Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Sssssmmmoookkkinnn!!!!!!

Location: Laboratory, New Alderaan


"Now clearly sir," Dr. Zoax Tentoria pushed the ridge of his dark tea shades as he walked alongside Velran Kilran through the underground laboratory. "We don't the full affects of the Force Collar. She might have the strength to break free-"

"Are you questioning my genius Doc?" Velran craned his towards Zoax who gulped. "I've spent countless hours studying the subject's Force abilities. When I was flying from Kegan, I've taken the Sith Lord's blood sample and ran some tests while eating a McYoda Rib. Her Force level was very high, so I made adjustments to the Force Colla. It will now adapt to her power level. If she goes beyond a level of her midichlorian count, then the collar will activate giving her a 1000-volt shock."

"That could be a..... viable option," Zoax said. "But- wait did you just say you were eating a McYoda Rib?"

"They were selling it for 5 credits," Velran said. "I had to take it."

A pregnant pause later, Zoax gave an uneasy nod. "I see....." He said. "But I advise you to allow me and the rest of my team look over her and-"

Velran held his hand towards Zoax's face. "I hear your concerns," Velran replied in an annoyed tone. "But I still think you're talking gobbley gook. Now leave me alone, I need to talk to her right now."

The two arrived at the interrogation room where Velran kicked open the door. An unconscious Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate was tied to the chair, her force collar still around her neck. Velran closed the door reached into his jacket and took out a red horn squeezing on the ball.

"GOOD MORNING!" Velran laughed. "I hope you had a lovely sleep!"
Sicarius was groggy as she came to. For a moment she was confused as to where she was. The last thing she remembered was talking to a very odd Imperial and then…

Oh karabas

She had been captured again. My Masters never going to let her live this down. She could practically hear the lecture already.

You underestimated your enemy and these are the consequences.

Sicarius sighed no use contemplating it she was going get an earful and chastisement. Right now her priority had to be survival and escape in that order. Sicarius looked around her cell.

Asses your situation.

How had she been captured in the first place? She remembered the familiar stinging of electricity.

Ugh that's just embarrassing.

Normally Sicarius found a good electric shock enticing, even cathartic and therapeutic. To be immobolized by one was just humiliating. It was a trick that wouldn't work twice. Sicarius relaxed her muscles in case the Fool tried it again. If it did it'd still hurt but hardly be critical. Sicarius didn't mind a bit of pain. Most of the time she found it comforting.

Sicarius tried to reach out with her senses trying to get an idea of what she was up again. As soon as she harnessed her Force powers however a shock was sent through her. Sicarius spasmed but kept her composure.

Of course. A Force collar.

The Fool was apparently less of a fool then he let on. After all if he was a fool how foolish would she be to have been captured by him. Still even without her Force Sense she stretched her other senses and heard voices and steps coming her way.

Sicarius pretended to go back to sleep. Next she heard a loud horn and greeting.

"I've had worse. Whips and chains are more comfortable than mattresses and sheets." Sicarius answered dryly.

"So? I assume you know the usual questions?" Sicarius asked in a bored sullen tone. Before putting a faux fear in her voice "Who are you? What do you want with me?"

"You'll forgive me if I forego the usual begging of my life that usually goes with it."
Sicarius continued wryly "I've heard it enough times to know how tedious it can be."

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

There was a cup of expresso placed on the table across from Sicarius. Velran had requested his expresso to warmed and ready by the time he got to the interrogation room. Velran took the cup and sipped his tongue savoring the cinnamon flavor and his bushy mustache twitching with joy. "You know," Velran said plopping on the stool right in front of Sicarius. "I didn't know what to expect when I grabbed from Keegan, I expected more of a fight. But since you went down like a sack of bricks, I've been disappointed, you were so.... weak and pathetic."

He took another sip his sunken eyes lasering in on Sicarius. "I thought Sith Lords were tough," he said. "Or at least that's what the old Empire kept hammering in my head when I fought in the Sith-Imperial war. I personally never fought one but I've taken out many of their admirals who weren't as brilliant as I am. You are a curiosity Sicarius Hetake, you were on the run for a while after your little faction crumbled but you remain in the Kessel sector. Why?"

