Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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skin, bone, and arrogance

[OOC: This thread is set in the immediate aftermath of the Csilla Annihilation in which the Chiss homeworld of Csilla was destroyed by the Brotherhood of the Maw. There is no specific direction of the thread, and your responses can take place anywhere you like. This thread is open to First Order characters to react to the news, regroup, and -- if so desired -- put together plans for how to respond. Tags are for those specifically mentioned or likely impacted by the event and are not exclusive. It is open to everyone in our faction, so please join!]

Difficult & Dangerous Times


The penthouse in the Imperial Palace was quiet and still, fitting for the wee hours of the morning.

Within the confines of the Imperial Apartments -- if one could call a sprawling, three-story penthouse 'confined' -- the Supreme Leader of the First Order paced in a dressing gown, feeling neither supreme nor much of a leader. Across the galaxy, men and women who had sworn loyalty to her were fighting and dying in defense of a far-flung ally. Even if the Chiss had not been staunch and stalwart allies to the First Order in its previous iteration, to stand idly by as a warped band of madmen destroyed an entire planet would have been impossible. The moral soundness of the decision to shed blood in defense of Csilla was no tonic to Natasi's nerves. She had been ordered out of the battlefield hours ago, and since then reports had been frustratingly short on detail.

The status of Csilla -- not to mention the First Order fleet and the thousands of men and women aboard the ships -- weighed heavily on the Supreme Leader. Sleep eluded her.

She padded into the kitchen and set about making herself a cup of tea. The sun was beginning to rise over the horizon, the first rays of the sun just illuminating the city of Avalonia in crimson hues. Natasi took her tea out onto the terrace, unbothered by the chill. Soon, Avalonia would be coming to life, waking up. Already, the spaceports were active. She took a sip of her tea and leaned against the terrace's railing, and willed good news to be delivered soon. Her free hand clasped the Cosmic Balance pendant at her neck, stroking the enameled trinket as she tried to meditate, but she was too distracted.

She felt a gentle brush in the Force as a familiar presence made itself known, approaching. Theodore Glass, her private secretary. Natasi took another swig of tea and set the teacup down on the terrace railing post and went back inside, heading for the turbolift lobby where she met Glass coming out of the elevator. He bowed from the neck as he greeted her. "Good morning," she said breathlessly, her eyes searching his drawn face for any clues as to what had happened. "Any word?"

Natasi knew before Glass spoke, knew from the way his jaw set, the way he swallowed audibly and inhaled shakily. "It's -- it's not good news, Your Majesty. Reports are limited at this stage, but it looks as though Csilla has been devastated and potentially destroyed. Certainly there has been the most tremendous loss of life."

Her stomach sank and she put a hand to her mouth, shaking her head. She couldn't begin to process the catastrophic loss of life on Csilla. Her attention swiveled to something she could handle at the moment: "What about our forces? Allegiant General Gannan?"

Glass shook his head. "No details yet, ma'am," he said. "We know there are survivors, but as far as Gannan: the last we heard the Allegiant General's flagship was directly challenging the superweapon."

Natasi allowed herself a very un-Galidraani curse. Glass seemed uncomfortable. "My apologies," she murmured, pinching the bridge of her nose briefly. After a moment, she straightened and squared her shoulders. "Right. I'm coming down to the situation room. Maintain defense condition one and please -- have our military forces get eyes on Gannan and the rest of our forces. And I can only guess how many refugees we'll see coming our way. Once we have a clearer picture we'll bring Westaway in, but get her back to the capital regardless. She can't do this remotely."

"Right away, ma'am."

"I'm going to change into something more reasonable," said Natasi. "And I'll be down shortly. Get everyone together."


Terrence Winter

The uniform felt wrong. For the thousandth time since graduation, Terrence reached up to adjust the collar of the naval uniform, grunting slightly as the pins set into the side dug into his neck. They had been issued with covers, but by the time they had gotten to Terrence, they had run out. Still, despite the uncomfortable feeling of the uniform paled in comparison to the pride the young man felt every time he looked in the mirror. The bright red naval uniform, piqued with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Years of hard work, sleepless nights, and more physical strain and mental exhaustion then he had ever experienced had seen him graduate at the head of his class. While others graduated as simple crewman, Ensigns or even Lieutenants, only Terrence and two others in his class of hundreds had earned the prestigious graduation rank.

A presence behind him caused him to turn, and Terrence had a split second to step aside as two drunken graduates stumbled past him in the mess hall, heading towards the exit. Most of his class was in the massive dining hall, cheering and celebrating, though the graduation was not the only cause of interest. All eyes watched the large screen set against one wall with eager anticipation, waiting to hear the news of the Battle of Csilla. By technicality, most people were not supposed to know about the battle happening half way across the galaxy, and certainly not former cadets. However, the instructors had let slip certain pieces of information here and there, and before long everyone had some idea.

It had been decided that the graduation party would double as a victory celebration by some of the other graduates. To all those present, the victory of the First Order was not in question, merely a formality. They had spent years of their lives studying to take up arms in the very military force now fighting for the salvation and protection of an innocent world. While most were eagerly celebrating what was a done deal in their minds, Terrence had come to be a bit more cautious.

