Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Such Roleplay, Much Star Wars


So sweg u alreddy kno
First, let me start off by saying wow. Props to the administrator who put this site together. It is easily navigable and very user friendly. I love the design as well. It is more well done than most other forum sites.
Why is this in center alignment you ask? Well i'll tell you. It is my favorite alignment option.
Now that that goofy-ness is out of the way, I am not really new to the roleplay community as I have been playing The Star Wars Roleplay Game and The Lord of the Rings RPG for some time. But I am new in the sense that I have not roleplayed too much on a forum based system. I love to write and make characters for the games and I also write the occasional short story. I also love Star Wars. I have watched Star Wars since I was in utero back in '96. #OriginalTrilogySweg
I am looking forward to great times here!​
Welcome to the site!

Well let me grab the big man himself. [member="Tefka"], This guy really likes your site!

Anyways welcome.

LotR? Hmmm. nice choice. I tried to go on a forum for LotR a while back but I never really felt like it was a good place. I hope that we might be able to talk since you would be well versed in the canon than I would.

Wicked Witch of Schwartzweld
Hello, mister! Glad you like the site. We all love it lots too. Logical chaos somehow works around these parts, lol.

Kudos for watching SW way back in the utero. I had to wait until I was like four myself... didn't get it on our local tv until then.

Questions? Shoot. Popcorn? Right down the corner. Rum? I'm afraid our resident scotchman drank it all already.

Eitherway, welcome aboard! :)

Personally, I liked Legolas's double-sword takedowns. I liked Legolas period. :p As for medieval-ness, the torture devices were by far my favorite things. So many ways to make pain!........ Wow, that was morbid..........

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