Velran smiled. "I'm the Em-" he began but hesitated for a bit before speaking again. "Not yet," he thought. "I'm not ready to reveal that part of myself just yet."

"I'm Grand Moff Velran Kilran," Velran said. "Proud descendant of Grand Moff Rycus Kilran AKA: The Butcher of Coruscant. "I'm the most brilliant strategist in all of the Galaxy and people will soon know who I am."

He paused taking another sip of expresso. "Like you Sicarius," Velran said. "Because you work for me now no ifs, ands, or butts."

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate

Sicarius watched with focus while feigning boredom. It was important not to show weakness even if you were a prisoner. Breaking a captive had more to do with the mind and soul then it did the physical. After awhile pain was just pain. If you were like Sicarius and had her training it even became somewhat enjoyable or atleast familiar. It was like the satisfaction of a strong work out. A sense of accomplishment combined with he familiar feeling of strained muscles and nerve tendons. Truthfully physically their was very little she could do. Even access to the Force was restricted by the blasting Force Collar. So Sicarius current goal was information, intelligence anything she could use against her captor or for her escape.

Sicarius eyed the beverage her captor was Drinking from. It was a mildly effective technique it gave the captor a sense of control even luxury away from their prisoner. Something waved under their nose so close and yet might as well be a parsec away. It did nothing for Sicarius. His insults however were a mild flash of anger.

"Well I hate to be a disappointment." Sicarius returned dryly "Why don't you let me out of these chains and I'll try to satisfy your expectations?"

Sicarius raised an eyebrow at the use of her full name. It wasn't exactly a closely held secret but it demonstrated the man had done his research before capturing her. Meaning she was his specific intended target not just a random Sithnapping.

"Well Grand Moff Velran Kilran descendant of Grand Moff Rycus Kilran. I can't say I'm impressed despite your grand claims."

Still it was an opening Sicarius could use. She now knew who her captor was and if he expected her to wor for him he'd have to free her jst enough to be useful. Which was better than her current situation.

"And exactly what do you think my if's ands or butts would be doing for you Grand Moff Kilran?"

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran


Velran began to laugh at Sicarius faux defiance, he knew that underneath the boldness was a caged animal frustrated at her surroundings, shackled by the limitations placed by him. She wasn't so tough now that she's been leashed and came crashing down to a mere mortal. "Oh, I'm so good," Velran thought to himself.

"You're cute Sicarius," Velran continued to laugh at the young Sith Lord. "How stupid do you think I am?! I know the moment I remove that collar, you'll force choke me to death and then drink my wonderful and delicious coffee while going on a bloody rampage across my impervious labratory. Well guess what buddy?!"

Velran took a sip before taking a deep breath. "I'm not removing it so don't even bother asking."

It was irritating that Sicarius doubted his family heritage, the first person to do so for that matter. He'll let that slide for now, there were bigger fish to fry. "You are going to work on HORRIBLE experiments!" Velran said gleefully. "Plus you'll be tagging along with me in hunting Force Artifacts that I will use against your kind!"

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate

Sicarius expression was caught somewhere between a frown and a raised eyebrow. The truth was Velran despite his obvious inbalance was tactically technically correct. What he said had been what was going through her head. Right down to drinking his espresso, though he got the order wrong. She'd have left him conscious long enough to see her enjoy the espresso before killing him. The rest however was for the most part accurate.

Sicarius made a decision to stop dismissing him as the fool he was half way tying to present himself as. If he was a fool than she was the greater fool for falling into his trap and becoming his prisoner. Maybe he really was the tactical genius he claimed to be. Sicarius in a way could appreciate that more given her circumstances. Being captured by a tactical genius was better than being captured by a Hutt. Look at her moving up in the world of prison guards.

Sicarius was admittedly a little curious as to his demands.