They should have heard something by now, or at least seen the return of First Order forces from the front. Not to mention the lack of all media coverage of any kind. His classmates had called Terrence paranoid for his thoughts, but the longer they waited the more certain he was that something was wrong. For the thousandth and one time, Terrence reached up to adjust his collar, trying to ignore the sinking feeling he felt in his stomach...
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Renata Westaway


Trembling fingers hung up the communicator handset in its cradle.

After a few moments, a voice from behind her said: "Renata?"

She had quite forgotten that she was in the middle of a staff meeting when her emergency line had chimed. She straightened and tugged her blazer into place before slowly turning back to the team that were gathered around the conference table in front of Renata's office aboard the Hope, the onetime starliner repurposed as a hospital and administrative nerve center for the First Order Refugee Council. "They failed," Renata said softly, looking up at the crew of trusted advisers gathered around the table.

"What?" asked one.

"Csilla is -- gone," said Renata uncertainly, a hand pressing to her midsection. "We're to return to the capital at once." Renata cleared her throat and raised an index finger. "That doesn't leave this room. It's not public knowledge yet." She turned towards the desk and picked up the communicator again, calling to the bridge. "Captain -- it's Westaway. Please adjust course. We're needed back on Dosuun at the soonest possible opportunity. Understood -- just as quickly as we can. Thank you." She hung up once more and went back to the head of the table and sat.

Everyone looked at her as if she would have an answer to their every question, but no one asked -- yet. She looked around the table, her gaze sweeping each of the half dozen faces that were looking to her for guidance. She cleared her throat and said: "I don't know, guys. This is unlike anything we've ever faced. Let's -- let's start at the beginning. What worlds do we have that have an atmosphere similar to Csilla? Kardette, get the atlas. Miller, order down for some caff and sandwiches. It's going to be a long trip."



Brask'ari'sabosen (retired)

Aboard the FIV Firaxa
Csilla System, Chiss Space, Unknown Regions



Aboard the FIV Firaxa
Csilla System, Chiss Space, Unknown Regions


Brask'ari'sabosen rolled her tense shoulders as she rode up in the turbolift from the Medbay deck to the Bridge level of the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer she was attached to as a Chief Medical Officer for the First Order's Csilla Campaign. The FIV Firaxa was under the command of Captain Matt the Radar Tech Matt the Radar Tech , who was the battle surgeon's fiancé, though the Chiss couple's upcoming wedding nuptials had been put on hold due to the urgent nature of the distress call received from their homeland - the Chiss Ascendancy was under siege by Outsiders once again!

But, this time it was different. The Brotherhood of the Maw intended to not only obtain but destroy the capital planet of the Chiss it seemed with a Death Star-like battle station in their insatiable hunger and thirst to conquer the Unknown Regions. And of course, the weakened Chiss Ascendancy from recent years of isolation and infighting amongst the Ruling Houses made them a prime and easy target.. or so the Outsiders probably thought.

The Known Galaxy was not having any of it. Factions from far and wide, direct allies and not, were coming to the Chiss people's aid... But would it enough to turn back the dark menacing tide and stop this annihilation? If not, then who would be next?

The normally very calm and not easily rattled Chiss was a bundle of nerves and worry ever since Mitth'orn'eruod had shared with her the message he had received from his younger brother, Mitth'al'eruod, who served with the CEDF. Captain Thale's intel and personal SOS as it was sparked the First Order to ready a military response in payback for when the Chiss allied with the Imperials against the Ssi-ruuk invasion of the Western Reaches.

Dr. Karisa as she was known within the First Imperial Medical Service felt the slight shimmy as the capital ship made its reversion to real space. A ding sounded a moment later, then the turbolift doors opened to the bridge, which was a scene of orderly chaos. Mitth'orn'eruod ran a tight ship and it showed as the bridge crew worked like a well-oiled machine. Many officers and crewmen, Human and Chiss alike, from his previous command of the FIV Voritor II, had transferred over with their captain for this do or die mission. She too had been reassigned by request to the Firaxa from the medical cruiser FIV Comfort, which was currently on a humanitarian mission in the Tunka sector. This was personal for her as well as all the Chiss serving the FO.

Stepping out of the turbolift dressed impeccably in her FIMS uniform with a matching teal coat over it, the blue-skinned near-human kept to the back of the CIC and just took in everything that was going on. Brask'ari'sabosen's crimson gaze easily found her beloved. The Chiss Captain was in his element. He was a skilled tactician and strategist, and a respected leader. Though today it would appear, the man would be tested as the chaotic space battle was already wagging full-on before the 99th Fleet's arrival; delayed due to the hyperspace travel time from Dosuun. She had a feeling they all would be tested by mission's end - be it for better or worse. History would tell the tale of that.

Needing to find out the status of the evacuation of the Csilla's civilian population, the Chiss doctor walked over to the tertiary communication station and spoke to the comms officer manning it.

"I wish to contact Doctor Anessa, the Chief Medical Officer on the CNS Vun'ruti. It is a medical frigate with the Chiss Defense Force. The ship would have arrived already from Sposia as part of the initial Chiss ground evacuation efforts."

