Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Supplies and Service, Finding what was Lost. (Serena)

Planet: Sanctuary
Settlement: Farlane Hills
Mission: Deliver Aid

Sanctuary, a terrestrial ocean world with rocky islands, home to ex refugee cities, makeshift towns, it always had and probably always would have shanty settlements no matter how long after they were built. Refugees from the various wars going on around the galaxy often came here to escape the fighting, setting up their own small settlements. People didn’t have all that much here, what they did have they looked after and protected, you had small enclosed communities on each island, largely governing themselves.

Dressed in short cut temple robes, camouflaged grey and green for the local environment. Kei Amadis was tasked with scouting out the local settlements for the silver Jedi council, to see what assistance could be given to them, and to help any of the cities with the new influx of refugees, easing their burdens.

One such settlement, Farlane hills, had been receptive and in dire need of some aid, he didn’t have all that much on his freighter, but what he could bring in, he was. Cargo holds full of food or medical supplies, the small settlement had welcomed him with open arms. A grey rocky island, it was quaint and homely, but the conditions were in need of aid to support the community. As he began unloading that aid, the scene was as you might expect, more people turned up than the small crew he had brought could deal with. There was some pushing and shoving for supplies, he did his best to calm everyone down, but words weren't enough.

Ease Tension

A force technique he was training in, the opposite to heighten anxiety some sith used. The surrounding tension eased around the Jedi Knight, people calmed, and their bodies relaxed. They didn’t stop what they were doing, impatiently queuing up, but the dire need to grab the supplies out of the back of the ship was lessened.

[member="Serena Bouie"]​
[member="Kei Amadis"]​
Her hair was beginning to get back to it's original color, well she thought it was her original color. The bleached look from Tatooine had begun to give way to golden blonde with white streaks, even the dark tan she had gotten was fading. What color was she normally? Wren laughed to herself, did it matter.

This place was the wrong place to have come to but the matter was out of her control. Farlane Hills was in dire need of help, much worse than what Wren needed but still they were in need. Hunger, thirst, and injury ran rampant among them. Wren herself could feel desperation sinking in, she was cold, her clothes were wearing thin in place like her knees and elbows. She had sworn she would never steal to survive, but each time she felt her stomach twist into knots she reconsidered the oath.

Stalking anyone that looked like they had anything made her feel all the more lecherous. She had begun to have headaches she wondered it she had an injury that was preventing her from remembering who she was, or if she had gotten hurt and failed to realize the severity of it.

There was a ship coming in. A ship meant a pilot. Wren walked among the crowds heading towards the ship. The pilot and the cargo would hopefully alleviate some of the distress among them. The chlidren were in great need, Wren hated that the children suffered. Frowning she looked down, ashamed of herself But desperate enough to do what had to.

As they got closer she could see the pilot. What was that he was wearing? As she got closer she stared. Perhaps, she smiled. He has a wallet. She came with two others that shoved her hard into him her fingers did a quick search....did he feel her touching him?
Kei was strong on his feet, clumsy sometimes but steady. Pushing and shoving ahead, feeling a soft bump against him, “excuse me miss, you okay?” Holding his hands up protectively to steady her, friendly grin given, he looked behind. “Careful back there,” the Epicanthx called over to those pushing at the back, "settle down", seemed the crowd were still jumpy. Kei didn’t notice Wren’s wandering hands at first, he had some credits on him, not a lot. She’d feel his dad’s silver holo-locket in his pocket, it was rectangular shaped like a dogtag with a silver chain attached, two pieces of Jogan Fruit, and a wallet with a few credit sticks in.

More were coming, throngs coming from the settlement, even those who didn’t need anything to see what was going on. People really needed the food. “what can I get you? Food, medicine, blankets?” [member="Wren"].