"Experiments and sith artifacts?" Sicarius asked "In other circumstances I might've even enjoyed being employed by you mad man."

"My kind?"
Sicarius laughed out loud "would that be Sith?

"I have no kind"

"Most of them are power hungry fools, who rise to power only to be torn down. Half the time at the hands of their own apprentices."

"Something tells me you'll suffer the same fate all power hungry fools do."

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

Velran took another sip of his expresso chuckling at Sicarius' expense, she called him a mad man which reminded Velran of his fellow Moffs. They would rebuke Velran, calling him a "psychological nutcase" for Velran to kill and conquer everything in the Empire's path. But those bloated, pompous, nincompoops who only "earned" their title through nepotism are all dead while Velran continues to survive and thrive. "You are quite the comedian Sicarius," Velran said nodding in agreement. "But the greatest geniuses in the Galaxy were dismissed as mad men, from Grand Admiral Thrawn, to Emperor Palpatine and of course...... yours truly."

He wondered how someone like Thrawn would take being doubted and passed in favor of an incompetent moron like Admiral Kendal Ozzel. So many times, the Empire collapsed because of fools like an Ozzel and Velran saw one too many Ozzels in the final days of the New Imperial Order. He hated it so much especially when he was a descendant from greatness. What would Rycan Kilran think of the NIO? He would be sickened to see them laugh and throw parties when they had the Galactic Alliance on their heels. "We've proposed what was considered radical," Velran said. "Continue to stomp at the throat of our enemies, never take your eye off of the goal of the Empire that is built. But my brethren......"

Velran took another sip of expresso. "Called me a madman," Velran sniggered nearly spitting out his caffeine. "But they have been proven wrong and I still remain standing and thriving."

Sicarius once again exudes arrogance saying that she "wasn't like all the other Sith." "Seriously Sicarius," Velran laughed. "I'm building a comedy club at Eggmanland: The NEW capital city of Lianna. You'll be a main attraction with your jokes. You are a typical Sith Sicarius. I fought you people for most of military career and they all say what you said. In fact even though you and Mr Clean over there share......passionate feelings for each other, we already know that you will kill him when the time comes."

Velran thin lips slowly curled into a smile as he tilted his head to the side. "You THINK you're unique and special and all that." Velran said. "But you are woefully predictable. Only a handful are truly destined for greatness...... like me. Nothing can match my genius."

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate

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Sicarius maintained her feigned boredom while she studied her captor. While he was unbalanced, he did seem to be intelligent. She was sceptical of his claims to being a genius but then as the saying went the difference between madness and genius was a flip of the coin. He certainly wasn't afraid of false modesty, more than willing to flatter his own ego. Which was something Sicarius may be able to exploit.

"I suppose you have a point." Sicarius admitted wryly "You wouldn't be the first mad man to try to take over the galaxy."

"Perhaps not even the first to succeed should you manage to do so."

It was as close to a reluctant compliment that she could manage. Besides if she suddenly started singing his praises it would've been to obvious a ploy. She needed to play the reluctant capitulation before playing the zealous convert.

Sicarius watched as he continued to glorify himself. Typical narcissism how everyone doubted him and he somehow rose to greatness despite everyone naysaying him. Sicarius had seen more factions and empires rise and fall then she cared to count or follow. Politics was a fools game. As soon as one mad man was put on a pedestal he was torn down from it. Being the head of something just made you the convenient target of decapitation. Sicarius ambitions were more modest. She admitted to wishful thinking of a small moon of her own, her own fiefdom might be nice. Dxun perhaps. Really though she just wanted somewhere where she could study her experiments, her artifacts, learn the secrets of the universe. Maybe discover immortality in the process.

The man in front of her could in fact be an asset towards those ambitions. Useful even, until he wasn't useful anymore.

Sicarius frowned as his frazzled mind went from self gratification to mocking.

A comedy club? Really? Where did that come from?

Sicarius shrugged as Velran commented on her and her Masters relationship.

"Perhaps. Someday I may kill him. Those passionate feelings are just a useful tool in my box should I need to do so."

