Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Staff Critique Thread - July 2017

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How are we doing?

How are you doing?

We used to do these Critique threads way back in the day to get honest feedback from the community on how we can improve our jobs. Chaos has been going on for a fairly long time now, and I'm very proud of how far we've come. So let us know!

Good or bad, try to be honest in your feedback of Staff. Tell us how you feel about the SWRP Staff Team, whether you've been treated fairly/unfairly, but remember - try to be polite, please.
I can say, recently I have been happy with staff. Our resident Taylor Swift is a great help with subs, Jon is Jon and helps as frequent as he is able, they all have tried too also get members to participate more frequently by means of contests and such etcetera.

Good stuff in my opinion
I like the newer approach of staff really taking a step back and letting the community work out things. I don't use the factory much, but I appreciate what they do. I also want to give a good pat on the back to the Codex judges.

I think you guys are also doing a better job than you have in the past of integrating and welcoming new members.

I also think the OOC-toxicity has been cut down on a lot.
Doing great, bud.

[member="Tefka"] - The lights are still on and you're making the map game not suck. Hat is off.

[member="Allyson Locke"] - I miss you in the Factory. Bby come back. Pls.

[member="Cira"] - You copy and paste too much. I'd like to think there's a human behind those alts, and not a robot. A simple "yes" or "no" works better than a quote in a lot of instances.

[member="Raziel"] - Wild West Rules! You get a gold star.

[member="Valiens Nantaris"] - Well, you don't instantly comment on Twi'lek bios anymore so I think you're doing G R E A T! Just don't relapse, okay? :)

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] - Your time and patience are valued beyond words.

[member="Yarva Adisu"] - Uhh. Khakis? (I don't see a lot of you. Literally don't have anything dumb to spout about you.)

[member="Carradine Dukal"] - Whiphid. Whiphid Gud.

[member="Darth Pyrrhus"], [member="Gray Raxis"], [member="Matsu Xiangu"], [member="Zeradias Mant"] - I don't see much of you guys in a staff light, so I've nothing to say except keep up the good work. I've no reason to doubt the judgment of any of you.

[member="Samka Derith"] - *insert breakdancing stormtrooper here*

[member="Jamie Pyne"] - I haven't enjoyed having a submission judged this much since the era of Jon. You bring class to the Factory with every post. My hat is off to you, keep up the good work!
Genuinely loving the proposed new rule sets, great addition. The site seems to be running super smoothly, haven't run into any SQL errors etc in forever, Staff seem to be quick to respond, and even though it's by no means a new addition I love the way that Discord is being used, so plenty of additional props for that.

Keep up the great work as always, guys, it's appreciated :)
I'm just going to comment on those I have awareness of, regarding what they do:

  • [member="Raziel"] [member="Carradine Dukal"] - I'm not in the know about what you guys get to do these days, but seeing the 4 rules update ideas you have brought to staff, and to the memberbase, I have to say I really like the ideas you guys have and what you're doing. I don't think I would have ever thought of the flashpoint stuff in a million years, if given the time. Very innovative, and I hope to see more stuff like this in the future.
  • [member="Jamie Pyne"] - Between two jobs and posting what seems like two times a day (I don't keep track or read your threads, I just see you talk about it), you do a way better job than I ever could if I had to juggle all that responsibility. Having been in your shoes, regarding modifications and all that, you're a much better addition to the factory than I was. Hopefully you learned from any mistakes I've made in the past!
  • [member="Mahet"] [member="Cira"] - I don't really know what goes on behind the scenes, aside from what I get informed about as a factory judge, but based on the changes I've seen made back from when I left staff and the factory for my LOA, and even in the short time I've been back, you both have done an excellent job in the Codex and Factory regarding the implementation of the removal of development threads and educating judges on how to move forward without them. From observation, before I signed back on as a factory judge a couple weeks ago, it looks like the drama and stigma that surrounded the factory and codex has significantly lessened.
  • [member="Tefka"] - You're doing a great job of making the stuff staff does as transparent as is healthy for public consumption. I really like the direction that has been taken, though I know it was being moved in that direction for some time, and staff is at an all-time high both in work ethic and public perception. I know I've heard you talk about summertime laziness, or whatever it was you coined it as, but regardless of whatever drop in activity staff might have had behind the scenes, you've done an excellent job making sure the stuff you've wanted done was, in fact, done. Or at least worked on. Delegating responsibilities to other staff (see: Raziel, Carradine) is a common managerial tactic in getting work done efficiently, and while I was curious of Raziel's promotion (as I'm sure some members were, simply to wonder if something was going on internally), it appears delegating the responsibility to him for these rule changes, and to Carradine in his assistance of that effort, was a great move.
I know I missed a good 3/4th of staff, but without being aware of what the rest of the staff does I'm afraid I don't have any feedback. The website is running smoothly, I haven't heard of many issues regarding drama (though I could just be oblivious to it, or it could have happened when I was gone), so just keep doing what you've been doing.
Honestly, from the time I joined the site up until now I have never had an interaction with staff that was negative. The feeling I was given upon joining the site was a very welcome one and that is something I still see extended to each new member. All I can say is keep it up you all. Doing an awesome job.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
I think overall staff does a really good job at pretty much everything. Most members of staff are diligent, kind, helpful, and receptive to talking like adults. This is great and In my honest opinion Chaos Staff is probably the most successful and least tyrannical staff I've ever experienced on a forum, much less a Roleplaying Board.

