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Approved NPC Sulon Homestead House & Grounds Crew: Dick the D-3P0 Droid

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Sulon Homestead House & Grounds Crew

Dick wasn't always so dashing and debonaire. It's taken many years to get him replacement parts and pieces.
Source: Star Wars Wikia


Dick was not always as pretty as he is today. He arrived at Katarn Homestead on the back of a trader's transport nothing more than a heap of wires and missing parts. It's taken several years to replace the missing coverings and fix all his achey woes. Source: Star Wars Ep. I movie screenshots.


Avalore attempts to fix Richard after a particularly nasty spill on the kitchen tiles.

Name: Richard, "Dick," D-3P0 Human-Cyborg Relations Protocol Droid

Loyalties: Katarn Homestead family: Avalore Eden, Meeristali Peradun, Gabriel Sionoma, the twins Destin and Armaud, and baby S'vora

Role: Dick has become a veritable mascot of the Katarn Homestead. Acquired in a trade for supplies and manual labor, Avalore took in the old and abused droid both for the company when the rest of the Homestead occupants were away on missions, and for help around the homestead itself. Dick serves as a butler of sorts and is often tasked with greeting and serving guests, fetching things, translating, and other such tasks that a Human-Cyborg Relation droid may fulfill.

Development Threads:
One Step Back From Perdition - Dick is officially introduced ICly in the last few posts.
"What did-" she chewed thoughtfully for a moment, "what did we trade for Dick, Gabe?"

Speaking of Dick, where was that droid?

Jacen's ears almost visibly pricked up at that last question. His head turned towards Avalore incredibly slowly. His eyebrows were almost retreating behind his hairline as he asked: "I'm sorry... what?"

"You just had to bring him up, didn't you?" He narrowed his eyes to the woman, obviously pleased with herself. Just then, he heard it. The god awful sound, the harbinger of annoyance. The click and clank of metal against tile. Gabriel almost flung his plate, if not for the fact that he was utterly broken. He merely narrowed his eyes to the kitchen doorway. Darkness, nothing but darkness. Until it was filled with the irritating drawl of rust and gold, trying its best to be something other than an pain in the arse. Too bad it was so clearly successful at that role.

"Jacen, meet D-3PO..." Gabriel nearly spit, waving his hand towards the monstrosity.
"I'm sorry sir, is there a problem..." Dick moved like a robot would, clank and with a boxy feel.
"I've told you not to walk in the kitchen..." The wounded man spoke sternly. "Yet here we are, you strolling through the kitchen like..."
"Oh? Was that the kitchen?" He turned his whole body, flickering eyes looking back to the doorway, before looking back to the group. "Terribly sorry, I hadn't noticed."

Gabriel ripped the toast apart, as he looked to Jacen. "My sanity. That's what I traded for sanity."

Seeds of the Future - Dick has a habit of referring to Jedi as "beggars" and this is where it all began.
There were no guards at the Katarn Homestead - only the home dwellers and the occasional guests. On Sulon things were simpler, quainter, a touch quieter too. A protocol droid of the 3PO variety baring scorched, pockmarked, missing, and mismatched plating answered the entrance door when the man came knocking.

The droid looked at him in silence for a moment, twitching as it bent to take the man in from head to toe.

"No more beggars," it said before closing the door.

For a moment he stood there in shocked silence as the sound of the closed door echoed in his mind. Myriad questions rattled about in his head as he stared with mouth half opened at the door. Could it be his appearance? Did he look too scruffy? Perhaps it was passed time for a shave but did he really look like he needed a hand out? Apparently so.

He lifted his hand to knock and let it fall to his side before finally ringing the bell. He wouldn't wait this time. No, he'd announce himself through the door. That would be best...wouldn't it?

"Hello, my name is Seamus Valik." he said loudly with as humble a tone as he could muster at that volume, "Talon Vosra sent me to speak with Avalore Eden."

With luck he wouldn't have to leave the package on the stoop but since luck wasn't his strong suit he was ready for anything.

