Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Space, Space, and more Space

[member="Darth Erebos"] He sat next to Erebos and he thought of marvelous things. Power. Woman. Money. The lot of it and he loved every dirty thought. He wiped his mouth because he noticed he was slobbering a bit. He looked up from his chair and looked upon Erebos's throne. That will be me someday he thought. He groomed his beard. "Very interesting. Can you tell me a bit about the room I will be staying in? Is it a regular grunts quarters or what?"
"No I have a few guest quarters that I allow friends or vip visitors to have while they stay aboard." Erebos said as he turned his head towards [member="Morningstaarr"] while he spoke. Outside the blackness of space turned into blue streaks as the ship jumped into hyperspace.
Erebos nodded to [member="Morningstaarr"] and then turned his head to look forwards as the ship was close to leaving hyperspace.
The quarters were almost lavish compared to the quarters at the academy but they were also quite bare boned. Aside from a very comfortable bed and sitting chairs, there was also a bookcase which held some sith writings as well as a few good fictional works throughout the ages.
[member="Darth Erebos"] Staar would read the Sith book for an hour before he felt that he had learned enough from it. His droid, N6 was also in his quarters. The small astromech droid was a dark green. "Hey, N6 wanna do me a favor?" beep. The droid left the room shortly after. Staar decided to meditate for the next 3 hours.
Erebos sat in his chair for an hour as the ship scanned and surveyed the system they had jumped into. "Sir there is nothing here." Captain Pelarious said as he looked from his command station towards Erebos with a look of dissatisfaction. "That is all right captain, I wasn't expecting to find anything either. Put the ship on standby with it's stealth field engaged and put on the low function crew rotations, they've earned a rest." ERebos said as he stood up and walked out of the bridge, taking the elevator down until he reached the guest quarter section of the ship which then connected to his private section.

[member="Darth Erebos"] Staar had sensed Erebos's presence. He stood up and readied himself for Erebos to come in. He radioed to N6 "Come back immediately, N6." He hope the droid got what he had sent it for.
Erebos simply walked passed [member="Morningstaarr"]'s room but he did see the astromech come rolling back into his room. This raised a few questions in Erebos's mind, questions Staar would have to answer to, and truthfully.
[member="Darth Erebos"] N6 came back and Staar noticed that Erebos never came in the room. Should he be relieved or scared? He didn't know. "Did you get it?" beep. Staar smiled. "Good job, N6. Remind me to get you a tune up next time we're at Coruscant, alright buddy?
Erebos began to suspect the young acolyte he had invited aboard his ship. 'He was quite eager to go the bridge and engine room...' Was chief amongst those thoughts of @Morningstaarr. "Captain please post three more guards in the cabin area's, particularily around the guest quarters."
[member="Darth Erebos"] ( what we going to do now? I'm sort of stumped on how to really continue with you some where else on the ship )

Staar stepped outside of his cabin and noticed that there were more guards there then usual. Was Erebos suspicious? Maybe but Staar didn't want to think on that for now. "Trooper, where is Erebos? I wish to speak with him."
[member="Morningstaarr"] (I usually play things by ear but If your interested I have an Idea.)

The trooper looked at Staar and then gestuered with his gun towards the private section of the ship. "I suggest you ask the guard there to guide you in, Last guy who walked in there without permission is still in physical therapy." The guard said, though if it was a joke or not was hard to determine.
The one [member="Morningstaarr"] had been directed to was a chiss female, who looked more like an administrative assistant rather than a crew member. "And what if I am?" She asked him in the usual disinterested and unemotional tone that the chiss were famous for.
The woman looked [member="Morningstaarr"] up and down, before seeming to scoff to herself as she looked unimpressed then she gestured for him to follow her and she walked into the private section of the ship. It didn't take her long to go into the private library that Erebos had on board and find him there.
Erebos stood in front of a table and stared at a holographic map that was being projected from a datacron in front of him. When the woman and Staar arrived into the room he waved his hand and shut off the hologram. "Yes?" He asked absentmindedly as he reached out with the force to pull another datacron and a data pad from two different shelf's and bring them floating lazily through the air to the table in front of him.
[member="Darth Erebos"] ( what was that thing we were going to do? )

Staar was infuriated at the way the Chiss disregarded him. How dare a lesser being disregard him!? It took every part of him not to unsheathe his lightsaber and cut her in half. Oh that would make him very happy. When they entered the room that Erebos was in his eyes wandered over all room. So much information he thought to himself. "I just wanted to tell you that I'll only be staying for a couple more hours, M'Lord. I thought it only felt right to do it face to face."
"And what did your droid do when it left your quarters?" Erebos then said, keeping his back turned to [member="Morningstaarr"] as he went through a datapad. The chiss seemed quite surprised at this and looked at Staar with a curious look, though she also did take a few steps to the side away from him.

(I Was thinking of a trip to korriban, if you are up for it?)

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