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Approved Lore Sovereign Compass (Political Party)

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  • Organization Name: SOVCOM - 'Sovereign Compass'
  • Classification: Political Party
  • Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance
  • Organization Symbol: Galactic Compass: A compass with multiple points, representing diverse perspectives and directions without being guided by the Force.
  • Description: The SOVCOM group holds dear the principles of individual freedom, advocating for a government free from Force-related influence. They emphasize the importance of a system where citizens' rights are paramount, echoing sentiments of equal representation, justice, and the right to pursue one's path without external Force interference. Their commitment to a Republic of freedom mirrors values found in the principles of self-governance, embracing diversity, and upholding a legal system independent of Force users.
  • Headquarters: Coruscant
  • Domain: They own an Office Building in the Galactic City
  • Notable Assets: None at this time
  • Hierarchy:
    • Bureau of Civic Integrity and Loyalty: Oversees civic education and ensures loyalty to the principles of SOVCOM within the Republic.
    • Department of Information and Outreach: Manages public relations, disseminates information about the benefits of a Force-free Republic, and conducts outreach programs.
    • Office of Galactic Progress: Focuses on projects and initiatives that promote the ideals of individual freedom, democratic governance, and the separation of the Force from political influence.
    • Council for Galactic Harmony: Facilitates dialogue and cooperation among various sectors, promoting harmony and unity without the interference of the Force.
    • Division of Ethics and Governance: Develops and upholds ethical standards in governance, ensuring that the Republic operates without undue influence from Force users.
    • Committee for Constitutional Purity: Safeguards the founding principles of the Republic, ensuring that the laws remain untainted by Force-related agendas.Advisory Council on
    • Neutral Diplomacy: Manages diplomatic relations, advocating for the neutrality of the Republic in the face of external Force-driven conflicts.
    • Galactic Order Wardens (GOW): The military and security division, known as the Galactic Order Wardens, responsible for protecting the Republic and enforcing the principles of SOVCOM.
  • Membership: Approximately 50,000 individuals are part of the Sovereign Compass (SOVCOM) political party. To become a member of SOVCOM, individuals must share a deep commitment to the principles of individual freedom, democratic governance, and the separation of the Force from political power. Prospective members typically undergo a thorough screening process to ensure alignment with these ideals. While there isn't a specific initiation or ritual, new members may be required to participate in missions or tasks that demonstrate their dedication and skills. These missions serve to integrate members into the organization and showcase their commitment to the cause. In terms of employment within the organization, individuals interested in joining SOVCOM can apply through a structured recruitment process. This involves showcasing their skills, demonstrating a deep understanding of SOVCOM principles, and participating in interviews.

    (Overall, joining SOVCOM is simple in both IC and OOC. OOC Treoff can be sent a message, and IC the character just apply, fill out an application at a recruiter spot, make a pledge, and they have joined.)
  • Climate: SOVCOM operates within a structured and dedicated framework, fostering a unified commitment to individual freedom, democratic governance, and the separation of the Force from political influence. The organization's internal culture values collaboration and diversity, providing members with opportunities to showcase their skills through missions and tasks. While daunting and potentially exhaustive, this structured yet dynamic environment creates a cohesive community, where resilience and determination drive SOVCOM in their pursuit of a Force-free Republic, and they always take care of their members health and well-being.
  • Reputation: The Sovereign Compass (SOVCOM) organization is generally viewed with a mix of respect and curiosity from the outside. Many see them as champions of individual freedom and democratic principles, appreciating their dedication to maintaining a Republic free from the influence of the Force. However, there is an air of wariness among some who may perceive the organization as challenging the traditional role of Force users in governance.

    SOVCOMs reputation is not without its complexities, as their commitment to neutrality and separation can be misunderstood or even distrusted by those who believe in the necessity of the Force for protection and guidance. Despite this, the organization's overall image tends to lean more towards a respected entity, admired for its principled stand and dedication to preserving the democratic ideals of the Republic.

