Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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SSB Auction - Mandal Hypernautics


"U-um... Starting bid for the Orge II's and AT-MP's...." said the shy little foxy-plant, suddenly springing up out of seemingly nowhere in the crowd. Saera had recently struck gold... well, not literally gold per se, actually a Cryastium nexus. Mining droids were just the thing she needed to speed up her quarrying efforts. Both mommies were rich, too. Suddenly, she blurted something else out.
"Sixty eight million for the big, fancy cruiser thing!"
Someone was getting grounded when next mommy looked at her bank account.
Even though the girl carried a rose-scented pheromonal musk about her always, no one would notice, because it wasn't plot-essential!


Saera sighed and made a quick, soft yip, pouting a little at her competitor's bidding.
"Seventy five for the cruiser...." her shy voice rung.


Grrr.... she growled.
"A HUNDRED!!!" the foxy-plant's timid little voice suddenly bellowed, accidentally echoed in the Force.
It was more than the thing was even worth, granted, but Saera didn't care. She was never much of a spoiled girl, but something about that other woman sat poorly with her and she didn't want to lose to such a figure. Children would always be naive; ignorance is bliss.
Rygel Larraq was mildly astonished at the current bidding being put in for the Skira-class Heavy Cruiser that he had brought to the auction. It was a rare ship that his company had made few of. Currently, there were only two in service beyond the one that was being sold here today. Apparently, customers were willing to pay through the nose for the rare and exotic.

<Lets see what they'll offer for something truly rare and exotic.> Larraq thought to himself as he sat his glass on the arm of his chair and stepped towards the podium.

“I'd like to thank each and every one of you for your interest in Mandal Hypernautics' products. I have been so moved by your interest in what my company has to offer the galaxy that I will offer up a special treat. Hyperion Mining will now be offering up one ton of Beskar to the highest bidder. There will be no set opening bid. Good luck to you all, and again, I thank you for your interest in what my company has to offer.” Larraq said before bowing slightly to the crowd and returning to his seat.

((OOC: All bidding will be closed for Mandal Hypernautics and Hyperion Mining products on Sunday at Midnight, Eastern Standard Time.))

Mandal Hypernautics Products
Standard Values, Stock Volume, and Opening Bid

Seeing as he was still the front runner for the VCE Droids, Judah could relax and watch the bidding war over the ships. He'd already bought a freighter over at Silk and lucked out on that Rassilon fighter, so there was no need to enter the auction for that reason. Swiveling in the chair, his comm was in hand as he scrolled through various messages. Just a little while longer and hopefully the engineering droids would be his.


Well-Known Member
JAC could use such a vast amount of Beskar...

4 million credits for the ton, alongside a 20 stand year contract seeking to further obtain the alloy at your leisure.

@[member="Captain Larraq"]

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