Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Stygium For All (OS / SA )

Objective: 2
Allies: OS
Enemies: Rebels

Lord Ajihad, the Fist of the Demon, stood in the hangar bay of his Long Nine-Class-T Heavy Assault Artillery Cruiser. The area was bustling with the Galactic Marines, who were loading into KI-SB-MkI Bombardier-Class Bombers and KI-MkI Falcon-Class Heavy Dropships. He was yelling orders, as the small army prepared for battle. The rebels on Aeten II had established a main headquarters at the base of a volcano, and it was Ajihad's job to kill every last one.

They were almost ready to roll out, and Captain Nexu was making the final preparations. Ajihad's own Phasma-class infiltrator was ready for takeoff, it's high-power engine humming ferociously. Ajihad grinned. Aeten II would fall by the time the suns were set. The cavalry was on its way, and it was bringing the big guns with it. Literally. The ships were armed to the teeth with heavy duty laser cannons and flak guns. Not a single rebel would be left alive by the end of the day.
Location: Mining Station​
Objective: 1​
Allies: Sith Assassins​
Enemies: Workers​
Post: [3/20]​
Ignoring the cries of pain emitting from wounded but not dead workers and guards alike, Xavka walked past many of his fellow assassins completing their ... work. Paying all of the carnaged not attention, Xavka found exit that lead to the tunnels that wound throughout the complex, ignoring the blaring siren that seemed to pierce deeply into his ear and the flashing read lights. The heat that he started to feel the deeper he went was also ignored as it was nothing compared to the heat waves suffered on Iridonia when the skill Tapas was used.

Gliding forwards, bared feet making no sound, Xavka encountered a pair of guards running towards him with Blaster Rifles raised and primed. Ignoring the threat as it proved no problem for him, Xavka continued to advance, crafting a barrier from the Force as he did so, weaving strand after strand together. While, compared to most, the Barrier was weak it could easily stop a good dozen blaster bolts. This fact was proven shortly after as the guards began to fire. They did not get to fire for long as Xavka used the ability that he had been taught upon becoming the Sin of Sloth among the Assassins. The flaring of neurons within the guards's brains began to slow, reducing the firing rate tremendously until, just as Xavka reached the guards, they froze to a stop.

Smirking, Xavka slashed his arm through the air twice before continuing on his way to meet up with his Master, the two dull thuds that followed him of the now dead guards dropping to the floor were ignored.

The same patter repeated itself twelve more times with the number of guards, the size, sex and species changing every time, but after every encounter the result was the same, a pile of dead bodies ended with a few swipes of the Hidden Blade after usage of Force Barrier and Slow. Eventually, Xavka exited the passage he had been in, three thuds echoing behind him to find thirteen barrels of thirteen blaster rifles pointing at him.

Blinking, Xavka cocked his head to the side. "Now, really gentlemen. Isn't this going to far?" He grinned in a feral manner, exposing his pointed teeth.
Location: Stygium Mine.
Objective: GET THE STUFF!
Allies: Da Sith
Enemies: Foolz
Post Count: 3/20

Nox advanced further into the mine, her senses on high alert, and her mind sending prayers to the Shadow. The assassins was flush against the wall, her blue eyes narrowed in concentration. She was using the Force to enhance her natural senses, and got a mental picture of the halls ahead. There was a group of three workers ahead, blissfully unaware of the attack. This was her chance.

She crept closer, extending both hidden blades. When the time was right, she sprung into action. She leaped into the air, wrapping her legs around the neck of a worker and twisted him to the ground, her hands reaching out for the other workers. One blade embedded itself into the shin of a worker, making him give a shout of pain as he fell, the other blade slicing the Achille's tendon of the other worker as he tried to flee.

