, beat everyone else and emerge the sole winner - and perhaps she would have done just that if she didn't know better.

[member="Kyrel Ren"] [member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Mishel Ren"]

Perth Levov

It matters not who I am. My power is all that shou
Perth knew a little of Zakkegs. Since her encounter with various creatures had found her wanting, she’d made a point of learning about the strengths and weaknesses of any alpha-predators she might encounter. And Zakkegs were the first ones she read about when finding out about Dxun. Huge, armored quadrupeds, they were solitary and territorial.

They were prized as a trophy, given how tough they were to kill – and so to take one out without a saber? Even as a group, that would be a challenge.

And to do so undetected by other predators here? Perth looked around the group. Apart from Jaron, they were here because they were rookies. In her mind, keeping under the radar of all of the other creatures here was going to be harder than fighting the Zakkeg. Especially given they were standing on a dark-sided nexus.

She had already deposited her saber and so fell into the group as they headed out from the clearing, ready to take down the Zakkeg. The what was easy. It was only the when, how and where she was still struggling with.

[member="Kaalia Voldaren"] [member="Ara Ren"] [member="Jaron Lesan"] [member="Garett Van"]

Mishel Kryze

Mishel was disgusted with Kyrel, she held the urge to say something to the man. His pitiful self-doubt made her wonder how it was he became Knight. She cared not for his ranking as Knight his actions and words thus far have not given her an impression of what a proper Knight of Ren should be. She held her example to be [member="Samka Derith"], and thus for the time being she gave Kyrel a smile a forced one but it was a warm smile nonetheless. After all they had to work together to acheive this goal. Connor Harrison - there was a man that intrigued her, if only because he knew of her mother.

She watched [member="Zmej Ren"] carefully eyeing the girl's facial expressions carefully. She listened to her speak of telekinesis as a way to get to the beast. "Let us track this beast down, we will surely devise a way to bring it down on our own terms." Lest they die to it, in which case they should have never been fit to bear the name Ren. "I imagine this beast leaves tracks or perhaps has a particular scent?" Mishel questioned with regards to tracking the creature.

[member="Torian Pierce"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Garett Van"]

Connor Harrison

CHALLENGE: Force Ability
POST: 2 / 4
TEAM: [member="Kyrel Ren"] | [member="Mishel Ren"] | [member="Zmej Ren"]
With a nod to the leader, Kyrel, Connor started off with the others and looked to the pale one.

"That's me. And, Zmej is it? That’s a good idea too. There are four of us. We can track, immobilise and tear it apart in an instant.”

The jungle crept in around them as the humidity clung to their bodies, and he felt bad for those in armour and robes for it certainly wasn’t a forgiving moon at all.

He turned to Mishel as she spoke.

"I don’t know what tracks they leave, but I know they don’t hunt in groups. They are loners, so it would be a single track we look for and any residue bones or blood from prey they feast on. It’s a predator so…it’s going to have a clear mind-set to hunt and to kill.”

Connor kept walking, keeping his ears open for the sounds around him. The creature was armoured but would be slow moving and laborours.

[member="Kaalia Voldaren"] | [member="Ara Ren"] | Jaron Lesan | [member="Perth Levov"] | [member="Samka Derith"] | [member="Torian Pierce"]
Challenge 1
Post 2

While the non-existent road took them deeper into the jungles, Zmej took in the conversation concerning animal tracks. Admittedly, the teenage disciple had little experience concerning that, made even worse by her lack of knowledge. Trained to hunt and kill a different kind of animal, the blonde possessed little idea of where to start and thus found herself eternally grateful for having a hunter in their group. Although not experienced in going after this particular beast, his advice easily turned him into the most valuable member. Observant, watchful, the blonde Ren kept her eyes peeled for animal tracks imprinted into Dxun’s floor. Caution swiftly extinguished the excitement she had felt earlier once the towering leaves overhead started casting dark shadows and the entire world turned into a green maze filled to the brim with danger. A single slip could endanger not only her, but the entire team – and Zmej Ren disliked putting her fellow Hands of the Supreme Leader at risk.

Slow, soft pace continued to tread the jungle undisturbed. It was an interesting challenge the woman rarely experienced. Usually clad in plate armour, subtlety and sneaking were almost entirely forgotten concepts. Remaining aware of her own presence in the world, the disciple of Ren put extra effort to the task at hand and carefully weighed every step. Golden hued eyes glued to the ground, Zmej found herself too concentrated on finding the tracks she did not even speak, further supporting her image of a focused, hard-working agent who did not allow distraction to interrupt her efforts. Her keen gaze eventually produced the result she demanded and granted the blonde a sight of an animal track. That was when her usefulness came to an end for now – another agent, more knowledgeable and experienced, had to step up and identify the mark. Although usually relying on none other than herself, Zmej was glad to have a team – it removed much weight from her shoulders and made the group a particularly deadly tool of the Supreme Leader.

Crouching by the find, Zmej examined it for a moment before the yellow haired head turned around.

“Connor,” she addressed the new addition to the Ren, “What can you tell me about this?”

[member="Connor Harrison"] [member="Mishel Ren"] [member="Kyrel Ren"]
Beside [member="Garett Van"], a holo crackled into life. The signal on the jungle moon was already weak and being far from First Order space only made matters worse. It flickered around, cutting in and out but the signal strength was enough that the figure of Samka Derith materialised in blue light. Someone who looked young, far too young for her position, but held herself firm with perfect upright posture. She wore a dark uniform visible beneath her cloak.