"Enough with the self indulgent flattery!
" Sicarius snapped at him "What exactly doe your greatness and genius want of me?"

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

"It's NOT self-indulgent flattery if it's filled with truth!" Velran roared spraying flecks spit and expresso all over Sicarius' face. Typical of Sith to be arrogant in face of their betters. They were too prideful and stubborn to admit how wrong they are about pretty much everything. Which was why they kept losing to the Galactic Alliance and then reforming, and then losing to the Alliance again. It was a like a vicious cycle that they were all too happy to continue, the Sith were like a tumor that refuses to go away. However, Velran will put a permanent end to their miserable soon enough.

"Great," Velran blew at his thick moustache. "Thanks to your little blow up, I no longer have the appetite to drink my wonderful expresso thanks Sith. Because of that, you're going to wear my old boot!"

Akiya Orime Akiya Orime was forced to wear it once and she was miserable and stinky, very stinky. "To business then," Velran pulled out his holotransmitter device from his pocket and an image of a green mask flickered above. "This here," Velran smiled. "Is a mask forged by Shas Dovos: A Metallurgist who served the Sith. As soon as he discovered his talent with the Force, Shas began weaving Sith magic in his works. The Mask of Maniae as he called is an artifact said to grant its wearer power that is limited to their imagination."

Velran smiled. "I've spent time and a lot of effort to find its resting place and I found it in the most obvious place. Dovos' home planet: Onderon. The place where it's at is filled with Force powered objects. I'm going to need you to go in and sniff it out."

He smiled. "I'm coming with you of course," Velran said. "We're a packaged deal you and I!"

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate

Sicarius winced in dismay as the mad man's spittle flew into her face. Once again in other circumstances she might've enjoyed the sensation, but here and now it just reeked of desperation and unbalance. This Velran character was a mercurial man. He seemed to have moments of brilliant insight and the next moment random tangents of nonsense. He certainly had enough pride and hubris to believe his own tripe. It was a weakness to be exploit. Truthfully Sicarius didn't think she could pull off feigned devotion, not long term and she had already begun a path of derision. Fortunately it seemed to already be an effective tactic. It threw Velran into distraction, certainly as close to off guard as she could manage while she was chained and his prisoner. For now.

A Boot?

Sicarius had been expecting some sort of torture and humiliation. Though she supposed being forced to wear a boot was somewhat indignified. It felt more like a hazing prank for a new recruit than a serious threat towards her.

Sicarius shook herself awake as Velran began explaining what he wanted her for. Finally. Sicairus had to admit she was intrigued. It was exactly the sort of artifact her and her Master tried to track down. Usually through contacts in the criminal underworld. There contacts now that they had eliminated the need for a go between that was Gula.

Sicarius had to consider other than her current predicament, these circumstances were almost ideal. In fact Sicarius and her Master couldn't have planned this situation better. Without trying they had manipulated a powerful figure from another faction funding, support and resources to track down artifacts for her to study.

Onderon. Sicarius had always wanted to visit both it and it's moon Dxun. To study the artifacts and animals they were said to contain.

"Maybe this arrangement could work." Sicarius admitted almost reluctantly "I'll need access to my powers if I'm going to sense any confluences of Force nexus the artifact may emit."

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
Velran laughed at Sicarius’ saying that the “arrangement” could work. Seriously, once he builds Eggmanland, Sicarius will definitely be the main attraction for his comedy hour event. She is laughing riot under the delusion that their working relationship was not going to work. “Let me tell ya sweetie!” Velran smiled. “This arrangement WILL work! You have no choice but to obey me!”

Sith HATED to be chained up and be told what do. They always felt like they were In Control. Truth is, only a handful of people control the Galaxy not by waving their hand summoning Force gooblegook but by the strength of will. “If you don’t act like total chit, I’ll adjust the your force collar to the point where you can access only basic force powers.”

Velran got up and stretched smiling at Sicarius. He was in a good mood though Sicarius was bent on making his life miserable based on her defiant look which was etched all over face. “Also you won’t have access to your lightsabers during the expedition. Can’t rip me in half while I’m not looking hmmm?”