"Yes, ma'am," the ensign answered the CMO with a nod, then the human male quickly began working on the request.

Meanwhile, she turned her dark head to catch the young Chiss navigation officer closing her eyes in a meditative state. Brask'ari'sabosen didn't quite understand how the Ozyy-esehembo commanded the ability to direct the ship, but it was a fascinating feat to behold. Reaching out, the doctor's blue-hued hand instinctively gripped the side of the communication console to steady herself as the Firaxa was about to make a microjump and who knew what the other side of the maneuver would be like. This wasn't her first rodeo as humans say.


FO comrades-in-arms: Boo Heavenshield Boo Heavenshield | Rahmmon Barkai | Natasi Fortan Natasi Fortan | Roudac Gannan Roudac Gannan | Matt the Radar Tech Matt the Radar Tech
Allies: Chiss & defenders
Enemies: BotM & attackers

SHIELDS (100%)
HULL (100%)
Kyber-Powered Cannons
Interdiction Field Generators
Resurgent Star Destroyer | 100% - 100%
Resurgent Star Destroyer | 100% - 100%
Supremacy Star Destroyer | 100% - 100%
Supremacy Star Destroyer | 100% - 100%
Supremacy Star Destroyer | 100% - 100%
Supremacy Star Destroyer | 100% - 100%
Supremacy Star Destroyer | 100% - 100%
Matsushima Battlecarrier | 100% - 100%
Lancer II Defense Frigate | 100% - 100%
Lancer II Defense Frigate | 100% - 100%
Maxima-A Heavy Cruiser | 100% - 100%
Raskova Heavy Corvette | 100% - 100%
CR90 Sisa-class Corvette | 100% - 100%
CR90 Sisa-class Corvette | 100% - 100%
TIE/fo Fighter | x19 (228 fighters)
TIE Bomber | x8 (96 fighters)
TIE Brutes | x6 (72 fighters)
TIE/wh Fighter | x10 (120 fighters)
TIE/vn Elites | x10 (120 fighters)
TIE/wi Elites | x10 (120 fighters)
A-9b Prowler | x5 (60 fighters)


Bridge of the
FIV Firaxa


Engaging - Hand of Purification (Overseer Pryce)

Captain Mitth'orn'eruod listened intently as the reports from his crew were relayed. Information was updated from across the system, as well as battle data and vessel statuses, all allowing the Chiss Captain to begin formulating a multitude of potential strategies in his mind. Each one was followed through several stages, each branching off into more possibilities and outcomes, before they too were assessed and either followed further or dismissed outright. Tactical planning was where Mitth'orn'eruod excelled and he was an individual capable of truly multitasking with complexity.

From the dark side of Csilla, away from the battle proper, Captain Mitth'orn'eruod began to formulate his next moves. The strafing attacks against the Star Destroyers of the Maw fleet had been successful, as far as was able to determine with the lack of evasive attempt, which meant that the First Fleet would be in a position to move into the sector itself. However, data updates indicated another sizable force that made it's way toward the Allegiant General, specifically on a trajectory that aimed toward his Carrier Division...

Interesting, Mitth'orn'eruod thought to himself, as his red eyes narrowed. Pursuing carriers, which harrow at range, as opposed to front line warships... I suspect that Maw commander missed the opportunity to delay or stop starfighter launch. And now is dedicated to that maneuver.

"Captain, the superweapon has fired again. Numerous casualties and fleet damage scanned."

"Indeed," Mitth'orn'eruod muttered, as he glanced to the Ozyly-esehembo. "Are you recovered?"

"Yes, I am," The young Chiss replied with a nod, as she sat upright in her flight chair. "Ready for navigation, as ordered."

Mitth'orn'eruod nodded in response, as his gaze shifted to see a familiar face not far from the viewports of the bridge. His partner, Brask'ari'sabosen, wasn't far away and was dressed in her medical officer's uniform. An accomplishment to be assigned as a Chief Medical Officer, and very pleasant to know she had been assigned to the 99th Fleet for the occasion. Mitth'orn'eruod nodded to his life partner, his soon-to-be wife, and offered a faint smile; and since they were so well-versed in the mannerisms of the other, he had no doubt she would see the subtle expression with all the affection it conveyed. Others would likely barely notice.

"Sir, we have orders from Allegiant General Gannan," Said the comms officer, as he turned and looked toward the Captain. "We have been instructed to assist Vice Admiral Barkai and Captain Reed against the sixteen Maw Star Destroyers that remain a threat to the First's Carrier Division."

Mitth'orn'eruod narrowed his eyes. If the First Fleet were disengaging from the enemy vessels nearby, that meant...

"Assign us a course to the flank of the enemy fleet, parallel to Captain Reed but facing opposite her heading," Mitth'orn'eruod commanded, as he refocused on the Ozyly-esehembo. "All hands, complete charging emplacements and systems for combat. All ninety-ninth vessels prepare for formation data, and jump coordinates.

"Navigator... engage hyperspace when ready."