He pulled his body around to heave over a silver box and drop it beside her, it had a selection. Others were doing the same, about half a dozen crew were with him, and things were being passed around the crowd with a couple of community leaders there to supervise now, settling people down, making sure nobody ran off with someone else’s things. What passed for the law was here as well, a couple of local community sponsored guards arriving to supervise from the outside. There wasn’t much law here, it was a simple place, but they had one or two local law enforcers and that might make Wren jumpy.

Rifling through the box, and turning back to the golden blonde lady, he saw…

She froze and smiled nervously her gaze for a moment seems to lock with his. She had felt the square object in his pocket but instinct or intuition told her not to touch it. Her fingers were a hair away from the pocket slowly she withdrew them.

She could have easily taken his wallet but the look in his eyes into the depths of his soul she felt she was looking. Coffee brown eyes not the jet black that would make his gaze seem endless, but deepest darkest brown soft like velvet showing compassion.

What did her own blue reflect back to him, could he see her conflict, her confusion, or even her loss? She breathed out softly she a sudden thought or emotion slipped in he felt incomplete something that he needed to know who he was he did not have.

Wren shook her head, how did she know that, she had to be dreaming or making it up. She frowned. She gave him some space withdrawing her hand she could use the credits but she couldn't' bring herself to be a thief right now and not with him. She sighed.

"I could use a little food and a blanket please" she was whispering. She tilted her head continuing to look at him, "I hope you find what you are missing" an image her hand had hovered near the watch, there was the connection, and "the owner of the watch" she said asking looking for confirmation.

She looked down into the box that he had brought. She didn't need much, just enough to stop her stomach from growling and gnawing at her insides.

[member="Kei Amadis"]
Things were moving more orderly in the other lines, people were coming and going satisfied. All in all it looked like a successful trip, a trip about to take an unexpected turn toward the woman in front of him.

Kei returned her look, holding her eyes for a time. She was uncertain, he knew it well as he’d run with people who were exactly the same, always looking out for them. There was more than that, fragility and something else, there was pain unexpressed. He grinned as reassuringly as he could. “Whatever it is miss you’ll be okay, everything passes.” Few noticed that he did have caring eyes, they cared for every man and women he came across that needed help, and had got him in trouble more than once.

Busy supervising the other lines, and making sure they were all handled, he turned back to help one of the others move a box forward, and get her food. Missing? Picking up the blanket and offering it over carefully, she made him turn back, pause and look, really look hard now. He took out his father’s silver locket, old but polished clean.


“How did you know?” A direct question, to the point. Handing out the food rations he could to [member="Wren"], then a bottle of water and some basic necessities. He had to stop what he was doing, nobody had ever once asked him what she just did. Kei opened the top of the locket, inside a display flickered, it had names of his family, dates that read off. A picture of his father and nothing at all about his mother except the picture of her favorite food, Jogan Fruit.

"All I have left." For awhile he forgot his duty, just that same kid who had lost his old man, snapping the locket shut tight, now he was a Jedi and these people needed him.
Wren gave a nervous slightly panicked smile as she stepped back, she began shaking her head no. She couldn't explain how she knew she just could see it feel it. She took a step back.

She wasn't quite sure how to answer but she had gotten it wrong about it being a time piece it was a locket. She bit her lip as she took another step back, a woman came up behind her she had been waiting patiently even thou [member="Kei Amadis"] had been supervising and making sure everyone was taken care of. "Missy please" Wren looked at her and just nodded.

Wren didn't want trouble she half smiled, her mouth moved but no sound came out.

If she could explain any of what was happening to her or had happened to her she'd gladly share it. But she couldn't.

She clutched the blanket, water, and food. "thank you" she half smiled at him, she could see it though, and she felt it ...concern. Someone was concerned about her. Why?

She turned and ran frightened, confused.

She looked down at the food, it had been given freely. She shook her head, her feet moving faster.

She finally found a place to sit down, she covered herself with the blanket tucking it around her making sure her legs were warm. Her long pants were loose, her shirt covered her but was growing thinner from wear. She'd have to replace them soon too.