The door opened again, slowly.
"Oh," replied the droid, "Jedi business is it then?"
Was that a hint of Sneer Tone 2.4 in his mechanical voice?
Clank clank, the droid stepped back and flagged the man in, "Right this way, Master Eden is in the kitchen preparing tonight's meal."

Clank clank, it lead Seamus Valik through the entry room and down the hall towards the kitchen. It stopped short of sandstone tile flooring, "Unfortunately I am not allowed to walk on the tile, you'll have to introduce yourself."

"Dick?" came a woman's voice from inside the kitchen, "Is that you? Was someone at the door?"
"Just a beggar, Master Eden," replied the droid as it disappeared down the hall.
"A what?" Avalore blinked. She was holding a meat cleaver in her hand when Seamus entered the kitchen.

Ghosts - Dick makes a brief appearance to welcome Jacen and Cole into the Katarn Homestead by purposefully mis-speaking Jacen's surname.
"Master Vodemalker," came the underwhelmed synthetic voice of Dick the D3PO Protocol Droid at the garden door, "what a...surprise."
"Dick?" that was Avalore from the family room, "Who is it?"
"Master Vulpaster," replied Dick with a jerky turn, "...and company."
"Oooh!" said Avalore over the sound of baby Armaud loudly churbling, "It's Mr. Jacen! Let him in, Dick!"
"As you wish," said Dick, stepping back and waving the pair in, a steely glint to his backlight gaze.

Avalore was on the floor at the middle of a large oriental rug with the twins and a litter of hand-cut wooden blocks and other various shapes strewn about. Armaud stacked blocks with wobbly hands and Destin gave a screech of laughter as he knocked it over. The twins looked up at the sounds of footsteps, but as with most young babies the attention span wasn't really there.

"Come in, come in!" she smiled from where she sat. No Healer robes today - she was off duty, as it were. No guests, no pressing patients in the medical bay. Today she was simply a mother.
"Hello Avalore," Jacen said with a broad smile. "Hello boys," he added, dropping down onto his haunches. "I swear, I am going to find a techie and hardwire that droid to never respond to 'dick' again. I can't take it any more. I can't," he said, now grinning. He picked up a block and passed it to Arnaud, whose tongue was poking out with concentration. He could see the patience in Destin's eyes as he waited for it to reach a suitable height again.

"Oh sorry, manners. This is Knight Cole Katarn. I'm afraid we're just stopping by on the way out. We're on assignment and...well...I've got a hurty shoulder and was wondering if you could take a look?"
"You leave that droid alone, Jacen," Avalore gave him a sharp glance, "he's the only Dick I have around here most of the time."

The Healer gave a wane smirk, brown eyes passing back to the other fellow as he was introduced and uttered a friendly greeting. Always good to meet another Jedi, though this one seemed more a quiet sort. Just as well - between the twins and the Marsha with the hurty shoulder, she had plenty enough to deal with on her own.
Jacen met Avalore's gaze. His eyes narrowed. Without looking away he said: "Dick, I can't concentrate with you standing up. Would you mind sitting down please?"

Touche. But the war was not over.
Dick said something about Jacen not being a very good Jedi if his concentration relied upon whether or not droids sat or stood.

Avalore witheld a snort of laughter, gently placed Armaud into the playpen and moved to pick up Destin who eagerly smiled and reached for her. That's right, momma's boy. "You remember Mr. Jacen and his shiny buttons," she said, turning to let Destin get a good look at the Jedi, "turns out the buttons don't make the Jedi."

Homestead of Woe - Dick continues to harass Jacen and debuts with his sneakers.
Squeak-squeak-squeak-squeak-squeak-squeak. Klik.

"Ah, Mr. Vonestolder," the rusted protocol droid known fondly as Dick answered the door, staring for several seconds before bending at the waist to spy what was in the man's hand, "and beverage. Still can't kick the habit I see. If I may recommend emptying them into the lovely marble sink in the kitchen-"
"Dick? Who is it?" the distant voice of Avalore over the sound of excited baby squeals.
"Mr. Voptopper, Master Avalore."
"Oh, Uncle Jacen! Let him in, Dick!" Avalore plucked a toddling green baby off his feet to more delighted churbles.