However, from my point of view there are several factors that every once in a while make me shake my head. None of them are really critical or board breaking, but they are issues that tend to confound me and some others I've discussed it with.

Glut: There are currently Fifteen members of staff including Admins and RPJ's. I don't know if this is too many or too little or whatever, but I do know that seemingly about half of those fifteen staff members don't actually do anything. Obviously I'm not all that privy to what goes on behind the scenes, but I can honestly say that at least to me it appears that a good portion of staff members don't actually do anything all. Maybe this is because certain members of staff just have 'assigned' places like Factory or Codex and thus appear more, but I don't think thats true since Factory and Codex RPJ's and Admins still actually do other stuff like judge invasions and update the map. Perhaps staff could do an assessment of itself to see who is actually doing what and how well, then prove me wrong.

Communication: In my experience Staff generally does a poor job on communicating why they're doing something. I don't mean this in regards to big decisions(like the new proposed Rules) but in general the smaller decisions that effect members. Sometimes we're simply told 'This is how it is, deal with it'. That's not how you treat adults, that's how you treat children in a daycare. A good example would be the invasion of Serenno, it has been a little under two weeks since the invasion ended and over a week since the RPJ's last contacted the FO's, both of whom are left wondering if/when the judging is even going on or what is happening. Similar incidents have happened in the past with other invasions and there have been smaller reports where I know for a fact members were displeased by the suddenness of a ruling without clear explanation of why. I think Staff really needs to consider explaining their actions better, even with the little things.

Following Your Own Rules: Honestly this is mostly directed at yourself Tefka, you have a habit of not following the rules that you set out for this board. I realize that you own and founded this place, but when you do something and then just tell the members it effected "This is how it is" it feels incredibly shitty to those members and other people watching. In the end I know you mostly do not do this out of malice, but rather in a conscious effort to preserve the board, but I feel it has at times embittered and scorned members.
The bad:

The names are always the same. There is not much movement seen in the staff team. From the outside, it very much looks like an exclusive club. The majority of names on the staff register have been on staff for 3+ years. And, as Alric pointed out, we don't see a lot of staff members actually doing anything. While I'm not implying that this is a democracy, nor am I saying it should be, it very much appears that there is a millionaire club and, "We'll save a seat for you." It's almost nepotistic to the average writer. The staff appears stale, and I think it would do some good to cycle and add some fresh minds and give some older ones an intermittent time of leave.

I also find that some staff members take their positions way too seriously and treat it like an actual job with a title that they can put on their résumé. There are times when staff behaves like their discussions are a matter of national security. Most of you are very distant and and inaccessible ICly. This has been a problem since I joined and strikes writers (new members especially) with the impression that you have a superiority complex. We want to enjoy RP and we want to know that our staff actually enjoys RP. Otherwise your authority over an RP site seems pointless.

The good:

The proactive approach to the map rules and public RP are much welcome (though years overdue) and appear to have reduced a lot of stress and drama across the board. I like the attempts at innovation and updating the map file entirely. You will assuredly make mistakes along the way, but now you are quite visibly taking actual steps to balance factions and reduce the OOC conflict.

You are doing a good job reducing the "chores" aspect to RP. The upgrade to the rank tag system is quite awesome.
The factory also looks fun for the first time. The dev thread requirements felt like they just promoted boredom and filler posting. I still would prefer if more efforts were made to let canon ships be viable for fleet combat, and maybe some enforcement of listing weapons composition (even if it's in percentages, e.g. 10% ion cannons, 90% turbolasers). But you are doing a fantastic job here, all the same. Keep up the good work, factory squad.
As always, as the very public faces of Staff, Valiens and I will take the fair hits of criticism and speak on them in private. However, not even good ol' Val can shut me up when it comes to reading the unfair criticism.

I have 2,658 administrative actions logged by our forum software and only one admin has more. The Admin?

Thurion Heavenshield, with nearly 5 times that number, at 11,000+ actions logged. His job on Staff is currently allocated as "Wildcard", a free floater, yet he does 5 times the amount of work as the owner without even touching the Factory or Codex.

Thurion is only one example of many.

Staff Team has a lot of unsung heroes that don't get to present neat new rulesets to the community or make announcements. I hope this alleviates some criticism of "wtf does some of Staff even do", and illuminates that yes - there is a lot going on you don't see. Please don't assume some Staff members are just "seat warmers", it's insulting to read.
skin, bone, and arrogance
The new rulesets are encouraging. I'm intrigued to see how they turn out. I appreciate the thought that [member="Raziel"] and company put into them. Honestly, I had my doubts about Raz given the recent IR/GA/TRE metagaming nonsense, but I haven't seen anything else to cause concern, so I consider it bygones. His being Welsh is another concern altogether.

As to any other critique, given the Barney spectacle of earlier this month, I gather the only acceptable response is effusive praise.
Ryan Korr said:
"it's insulting to read."

Members bring up issue.

Issue is replied to, with snide addendum. Rinse and repeat.
I demand Staff remains silent during these types of threads, as I'm used to taking most of the hits myself.

I just get defensive, as any leader would, when the uninformed say "we don't see a lot of staff members actually doing anything." Y'know, I go through the whole "Nobody but me gets to beat up my lil bro" routine. I attempt to explain, and my responses usually get dissected under a microscope to match whatever narrative has already been assigned by the member responding. I'm sure any leader here of any faction, big and small, that's been in a similar situation can relate.

My crowd's just larger, but the same rules of interaction usually apply.

I'll go back to being silent, critique away.
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