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Star Wars Episode VII Wishlist

My sole worry is that Abrams will do something to totally invalidate the years of EU writing - Thrawn, the Vong, the Second Galactic Civil War - and just come up with something that, while decent, nonetheless puts it front and centre under the label 'canon', and make everything else irrelevant or wrong.

Apart from that...Krayt would be interesting, but probably never going to happen, particularly since he didn't emerge as a Sith Lord until way after the Yuuzhan Vong War. But I have a feeling it'll be something to do with re-establishing the Jedi Order, since that would be the obvious pathway to go: Ep1 with the Order at it's height, followed by it's decline, followed by Luke becoming a Jedi, with the re-emergence of the Jedi Order as a power being the natural follow-through. Not like there aren't a ton of stories you could potentially tell there.

Oh, and did I mention that we want Corran Horn?

Darren Onyx

Yes but they have to put some sith, that is as powerful as Plapatine and as evil and corrupted as Nihilus to try and stop the Republic. It should be based around the rebuilding of the Sith Order instead of the Republic.
As long as it's written good and has Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, and Carrie Fisher, I'll be satisfied. It probably won't be anything already in the Expanded Universe, but I'd love to see Admiral Thrawn.

Ava Solborne

I think it should be:

VII - The Gungan Pride
VIII - The Attack of the Gungans
IX - The New Bacon

Akaan'ade Be'Solus

VII Mickey And Friends
VIII Mickey And Friends 2
IX Mickey And Friends On Ice

Each are about Mickey Mouse, and his journey to become a Jedi master through song and friendship.
Corran Horn would be fun just as a sort of cameo. Jedi pilot doing something.

I have no desire to see a book which we have been told it will not be.

I am hoping it doesn't go post Legacy cause I am still hoping to some day write books in that era :p

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