Squeak-squeak-squrk. Dick took several steps back, a pair of oversized sneakers on his robotic feet chirruping against polished wood floors.

"You know you don't have to knock, Jacen, stop being so insufferably proper," the smirking Healer greeted him in the entry way with Destin over her left hip and leaned to kiss him on the cheek, "look who it is Des, Uncle Jae. Gabe's outside with his newest pupil making him pull weeds, I'm sure he'll enjoy a nice cold beer when he gets back."

"Oh good, off the stronger meds already then?" he asked, genuine concern on his face as he leant back from the kiss. He vividly recalled that wretched place on Lujo where he'd found Gabriel. There was a twitch of his lips as he thought of the Sith who had crucified the Jedi Master as a message to the Alliance. It had all been a trap and Jacen had been elsewhere.

"How are you doing little man? Wow you're getting big.

"You know Avalore, your Dick is squeaking, does it need lubricating?" he asked, trying to return to familiar territory despite all the things that plagued his mind. He walked into the kitchen and set the beers down. He paused, his attention drawn to the presences he could feel through the Force. More visitors were arriving it seemed and Kana was here as well.
"Rubbers tend to do that," came her smirking reply.
"Master Avalore has provided me with sneakers for more secure footing and traction on the tile floors," Dick piped in as he squeaked into the kitchen.

A brow twitched on the Healer's forehead at the sound as she lifted her right arm to rub at her temple, "Gabe and I were both out of commission for a while. The sneakers were to keep him from shattering the tiles in the kitchen so he could help out more. Was only supposed to be a temporary fix but we've got more guests in the house know what happens when you don't use rubbers."

She poked gently at Destin's nose. Destin watched the case of twinkling, clinking beer bottles with avid fascination.

"Those aren't for you. Not yet, anyway."

Ankarres What You Think - A few posts of Dick teaching Gabe sign language.
"No no, like this sir."

The droid shuffled about before leaning forward. He pressed his finger to his chest, then to his chin, and then to the man sitting at the table. Gabe watched intently as the droid leaned back.

"Of course, I don't actually mean that to you. This was simply for demonstration."
"Of course." He would have rolled his eyes if he wasn't so intent on learning the gestures. This was one of the many phrases he was practicing, working on the language itself. For reasons. Pressing his finger into his chest, he mimicked the phrase, and tilted his head.

The droid gave a pause before raising his hands. A slow clink was heard as the droid gave a quiet applause. "Very good sir, very good. In a few years, we might have you at toddler level."

Gabe lifted a hand to his head, scratching a furrowed brow. His photographic memory wasn't exactly helping and the recovered tendons were slowly but surely getting in the way of progress.

"Next phrase!"
"Gabe? Where are you?"

Tap tap tap tap, feet across polished wood floors. A child's squeal of laughter - Armaud - bumbumbumbumbum in quick secession. The twins were growing faster than ever now, Armaud having caught up to his brother in status of mobility. Destin may have more finesse, Avalore thought as she watched the stumpy legs of her pink-skinned-son toddle haphazardly across the floor - but Armaud certainly had more strength.

Such an odd movement, the toddle, a bit like falling with every step yet managing to catch oneself at the last moment. How harrowing an adventure it was to navigate from one end of the homestead to another.

"Gabe? No, no Maud, the steps aren't a playground- Oh, there you are," the Healer appeared in the doorway with a churbling toddler in her arms, "I was about to go out to the garden, would..." and then it occurred to her that Dick and Gabe were in the same room without the latter's face going red with aggrivation, "...what's going on in here?" She smirked.
"Going on? Nothings going on." He scratched the back of his head and pushed away from the table.

"Oh, don't be bashful, sir."

Gabe turned a hard glare towards the droid. "Nothings going on." Sternness crept into his voice as he stared the droid down. The rusted bucket of bolts and faulty wiring gave a returned look, nothing but whirling lights and and an open slot where the sound resonated out. With a pause, the droid looked back to Ava.