"Captain, I presume things are underway." Her voice occasionally broke into distorted pitches but asides from that it maintained her usual tone. Youthful yet self-assured of her own power and authority. "We appreciate your involvement, and discretion in this matter. I admit I'm hesitant to involve military personal in our affairs but I see the value of someone completely unrelated to our order being the one to oversee things in person. I'd be there myself but unfortunately, I have other matters to attend to." Samka's eyes flickered off to something Garett could not see.

"Did you have any immediate impressions? Positive or otherwise" She asked the officer. It would be interesting to hear what the rank and file of the First Order's military made of members of their Order.

She knew of all of them and had personal thoughts on each and every one of the Ren, already she'd made predictions on how they would preform. Well, almost all of them. [member="Connor Harrison"] remained a mystery to her, the former Silver Jedi Master who'd come to join their organisation. She'd be watching his progress with particular interest. Then there was [member="Mishel Ren"] whose abilities also remained a mystery. Privately, Sam thought creating some distance between herself and Mishel was the correct move. The teenager was getting too attached to Sam in questionable ways. For the moment, the girl would have to cope without the Knight's presence. The only problem she had was with Mishel being barely armed on one of the most dangerous jungles in the galaxy was that she was under the leadership of [member="Kyrel Ren"]. The cyborg had thus far shown little appetite for the leadership qualities needed for a Knight of Ren. Samka herself had had to step in and save the squad working under him on Kaeshana, fighting off a Jedi Master and his apprentice since Kyrel had disappeared on his own quest of... whatever that was. In Sam's mind the Knight was being tested more than the disciples. So yes she worried for Mishel but it was a professional worry that the Supreme Leader's pet project was in a danger zone, nothing more.

She went through the others in her head. [member="Zmej Ren"] struggled to trust her comrades, [member="Kaalia Voldaren"] faced corruption by the Light, [member="Ara Ren"] was relatively inexperienced in true combat. It would all have to be remedied soon. War was coming and they all must be prepared.

"A beast hunt is rather standard form for Dxun, I suppose," she said to Garett. "Nothing wrong with it, I recall one of my earlier tests was to do something similar but I do hope there's some truly creative tests in mind for the future." There was a groan coming from somewhere around Samka, her head turned to face the source of the noise and her lips curved upwards into a smile. "Sorry to cut this short, Captain, but my break is over. Remember, I'll be watching. I'll be watching all of you," she added rather ominously as the holo figure of the Knight of Ren disappeared.


What the officer couldn't see through the holo was the stirring figure of a man cuffed by his wrists and ankles to a holding table, his shabby clothes torn and skin covered in deep cuts, scratches and bruises. "Welcome back," Samka greeted her prisoner. "I'm afraid I pushed you a little too hard last time but we can have a fresh start and avoid any further unpleasantness if you tell me where those droids were being shipped to."

The prisoner coughed but turned his head to meet her eyes. "I ain't tellin' you chit."

Samka's smile grew larger and she broke into a small giggle. A girlish sounding noise which contrasted eerily with her actions. "Good," she happily stated before her voice lowered dangerously. "I was hoping you'd say something that." She extended a gloved palm and began to tear through his mind.

He screamed but there was no one around to hear.
First Order Planetary Defense Forces
Garett looked at the holo in front of him, nodding to answer all the knight's questions. The fear put in him as he listened to her made him silent. There was nothing he could do, he couldn't put the words together to form any form of sentence. See someone so young but yet powerful as a knight of Ren, really made him realize how weak he truly was. Though he was having these thoughts ever since he was revived from death during a conflict he doesn't talk about. Though he was sure this Knight knew about that as well. There wasn't much hidden from the Ren order when it came to things in the First Order.​
The Holo flickered off, and Garett continued to sit at the camp he setup for himself. It was close but also away from the Ren's camp which is basically bare bones. The Captain's camp had more amenities like holocommunicator, a holo table with the locations of the Ren involved so he could keep eyes on their positions. A console with camera feeds from the cameras he setup before the contest. So it was like a mini command center for him. What he didn't know though is someone was watching all of them on Dxun. Since Garett picked Dxun for it's harsh environment, he didn't know it was already under the thumb of someone else, and they were watching this event unfold.​
[member="Samka Derith"]​
Jaorn looked at his rag tag group as the moved out in search of what [member="Ara Ren"] had identified. A smirk pulled at his lips as she had not dampened her use of the force. That was going to get them into trouble.

"Only use the force as needed. The darkness around us will attract enough predators, we don't need to send them a signal beacon by constant use. You are going to have to use your natural skill as well as the force to succeed with this objective.

For his own part, Jaron would ensure the group was protected. This was ideal to teach them to be scouts. In fact he would watch to see how they handled themselves. He was always looking for those would be good partners on missions. Isla Ashen was one, and Jaron still was in need of others.

As they moved through the forest a trail of broken tree limbs pointed them in a certain path. The ground below betrayed the footprints of the beast. Jaron smiled as he stopped the group.

"Look for natural signs like this that you are dealing with a beast. Follow the path. No one runs to a predator, especially smaller predators that could serve as a meal. Once we have found the beast we will subdue it. Does anyone else know beast language?"

Another smile crossed his features as the plan to get the beast to kill itself formed in his mind.

[member="Perth Levov"] [member="Kaalia Voldaren"]

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