Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Song of Exile (Mandalorians & friends)


Mandalore.The heart and soul of the warrior nomads. Mandalorians through out the galaxy would call it home, or Manda'yaim in their tongue, even if they had not set a single foot on its soil. To Strider, it was home. His homestead was a few kilometers out from keldabe. There his strills would be running a muck. The sounds of horses frolicking, their hooves rocking the ground as they stampeded past. The wind blowing through the trees and off the river, the smell of pure nature itself. That was heaven to the old man. All of it was taken and destroyed. For what? More questions then answers thus far but the truth of it was, the planet still had beat of life and with that there was still hope.

The Avril flew over the ruin city of Keldabe. Strider sighed, it all looked alien to him, like a distant field of battle shattered under man's violent nature and weapons. The world itself was not what it use to be. she was hurt bad and his own heart could feel the pain. Everyone could, a perversion of one's home hit a chord at the basis of primal instincts. They were violated through and through.

He heard a familiar wimper of Duchess, his strill, beside him. Garon looked to his right, she was sitting in the co pilot seat, face and wrinkle jowls plasted against the window. Ugly beast of creatures they were, but incredibly intelligent and dangerous. She could see the homestead from the viewport, or what was left of it. The river had taken most of the buildings, just a few outcropping shacks had remained. The whimper was of sadness, like all them they had lost many and to Duchess she had lost many pups in the catastrophic event. Her babies. Strider could only imagine.

The old man reached out and gave the mandalorian canine an affectionate and soothing scratch on her rump. He would pet her on the head but she was out of reach and he still had flying to do. This was just a fly by, to see with their own eyes the destruction. Their main purpose on Mandalore was to investigate the ancient biosphere city known as Sundari. Far into the mandalorian deserts it laid, uninhabited for generations. The city had served its purpose at the time. To harbor the people safely against the destruction they had caused the planet in their wars. Sundari will be put to use once more.
Mandalor and Alderaan had a long standing relationship. There were family ties between the two worlds now. Princess Faith Organa and Prince Consort Vereen were successfully solidifying their place in the galaxy. Once the dust had settled, Mandalor needed assistance rather they asked for it directly or not.

Likely not. Through a few strategic 'suggestions' Rashae somehow found herself amongst these rough and rowdy people. The Doctor had proven rather good at reorganizing and rebuilding medical and social infrastructures. The lady was known as the ice princess. Her convoy of a medical frigate and medical corvettes remained in orbit to await her orders. For some reason, they insisted she herself only come down to the ravaged system.

It would be easier with her team, but assessment was necessary. The woman didnt say much, nothing in fact as she looked out at the devastation. She was quickly reminded of Denon. That caused her to put her hand on her face as she shook away that visual. None of it was pleasant. The Mandalorians she knew by experience to be an incredibly healthy and hearty people. The downside was that they liked receiving holes and gashes and what not. In fact, it was often a request for a scar to remain. Warriors loved their scars.

Doctor Rashae was no warrior. Her legs were crossed primly as the ice princess looked over at the canine. She wasn't a pet person but the canine had a certain charm. The good doctor pulled out a datapad to make initial observations. The frigate was making initial scans of the atmosphere and what information they could acquire from orbit. This was fed to her. This information she read over to get a preliminary idea.

Her 'host', if that would be the proper term, was quiet also. Rashae didn't blame him, but she wouldn't show compassion while she had a job to do. Besides, she didn't know the man at all. While reading over data, she slowly recrossed her legs. She felt a bit naked without her usual escorts but with Mandalorians who the hell was going to try anything. On another thought, she could use a drink about now. This was going to be a long day.

[member="Strider Garon"]

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Drof was sitting patiently aboard The Avril, in one of the passenger seats, he was examining the terrain through the viewing bay. He never set foot on one in his family had done so either.

He was in the company of doctor [member="Rashae"] and his vod [member="Strider Garon"] he piped up on the comms speaking to his superior:

[[So Sundari sir? What exactly are we lookin' for here, most of everything is dead and or dying, I heard you mention Sundari. Would that be our own bastion here--on Mandalore?]]

Drof looked at the mandalorian canine that accompanied Strider, she was loyal and sat by his side, much like a soldier--or even a family member would. It was comforting to see such a creature aboard The Avril.

Being on Mandalore reminded him of the homestead back on Concord Dawn, he reached into his pouch and pulled out a Krayt Dragon tooth, an old personal effect his father gave him when he was knee high to a nexu cub.

Whatever the case, Drof'del was not going to leave the company of Aka'liit, he had a purpose now and he had jobs to run with them. He would die before he ever left their company. He found a sense of camaraderie and kinship that he thought was lost over time.

He eyed the doctor with curiosity, he never seen her before--she wasn't much of a talker but then again Drof never had social graces either. He piped up to her with confirmation
"Hey! Don't worry, my vode have been through much worse--we should be able to do our thing no problem."

At this point did she really care if they could "do their thing or not?" no telling, Drof was just trying to make the situation less awkward--if he can even do that.
The Avril made its way deeper on Mandalore's surface and Drof kicked back in his seat with safety restraints tightened, ready for action.
[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"] [member="Rashae"]


Royal Expeditionary Fleet
In Orbit around Mandalore

From above The Iron Angel Watched their approach on the world. The Avril as well as a handful of other vessels were either in orbit or descending on the war shattered remnants of the world. It seemed the Mando's had over extended themselves, and their love of war had been the unravelling. Either way Tahiri held them in the utmost regard.

Where most Hapans were reclusive, nationalist and cowards, she was different breed. She'd grown up a Royal, but identified more closely with the archetype of the Warrior. The Mandalorian people were a veritable culture of warriors with a rich history and they deserved better than what they had received.