She quickly snapped the neck of her first target with her legs, while sinking her blade into the second's temple. The third, she finished off with a quick burst of Force energy, slamming him against the wall and shattering his bones.
Even as the corpses hit the ground, she was already moving, looking for more lives to end.
Objective: 2
Allies: OS
Enemies: Rebels

After about another fifteen minutes of hurried preparation, the Marines Corps was ready. There was no time for memorable and uplifting speeches, only combat. Carrying only two Sith Hidden blades strapped to his wrists, the Fist of the Demon hopped into his own infiltrator. He pressed a series of buttons, and the control panel whirred to life. The glowing lights illuminated the cockpit, and Ajihad turned on his comm channel, sending a message to the Commander. "This is Headhunter to Pit Viper, do you copy?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Are we ready to engage the enemy?"

​"Yes, sir. All ship systems online, squadron ready for takeoff."

Ajihad then changed the channel, so he could address all of the troops currently under his command. "Ok men, we're ready for departure. Launch in three, two, one..." The ships launched out of the hangar doors, with Lord Ajihad at their head. It was game time.
Upon reaching the FInality of the mines Animus arrived at the FInal room at the end of the Tunnel... The air here was thicker and more poisonous than the outside, the very stench of Sulfur saturated his lungs, the Poisonous fumes made Animus wonder how was it even possible that the workers were able to make shifts day to day without dropping dead on the spot... This was Impossible. The air was Oppressive, how did Anyone Survive in this place?

Jumping out of the Cart Animus quickly was set upon by Soldiers who riddled his position with blaster fire. Animus dodged out of the Way as the Mining Cart was peppered with so many blaster shots it buckled and heaved before it imploded on itself. Animus ran alongside the walls and force Jumped Horizontally reaching the Guards position and stood in between them. One he grabbed by the Neck and blasted with sith lightning. The other earned an elbow to the windpipe and FInally as the third soldier blaster him point blank range animus bent his knees and gave his groin a solid Fist and as he bent over and Uppercut Sent him reeling back.

More guards and soldiers arrived like a swarm which Animus met with 3 more Doppelgangers of his own copy. The Guards blasted at him from all direction but when landing a shot they were met by the smoke of the Illusion and Animus' hidden blade in their Chest. "No Limits... The Sith'ari has No limits..." Animus said blasting lightning from his palms at a soldier who then bashed his head against the Stone wall and landing in a pool of lava.
Location: Spaaaaaaaaaace
Objective: Do... things
Allies: One Sith??
Enemies: Somebody somewhere
Post Count: 1/20

The most notorious and infamous Warlord within Primeval space, Zambrano the Hutt, looked down upon the world currently embroiled in a brutal contest between old loyalties, independance, and Sith Supremacy. To the Warlord though? It was simply just another hunk of rock within his perception of space whilst stored away in the Cognition Hood of his flagship, The Thorn.

Aeten II wasn't really very far from Primeval space, and certainly not far from One Sith space, so it was truly unlikely that the Warlord would be present here. Was he supporting the One Sith interests though? Or just meandering into their business, with the threat of seriously disrupting their flow of power? It remained to be seen. After all, the last several actions the Warlord conducted whilst in One Sith space, was embroiled in a battle with Two Hands and a Voice of the Dark Lord. The filthy beast inevitably let them off with a warning and meandered back to Primeval Space due to Dues Ex Machina, but none the less.... how aligned with the One Sith was the sociopath truly any more?

Perhaps today those loyalties would be truly revealed...

... or perhaps we can just chalk it all up that Zambrano is just a crazy son of a queen that does counterintuitive crap now and again.
Objective: 1 Dispose of resistance, steal the Stygium.
Location: Shipping container.
Enemies: Peeps.
Allies: OS love <3

Narrowing her eyes, she saw something, a congregation of forces around what appeared to be an entrance of sorts. As her mind probed in the direction, she sensed her apprentice [member="Xavka Duquo"]. While she had no doubt he could get out of the situation on his own, she did not find they had time to waste. They needed to overrun this place. Channeling the Force into her legs, she turned her hips. The soles of her boots whined a little as they gripped onto the surface below, then the Pale Assassin came darting. Her hands came to her front and both blades extended. She came rushing like swoopbike and by the time the guards heard her, she was already upon them.