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate
Sicarius sighed as the Mad Man cackled like he was in a childish holofilm. She had already agreed to his proposal but he still felt the need to assert his dominance. To reiterate that he was the one in charge and she 'had no choice but to obey.' As if Sicarius could be broken that easily. She had begun this conversation a prisoner, and had maneuverer it into her being granted limited freedom and some resources to doing something she wanted to do anyway. Honestly who was manipulating whom here.


Sicarius nodded with confirmation as Velran confirmed that she would be given access to her powers on a limited basis. Perhaps not enough to forcibly escape, but for the moment escape may not be necessary. This arrangement could be quite beneficial for her in both the short term and long term. If Velran proved to be as usefool a tool as he was already being. It could be a very lucrative arrangement.

In response to Velrans smile and comment Sicarius gave her own smile a mirror to Velran's. Perhaps not quite as deranged.

"Of course. More than reasonable. I wouldn't want to cut short a potentially beneficial relationship so soon anyhow."

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
Sicarius wasn’t as smart as she thinks. Sure she can perform experiments, but at the end of the day, Velran will tell her what to do and what to research. She won’t have any Force powers except on missions under strict supervision and her lightsabers right now were locked away somewhere where Sicarius will never find it. “She doesn’t understand that I’m not going to manipulated by a Sith,” Velran thought. “She just looks at me wrong and ooohhhh she’ll pay.”

“Outstanding,” Velran got up from his chair and pressed a button on the wall. The restraints on Sicarius chair retracted freeing her. “Now!” Velran said. “Let us be off!”

He turned on his heel only to stop and crane his head to Sicarius. “Oh and by the way,” he said. “Before we leave I would like to have you know that if you even try to use your experiments to kill me or I think that said experiments might kill me, You will be executed immediately.”

Velran smiled and motioned Sicarius to follow him. “Also I won’t deactivate your force collar until we reach the planet. Now let’s go!”

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate
Sicarius noted with satisfaction as her restraints released her from her confines. Sicarius arose from her chair as if it were a throne. She sighed with relief as she stretched out her muscles and bones that had been confined. Honestly it hadn't been the longest she'd ever been tied up. She was pretty sure she'd been tied up for longer recreationally. Let alone for actual imprisonment. She did however enjoy stretching out her body and curves in gloating victory of being released.

"Also I'll need a lab for my experiments. Preferably mobile in fact. A state of the art room on a transport would suffice."

Sicarius grimaced with disappointed as Velran denied her the pleasure of imagining one of her Sithspawn tearing him apart. Still it could be fun imagining a day when they could.

"Will we be taking a freighter to Onderon? Or have you requisitioned a star destroyer?" Sicarius asked wryly.

Sicarius continued to list the resources she would require. This had turned into a very beneficial encounter after all.

"I might perhaps need an assistant as well. Someone I could work with bounce idea's off of. Someone with basic science background would be preferably."

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
"Oh yeah I already had your lab set up weeks before I grabbed you," Velran said casually. "It's across the hall from where we're at." Velran raised an eyebrow when Sicarius began to stretch her pale limbs. It almost reminded him of how Ikris Kresad Ikris Kresad would dance slowly and seductively as if she thought it would please Velran. Was Sicarius trying pull off the same thing? Because it was failing miserably just like how Ikiris dances were more of a waste of time. Though a small part of Velran did have a soft spot for Ikiris and as much as Velran hated it, he did give into Ikiris' offer for a night of pleasure.

"A waste of time," Velran thought but with Ikiris, he slowly started to confide his feelings to her. Even though she had the personality of a Droid. "Take a good look!" Velran said urging Sicarius to stare at her new lab.


"It took me three days to build," Velran said. "It's sooo beautiful! And don't worry! You'll be an assistant to another despicable creature named Akiya Orime Akiya Orime ."