The Ozyly-esehembo eased back into the chair and closed her eyes. Her small fingers pressed console buttons, before the Firaxa shifted into a brief moment of mottled space. Through the Third Sight, the young navigator used precognition to avoid the battle of Csilla, before circling the fleet of the 99th around the danger and bursting out of hyperspace on a wide but angled arc. It wasn't exact placement, but it was an excellent display, given the chaos in the sector. And now close to the vessels of the Maw fleet that had moved further out into the Csilla sector, the 99th began to engage.

"Fire all batteries and missiles at the Avenger-class warships, extra power to forward and port shields," Mitth'orn'eruod said as he walked over to observe the battle from the viewport. He didn't need control panels for this, he was able to maintain a mental map of the moving parts in his mind, as data was spoken to him. "Battle Division One, run parallel to our positioning, observe broadside profiles and limit enemy firing potential. Remain within maneuvering range to support one another with shielding relief, if required. Escort Flotilla, bridge the space between the flanks of the rear-most ninety-ninth vessels. Launch all starfighters, have them begin bombing and fighter formation interception runs."

With calmness, Mitth'orn'eruod watched as the battle began, and his fleet came up behind the enemy opposite his fellow commanders who attacked from the other side - a pincer - as the First Order began to fire massive amounts of laser and solid mass at the enemy...

I cannot focus on the state of Csilla right now. I need to do my part, remove the threat first.


First Order: Charlotte Reed | Karisa Karisa | Rahmmon Barkai | Roudac Gannan Roudac Gannan
Allies: Teica Giraan | Constantine Oliva | Captain Herlock | Defenders
Enemies: Brotherhood of the Maw | Hand of Purification | Attackers

Engaging: Hand of Purification (Overseer Pryce)​

Brask'ari'sabosen caught the look in her partner's crimson eyes from across the bridge where he stood. She knew indeed what Mitth'orn'eruod was expressing as the Chiss' red orbs glowed in certain ways the naked human eye could not pick up on. It was the same when they spoke in their native language of Cheunh to each other. It was a little bit of privacy and means of communicating for the Chiss lovers who often served together because open forms of PDA weren't appropriate nor tolerated by their culture for the most part. Duty was always at the forefront of what guided their behavior. Like today.

Though the sweet moment in the middle of a battle would not last as the comm officer had finished her previous request...

"Ma'am," the ensign started out with a nervous tone in his voice. "I am sorry to report but the CNS Vun'ruti took a direct hit from the Super Weapon upon its initial firing along with several other vessels carrying evacuees from Csilla. This was before the Firaxa's arrival. All souls aboard the Chiss medical frigate including Chief Medical Officer Anessa are reported lost," he informed the Chiss doctor.

It took a moment for Brask'ari'sabosen to answer as she processed the tragic news that her cousin, Kema'nes'sabosen, had been killed along with all the others who were simply doing their duty or trying to get to safety. It had been years now since the two daughters of House Sabosen had seen each other, but they had spoken briefly just before the FIV Firaxa jumped to hyperspace en route to Csilla.

Ness sounded so hopeful they would be able to evacuate a high percentage of the civilians and take them back to Sposia the next Chiss world on the Path of Houses... They didn't have a chance. What a waste. She was a good Chiss to the last.

"I see. Well, thank you for your effort nonetheles. Carry on, ensign," she responded finally with an appreciative nod to the young human.

By this time, the space battle was in full swing and the First Order fleet was in the thick of the fight. Brask'ari'sabosen didn't move too far away from the comm station. She stood at the railing as it seemed to be the best place for the CMO to observe from until needed below deck in the medbay.

The life-altering event appeared to happen in slow motion yet it was in a split second that Csilla's sealed fate was to become reality when the Brotherhood of the Maw's Mercy finally broke apart and hit the icy planet's surface with excessive force. The capital world of the Chiss and those who were still unfortunate to be on it perished instantly. Everything gone in a blink of an eye.

Brask'ari'sabosen felt like her heart stopped beating and all air had left her lungs in that moment and for several after. She knew it was a possibility this could happen, probably more so than she'd admit, but that was why the First Order had come all the way across the galaxy to try and prevent the catastrophe in the first place... They and all the other defenders of the galaxy, but it wasn't enough. They failed. Now, who would be next?

The Chiss could sense eyes were focused on her, waiting for a reaction. The only one she gave was that of a single tear rolling down her blue-hued cheek otherwise a stoic facade was shown. There were more tears to come, but here in front of everyone, they would not fall. Their work had just truly begun... saving those they still could.

"With permission, Captain Thorne... I suggest as soon as possible and as safe to do so, we send out search and rescue ships to look for survivors amongst the space debris," Ari stated breaking the silence in which had overcome the normally noisy bridge.

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"Daddy, look at me, look at me! I'm swimming good!"

well. And you're doing so well! Somebody's been taking her lessons seriously."

Matma Bernu vacantly stared at the hologram. Bottles, emptied, were scattered him. He and the boarding party had narrowly escaped the Mercy. They had barely managed to get back onboard a vessel when the Mercy plunged into Csilla. At the time, Matma had hoped his family- his parents, his wife, his three daughters- had maybe escaped, or hunkered down.

Feeling them expire in the Force had swiftly abused him of that notion.

"Pledge my life, before the gods, to you. Until the stars go out in the sky."

