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Approved Planet Sori

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Name: Sori

Region: Unknown
System: Sorian
Suns: 1, Soleil, G-type star
Orbital Position: Habital Zone
Moons: Ecta, Meson, Canasa
System Features: Large asteroid belt with another world, Helios, concealed within.
Coordinates: Q11, far right
Rotational Period: 24 hours
Orbital Period: 400 standard days

Class: Terrestrial
Diameter: 12,756 km
Atmosphere: 1
Climate: Temperate
Gravity: Standard
Primary Terrain: Oceans, Grasslands, City

Native Species: Sorians
Immigrated Species: Twi'leks, Humans, etc. (Very very rare, mostly war refugees that stayed when Sori disappeared)
Primary Languages: Basic, Old Sorian (Latin)
Government: Federal Republic
Population: 10 billion
Demonym: Sorian
Major Imports: Nothing
Major Exports: Ships, tools, raw materials (all very sparingly, and only in the times they were in contact with the galaxy. Transport ships had to request permission to receive the location, could have no external communication during their stay, and had the location wiped before they left.)

Affiliation: Neutral
Major Locations:
Selon: Selon is the capital city of Sori. Built on the site where the last Rakatans were defeated, it houses the Sorian Governmental Complex as well as the headquarters of the Sorian military. A very clean and well-defended location, it is filled with members of all species that either came to Sori during the times it was visible or are the descendants of refugees. Though not even close to being as large as places like Coruscant, Selon has many large buildings, all concealing a vast underground complex of storage and parking. IT is well populated, the largest city on the planet, with nearly a million people.

Alpha Base: Alpha Base is the primary home of the Sorian military. Built just outside Selon, it houses the Sorian military's training facility as well as its largest armory. The base layout consists of five main buildings, each of them extremely large, arranged in a checkerboard pattern. These buildings are the main building in the center, which is three stories tall, flat-topped like a school building, and contains administrative offices, classrooms, etc. The building to its top right, looking down on it, is the primary barracks, which is several stories tall and contains enough provisions and space to house both a full regiment of 640 front-line combat troops and a training unit of 640 recruits. Scattered buildings nearby and around the base can hold even more troops, bringing the full active duty combat unit to a battalion of 2560 soldiers. It also has a mess hall, rec room, and other necessary facilities. The building to the bottom right of the main building is the training center, which contains simulators, firing ranges, obstacle courses, shoot houses, and other necessary facilities for the training of new recruits. The building to the bottom left is the garage, home to a full armored battalion of 1024 tanks and armored vehicles along with their crewmen. Finally, the building to the top left is the armory, which houses enough rifles and other armaments to outfit several hundred thousand infantry. Numerous supporting buildings are scattered around, along with anti-tank and anti-air defenses and a laser-fence with four entry points.

Sorian Governmental Complex: The Sorian Governmental Complex is the home of the Sorian democracy. It contains its senate, house of representatives, and the home of the President. It is protected at all times by a powerful particle shield. It has a line layout in order of the passage of authority, starting with the house on the left, senate in the middle, and home of the president on the right, which is protected by an additional ray shield. The house and senate are standard Sorian buildings, rectangular with a flat top, though they are made of stone rather than steel and have decorative columns at the front. The house of the President is a smaller mansion, though it is still larger than most other residences in Sori. It also has a protective laser fence with a single entrance. The entire complex has green grass and landscaping, as well as at least one anti-armor and one anti-air defense point along with several guard towers with snipers. The complex is also surrounded by a laser fence with a single guarded entrance.

Culture: Sorians as a rule are very isolationist, and self-sufficiency as a species is the norm. They do not accept imports from anyone, preferring to make their own things. Among their people, their culture is based on family ties, and the whole planet will often come together for the greater good. Because of their belief that the best way to be fight is to be prepared, military service is highly smiled upon, and most young men and women serve at least one tour.
Technology: Higher than galactic standard.
History: First settled during Rakatan invasion of the galaxy by genetic experiments. The Rakatans invaded their world as soon as they discovered it. They had not discovered it before because the planet had been settled by experiments made by rogue Rakatan scientists. After many years as slaves, the Sorians, who had been quietly developing their technology from tribal to modern, rose up and defeated the Rakatans, completely annihilating the colony. The planet went dark for quite some time, by way of the Sorians erasing their location from any Rakatan computer they didn't destroy and killing any Rakatans who dared come near,and soon it was forgotten when the Rakatan Empire collapsed. It was many years until a Jedi envoy followed a strong Force signature to Sori and found it. The Jedi and the natives, the Sorians, became allies and the Jedi were the only ones allowed to know the planet's exact location.