Velran shuddered when he mentioned Akiya, all she did was whine about how bad she got it in the Mountains lately. How tired she was being bound and suspended every night. Akiya should be thankful that he didn't execute her for frequently escaping the lab. Recently, Akiya had been whining for a lab assistant to help her with the Clone Army and other projects. Something that Velran barely listened to since he was busy with constructing his grand plan.

"Yeah, Akiya has been moaning about wanting a lab assistant," Velran said. "I might as well indulge her so she can shut up about it. So after our little excursion you go and talk to Akiya because from now on! You are her assistant and you do as she says! Kay!"

Velran chuckled before gripping Sicarius arm. "Now! We shall be off on my Star Destroyer!" He said dragging her out of the interrogation room.

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate
Sicarius nodded with firm confidence as Velran acknowledged that he already had a lab set up for it. Whatever else this new relationship would turn out to be atleast it would be one well funded and with resources for her to continue her work.

Sicarius new found confidence was shattered as Velran gestured to her 'new lab'.

"You can't be serious?!" Sicarius scoffed "That hutt, no hutt is too generous a term. Not even a Hutt would subject the lowest slave to such a place. That is barely even a shed. A shoddy shed."

Sicarius fumed while she calmed herself down, using some breathing exercises her Master had taught her.

"I apologise if my… requests were too.... imperious…." Sicarius gritted her teeth while she forced herself to be considerate. "If you want results I will need fascilities to perform adequately. Even a basic med lab would do."

We'll see who winds up whose assistant. I hope she measure's up.

For once though Sicarius thought before speaking outload.

"I hope I measures up." Sicarius muttered with resignation.

Admittedly the thought of breeding her own Clone army held some appeal. Particularly if she was able to splice the DNA with desirable traits. Strength of a Feeorin would be interesting if applied to rapid growth Clones. Perhaps pheromone control of Zeltrons for more specialised work. Both could be quite profitable to the right buyer.

Sicarius was still trying to track the strange Moff's shifts in thoughts, while she herself was contemplating possibilities.

Despite the circumstances Sicarius was looking forward to finding a Sith artifact, with the resources of a Star Destroyer backing her. It had been a long time since Sicarius had had such resources at her disposal.

"I'm looking forward to it." Sicarius admitted with a genuine smile.
Velran Kilran Velran Kilran
"Maybe," Velran said grabbing Sicarius' bony arm and began to drag her out of the interrogation room. "Once I get the budget, you'll probably get a small med room but for now, you'll have to make due with that shack!"

Velran rolled his eyes at Sicarius' whining about how it was unfair. "Be thankful I got you something seesh!" Velran said. "I was going to give you nothing but my conscience was tugging at me relentlessly saying that poor Siciarius will be throwing a massive temper tantrum if she doesn't her way."

He giggled at his response. "I'm such a nice guy am I?" Velran said tugging Sicarius' arm in an Iron vice grip. "But your duties are more than just creating experiments or bioweapons for the Empire, but also you'll be doing what Akiya Orime Akiya Orime tells you to do. Just anything regarding Biology and Genetics and blah, blah, blah! I need the production of the Clone Army to shift into maximum overdrive!"

Now that Velran was chosen to be Emperor by the Moff Council, it meant that he needed to make sure that the Clone Army would be sufficient enough to take on the entire Galaxy. That and Velran already has plans in place to build the Imperial Armada. He just needed to get rid of a few pesky flies who would dare try to undermine him. After an hour of walking, they arrived at the space pad where The Eggman was warmed up and ready to go. Velran pushed Sicarius onto the ramp as his Eggtroopers saluted him.

"Welcome to my ship," Velran smiled. "As soon as we're in space, we'll be jumping towards Onderon. So sit back, grab popcorn and enjoy the show!"

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate
Sicarius face flickered with skepticism at Velrans unconvincing commitment to getting Sicarius the resources she would need if he wanted to see some genuine results. Sicarius could breed an unstoppable army of Sithspawn clones if she had the right resources at her disposal. This humming and arring over her work and the necessary supplies it was going to take was dubious at best.

