Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The Empire

The modern successor of the Galactic Empire, inheritors of the legacy and traditions of the former Imperial hegemon.

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Colton Renfro
Discord invite is not working for me :(:(:(
I'm new here. how do you do anything?
im new here. how do you do anything?
Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani)
How do you advance up the ranks? Also, how do you obtain items and ships? Do you need money?
I am a new member of this group I am IB-1165 pleasure serving!
I am a new member of this group I am IB-1165 pleasure serving!
I am a new member of this group I am IB-1165 pleasure serving!
I am a new member of this group I am IB-1165 pleasure serving!
Davin Votan
Hello all, early in the weekend I'll be posting a thread focused on Ord Mantell, concerning a growing insurgency on the planet. All are welcome!

They'll be a few objectives to rally around if you'd like or you can create your own.
Objective 1- "Negotiate"with the local criminal underworld...
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Ignacious Korvan
Ignacious Korvan
Your idea sounds interesting. Normally we ask that such faction-level ideas be submitted to us in private before they are launched.

Please discuss this thread privately with me.

Until then, this thread idea is on indefinite delay.
Just wanted to say hello to everyone I'm a new member on this site so any tips just drop me a message
Would anyone like to rp with me?
Lucien Dooku
An Imperial Task Force of Knights & Stormtroopers responds to an ominous situation of an entire Knight Chapter going dark on Concordia. The Age of Strife continues to unfold, and this time it is the Knights who must deal with an issue that effects not just the Empire, but many of their own. Many...
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Saul Vandron
After the daring Jedi raid on the Imperial Blacksite Barbarous, rebellious elements on Dorin are emboldened to act. The Dorin Uprising has begun. Crush the terrorists in the name of the Emperor.
Saul Vandron
The Chiss Crisis Arc has wrapped up! Read all about it here in the Aftermath article plus if you've participated -- go ahead and snatch that Campaign Medal at the bottom.

Saul Vandron
Amidst the developing cold war between the Galactic Alliance and the Empire, the strained relationship between the Imperial state and the Mandalorian Enclave will be put to the test, lest it be ripped asunder.
Saul Vandron
Put on that Imperial uniform drip and meet your fellow Imperials! To the Empire!

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