    SOVCOM has never done more than the occasional rally and attempting to get members involved in government, so while a somewhat silent entity, they aren't often viewed with a negative scope to the unknowing.
  • Curios: The SOVCOM Compass, gilded in gold and navy, is a finely crafted instrument adorned with intricate details. Its face features ancient symbols symbolizing the organization's commitment to guiding the Republic away from Force manipulation. When opened, the compass needle aligns itself with the phantom coordinates of Alderaan, elegantly preserving the memory of the lost planet. The gold casing bears the weight of history, and against the navy backdrop, the celestial aesthetics echo the organization's dedication to navigating a course free from the shadows of the Force. As a symbol of shared mission and unwavering principles, members carry this trinket as a constant reminder within SOVCOM.
  • Rules: While SOVCOM does not have specific religious beliefs, it operates on a set of guiding principles and philosophies. The rules for being a member of SOVCOM revolve around upholding these core tenets:

    1. Commitment to Neutrality: Members must remain neutral in matters related to the Force, abstaining from favoring either the Light or Dark Side. The organization emphasizes a Republic free from the sway of Force users.

    2. Advocacy for Individual Freedom: SOVCOM members are dedicated to promoting and safeguarding individual freedoms within the Republic, ensuring that citizens are not subject to undue influence from Force users in matters of governance.

    3. Democratic Principles: Members uphold democratic ideals and actively work to maintain a government that represents and serves the will of the people, free from manipulation by Force-related entities.

    4. Adherence to Ethical Standards: SOVCOM members are expected to operate with high ethical standards, ensuring that their actions align with the organization's commitment to a Republic governed by fairness, justice, and equality.

    5. Participation in Missions and Tasks: Members may be required to engage in missions and tasks that demonstrate their dedication to SOVCOMs cause and contribute to the organization's goals.

    6. Cultural Respect: SOVCOM values diversity and encourages members to respect various cultural backgrounds and beliefs within the Galactic community, fostering an inclusive environment.

    These rules create a framework that guides SOVCOM members in their pursuit of a Force-free Republic, emphasizing ethical conduct, democratic governance, and the separation of the Force from political power.
  • Goals: The ultimate goal of the SOVCOM is to enact and uphold the complete separation of Force users, particularly the Jedi, from government and political influence within the Galactic Republic. SOVCOM envisions a Republic where the decision-making processes are free from the sway of the Force, ensuring that laws, policies, and governance are shaped solely by the democratic will of the people rather than external Force-related considerations. The organization seeks to establish a lasting framework that safeguards the Republic's independence from the potential impact of Force users on political decision-making, thereby preserving the principles of individual freedom and democratic governance.

    This does not seek to exile the Jedi or abandon them. SOVCOM only seeks exclude Force and Force-related decisions making. The Jedi Order to be an entity that exists on the planets as any church, but not in government.
Treoff Kellak - de jure leader, as the legally registered owner/creator, under Galactic Alliance Law (Treoff wishes for a formal election be made for the Head of the Party).

Treoff Kellak's exploration of galactic history, spanning the Old Republic, Galactic Republic, Galactic Empire, Rebel Alliance, and New Republic, revealed a recurring theme of Jedi involvement in government affairs. Delving into the annals of the past, Treoff meticulously studied instances where the Jedi's influence impacted political decisions, often leading to controversy and conflict.

Amidst his historical self-study, Treoff closely examined Admiral Daala's critique of the Jedi's involvement in politics, finding resonance in her concerns about potential conflicts of interest and ethical considerations. Daala's perspective served as a catalyst for Treoff, prompting him to question the role of Force users in governance and sparking the formation of the SOVCOM organization.

Driven by a desire to ensure a Republic free from Force-related influence, Treoff's journey found guidance and inspiration in the creation of SOVCOM. This organization, rooted in a deep understanding of historical events and the convictions inspired by figures like Admiral Daala, emerged as a beacon of dedication and service. Treoff's commitment to preserving democratic principles and individual freedoms within the Galactic Republic defines the core mission of SOVCOM, shaping its path in response to the lessons learned from the galaxy's intricate political history.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it."
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Treoff Kellak Treoff Kellak

Separation of Church and State is massive earth lingo, not to mention a very American political ideology. I am going to ask you to rename this and steer clear of the name.

Further more as I read through the submission the idea seems to be to keep the Jedi out of GA government… Play off that and make the name a bit more star warsy.

Treoff Kellak Treoff Kellak

Separation of Church and State is massive earth lingo, not to mention a very American political ideology. I am going to ask you to rename this and steer clear of the name.

Further more as I read through the submission the idea seems to be to keep the Jedi out of GA government… Play off that and make the name a bit more star warsy.


It's good to see you well.

I must state for the record I disagree with this, but I will not argue.

  • Changed name
  • Removed any mention of Separation of Church & State
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