The Sorians lived in peace until the Great Galactic War, when they were located by the Republic and came into the war on their side, providing Sori as a refugee world. The Sorians stayed active in galactic politics following the war, though they never actually joined the Republic. When the Clone Wars arrived, the Sorians wanted to stay out of it, but both the CIS and the Republic sent envoys to the Sorians to plead for their support. In the end the Sorians put it to a vote, but after a mercenary was caught trying to coerce votes in favor of the CIS, the Sorians again beat the drums of war in support of the Republic.

When Order 66 arrived, the Sorians were caught in the crossfire as a threat to the New Order. Sorian units fighting alongside clone troopers found themselves fighting for their lives against their supposed allies. As soon as the Sorian high command realized what was happening, they sent the military into lockdown and recalled all forces to Sori. When the Empire arrived to crush the Sorians, they were faced with the full might of the Sorian fleet, supported by numerous defensive satellites. At this time, the Sorians were nearing the end of a major build-up program that had started at the beginning of the Clone Wars. The number of Sorian front-line combat ships totaled in the thousands, and many older vessels were rescued from the scrapyard and thrust into the battle as reserves. The total Sorian fleet strength, focused as it was on a singular point of defense, had a major advantage over the forces of the Empire, which were strung out trying to hold captured territories. Group after group of Imperial star destroyers attacked Sori, and each time the guns of the Sorian battlecruisers, focused on a ship at a time in a wall of laser fire, cut through the Star Destroyers as if their shields were made of paper. Attempts at infiltration and sabotage were stopped in their tracks. Then, the Sorians sent a message to the Empire. They would not interfere with the Empire's actions, as long as the attacks stopped. They did, until a sneak attack on a Sorian shipyard when they were accused of supporting the Rebel Alliance. The Sorians did end up supporting the Alliance, and remained an ally of the Alliance, New Republic, and Resistance for many years following.

When the Gulag Virus reached the Middle Rim, and with it Sori, the initial results were devastating. Millions of Sorians were killed as the virus spread, and soon more than half the planet had been lost to it. However, around that time, the power of the Sorian's immune system, much stronger than that of a human or most other species, began to kick in. Immunity rates rose, and death rates fell. The virus would continue to be a threat for most of its existence, but by this time most Sorians had built up an immunity to it and by the time it ended, the death rates had fallen to almost zero. One major result of the virus was a construction program to make more combat droids to replace living soldiers. The droids would become the mainstay of Sorian line infantry for a long time following, until the population had recovered, and even when it recovered they remained a critical part of the Sorian forces.

The Sorians were affected, as all others, by the Netherworld event, which stole many Sorians. The Sorians thought it some sort of mass rapture by the Force itself, and began pushing more and more of their people to become Jedi. However, others believed it was the work of some outsider, and plunged Sori once again into obscurity, a status they had not since the Great Galactic War. Most communication from the planet stopped, and visitors reported hostile customs officials and just an all-around suspicion for anyone not a Sorian. All in all, the Sorians maintained secret relations with the highest authorities in the Jedi Order, but stayed away from any other outsiders. Soon, the Sorians only major connection to the galaxy was through the many Jedi Padawans that were taken.

Notable PCs: [member="Jenson Koraz"]
Intent: Created as the homeworld for my species, the Sorians.