But for now she had this and it would do. She smiled grateful. She tore open the rations, and opened the warm water. She lifted the rations looking at it tempted to pick at it and then not caring she bit into it. It sat in her mouth melting closing her eyes she did not care for the texture one little bit but it was this or nothing. She began chewing it too fast she lifted the water to drink. She began to gulp it down stopping herself before she became sick.

She pulled out from a pocket a pair of finger gloves, she pulled them on warming her palms. She just sat happy for what she had. She now had time to reflect on what had happened.

Probably should not have run from him. He will likely come looking and then what? She thought about it he didn't feel like he wanted to hurt anyone he just wanted to know how she knew. She was just scared that she had done something wrong. well if he shows up I will have to explain myself and ask forgiveness for running

Wren sat back, it was strange though there was the color about him that sometimes she saw in others that she had not figured out what was either.
“Wait.” He held up a hand, but she was gone. Her silence, her clutching the blanket, she ran and he felt the need to help, because that was his nature. There was still a large queue to take care of, nodding to a nearby wildcard crewman to help cover his position. “Look after this line for me.” It was more settled, he could take a break from the relief effort.

Moving through the crowds, as best he was able, being large and non-too graceful meant he didn’t exactly drift through people as another force user might, he had to use his arm to guide people apart, steady, not pushing but direct all the same.

Kei rounded the corner to see the woman sitting down finishing off her rations hungrily, a sympathetic tight grin on his face. “You forgot something.” He offered another ration pack over, his own this time, he could stand to go without a meal, and another water container was put up beside her.

The Epicanthx squatted down so he wasn’t looking down as he spoke, elbows on his knees. He was direct that was him, he was also not about to push too hard for answers that she might want time to give, just the basics. “Got a place? Roof over your head?” He’d seen some in a bad way here, he’d want to pitch in or call support to fix up some of the shelters, maybe the crew could put up a makeshift communal one before they left. The force ran through Kei, compassion in his eyes, however blunt his words were that care and need to protect was there, ingrained in the man, there was no judgement or need to grill her for answers.

Something was different about Wren, he couldn’t put his finger on it, his force senses were not the sharpest, nor was he the most subtle force user you might meet.

She was just finishing the remnants of the ration bar when he appeared. She looked up at him as he approached, the urgency to run did not fill her this time. She shifted slightly for comfort.

His appearance was not unexpected as she had thought he would show, but he had shown up quicker than she had counted on.

She nodded when he offered the ration bar, she slowly reached for it sighing she took it. She began opening it almost immediately lest someone think she had gotten more than her due and attempt to take it from her. Which if they did she would just hand it over rather than fight. If someone had so much need they had to resort to violence then they needed it a lot more than she did.

"Thank you, again" He had squatted down to look at her so then he wasn't one to lord over, or intend to feel superior. When he asked about her having a place she made a circular motion with a single finger, "you're in it." She smiled.

Something she seemed to always do when in a difficult situation, smile. She had that sensation again it rippled all around her, "There are others in greater need, sickness, injury they could use a make shift shelter" She knew she had just done it again. Serena's strongest skill was empathy she could pick emotions from the air like children picked fruit from a tree, Wren was getting only an inkling of that skill.

She took a bite of the ration bar and then chased it with some water, yep still tasted horrid.

She pointed to the locket with her right hand, "Family?" She looked up at him she relaxed if he was going to hurt her he'd have done so long before now.

"I thought it was watch, not a locket. I know there's loss associated with it." Before Serena had become Wren she had been learning psychometry from a holocron this would account for the image and sensations she felt.

[member="Kei Amadis"]
What did you do when you saw someone down on their luck, you gave them someone else to think about, to focus on, and to help, to pull them out their state and shake them up. For someone with a heart, that was enough, getting them moving. That’s what he’d done for others in the army, and that’s what the Jedi had done for him.

“Okay.” Kei said nodding, he already knew what he had to do, hard as hell as it was going to be.