He took a swig out of the bottle.

"Daddy, I can't wait to grow up! I wanna be a Knight like you!"

Matma screamed. Glass shattered. Lights flickered. The walls of the quarter strained to contain the burst of eldritch energy.

Then as suddenly as it started, it stopped, and the Chiss slid against the wall, sobbing.

Masayu Kimura



The Command Level Brief had sent her stomach churning. It wasn't often the veteran officer felt this kind of unease. Maz had been tasked elsewhere while others of the First Order had rushed to aid the Chiss home world against the threat of the Maw. On one hand she felt regret, on the other she knew it wouldn't have made a difference. What could good men and women do against such reckless hate? An entire world shattered at the hands of rogue Sith. Rogue force sensitives.

For their own Knights she was thankful. Disciplined and on a leash. Her thoughts were interrupted by a voice on the air. "Sir, telemetry indicates millions dead - anyone left on the surface..." The voice trailed off. "They're dead." she finished the sentence. Her words hung in the air as a blanket of darkness seemed to rest over the bridge like a shroud. "Come to full alert. Stow for hyperspace travel. I want a full readiness report in the next ten minutes." As if a spell had been broken a chorus of "Aye, Aye's" echoed and the crew of the FIV Redoubt, the Marauder-Class Cruiser she'd commanded since her reinstatement.

For what it was worth, the Redoubt would be ready for whatever orders next may come. That said, Maz knew there would be some sort of emergency session to address the situation. The Chiss for one had been staunch allies of the First Order, or at least - the First Order had better than neutral relations with them. The Chiss situation was dire, there was no denying that. Even so, it spoke volumes as to the state of the galaxy and no doubt there would be concerns about the First Order's own security measures. "Lieutenant." she addressed her XO, Lt. Perault. "You have a bridge, notify me immediately once that status report comes in." She headed for the Captain's antechamber towards the rear of the command bridge. If there was an emergency session she would find a way to holo-in.




The FIV Firaxa continued to move with the 99th Fleet through the expanse of space filled with laser cannon fire, missile projectiles, starfighters and all manner of debris. Klaxons sounded, updates were shouted, and the bridge of the flagship was a bustling nerve cluster of activity, as commands were issued and relayed throughout the combined First Order naval groups present. Amid it all, Mitth'orn'eruod remained a stoic, unwavering presence; his red eyes glowed with quiet intensity, his posture remained upright and showed no signs of relaxation, and his expression was neutral.

Inwardly, the Chiss Captain's mind was a whirling storm of thought; projectile angles, engagement maneuvers, starfighter interceptions, ambush potentials, ramming lines, all of these possibilities played out through Mitth'orn'eruod's thoughts simultaneously as he also maintained awareness of the other elements of the First Order fleets in the area. Captain Reed's and Rear Admiral Barkai's ship movements, their potential maneuvers and possible adjustments in tactics, amid the large Maw fleet composed of a high number of Star Destroyers and support vessels.

Not to mention the movements of the enemy fleet.

Mitth'orn'eruod's eyes narrowed, as one of the comm officer's got his attention, voice loud:

"Sir, the Maw fleet are disengaging and retreating," The officer said, as she leaned closer to the console layout and checked data. "Encryption is picking up a lot of Maw chatter, working to decrypt now..."

Mitth'orn'eruod looked down to the panels at his bridge station, as he focused on the battle that took place closer to Csilla.


The sensor crews informed of the movement of the superweapon, as the battle station began to power toward Csilla. The intention was clear, the desperate final attempt at destruction obvious, and Mitth'orn'eruod cursed to himself as he categorized the data too late. So focused on the current engagement, he had neglected the suicidal attempt from the Maw at ensuring the destruction of the Chiss planet... and even with the intervention of the FIV Resurgent it would be too late.

"Disengage from the Maw fleet, only return fire if fired upon," Mitth'orn'eruod ordered, as he watched the distant events through the magnified screens at his bridge station. He saw the small shape of the superweapon - Mercy - as it closed with the larger planet of Csilla. There was a flare, then the station burst from view, as did the FIV Resurgent not a half-second later. "Bring all starfighters back to command vessels... we will need to reassign fleet resources immediately."

Csilla cracked. The planetary body was shattered, literally, as the superweapon collided with the icy planet. Billions of lives, Chiss lives, ended in what could only be described as mind jarring and stomach wrenching manner. Mitth'orn'eruod stared at the screen, his usual composure shaken somewhat, as he leaned forward and gripped either side of the console. His dark blue skin lightened around the knuckles, as he squeezed with intensity, his jaw muscles moved and his red eyes glowered... and from one side, a familiar voice spoke, as Brask'ari'sabosen suggested they send out emergency support as soon as safe.

"Yes. We will, Medical Officer Karisa," Mitth'orn'eruod said in a low tone, his manner quiet as he processed the events. "Thank you for the suggestion. Also, please approach my bridge station."

Amid the silence on the bridge, the Captain stood still, as the sensor data began to pour in. Not only had the planet been delivered an extinction-level event, but the immediate area in that space had become a chaotic mass of destruction. There were catastrophic consequences for such an event, and Mitth'orn'eruod could only hope that those closest to the planet - or what had been a planet - had managed to gain enough distance so as to avoid being caught in the aftermath.

