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Approved Tech SpinalTap Bionic Augmentation

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  • Manufacturer: The Empire
  • Affiliation: STRIDER Company
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: 'SpinalTap' (SPinal Integrated, Neo-Augmented Lamina for Troopers of Advanced Physicality)
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Limited
  • Material:

  • Classification: Spinal Encasement
  • Size: Small
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances (Optional):
    • Energy Weapons: Very High
    • Kinetic Weapons: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • EMP/Ion: Very High
    • Environmental: Average
    • Disruptor: Low
    • Force: Low
    • Corrosive/Acid: Very Low
    • Sonic: Very Low
    • Radiation: Very Low

  • Mental
    • Advanced Combat Implant
      • This contains the technical details and advanced operating techniques for every kind of weaponry stored in the Empire's vast archives, enabling the subject to pick up and use whatever weapon they may be forced to turn to on the battlefield.
    • Advanced Combat System
      • This amplifies the speed at which impulses are fired along the subject's nervous system, greatly enhancing their reaction time and subtle motor control, which provides exceptionally greater skill with ranged weapons.
    • Advanced Sensory Implant
      • This augment's the subject's instinctual talent for the processing of visual data into signals that the brain can interpret and act upon - things like spatial recognition and general awareness of one's surroundings. It is a necessary aspect of the bionic to allow the brain to adapt to the newly-enhanced muscular strength and speed that the body is capable of
    • Bavakar Memory Chip
      • This implant can be activated with a thought when the subject needs an extra boost to their mental abilities, such as when suffering from the effects of hostile force powers or after enduring long, stressful combat engagements without proper rest.
    • Cortical Datasplint, Vessel Implant & Neural Recorder
      • The first two implants have been combined to provide the storage medium and output format needed for the brain to be able to handle and keep safely secure the vast amounts of data required by the latter. The Neural Recorder comes most in handy during reconnaissance missions when the soldier is required to produce extensively detailed reports on enemy forces to send back to their commander, and the Vessel Implant allows the data collected to be near-impossible to hack into and alter, delete or intercept.
  • Physical
    • Bio-antidote Package
      • Potentially forced to serve on alien, hostile worlds, the soldier fitted with a SpinalTap would be able to fight off almost any disease or toxin they may encounter while on long-range stealth or recon missions without sufficient support.
    • Biochemical Regulatory Implant
      • This implant regulates the subject's delicate biochemical levels which are greatly affected by the extensive physical changes brought on by this bionic augment. It is perhaps the most vital component of the bionic as without it the subject would almost never recover from the surgery or survive the months of post-op recovery.
    • Cardio Power System & Strength Package
      • These two implants combined turn the subject into a physical powerhouse, increasing their strength and stamina by tremendous, supernatural magnitudes.
    • Hyper-accelerated Implant
      • This stimulates the subject's fast-twitch muscle fibres and the associated nerves, rapidly increasing their alacrity and reflexes to an almost preternatural level.
    • Nerve Enhancement Package
      • This is a necessary aspect of the bionic, which regulates the augmented nervous system of the subject and provides a much-needed safety measure. If the bionic is damaged severely enough or affected by too much radiation exposure which causes it to go haywire and perform erratically, this package protects the user from losing consciousness and allows them to fight on, though weakened.
  • Miscellaneous
    • Biofeedback Regulator
      • This implant allows all of the complex systems the bionic is composed of to be powered by the subject's own bioelectricity and thus no direct power source is necessary.

  • The Ultimate Soldier: All the myriad benefits of the SpinalTap combine to mould whomsoever the bionic is implanted in into a peerless soldiers, able to think quicker, react faster, fight harder and push for longer than most un-augmented beings, to the point of being able to trouble a force user in combat.
  • The Best Offence, A Strong Defence: Due to the properties of the Fyrirdögun metal, the SpinalTap boasts an impressive defence against the most common forms of weaponry fielded in the warzones of the galaxy such as energy, kinetic and lightsabers. The most important of its resistances are against EMP & Ion attacks, crucial if the circuitry components within the bionic itself are to function properly in battle.
  • Self-Repairing Metal: The properties of the Fyrirdögun metal means any small damages to the bionic can be repaired without major surgery-repairs, at least long enough to enable the trooper to reach proper medical aid.