Ophidia jumped, her knee connected with the closest guard’s jaw and she could feel teeth and bone cracking beneath her force. Her leg extended as the guard fell back against the others. Gaining footing, she found herself between two of the guards. They raised blasters on her; she raised her arms in a swift swiping motion to slice through their throats. From there, her arms crossed and gripped the blasters they had raised against her. She threw them down on the ground, finding no time to put them in her hands. Ophidia hoped her Iridonian Apprentice was not simply watching, but contributed to the combat himself. Sure, she could take them out all on her own, but she was not there to babysit him.
Location: Mining Station​
Objective: 1​
Allies: Sith Assassins​
Enemies: Workers​
Post: [4/20]​
As soon as the words left Xavka's mouth, he threw himself to the side just as the Force screamed a warning on a intangible plane right into his mind. The searing red bolts of energy streamed past him, passing through where he had just occupied space and continued on down the hallway he had just emerged from to impact and disperse against a wall, leaving a large scorch mark. Ignoring the rapid sound of Blaster fire and the scorching heat of Blaster Bolts, Xavka continued to listen to the words and guidance of the Force, throwing his body into feats of acrobatic skill as he slipped between the red bolts, some how finding space to be where there seemed to be none.

A short minuet later Xavka stilled and smirked at the gathered guards not even slightly winded. As the guards pulled their triggers, a loud click rang out signifying every rifle had burnt through its plasma pack. As the thirteen guards fumbled to replace the spent packs, Xavka launched himself forwards, Hidden Blade extending and locking into place with a click as he had retracted it during his acrobatic skill.

Landing on one of the guards, Xavka drove the Blade into a gap between the armour and the helmet. A near silent gasp and gurgle proved to him that he had hit his target and, with a wet noise, he withdrew the Blade. 'One down.' Turing to the right, Xavka launched himself at another guard, one that pushed himself backwards once Xavka's yellow with red flecks eyes landed on him. At the same time, the gathered guards on Xavka's left managed to replace the packs only to find themselves flying through the air from a Force push. Three guards hit support pillars and the loud snaps and soon faded Presences within the Force proved that they had died. Seconds later, Xavka's blade was withdrawn from another throat. 'Five down, eight left.'

Jumping backwards as the Force screamed again, Xavka dodged a volley of Blaster Fire, releasing a blast of Lighting to hit five guards, bringing them to their knees and cooking htem within their armour. Preparing to dodge another round of fire, Xavka found that he had miscalculated. Where guards once were, there was now only one figure, a cloak one, one Xavka recognised. "Master! Are you enjoying yourself?" The fake happiness dripped from his voice as he talked to [member="Darth Ophidia"].
Location: Spaaaaaaaaaace
Objective: Do... things
Allies: One Sith??
Enemies: Somebody somewhere
Post Count: 2/20

The Thorn orbit around Aeten II calmly, uncharacteristic of the warship and the Warlord that it held within. Silence described the behavior of the ship, both in the void of space and... in the void within the ship. Dripping could be heard, from the back of the zealous creatures mind... a pitter pattering against the soft floor. The laboured breathing of the Hutt indicated he was exhausted...

Cold, dead eyes seemed to stare down on the planet with extreme prejudice. Long feelers touched the surface of the planet, tasting its rich history of exploitation, destruction, and ultimately: death. This world had died, and the age of gold it was reborn to its former glory. There was no rhyme or reason why this world, or indeed, any world destroyed by the events of the past should be restored after centuries of being ancient ruins... but the galaxy proved to be an extreme vain place.

Vanity, that deep with mottled and rotten Hutt, that still existed in a form very much... conscious. Alive was entirely the wrong word. Even if it 'lived' through Zambrano as an entity held within his subconsciousness, it took on the appearance of something... not even real. Figmentary. The lighting within the Throne room was dark, the air was wet, and it stank of death... but the silence... the silence was the true killer here.