Okay so I took a few days to look this over and come up with some ways to help you out as you are new to the boards, so lets get started:
  • I need the culture space expanded to at least a decent length paragraph
  • Affiliation would be neutral or N/A as no major faction would have control of the planet
  • If there is a city, you can flesh that out in the major locations section. Give the planet some life and some places that might attract other members on the site to come and explore
  • I'm uncomfortable with anything that uses like Gree or Rakata in their tech section because both are banned except for navicomputers. Please change this to above galactic standard
  • I would also like some explanation of how they achieved this higher level of technology on such an isolated world
  • Your history section is sorta jumbled. You mention the planet was settled during the time of the Infinite Empire, but then say the natives were able to beat off the Rakata using railguns. I'm not sure how they would have that tech in the brief time they were settled.
  • You mention that the planet can disappear and reappear, I need how it does this really fleshed out
  • You stop the history during the age of the New Republic, but the board is set 800 years into the future. You can expand on this history by a lot if you so desire, but I do need mentions of what happened to the planet during the Gulag Virus and the Netherworld event. Both of these board events can be found in the Holonet section on the top of the site, under the timeline area.

SonoftheStars said:
Eventually, they grew tired of the galaxy and resumed their isolationist stance, wiping their location from every known navicomputer and database and plunging themselves once more into myth and obscurity.This ended up being to their favor, as their lack of interaction with the rest of the galaxy during the Gulag Virus protected their people.The Sorians did not reappear again until the Netherworld event, where the fierce fighting by the Sorian Navy, Army, and Civilian Army kept their system from being conquered.The Sorians disappeared again, and their only connection to the world was through the many Jedi Padawans that were taken, who were taught from a young age to keep their true Sorian identity secret.
How exactly would they have been able to wipe every single database and navigation chart with their planet on it? That seems completely impossible to me as there would be far too many charts to alter?

SonoftheStars said:
Major Locations: Selon: Selon is the capital city of Sori.Built on the site where the last Rakatans were defeated, it houses the Sorian Governmental Complex as well as the headquarters of the Sorian military. A very clean and well-defended location, it is filled with members of all species that either came to Sori during the times it was visible or are the descendants of refugees. Though not even close to being as large as places like Coruscant, Selon has many large buildings, all concealing a vast underground complex of storage and parking.IT is well populated, the largest city on the planet, with nearly a million people. Alpha Base: Alpha Base is the primary home of the Sorian military. Built just outside Selon, it houses the Sorian military's training facility as well as its largest armory. Sorian Governmental Complex: The Sorian Governmental Complex is the home of the Sorian democracy.It contains its senate, house of representatives, and the home of the President, as well as a vast network of key government buildings.It is protected at all times by a powerful particle shield.
You need to move this into the major location area of the template that is in between culture and affiliation

SonoftheStars said:
Orbital Period: 400
Didn't notice this earlier, but this needs a unit of time

Another question that still needs answered is how were they able to develop the technology to defeat the Rakata?

Affiliation still needs edited to N/A or neutral
[member="Taeli Raaf"]
They erased them by a widespread computer virus released by their agents, and the fact that they kept their planet still relatively low-key. Really only diplomats and allied military came and went, most came and stayed. Locations were removed when ships left. I will have to add that in.

They outlasted Rakatan tech by reverse engineering it. Sorians are highly intelligent. Will add this in as well

Will make other edits tomorrow

A computer virus would not have been able to wipe out their planet's existence from every system in the galaxy. Too many variables, isolated system archves, etc. would be immune to any unleashed computer virus unless they had direct access to every system.

If they reverse engineered Rakata tech, then I'm unfortunately going to have to ask that be stripped as Rakata tech is banned on the site.

What are the state of the other edits?
[member="Taeli Raaf"]
I will edit it to say they removed coordinates of anyone who came and went.

As far as Rakatan tech goes, I meant they used them to learn how to make blasters, hyper drives, etc. general stuff, not Rakatan specific
SonoftheStars said:
The Sorians did not reappear again until the Netherworld event, where the fierce fighting by the Sorian Navy, Army, and Civilian Army kept their system from being conquered.The Sorians disappeared again, and their only connection to the world was through the many Jedi Padawans that were taken, who were taught from a young age to keep their true Sorian identity secret.
Can you explain this part more clearly? The Netherworld event was basically a galaxy-wide rapture event so not sure who would be conquering as people just up and vanished

What is their current status towards outsiders? Are they still in major isolation or have they opened up to others coming to the system? I ask this because I'm still confused on how they have so many members of their species as Jedi Padawans if their planet of origin is unknown. The Jedi would know exactly what planet they came from. Also, if you are exporting things in the galactic economy, the world is going to be on databases and navi-computers yet again and will be known to the larger galactic community.
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