Given her current circumstances however she didn't have much say in the matter. Sicarius was going to have to work on her negotiation skills if she was going to get what she wanted out of this relationship. Demanding what she needed seemed to prove little assistance, and somehow Sicarius doubted flirtatious seduction was off the table. Whatever Velrans kinks and quirks were salaciousness didn't seem to be one of them.

While they walked Sicarius frowned as she considered the academic problem of a functioning Clone Army. The most famous Clone Army in the history of the galaxy had been from the Galactic Republic on Kamino. Even they had required years to fully develop their clones into peak physical condition. Too soon and a clone lacked the mental capacities to function as an effective soldier. Too slow and the production line and therefore the army wasn't ready for battle. Given how quickly the states of the various parties to the galaxy shifted, there would need to be fast production value.

Perhaps mindless thugs controlled by a commanding officer through the use of inhibitor chips. Which might be necessary anyway given the monsters Sicarius had in mind to create. A commander in control to direct the troops might be a viable solution.

Sicarius continued to ponder the problem as the ship jumped into hyperspace on their way to Onderon.

Onderon. Hmmm.

The planet had been a hub to more than one Sith Empire or Cult. Personally Sicarius had always been more intrigued by it's moon Dxun. Perhaps she could come back another time for that. Still this mission to Onderon might have more than one benefit. If Sicarius were able to witness one of the infamous Bestiary, or the Riders who rode them it might prove inspirational for her research.

Sicarius decided to meditate her thoughts on the trip. Before she knew it they had arrived.

"Onderon. Haven of the Sith." Sicarius frowned as she drew up a mental map of the galaxy "We'll be running close to the Galactic Alliance territory won't we?"

"Well outside your particular Imperial faction. I do not doubt your resolve merely pointing out reinforcements are unlikely to get here in time if they detect us and show up with a strong fleet ."

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

"Don't worry about the Galactic Alliance," Velran said still holding onto Sicarius' arm. "We'll be long gone before any patrols come if they come." There were hardly Alliance patrols across the Expansion Region. It was filled with Force imbued planets teeming dark history such as Oberon. No doubt, the Alliance would want the New Jedi Order to scour the area before they begin expanding. Besides, one of Velran's reforms was install a cloaking device onto the Star Destroyers especially the lightly armored ones. It'll be useful for recon and ambushes, but it was in the experimental phase. Perhaps Velran can force Moda Dorn Moda Dorn to actually get off her ass and finish the project.

"Let's get to the shuttle already," Velran said dragging Sicarius with him. "I've got a good lock on where to look, the artifact is said to grant its user power that is limited to their Imagination."

Velran smiled. "Of course one with an intellect like mine is filled with imagination. I'm looking forward to getting my hands on it."

Sicarius Hekate Sicarius Hekate
Sicarius raised an eyebrow at Velrans eagerness. Dismissing the Galactic Alliance as a threat seemed rash in her judgement, but she supposed even if they did come it might be an opportunity for Sicarius to see Velran and this latest rendition of the Empire in practice under pressure. If they couldn't even handle an Galactic Alliance patrol, they weren't worthy, and Sicarius would have to reconsider her employment to them. Still she supposed there were resources available if the mad man could command a Star Destroyer on a mission this close to Galactic Alliance territory it was looking like he might be a suitable sponsor after all. Atleast for now until Sicarius could determine how her research might progress, and the artifacts that she might be able to acquire under his sponsorship.

Sicarius allowed herself to be dragged towards the shuttle. She herself felt some tremor of nervous excitement at being so near to collecting a sith artifact of some value. Metallurgy was an underrated skill in this age of industry and production. If Sicarius was able to use the artifact as a device however she may be able to create object that rival even Mandalorian Beskar in their properties. An impenetrable suit of armor could have a number of uses on a battlefield.

"Very well, I'm coming, I'm coming." Sicarius acceded exasperated, he was like a child pushing to the front of the line for his toy. "Where exactly is this lock on of yours?"

Velran Kilran Velran Kilran

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