The true killer.
Objective: 1 Dispose of resistance, steal the Stygium.
Location: A place! :D
Enemies: Peeps.
Allies: OS love <3 [member="Xavka Duquo"]

And babysit him she did not need to, as the rest were swiftly taken out. Ophidia placed her foot under a blaster and kicked it into her hand. She pointed the barrel at the first she had attacked, as he laid there unconscious with shattered teeth and a broken jaw.

“As always, Xavka.”

Two shots were fired from the blaster into the man’s chest before she swayed out of the way of a blaster bolt. She raised the blaster and placed three shots in the next guard’s body before the plasma charge ran out. She dropped the weapon and extended her hands towards the two last. With a clenching of her fists, their necks crunched like a packet of crispy goodies.

“I am always having a good time.”

The tone in which she spoke as dripping with a certain level of sarcasm, yet she gave him a genuine smile. Her smile would unsettle many, but perhaps not a Sith Acolyte. If anything, he could probably relate.
Objective: 2
Allies: OS
Enemies: Rebels

The Sith ships went screaming through the sky, pouncing on the unsuspecting rebel patrol fighters. Before they even knew what hit them, they fell under fire from the Corps' high-tech heavy weaponry. The poor rebels were ill-equipped, no match for the awesome power of the One Sith. Explosions peppered the sky as ships fell tumbling to the ground far below.

Ajihad would phase in and out of invisibility, sneaking up behind hostile ships and blowing them the shrapnel. Then, as soon as ships would turn around to attack him, he'd vanish yet again. As the confused pilots turned around to go rejoin the main battle, they would see the infiltrator at their flank, tearing them to shreds. The Demon's Fist zipped through the skies, his marines in tow. The battle had just started, but it wasn't looking too good for the rebels...
Location: Mining Station​
Objective: 1, Dispose of Resistance​
Allies: Sith Assassins, [member="Darth Ophidia"]​
Enemies: Workers​
Post: [5/20]​
At the sight of [member="Darth Ophidia"]'s smile, Xavka let out a snort and relaxed his body while retracting the Hidden Blade. "Careful there, Master. Smile a bit wider and you'll look like you belong in an asylum." Xavka through the line out casually, a very fine layer of sarcasm mixed with it, but he knew more than guessed that Ophidia would hear it, hopefully, understand that he was making such comments as a way to ground himself.

Closing his eyes, Xavka delved into the Force, trying to track down more guards. There job was to remove the Guards from within the complex, making it easier for the raid to be completed. "I can sense a small gathering of Presences a few hundred metre that direction." Xavka lifted his arm to point to the right.

Snapping his eyes open and locking gazed with his Master, Xavka quirked a brow. "So, Master. Can you sense any others? Or shall we..." He trailed of and instead swept his arm towards the tunnel he had just indicated in an 'after you' motion.

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Location: Somehere​
Objective: 2​
Allies: Sith Assassins​
Enemies: Whoever​

To be honest, Rawnie didn't much care of Sith. True, she didn't hate them either, but something about them just... bothered her. The way they fought was messy. There was such little grace. It was all blood for the sake of blood. Not that she had any reason to think she was above them. She was a hunter. She killed things, people, for money and food. For her clan.

But she had a reason for what she did. And today, she was working for the Sith. For that one thing that kept her going. Money.

She went along, staying close to the wall. Her objective was simple; just kill. Kill what and for what purpose? Not her place to question. She was being paid to do it, so she would do it. She crouched low, glancing around the corner. Good. It was clear. Slinging her rifle over her shoulder, the young woman started to climb. Up at the top of this structure, she had seen the perfect spot to set up.
Location: Spaaaaaaaaaace
Objective: Do... things
Allies: One Sith??
Enemies: Somebody somewhere
Post Count: 2/20


Bodies were interesting, and none understood this quite like the fragmented consciousness of Zambrano the Hutt... Titus Zambrano... Darth Durablis... Harma Chael. Since his beginning, he had been a healer... transfixed by the very nature of flesh, fascinated by the damaged caused to it, and intrinsically interested in its restoration.

