Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Sparring on Kestri once more


Looking For A Match

Equipment:Equipment In Bio
Tag: Lycia Lycia

They had fallen into a steady rhythm, both of them looking to get an advantage over the other. This was a great moment for her. She waited till Lycia came in again but instead of waiting to deliver a powerful strike with her fists she took full advantage of her reach by lancing out with a snap kick towards Lycia gut hoping to wind her opponent allowing her to push back out of the ring.

Knock out or submission seemed unlikely as Lycia’s quickness was proving a difficult factor for her to counter so she opted to go for a ring out instead. So she intensified the ferocity of her attack trying to close the gap leaving Lycia less room to maneuver




Sparing Practice
Whilst the kick didn't connect well with the Selonian it did have the desired effect of forcing the woman back. The reason for training was to learn and improve and in this instance, Lycia needed to improve her situational awareness. Whilst she was practically making circles around the stronger woman she was not paying attention to where she was going. So with another few blows dodged the tail of the Selonian exited the ring and then her foot as she stabilised to take a swing in return but stopped mid-strike as the claxon sounded a ring out.
"Smart, very smart. I make that one each by my count." A soft chuckle as Lycia moved back around and into the wring, "Alright, best of three and the loser buys the first round if I'm not mistaken" Taking up position on the other side, now aware of what to expect.



Looking For A Match

Equipment:Equipment In Bio
Tag: Lycia Lycia

“Thank you, a lot of fighters my size get to where they rely solely on their size and strength to win their bouts but a better fighter learns to put strength, speed, and intelligence all into one package.

She nodded in assent as she moved back to her side of the ring facing once more opposite her opponent.

“I do believe that was the wager. Unless you would like to up the ante?”




Sparing Practice
"I've had too many fools try and beat me with strength alone. Sure you get a hit on me I ain't gonna last long but my style is to not be hit" Moving around taking the moment between to get her rhythm back, a smile at the offer of upping the wager. Temptation, interest, and a fair helping of confidence.
"Dinner, and if there's anything else you consent to we could put that as a wager" Propositioning the other woman, making sure that if they were to put such a thing on the table that consent was had from both parties. Lycia would never force any being into such a position. In fact the name Werewolf had come from what she did to those types of beings



Looking For A Match

Equipment:Equipment In Bio
Tag: Lycia Lycia

Shakka blinked in utter surprise at the response to her askance of upping the ante. She had figured that the response would have been a challenge for more rounds of drinks rather than this. Her face flushed a reddish-purple and for the first time the young mando wasn't sure if she wanted to continue the fight.

"That is not what I meant at all… I was thinking of more drinks."

The big Twi'lek shifted nervously on her feet her embarrassment making her want to leave but her the desire to honor her word at having agreed to fight three rounds making her stay in place.




Sparing Practice
Lycia gave a bow of apology realising she had probably asked a bit too much there.
"Just drinks and grub then. Apologies there Shakka. Ready when you are" and then nothing more was said on the issue as she got into stance. Once again the announcer gave the go and the Selonian moved forward slowly half wanting the Twi'lek to go forward. However, Lycia would strike first, closing the last of the distance going for a low kick



Looking For A Match

Equipment:Equipment In Bio
Tag: Lycia Lycia

She nodded her acknowledgement of the apology. Then the fight was back on. The selonian closed fast throwing a low kick Shakka reached out and caught the kick as it came. She twisted moving flip the Lycia. This time she wasn’t letting go with a terrifying swiftness the big twi’lek moved to pin the selonian under her in a top mount. There she would rain blows until her opponent either submitted or managed to get away.




Sparring Practice
Agility and speed over strenght and power. Shakka grabbing their leg as she attempted to strike out a kick, pulling her back and trying to pin Lycia. She would wrap her body to get herself some grip and try to counter and grapple back. Trying to get an arm around the other womans throat and doing everything she could to make this difficult. Squirming around to try and break free, trying to grip at the twi'lek and get her to submit instead. Blows comming down she was doing well, getting a grip around her throat. However, in the process inadvertadly shigting the weight of the grapple with a shoulder coming down into her ribs with a crack.
"Fuck" In turn managing to slip out and move back coughing. Hands up in a yield.



Looking For A Match

Equipment:Equipment In Bio
Tag: Lycia Lycia

As soon as she heard the crack she began disengaging that sound only meant one thing: a broken bone. She scrambled quickly to her feet and went to help Lycia up but she had already risen with her hands up in a yield. She quickly acknowledged the yield but she spoke quickly.

“That wasn’t a clean victory, let's get you to the medcenter and call this a draw?”




Sparring Practice
"Hahaha, probably deserved that honestly." Taking the twi'lek's hand and getting fully upright. It was her own fault honestly, tunnel vision to victory and not accounting for having the full weight on her lower ribs.
"Worth it honestly hah. Been a while since I had a good fight like that." Letting the other woman help her to the medical bay to get some bacta for the rib. "I'll get you a drink anyway vod"




Looking For A Match

Equipment:Equipment In Bio
Tag: Lycia Lycia

She chuckled as they moved towards the med center helping Lycia along beside her a slightly awkward position as the size difference made her stoop.

“Nah, if I may humbly suggest we wait until that rib is fully healed and then we schedule a rematch with double or nothing odds.”

They were turning the corridor towards the med center now.

“How does that sound?”




Sparring Practice
Nodding in response, moving into the med bay and having a medic check her over. It was a good fight and Lycia did feel like she lost. However, a rematch would be fun.
"Yeah, that sounds fair. Well until next time then"



Looking For A Match

Equipment:Equipment In Bio
Tag: Lycia Lycia

“Until next time Lycia.”

The big twi’lek said as she headed out into the corridor towards her quarters. Well that had been quite fun. She looked forward to the next time they sparred. It was always interesting to meet other vod like her. Shakka didn’t necessarily put a lot of stock on what species a vod came from but it was still pleasant to interact with other alien vod.



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