“We need to build them a shelter. Me and you.” He had only one thing to build it out of on this island cut off from everything else. His ship. His old life. He closed his eyes and breathed out. That was the way, a peaceful sensation settled over the Jedi.

No better place for the ambiguous statement to end up than right here. Dad would have been proud. “We’ll give you, and them a home to be proud of.” He grinned, this was harder than it looked for him, but this was the right thing to do.

“The locket is what’s left of those I love.” Kei said openly, “apart from the ship and the crew I used to have, she's it.” That’s why the ambiguous statement had been refitted more times than you can count, because it had been his link to the past, she was hardly spaceworthy now but his home.

“Let's give them and you that, a place to love, your new home. Partners?” Kei extended his hand to shake, rising to his feet, so she would have to stand up with him.

WE need to build a shelter he said, you and me. She chewed her ration bar a bit slower now as she thought about this. He was holding out his hand waiting for a response, an agreement.

She looked past him to the others out there struggling, she knew their plight she suffered some of it as well. A shelter for those that had none would be great comfort. She brought her gaze back to him. Something was struggling within her for recognition and emotion she took her eyes off of him for a moment trying to find out what what happening. But it was fleeting one moment there and the next gone.

She sighed a little in frustration, then she got it. But was exactly was it, and what did it have to do with shelter? Should she mention it? From the look on his face instinct told her no.

The locket, "It is beautiful the locket it should be a comfort for you to have it" She was speaking softly so that others would not hear there were some that would not hesitate at relieving him of it. This shelter would only be for her a couple of days she was going to be leaving with the next group that brought aid. But, she would help him. She reached over and took his hand.

Tremors shot through her she held his hand though and tried her best not to show any emotional reaction to the contact. It had been a while since someone had touched her in a friendly manner.

"Sure I'll help, but who am I helping?" In other words what is your name she thought. She did not mention anything else, love. She had a feeling love is what got her into all of this anyhow.

[member="Kei Amadis"]
“Kei Amadis Miss, a Knight of the Silver Jedi Order.” Taking any hint of unease in his stride, his natural reaction was to assure someone, or help settle them. Locket in his pocket, he nodded to her. “It is.”, it was a big deal to him, Jedi let go of some attachments naturally as time went on, the ship would be one, but some you kept, because they were harmless, or in this case gave you strength, hope. Looking out the alley then back to the lady in his hand. “Who is helping me?” Kei grinned as she raised to her feet, letting her go when she was safely up.

“Need anything carrying?” If this space was her home, she might have something to carry. After picking up whatever was needed, he began his usual strides back toward the small settlements shelter. Strides which as usual he realised were longer than most people’s and so slowed them.

Reaching the center of the small settlement, he called his crew over the communicator to stop what they were doing and join him, moving to stand atop a small water fountain which seemed not to be working. “Everyone, I need your attention,” the non-too quiet voice of the Epicanthx called out, large hands gesturing toward the milling crowds. “We are building a shelter for the homeless, giving them a home, but we need your help.”

This felt right.

“We’ll need the community to help empty her, and help move the ship’s metal” a lump in throat for his ship about to be decommissioned, “can you find us a spot,” He said to [member="Wren"], she knew the people and area better than he did, somewhere his old ship could get a final resting place "overlooking the ocean?" You sentimental fool Kei.

She listened watching him he seemed at times so detached as if fighting his attachment to things. Were attachments so bad? When he said his name, and his title it became more evident. A Jedi that explained it attachments were, from what she heard, forbidden. She was not sure though things changed and rumors were just fodder for the day often replaced with something else the next day.

Who was she? She held her breath who was she? "I'm Wren" she smiled, "no title, no last name, no associated organizations" As he helped her up she nodded her thanks did she have anything else. "just what you gave me"

She followed after him she seemed to do a lot of this following people around she rolled her eyes a bit what was she thinking.

