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Squad Goals: Khaeus' Bryn'adul vs Raaf's Sithspawn

Azel Moran


[SIZE=11pt]Credit: Original image by Ferdinand Ladera[/SIZE]



[SIZE=11pt]Sancred is a large, remote moisture farm. Industrial-grade vaporators provide a steady income for whichever crime lord owns the town. Most recently it was Blagga the Hutt, but Lord Blagga fell on hard times and Tusken Raiders overran what remained. Now the only thing that moves in Sancred is tumbleweeds and the occasional womp rat. But a canny operation could still make bank off the moisture vaporators, either by settling in for the long haul or by stripping them for valuable gear. More importantly, though, it’s believed that Blagga left a cache of Krayt dragon pearls somewhere in Sancred...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Two forces have converged on Sancred: Two dozen assorted Bryn’adul sent by [member="Tathra Khaeus"], and two dozen assorted Sithspawn deployed by [member="Taeli Raaf"]. It’s summer on Tatooine, and 35 degrees Celsius. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]OOC rules:[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]No PCs: you’re controlling only your NPC teams.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]‘Dragged to safety’ is fine, ‘killed in action’ is fine, ‘buried in rubble for later recovery’ is fine. What’s not fine is not losing troops. YOUR LOSSES ARE UP TO YOU. DON’T WRITE THE OTHER SIDE’S INJURIES/DEATHS.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]No air strikes.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]No vehicles heavier than a speeder bike.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Please clearly establish, relative to cardinal directions and/or landmarks, where your troops are on the map. This is especially important if you split them up.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=11pt]Have a stupid amount of fun please.[/SIZE]

A singular Shaman leads from the rear, riding a Skag as a storm of Draeyde falls at his back. Close to a thirty of the small creatures, lingering under the synthetic darkness cloaking their ink-wet bodies, ahead of the Shaman are six Brutes; heavily armoured, all standing somewhere between eight and nine feet in height, broad and brawny as they truck through the desert swath. On either side the small group is flanked by two Zealots. Ahead of them, six Savage Drones.

​The group is lead by the Shaman, extending the Draeyde forth like a black tendril as they surveyed the Landing Field. The Zealots lead individual groups of three Brutes as they push toward the Industrial Facility just beyond the field. The Zealots take to the rooftops, taking care to remain unseen as the Brutes wait, crouched along the length of the buildings right-most exterior wall.

The Shaman recalls the tendril of Draeyde; allowing them to take cover from the bleeding hot sun within the buildings. Sat atop the Skag, the Shaman remains at a distance from the rest of the ground as he moves to the buildings adjacent to the Administrative structures. The Shaman is followed by the Savage Drones, meekly following in toe.

Shaman x1
Brutes ​x6
Zealots x4
Draeyde Swarm x1
Drael Skag x1
Savage Drones x6

​| [member="Taeli Raaf"] |​
[member="Tathra Khaeus"]


Sticking his mighty glaive into the sand before him, the Turia Siqsa gazed upon the seemingly abandoned town to the north. He did not know why the Lady of Secrets desired something called Krayt Dragon Pearls, but he had been entrusted with a band of her Sithspawn to scour the place and kill anything in their path. He had claimed the southern most defense turret as his lair, the two Horde Mothers with him forming a defense with their offspring. The Spinner and Surgeons with him would be protected here, and he held the large armored titan that was the Natasizi-tatek in reserve.

The Ravagers hissed their displeasure at being deployed northward, moving sluggishly over the uneven earth, but it was by design. A cautious approach into town. Four meters below the surface, the Festerers and Blighters moved as a backup force for the Ravagers as they moved along the road from the southern turret northward.

In the southern most building, the one that had a few abandoned tanks left behind in front of it, the six Poisoners the Lady of Secrets gave him were stealthily exploring their surroundings. None of the forces knew battle would soon be joined against a rival band that had come for the pearls or the equipment left behind.
​The forces of the Bryn'adûl held their positions, lying in wait whilst the Shaman contacted the Bryn'adûl battlenet; alerting the awaiting superivising forces that they had reached sancred. Immediately, the Shaman dismounted as the Savage Drones moved toward the Moisture Vaporators, scouting for any remaining mercenaries or civilians.

​The Shaman could feel it, the swath of twisted flesh mounting the search for something oblivious to the Bryn'adûl. The Shaman could not determine the location of the foreign intelligence, but its presence was undeniable.

​A singular Zealot made his way to the tower adjacent to the industrial building the Brutes now moved along the foremost wall adjacent to the fence and the road ahead. The tower allowed the Zealot a view of the entirety station, and shortly thereafter - spotting the movements of six large repitilian beasts, heavy with crowned heads.

​The Zealot alerted the forces quickly through the battlenet. The Brutes moved across the road, heading toward small industrial building.

| [member="Taeli Raaf"] |​

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