"Status of the starfighters?" Mitth'orn'eruod asked, his voice sounded distant. "And we will continue to perform our duties. Sensors, scan for vessels that require assistance. Comms, establish connection with friendly forces and discover the status of Allegiant General Gannan. Emergency support craft, begin preparation for launching. The Maw fleet are not the concern at this present time, they may retreat for now, but we maintain alertness and should they make the mistake of returning to interfere with our support efforts? Then we decimate their numbers to the sentient."

The bridge returned to a functioning state, as all hands resumed duties and the noise started to rise to normal levels. It seemed most eyes lingered on those Chiss throughout the bridge area, but for the most part remained focused on the tasks at hand. And when Mitth'orn'eruod felt the approach of Brask'ari'sabosen at his station, the Captain looked her way and offered a sage nod - now was not the time for emotional responses...

"The data for the losses in the immediate vicinity of Csilla are coming in," Mitth'orn'eruod said to his partner. He looked down to the display, with two vessels highlighted. The CNS Vun'ruti and the CSD Altagak. Both were vessels assigned to their respective relatives. "I am sorry for your loss. I am sad to say, my younger sibling Mitth'al'eruod has also been lost. His vessel was near Csilla when it... yes."

With a sigh, Mitth'orn'eruod looked down and processed the more personal losses. It was going to be difficult to perform duties to standards in the coming days, but he would endure and maintain his professionalism, despite the increasing sensation of sadness and despair that had started to form in his stomach...

"What support from the ninety-ninth do you require, to enact emergency responses?"



Brask'ari'sabosen (retired)

Aboard the FIV Firaxa
Csilla System, Chiss Space, Unknown Regions


"As you wish, Captain," Brask'ari'sabosn responded to Thorne's command to join him at his bridge station, then she purposefully walked over to where the other Chiss was standing before a display console. He was ever the professional, though knowing Orn as Ari did, there were subtle cracks in his otherwise stoic facade.

She waited by Mitth'orn'eruod's side silently while he conversed with his crew, giving orders, then his attention went to her. Meanwhile, the doctor had been watching with a keen eye all the data coming across the display. The highlighted names of two distinct ships lost in the battle did not surprise her but pained the Chiss nonetheless.

"Thank you. My condolences to you as well. Our family members will be remembered for their dedication to duty as all will who gave their lives this day," Ari offered softly.

Brask'ari'sabosen so wanted to touch her partner, console him for the loss of his younger brother, but this was not the time nor place. At some point, they would mourn together though duty called for each to be strong as others were looking to the captain of the ship and the CMO to set the tone going forward.

"I suggest the Firaxa's search and rescue work directly alongside the other vessels in the fleet so that more space can be efficiently covered as time is of the essence for survivability. A standard grid pattern should be utilized. In the meantime, I will attempt to contact the acting Chief Medical Officer on the FIV Defiant, Surgeon General Boo Heavenshield Boo Heavenshield so that we can coordinate with the Refugee Council back on Dosuun. I am sure that Director Renata Westaway will want a breakdown of the numbers as soon as possible. I will also keep you up to date on casualty counts my team has treated, wounded as well as dead as details become available for your report," she explained with a matter-of-fact tone though the words seemed to come out in a bit of ramble.

The Chiss just needed to delve into her work to keep her from thinking about the grand scope of the tragedy that had befallen her people and the total meaning of the failure to stop the superweapon of the Brothers of the Maw. The consequences of that were just too great to even fathom at this juncture. I mean, how many more did they have to terrorize the galaxy with?

"If there is nothing else required of me on the bridge, Captain, I would ask to be dismissed so I may begin my delegated tasks."

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skin, bone, and arrogance



The doors of the situation room swept open and Natasi Fortan entered, having changed into a pair of smart black slacks and a turtleneck. The chaos of the situation room came silence as its occupants came to attention. It was briefly silent, the eye of a hurricane, until Natasi said: "As you were," and the activity resumed.

"Your Majesty," said Glass, approaching her with a datapad of scrolling data that he put in front of her. "Preliminary data from Csilla. The planet was destroyed. No word on survivors of the planet. There were efforts to evacuate civilian populations from the surface, but at least one convoy was destroyed. It's unclear how many others, if any, survived."

"Destroyed -- ?" Natasi asked, taking the datapad and narrowing her eyes at the rapidly-scrolling data on the screen. She could hardly keep up with it, let alone process it in real-time. "How?"

"The Brotherhood superweapon," said Glass. "It fired several times before it destroyed Csilla."

The Supreme Leader blanched as she and Glass rounded the circular table. She pulled up a chair, and Glass took the one to her left. "What's the status of the weapon?" Natasi asked breathlessly. "Is it still active? Could it be -- "

"Witness statements indicate that it was destroyed in the onslaught," said Glass. "We'll have confirmation on that soon."

Natasi folded her hands and swallowed, her gaze taking in the organized chaos of the room, and she tried to center herself. "I'll need to meet with the Speaker and Cabinet. This kind of... barbarity -- it can't go unanswered. There's a very real chance that by this time tomorrow I'll be signing a declaration of war."