By now means had been so carnally obsessed with it that he sought to ruin it in some sadistic measure to feed his fascination, but when one has fallen as far as Zambrano for as long as he had fallen... certain quirks hidden under the surface of one's personality become extreme. These extremes often overshadowed or enveloped the other features of one's interests... especially as one fragmented and forgot most of who they were. It had been a long time however, since the entity that currently was named Zambrano the Hutt, had been fascinated, not by flesh... but by death.

For a long time now, death seemed to be an abstract concept of leaving one alone after one's fun had been had, seeming as Zambrano had always returned after such a time came that his flesh failed him. So in a sense it should be understandable that he would inherently not understand death.

Recently however, after his deadly duel with Sage Bane which did actually kill him, especially on his ship, especially recently... Zambrano had been undergoing some... experimenting.

Which brings us to the dripping noise.
Objective: 1 Dispose of resistance, steal the Stygium.
Location: Shipping container.
Enemies: Peeps.
Allies: OS love <3

“And you are one to speak of sanity.”

As [member="Xavka Duquo"] opened his eyes, his gaze would fall only to dust. The moment he raised his arm, she moved. Ophidia did indeed sense it and she moved to intercept at once. There was no time to waste, even if she did love some good bantering. His gesture was wasted on the dust she left behind as she strode into the tunnel. Her eyes closed as she extended her vision through the Force to see lifeforms.

At the first intersection of the corridor, she halted quietly. A presence was approaching, and her hidden blade slid from its’ sheathe once more. Just as the presence came to the corner, Ophidia reached gave them a little push with the Force. The Worker slammed into the opposing wall with a grunt before Ophidia’s blade pierced her neck. Withdrawing the bloody point, she extended her vision. She felt something further down, and waved her hand for Xavka to follow.
Objective: 2
Allies: OS
Enemies: Rebels

Less than an hour later, the air battle was completely over. The Marines had utterly exterminated the airborne rebels, whose ships were now laying smoking and destroyed across the volcanic landscape. Any and all aerial defense the insurgents had was now obliviated, their pathetic excuse for a "fleet" now wiped off the face of the sulfuric planet. With the defeat of the enemy ships, phase one of the Sith Knight's plan was complete.

Now, it was time for phase two, the ground assault. The heavy dropships began to land, unloading the elite troops that were lying in wait within their bowels. Crimson-clad Marines poured outwards, quickly securing the deserted areas on the outside of the base. Ajihad himself landed a little further back, in case any surprises were waiting for them on (or below) the planet's surface. He kept his hidden blades sheathed, waiting until the right time to release them. He began to walk forward with long strides, to rendevous with his troops that were already grounded. The real fun was about to begin.
Location: Spaaaaaaaaaace
Objective: Do... things
Allies: One Sith??
Enemies: Somebody somewhere
Post Count: 4/20

At this point you might be asking yourself, what is Zambrano doing here anyway?

Stop it. Zambrano cannot... no, rather, should not be understood. You do not have permission to ask yourself any questions regarding the logical whereabouts of a sociopathic Warlord. It just isn't a good idea.




It's just a really awful idea.




A writhing tendrils mess rose from the serpent's Throne, coaxed in red, rose to the quavering black lips of the beast, and forced themselves upon the midnight tongue which rose to the response of the iron and coppery fluids. The same 'hand', if it could be called as such returned slowly to return to its resting place...

... within the chest cavity of Captain Slika, wrapped around his heart, while his gaunt dead face stared at the ground upside down in a perpetual scream of agony.
Location: Mining Station​
Objective: 1, Dispose of Resistance​
Allies: Sith Assassins, [member="Darth Ophidia"]​
Enemies: Workers​
Post: [6/20]​
Xavka stared at the empty space where his master had just been for a few seconds before sighing. "Of course, just go on ahead. Leave me behind." Even as he griped his emotionless mask dropped again and his eyes became cold and hard. He caught up to Ophidia just as she gestured for him to follow. Nodding his head, even if she could not see it, Xavka extended his Hidden Blade and prepared to fight.