"I'm teaching him sign language." The words came out so fast it almost surprised the man.

He breathed in slowly, wondering if he squeezed hard enough, if that rusted dome might just pop off. But if he did, who would teach him? And he doubted he had the strength in his hands for it. Not yet.

Age: Even Dick himself is uncertain of his age, as he is aware of having undergone several memory wipes and resets within his "life." It is estimated that Dick has spent over 50 years as an active D3P0 droid, and judging by the age and wear of many of his parts, it's probably true.

Species: D-3P0 Human-Cyborg Relations Protocol Droid

Force Sensitivity: N/A

Appearance: A 3P0 droid that has seen a lot of abuse. D3P0 is a mish-mash of acquired 3P0 parts and pieces, most of them old and rusted. He's long since lost the luster and silver plating of his original self and is more often than not lacking coverings on some portion of his figure. As of a year after being acquired and re-engaged by Avalore Eden, he's been spruced up a bit with some buffing, elbow grease, and the lucky find of used parts. He also sports a pair of sneakers that he wears around the Homestead - given to him after he unintentionally broke several kitchen floor tiles just by walking on them. The fall that happened afterwards was perhaps not an accident, but we can neither confirm nor deny as the stories told by himself and the only witness don't exactly line up...

Personality: He's the stuffy, cynical English Butler who didn't get his morning tea. Dick's nickname was earned due to his moody personality, his thinly-veiled distaste for his duties, and his dry humor. The droid tends to treat most people with impunity and he covers his ire with scathing wit and dry retorts. Of everyone at the Homestead, Avalore Eden is the only person he refers to as "Master" in any respectable way and is, for the most part, the only one saved from his attitude as a matter of principal for taking care of him and treating him nicely. He especially likes giving Gabriel Sionoma a hard time and playing coy with Jacen Voidstalker by purposefully mis-speaking his surname. Dick has become the butt of many jokes shared in the Homestead.

Weapon of Choice: None
Wealth: None
Combat Function: Getting in the way.
Skills: Information retention. Language translator.
Notable Possessions: Some pretty cool sneakers.
Other Notes: Dick was a godsend to a woman often alone on the Katarn Homestead tending to patients and her twin baby boys alike. Avalore was often left to her own devices and routine when Gabe, Stali, Kana, and the other usual homestead residents were away on missions, and one lone day she was approached by a passing trader. A regular by the name of Hart Bekham - an older man with a small hovel of a home. He made his living by traveling back and forth along the roads connecting towns on Sulon, trading wares for wares. Bekham had frequented Katarn Homestead ever since it had been passed into the ownership and care of Gabriel Sionoma. It had become a place ripe with fresh produce and faces. Often Gabe traded his skills as a craftsman for necessity items that were otherwise difficult to get on rural Sulon.

Stopping for a chat with Avalore in the gardens, the pair discussed trading produce. Potatoes were a regular commodity here, but fetched a healthy price closer to Baron's Hed. Avalore often traded with him even if she didn't need anything at the time simply for the conversation and to help the guy out. Sometimes he had interesting things: like a beautiful antique grandfather clock that she traded produce for in order to give Gabriel a project to work on. This time, however, the interesting thing was a droid newly acquired by him back at the starport. Well feth, Avalore thought, a human-cyborg relations protocol droid? If she could manage to get it running it could prove exceedingly useful around the homestead. Little did she know just exactly what she was getting herself into.

Two sacks of potatoes, a bushel of carrots, a satchel of seeds and a promise that Gabe would help fix Bekham's transport later once he returned home, she had herself a D3P0 droid.

It only took two weeks to get him working again. It only took two hours for the droid to earn his nickname "Dick."

Avalore opted to call him Richard for posterity. The rest is history in the making.

Intent: To codify an NPC that has been in use around the Sulon Katarn Homestead for some time. Dick was co-created by [member="Gabriel Sionoma"] who also writes him in his own threads.
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