She stood with everyone just part of the crowd listening to him speak, listening and then feeling it. Why was it she could go for days and not have a single sensation of anyone, and then a Jedi shows up, and boom. There's the emotion rolling around.

He was having a hard time giving away this piece of his history. When the crowds began nodding and shouts of thanks began. Wren decided now was a time to go look for this place overlooking the ocean. She however wound her way through the crowd back to [member="Kei Amadis"]

"I think you should come with me." Without giving him much of a choice she grabbed his hand and tugged bringing him with her. They were walking the paths around the encampment she looked back at him and then to where she held his hand.

His hands were large compared to hers how odd. "You can visit it any time you know, it will never be gone it's just changing forms but will have purpose. Is that what you wanted for it?" She felt odd treating it as if it had its own personality. But maybe to him it did.

Tired blue eyes sought out his coffee brown to find answers to questions, "watching them tear it apart will only tear you apart inside. If you loved it so much why part with it now?"

She slowed their pace again and when she felt as if he wouldn't turn back then she let go of his hand.
Attachments were Kei’s internal battle, in the old days more than one master had tried to make him question them, relationships, loved ones, emotion. There was history there, he’d seen Jedi pulled up for trial, nearly had been himself. Then he’d seen friends die or fall to the Sith for doing something. That was on his shoulders, because he was personally responsible as their commander for their fate, each and every man and women that had left the old order with him

Old history he was letting go of, that he had to let go.

Hands on already, rolling his sleeves up and getting to business, he was organising the teams when [member="Wren"] returned, the dust kicked up by the work had already seen him getting a covering. Kei didn’t let others do all the lifting, he was right there with them hauling cargo boxes and crates through the settlement. Not the ship yet, but everything it carried.

She had his hand, and he grinned broadly, when someone took charge, that to an Epicanthx was appealing to his race. Direct, her pulling him by the hand, he went with it naturally, and when she turned to face him with her question, it was a challenging one. So he rose to it.

His ship, was its own home, it held a lot of meaning to Kei for his crew’s journeys, it would hurt to see it torn down, no doubt.

So why was he giving it up, “For them. What do they have? Nothing.” Kei said poignantly. “Jedi do that.” He grinned, it wasn’t easy, hell it was hard. Brushing the dust out of his hair. “Not about what I want, it’s about what they need.”

They slowed to stop ocean side moving around to face her, “But thanks,” tapping her arm with a nod, nice to know she cared, had a heart. “Unless you know another way?”

She looked back at him what was he smiling about, she gave him a confused look.

Wren looked back at them, whether she liked it or not he considered her part of them. Even though she didn't know where she belonged right now. She half laughed, putting her hands on her hips Did she have a better idea

Her face turned serious as she considered other ideas. "Well you know even though it is old it did bring supplies, why can't you just bring supplies, or well you're a Jedi use a ship from the Jedi Fleet to bring supplies."

She turned to walk towards the ocean. Water. She always felt better watching the water. How the waves came in and rolled out, the white foam that crested each wave, waves that had the potential to wash away almost anything.

She sighed and looked again at [member="Kei Amadis"] "It's one thing to be altruistic but you shouldn't have to give up something you love. Cause, if you're going to give up your ship, you might just as well sell the locket too." She shrugged, she might be exaggerating some.

But he was dealing with a woman who couldn't remember her past and went by a name she remembered only as whisper, so here he was giving away anything that gave him identity.

"You're a Jedi your robes are an indication of what you are, the locket is an identification of where you came from a piece of your history, your ship is the same piece of history, it's memory. You might not need any of them, and you still are able to do everything you can right now. But. I can almost guarantee that without them, you will feel like part of you is missing."

Yep, she was emotional. She was homeless. But what she wouldn't give to have a locket.

"So teach us to build with materials that are here, bring us some other materials. I will make you a fresh seafood dinner every time you come. If you give me shovel." She smiled, "give a man a fish feed him a night, teach him how to fish feed him a lifetime" Where did that come from?

