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'SPECTRE' (Bond 24)

[member="Connor Harrison"]
Why are they giving us such spoilers though in the trailer? The first trailer left it all wonderfully ambiguous, but now they've probably spoiled a lot of the film.

Have we seen the villain before in the previous movies?
[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

We've seen Mr.White (obviously) in 'Casino Royale' and 'Quantum Of Solace' and had that inkling he worked for a great big organisation with dialogue like "We have people everywhere" and "Money isn't as important to my people than knowing who to trust."

The idea was Quantum was going to be the 'new' SPECTRE, but that fell through with the luke-warm reception to 'Quantum Of Solace', so now I think Quantum is going to be a cell of SPECTRE.

So Mr.White is back, not for the whole movie, as one who probably looks washed-up as Quantum may have been disbanded so he is left alone, and Bond seeks him out to find what he can about the organisation he teased up on in the first two films.

'Skyfall' seems to be a standalone film, but I'm not sure what links that will have to the SPECTRE organisation, if any. It probably will, but I don't know what.

So Franz Oberhauser (Waltz) who is our new villain and seemingly leading SPECTRE hasn't been seen or mentioned before, and it's the big is he/isn't he playing a new interpretation of Blofeld. Like the Benedict Cumberbatch debate in 'Star Trek Into Darkness' - is he / isn't he playing Khan?

[member="Valiens Nantaris"]

He has to be...but then other speculations are the bloke from 'Sherlock' who is in it, is Blofeld.

I doubt it, but it's a fan theory as he is more age-fitting to sign a multi-picture deal as a criminal mastermind. BUT if there IS a Blofeld, it has to be done by someone as brilliant as Waltz.
New teaser poster:


Shades of 'Goldfinger' and 'Live And Let Die'.

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