Glass nodded. "I'll make the arrangements -- "

A communications officer called: "Your Majesty -- sorry to interrupt. Priority signal from Allegiant General Gannan."

Natasi put her hands to the tabletop and pushed herself to a standing position, her breath catching in her throat. "Put him through right away. Allegiant General -- can you hear me? Are you all right?" A grainy blue image flickered to life from the center of the table.

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Roudac Gannan

ᴀʟʟᴇɢɪᴀɴᴛ ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ


Continued from The Beginning Of The End...


The holocomm activated, as a static-filled encrypted communication came through from the secondary bridge of the Super Star Destroyer. Cast in a flickering blue light, the weary and clearly tired features of the Allegiant General were visible, as he wiped at the blood on the side of his face. His dark eyes shifted focus, as the connection was made, and he looked to those in the room before his gaze settled on the Supreme Leader...


>> HOLO.ENCRYPT//113M-ejj--; data=ghosted; data-uplink=secure; masking-status=active; function=security; permissions=limited;]

"Supreme Leader. #--fzzt--#--an you hear me? Reporting from the FIV Resu--#--fzzt--#--ith heavy casualties to the crew. But it's nothing com--#--fzzt--#--ed to the losses sustained by the Chiss. Csilla has been destroyed. Complet--#--fzzt--#... we did our best, but the Maw performed a suic--#--fzzt--#--ttack, ramming the planet. One moment--"

The Allegiant General looked away, as he frowned and spoke out of the holocomm direction, but it was clear he was addressing someone nearby. The communication fizzled, then finally adjusted into a much clearer clarity, before Gannan turned back and nodded. He continued:

"Good. Better. As I was saying, ma'am, the Maw initiated a suicidal attack that was aimed at the planet. We had the Resurgent move to intercept, we bodied the station hard, but they activated some kind of new hyperdrive and bypassed us. Sensor techs say they got readings of the drives, so we'll provide that data for analysis in a moment.

"In the meantime, the Resurgent has sustained heavy damage. We are working to restore systems, repair hull breaches, and stabilize the vessel to allow hyperspace travel. We are... in the Sarvchi Sector, in Chiss Space, and seem to be security tight for now. No engaging forces. Still, it could be several days before we're functional, though I will be diverting support efforts away from us and toward Csilla... they need help more than we do, right now.

"And the data is prepared. Sending."

Gannan glanced off to one side, as he caught the attention of one of the comms officers. He pointed and nodded, before the data began to transfer through. It would appear before the Supreme Leader, and the analysts around her, by the time he continued to speak:

"The data shows readouts for the Maw fleets, the superweapon itself, their 'path drives' and some other details that were deep scanned during the battle. At this point, Supreme Leader, it's my opinion that the Brotherhood of the Maw are now to be considered a galactic-scale threat... and that the First Order should begin consideration of aggressive diplomacy against them, to stop this happening to other planetary bodies. They were sloppy with this superweapon, they made mistakes, but they also did everything they could to will it to end how they wanted - and they succeeded. We can't let this happen again, ma'am. Especially if they refine the method.

"This was an act of war, and not only on the Chiss. This level of destruction can target anyone..."

With a bunching of muscles in his jaw, Roudac paused, as the connection wavered temporarily from the state of the vessel...

"We need to prepare for war."





"Thank you, our losses will not be in vain," Mitth'orn'eruod said in a low voice, his red eyes intense on the panel before him. His mind was contemplating, planning. "I promise that."

Behind, the FIV Firaxa crew continued to move, enacting orders and being a bustle of activity, once the reactions of the Chiss present remained calm and controlled. To the others on the bridge it might have seemed inhuman, cold and distant, which would only reinforce the opinion some had of the Chiss people. And to some, perhaps it showed the dedication and professionalism the blue-skinned sentients were known for, inspiring and determined. Still, either way, Mitth'orn'eruod felt the deep dread of his brother's death, the emotions were concealed but undeniably there, despite his best efforts.

As Brask'ari'sabosen spoke, outlining how best to proceed to assist in the devastation, Mitth'orn'eruod remained silent. He listened, took the viable suggestions on board, and would enact them. He knew his bonded had the right of it, she was equally capable of remaining effective through emotional pain and in the face of logical instability; undoubtedly due to her time as a doctor, experience to deal with high pressure situations, and a willpower that would put many to shame - even other Chiss.

"Consider it done," Mitth'orn'eruod said with a nod once Brask'ari'sabosen concluded the outline of responses. He turned, to get the attention of his XO, as he called the human officer over. "Lieutenant Lurth, approach my command station."

"Yessir," He said before walking quickly to reach the pair. In that moment, Mitth'orn'eruod pulled out his Chiss comm, his questis, and mumbled some words on a secure frequency. The XO arrived. "Orders?"

"The Firaxa will now assist in search and rescue efforts, alongside other allied vessels in the area and closer to Csil-- where Csilla was. You will initiate a widespread search pattern algorithm, based on statistical viability of escape pod routes and local system adverse effects on vessels - essentially, compensate for starships that might have been knocked off course by the explosion and force. You now have the bridge."