"So...have I convinced you?"
The care in Kei’s eyes deepened as she laughed, and pulled off that pose, it brought him a grin in return. He wasn’t looking at the big picture again, and she pulled him to it, literally she had by the hand. “Yeah.” Kei said, simply agreeing, he’d hate leaving them here with so little after getting their hopes up, but it wasn’t that far, he could bring more ships, more supplies, and build them proper homes.

Full of emotion, she talked of hard subjects for him, he could see it was hard for her too. Kei breathed deep, chest rising and falling, feeling that shared subject and nodding. Give up the locket, never, and then he realised why. It gave him strength, that family and sense of self. “Okay,” he nodded again, “okay.” softly. "Sound like you're speaking from experience miss?" Sure felt like it, if he could help her in return, he was going to.

“You've convinced me, you'll get that shovel,” Kei extended his hand to shake his partners. "you have to keep them ready here," He grinned, and then that grin softened. “Wren, we’ll get you that home, it’s going to be okay.” Giving her someone else to focus on again, others.

She was a breath of fresh air from some of the old Jedi he used to know before he'd met the silvers, and Kei honestly could have hugged her, if only to let her know that, “you know it’s whats in here right?” he tapped his chest with his palm, “the rest, comes and goes, that doesn’t.” Why did he think of her as a Jedi, she just had that way about her. "You ever been to Voss?"

Well now she had made a difference. She smiled at her small accomplishment.

her own experience It was an opening to tell her story, did she want to? Did she need to? Would it make any difference about anything right now? Or would it make her sound a bit too pitiful?

"Yeah you could say that" no she wouldn't right now she just didn't want that kind of attention. That oh you poor thing look, her status was already bad enough without that look. Though he had given her more water and rations, so she either looked too skinny, which was possible, or he really needed to know how she knew about the locket. Eh too much to think on.

She started to walk the path still towards the ocean, "This area would be good for places to live, as you say near the ocean, so also near the water table to make a well for clean water." How did she know about water tables?

"And good I will make good use of the shovel" She only hoped his stomach would not regret her cooking. She looked back at him that I'm trusting you look, please don't let me down.

"I know it will be ok." She did, she just had that feeling about it all that it would be ok. She closed her eyes for a moment trying to relax. When he spoke again she listened and watched he tapped his chest, it's what's inside that matters. No that's not what he said he said it's what's in here.

"It's the emotions you know. That ability to sympathize, reach out and touch someone else make them feel needed, wanted, strengthened. Sometimes that is what is needed. Not" she smirked then preparing to tease him, "giving up ship" She smiled fully then.

ever been to Voss "Not that I can remember" It wasn't a lie, she couldn't remember. "What is on Voss?"

[member="Kei Amadis"]
Reassuring grin not leaving him, he wanted to make her feel like a pivotal point of all of this, because she was down here, she knew these people, their habits and who to trust. Water tables, he scratched his jaw, maybe Wren knew construction better than she let on.

Laughing about the shovel, “you better because I’ll want it back.” What Kei meant was, he wanted her to be here when he got back, so she looked after herself, and because she was good company.

Giving up ship, Kei chuckled again, “yeah you have a point.” Though he wanted to poke her for putting it so well, that he had to listen. He was starting to be able to tell something about Wren, just by the way she answered, and acted, that being thought of as needy was difficult. She liked to be on her own two feet, who wouldn’t in her shoes, but also she had a lot of different knowledge, and was wise in how she applied it, “you sound like a Jedi” he said bluntly, at least the Jedi he knew.

“Voss are where the Silver Jedi come from. Good people, took me in when I was down on my luck. They don’t judge. Could get you a job in the bar, or around the temple when all this is done?” He didn’t know if she was running from someone or thing, he didn’t judge either, a lot of the Jedi he most respected believed everyone could be helped, no matter who.

“Think on it.”