  • No Radiation, Please: The augment is especially vulnerable to attacks exposing it to high amounts of weaponised radiation.
  • Sonic Shockwave: While the augment would naturally sit under the subject's armour when in battle, direct attack with sonic weaponry onto their exposed back or that penetrates their armour would cause major damage to the augment, causing the delicate circuitry and systems to briefly go haywire.
  • Not A New Spine: The SpinalTap is only a lamina encasement of the subject's original spine that it integrates with and protects, but it does not replace the original skeletal structure. Therefore it is still reliant on the spine underneath remaining intact. If, for whatever reason, any of the bones in the spine are cracked, snapped or damaged in any way it would still affect the subject the same way it would a normal un-augmented human.
  • Strong of Mind, Strong of Body: The mental benefits this augment brings are extensive, but they do not offer the subject's brain or skull any extra protection in battle against all attacks. If the user were to suffer a head injury, the effects it would have on the function of the augment are unknown but would likely demand extensive repairs to the circuitry or operation of any of the individual implants.
  • Survival of the Fittest: The physical toll this bionic initially takes on each being it is implanted in is extreme to the point of potential death, before their body and the augment eventually work in tandem. Thus only those who are in good physical shape and possessed of an excellent cardio-vascular system could survive the implantation process.
  • Expensive: The advanced technology utilised within this bionic make it an extremely costly investment, limiting the scope of what units can benefit from.

The SpinalTap is the next generation in military-grade bionic augmentation, offering generals and commanders the option to further enhance their elite soldiers and turn them into lethal, feared opponents that would give even a force user pause. It takes the form of a sophisticated, expensive set of metal casements meant to be surgically bonded to the entire length of the subject's spinal cord. It is a costly, dangerous procedure that can result in the subject's death if they are not already in peak physical form. If they survive the surgery, they are severely impaired for weeks until their body begins to accept this new integration and allows the augmentation to radically improve both mental and physical attributes. It takes months to truly be effective as a soldier again while the subject adapts to their new, hyper-enhanced body and mind.


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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Ruaridh Aodh Ruaridh Aodh

I have to say, it is a very powerful piece of technology., but I really like the idea.
  • And because of it, I'd recommend modifying the Production scale to Semi-Unique and mention that it is a PC only item. But if you manage to balance the submission, then there is no problem with Limited either (and this is just a recommendation, not mandatory).
  • If I interpret correctly, in this case, do they change the subject's spine with this?
  • It is a combat implant, and it may be damaged, please add resistances to the template.
  • Only the first weakness is PvP relevant to the others PvE, and the user gains a lot of advantages with this implant. So please add at least 2 or 3 more PvP relevant weaknesses to your list. Because the submission is not balanced, but very overpowered.
With regards to your interpretation, it does change the subject's spine but it does not replace it entirely, I have added a relevant weakness to explain the difference but I can elaborate more in the description if need be.

I have added resistances to the sub, mostly based on those from the Fyrirdögun metal, but I feel I managed to balance them out appropriately. Relevant strengths and significant weaknesses have been added, hopefully in line with what you had suggested about PvP. Apologies for the extensive edits suggested by yourself, I ran with the cool idea I had but did not consider the overpowered nature of it. Just let me know if it needs more work, I'm happy to do so if you feel it isn't balanced enough yet. :)

T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Ruaridh Aodh Ruaridh Aodh

These are good change, and the only reason why I accept the Low Force resistance, because it is custom material and it is from the Netherworld, but please keep it in your mind this Low means literally none, and if someone is trying to hacking the implant with Mechu-deru, there will be no really resistance against it. And it is still powerful, please try to not abuse it and use it responsibly.

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