"O-oh, yessir." The Lieutenant saluted, then stepped closer to the command panel. "I'll see it done, sir."

Mitth'orn'eruod turned to Brask'ari'sabosen, then added. "Please work with Lieutenant Lurth, as I have other matters to attend to... would you accompany me to the turbolifts, CMO Brask'ari'sabosen?"

Then the Captain turned and began to walk. He slowed his initial pace to give Brask'ari'sabosen a moment to walk beside him, before he led her through the bridge and out the main blast doors. Once beyond the eyesight of the crew, Mitth'orn'eruod turned to look at his beloved and reached out to hold her hand, which he squeezed affectionately, before he stopped and stood with her in the corridor.

"I am going to leave you here, now. On the Firaxa. There is something I must do," He began, as he looked down to the floor for a moment. His red eyes slowly looked up, a faint smile on his lips, as he looked into Brask'ari'sabosen's eyes. "I have contacted Copero, my household phalanx, and I have started emergency preparation of the CSD Retribution... it wasn't meant for this purpose, but the irony of the vessel designation brings a smirk to my lips."

Mitth'orn'eruod kept tight hold of Brask'ari'sabosen's hand. He didn't want to let her go, not now, not with Csilla and the millions lost.

"I will avenge them. I will not let the Maw get away with this... please, work with Lurth, he is a good man, he will listen to you. But more importantly, stay safe here, away from the battle. Do what you do so well, and pull our people back from the brink, my love."



Brask'ari'sabosen (retired)

Aboard the FIV Firaxa
Csilla System, Chiss Space, Unknown Regions


When Mitth'orn'eruod pulled out a Chiss comlink, Brask'ari'sabosen knew her partner was up to something. The words were in coded Cheunh so she couldn't tell exactly what he was saying, but she heard his house name spoken and the shipyards his family managed mentioned. Brask'ari'sabosen's suspicions were all but confirmed when Mitth'orn'eruod called over his executive officer, giving Lieutenant Lurth command of the FIV Firaxa and for her to work with him on the search and rescue task before them.

"Understood, Sir," she replied without question, then gave the new acting captain of the ship an affirmative nod of her willingness to do so.

Her attention once again went back to Mitth'orn'eruod as he asked for Brask'ari'sabosen to accompany him to the turbolift. "As you wish, Captain Thorne," she answered with a cant of her dark head, then the Chiss turned on her booted heel to walk with him off the bridge though a feeling of impending doom settled in the CMO's stomach as they did.

After the blast doors closed behind them, MItth'orn'eruod uncharacteristically grabbed for her hand while in public view though no one was present insight and pulled her over to the side of the corridor where there was a small recessed area. The look in his glowing red eyes and the particular way he was squeezing her hand told Brask'ari'sabosen all she needed to know even before the words came out.

Brask'ari'sabosen closed her eyes for a moment accompanied by a heavy swallow trying to control the ever-forming raw emotions bubbling up from within. She reopened them, then her crimson gaze met his loving yet solidly determined one. There was no logical reasoning that would change her beloved's choice. This was personal now, especially for him. He had a duty to the Chiss as well as to his family to see justice served.

House Mitth would stand at the forefront once again, and Brask'ari'sabosen couldn't be prouder, though at the same time selfishly not wanting him to go. The two had just found each other again after believing each was dead. They were supposed to be married by now, but their wedding had been put off for one reason or another as duty called. She didn't want him to sacrifice himself for the good of all, which the odds were not in his favor of a safe return.

But, she couldn't think about that now. No, Brask'ari'sabosen had to be strong and give Mitth'orn'eruod as much support as she could in this endeavor, and a good reason to return home... Well, that bit of news the good doctor would wait to share upon his return to her. She didn't want to complicate things more than they were. Mitth'orn'eruod needed a clear head without distractions to fulfill his duty to the utmost of his abilities.

"Yes, of course, I will. You can count on me to do so in all regards," Ari nodded, then she added thoughtfully. "The task you have chosen for yourself and House Mitth is a most difficult one, but I have faith in your fortitude and skill to see it through. Your brother's death will not be in vain I am sure. The Brotherhood of the Maw will know the vengeance of the Chiss in full by times end."

Brask'ari'sabosen paused for a moment as she reached inside a pocket on her uniform and pulled out a white linen handkerchief with an embordered S on it in the House Sabosen color of rust-red.

"Take this with you, please. Know that I am one with you wherever you are," she said with warmth, then after handing it over her free, blue-hued hand rose up to cup the side of her lover's chiseled face in a tender gesture. A soft smile graced her face as she memorized everything about her fellow Chiss. He was one of a kind and all she ever desired in a mate since the first time they'd met all those years ago in the shadow of the Black and Blue Pact.

"I have always loved you, Orn, and I always will," Ari offered with all sincerity just before she stepped closer and pressed her lips to his in a farewell kiss that was filled with as much passion as decorum allowed.

After their impassioned embrace ended alas with some reluctance, she stepped back and took a formal stance, saluting the now high-ranking Chiss naval officer.

"Clear skies, Admiral Mitth'orn'eruod. Good hunting."



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