Kei was not very sensitive when it came to using his force senses subtly, so it was only after she’d unknowingly dropped enough hints at all, that it dawned on him to ask, “you ever make something happen you can’t explain?”

[member="Kei Amadis"]​
"Make something happen, nope I just do other weird things like tell strange men they have things in their pockets" she smiled it was a hard subject and she when she was beginning to get uncomfortable smiled and laughed a lot more.

"Voss, Jedi." She wanted to walk off the cliff now, "I don't think I'm a Jedi, I mean from what I can tell there was this huge event and people disappeared coming back like after six years of being gone, and then add in another year that I've been wandering around. That would be seven years, no one's looking for me. If I were part of some Jedi order they'd look right? If I had family, or someone close to me..they'd look right?" And if they hadn't been looking then what did that say.

Maybe she was a, "Maybe in my former life I was something awful, and now I'm not." She shrugged again, "So, you want the shovel back...uhhuh..ok..I can deal with that. So maybe this time you help us make some make shift shelters for those that really need it, and then next time you bring us something that makes them a litter sturdier. The weather is good now so..sleeping outside isn't so bad. But in six months the season will change. It starts to get cold."

She looked back towards where the group was together, "Some of the women are pregnant. Maybe you could find some milk, rather than water and rations. Please" She smiled then a bit more timid having asked for something, but it wasn't for herself so..
“Certainly a gift,” when she laughed he chuckled about pockets, not realising yet she did it to hide harder feelings, like his friend [member="Natol’ine"] often used to. "Happy you picked mine."

Then came the difficult part, “Galaxy’s a big place.” Kei scratched his chin, he’d been lost in it a few times and then the netherworld, “six years they say, couldn’t even find my way out, let alone a person.” He grinned reassuringly, it had been a tough time for everyone, six years disappearing into nothing, for him it had been six months stuck in that hell of a place, one long endless fight.

Kei could physically see how uncomfortable she was at the mention of it, another day he might have dropped it entirely, if the desire to help wasn’t always in him, which right now it was plain as day.

“Hard to imagine you anything awful miss.” His smile braced firmly, “look tell you what, could get something on the holonet, or less public, our archives, see if it brings up any leads. If you’ve got family, they’ll be worried sick.” He was concerned now that someone out there wanted to see her home safe, even if it was a couple of parents out on the rim, or some “kids, sisters, brothers, might have them waiting for you to call.”

He stood closer, insisting, voice firm but caring, “let me do this. Please.”

Building shelters was the “least we can do. Milk, anything, give you everything we’ve got before leaving,” yes that included the robes he was wearing, and the food for the trip home, if it was going to get cold they’d need them both. Sadly for the readers, Kei wasn't stripping right here in the street however!

He reached out a hand again, why was he reaching it out, "because you're not alone, not anymore. Not you and not them."

Do you want to timeskip a week for his return? Up to you

[member="Kei Amadis"]​
[SIZE=12pt]“You’re welcome” she answered about picking his pockets. Wren had talked to so many about the event to get a better understanding having woke up after it was all over to find that she had been there was unnerving. To wake up and find you have no memory or yourself that is frightening by itself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]She had hoped that he would drop it but he advanced again with the subject as she shifted from one foot to the other listening to him. He was doing his best to make her feel good about herself it was working she was learning to let some of those hard feelings go.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He was closer now he wanted her to know he was serious and that his intentions were to reunite her with anyone who knew her. She had to think now about this. This subject was difficult it meant putting aside the hard feelings, it meant that he could come back with an answer. It meant that someone cared.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]He was trying to make a connection he wanted to prove to her that she wasn’t alone. She licked her lips, “I’ll tell you what you go and do all of this, but only once I’m ready to know. I’ll ask.” She half smiled, “I’m not ready right now Kei, my emotions about it all are raw, open and if they could they’d bleed. Will you allow me that?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=12pt]It was important that she get information when she was ready to deal with it, it would prevent her being overwhelmed again.[/SIZE]

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