As he ran behind Ophidia, he reached out towards the six Presences before them and began to exercise his control of the Force. Reaching into their brains, he once again used Force Slow. But by but the flares within the heads slowed as reactions dulled.

As he rounded the corner, Ophidia ahead of him, Xavka leapt off of the wall to land on the chest of the man, driving him to the floor with a crack as the skull was fractured. Using the prone body as a spring bored, he leapt at a second guard, driving his Blade into the soft tissue of flesh, muscle and veins to sever the oesophagus and artery. At the same time, he reached out through the Force to crush two throats. One belonged to the man on the ground while the second belonged to the female guard to his left, leaving the other three guards to Ophidia.

Rawnie Tal'verda

Tal'Verda Aliit'buir
Location: Somehere​
Objective: 2​
Allies: Sith Assassins​
Enemies: Whoever

The half Echani struggled up to the very top. Yeah. That was better. Now she could actually see. And it didn't look like she'd been spotted. Even better. She unhooked her rifle from her belt and began to set it up. A gift from the clan. They knew she was the one who took care of them, the one who brought in the most kills for them. It was her hunts they cooked over an open fire in the longhouse. It was her credits they traded.

So here she was once again, doing a job she cared nothing for. All for them. Because her Father was gone and her brother was weak. She and her Mother. The two keeping it together.

She put her eye to the scope, scanning below for her first target. Anybody. Civilians. Workers. People who had harmed nobody, but were somehow in their way.

"Nothin' personal," she muttered as she caught one in her sight, "Just business."

She pulled the trigger.

Animus noticed the workers took the cue and Bolted once the guards lay dead on the floor, the massive stench of burnt flesh and scorched tissue permeated through the room mixing with the sulfur and brimstone that was already toxic and made Animus swoon with it's fumes of death and fury... however Animus had begun to give way to a thought in his mind that made him think he was invincible... "The Sith'ari has no limits... He cannot be defeated!

Animus swung and raised his hand above his head... No Limits... The Sith'ari is perfect... Animus focused on the stones and Stalactites above the room and began to budge them with telekinesis. At first he was hard pressed and the thought of Failure and impotence drowned his thoughts but one things did not let him surrender... He thought he Was The Sith'ari, a delusion brought upon by the scouring of Texts and the Legends of Old Korriban began to seep into the mind of the young Acolyte whose Ego was so massive, it actually did make the Ceiling budge and stones to fall.

At first there were just Small stones that would break your skull if they hit it directly, then massive boulders the Stalactites themselves as the roof of the cave began to budge and fall. Animus thought upon the Biggest stalactites and the massive boulders on the roof of the cave and intended to bring the place down in a cave in... But he did not seem to have the power to do it, the roof began shaking but it did not budge... Do i not have enough power? Is this the Limit of my Abilities?... No... I am the Sith'ari... I Have no limits... IT IS THE PROPHECY!!!

"I will never!!!" Animus raised both his hands as the terrified screams of the workers and the blasters shot at the floor beneath him. " BE WEAK!!" The roof cracked... an avalanche of Stone and Lava fell from the roof of the Volcanic stone and burned all who were beneath it. The screams of death and the scrambles to get to safety was like a stampede in Animus' direction. The blaster fire stopped and ANimus realized that the room was filling quickly with Molten Lava and he needed to bolt out of there.. Sith'ari or no... Lava is not something that can be survived.

Animus turned on his heel and began climbing the road for the exit, he had gotten here in the mining cart but now was getting out of here on foot. This was not going to be easy, this Mine was going to be Flooded with Lava at least to the bottom part. The Stygium mines would remain Safe, But the Base of the mine where the weapons cache was in was destroyed, After the Sith had retrieved the Stygium they needed, Animus was making sure that fixing this Mine back up again was going to be a task of much time and effort. In the surface lied the Main Stygium vault, holding much of the precious Crystal... ENough for an entire Battle fleet, what were these guys building? The thought was not one Animus could entertain as he darted out of a Mile long hole with Lava slowly racing behind him... One false step... and it was Sith'ari Shishkabob in less than a minute.​

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