"Dawnstar and Darkstar report that they are on station Ma'am."

Tahiri nodded, and flexed her power suit, clasping the railing of her catwalk and looking down into the pit below.

"Very well, send out the word to spread the fleet to maximum distance. Each vessel will begin long and short range scans. Commo!"

"Aye Ma'am?"

"Open a direct line to The Avril and the Medical Fleet. All vessels are to begin long range scans, save the Seraph. Keep our scopes and scanners in reserve. Whatever they need looked at we'll be their eyes and ears. Patch TAC MAP to my HUD."

"Moving now Ma'am."

In her HUD a map appeared and she swiped her eyes left, orienting it so it did not interfere with her other data feeds, nor her direct vision into the pit. The fleet began to spread out, Dawnstar and Darkstar taking the poles, and The Black Jacks Revenge and Crimson Pearl going into low orbit, offset so as not to overlap scanning quadrants.

"What exactly are we looking for Ma'am?" Asked the Commo Officer.

"Focus scans on anything that presents a threat to mission parameters. Alert Master Chief Gray, have him send over Company Alphas
Corpmen to assist the Medical Fleet. Open me a new channel, include The Avril and the CO of the Medical Fleet. Label TAC Channel Alpha."

Within minutes they had freq's broadcasting out, hailing both Commanders. It was time to open some dialogue.


Aboard the Avril

This mission to Mandalore was something Mesh'la Dral didn't want to do, but rather had to do. The young medic and her two year old son, Valen, had been at her mother's homestead that was located on the bluff just outside Keldabe along the Kelite River when a massive earthquake struck the capital city the day Manda'yaim died. They had been buried alive in the main building taking shelter under the long table in the dinning area. After several hours of being trapped, another Mando came to their rescue just in the nick of time as the bluff after another big aftershock crumbled and fell into the river bed below right when their ship was lifting off.

Up until this point, the daughter of Briika Tor and the late Kable Detta hadn't really spoken of the terrors that she had gone through to anyone in any detail... though the horrible nightmares and panic attacks were evidence that Mesh was suffering in a private hell called PTSD. Even right now as [member="Strider Garon"] did a fly over of the remains of her hometown, she was hyperventilating within her red and black helmet not wanting anyone to see the tears falling down her pale cheeks or how much she wanted to vomit. Maybe the only one that might realize she was in distress would be her husband, well ex-husband [member="Aden Dral"], as she sat next to the young sniper at the sensor/comms/engineering station behind the two passenger seats in the cockpit.

Oh how she wished that day could be taken back... The pain and anguish of losing her grandparents, the elder Tors, who perished when the Three Sisters near Enerci erupted violently, still was very raw as well. But this mission was just something Mesh'la had to for herself so the healing could begin in full, or so she wanted to think that.

[member="Tahiri Veya"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"] [member="Rashae"]
Clench. Release. Clench. Release. Clench. Release.

Every moment of Ardgal's life was a living hell. He could feel his Fibromyalgia almost at all times, and at others, the sensation was even worse. The Chem Beta often made it manageable, but not all the time--this was one of those times. Sometimes it was all the warrior could do to perform even the simplest of tasks.

The doctors at Project: Madman had taught him coping techniques to help deal with the pain, as long as he stayed moving, he would be alright. That was the key; to just keep moving. His fist kept up the meaningless distraction that was barely keeping him functional.

Clench. Release. Clench. Release.

The warrior pulled himself to his feet and shuffled to the viewport in time to see the ruins of the city outside. He knew he had been to Keldebe, he had seen it in his file, but the warrior never remembered setting foot in the city. His file was full of locations he knew only as a name, places he had been that he did not remember. Under his helmet his lips turned downward in a concertinaed furrow. He didn't know how he felt about that or if he even felt anything.

He noticed [member="Drof'del Tavor"] in the 360 view of his helmet. He turned and inclined his head towards the fellow warrior before turning his head back to the view port, solemnly regarding the ruined planet bellow. Mixed feelings welled up in him. Pain at the loss of those who were considered his kin, and a sense of justice at their deserved retribution. Both of the feelings, the bitter pain and the sweet justice welled up in one single thought;

How the mighty have fallen.

[member="Mesh'la Dral"] I [member="Tahiri Veya"] I [member="Rashae"] I [member="Strider Garon"]
"Thats enough!" The old man snarled in his labored low gritty voice. Wasn't the same famous voice, deep and resonating, of the legendary warrior that all were use to. Words came out sounded damaged with a tinge of rasp. Was evident that there was physical trauma that has plagued Strider's throat, along with the obvious grotesque scar parallel to where is larynx would be. The mandalorian would maneuver the Avril to an altitude above the clouds and changing course banking east. Sight seeing was over, it was time to get back on task.

The younger warrior, [member="Drof'del Tavor"], wasn't handling the silence as well as the others were. "Sundari!" Strider acknowledged, looking over his right shoulder but not at the beskar clad soldier that was speaking to him. No his eyes were on the gorgeous form of the very young doctor his contacts had graciously sent him. As much as he was examining her curves, he was also trying to get a read on her for [member="Rashae"] was somewhat a mystery to him. Her file, what he was able to access, leads to the conclusion that she a prodigy in her field of expertise. A brain child. And here she was being sent on loan to a bunch of savage warriors to make sure their hospital was up and running in proper condition.

"Drof, we are going to recce Sundari for our people. They need a home, a safe haven to rebuild Mandalore..... a bastion like you say or...... a bulwark against this" He looked forward and pointed to the unusual electrical storm that was playing muck with his sensors "This poodoo that plagues our planet"

"Dr Rashae! Seems I will be owing our mutual friends for them putting on loan to us. I am grateful that you are here" He finally attempted to break the ice with the young doctor. "One thing i don't get, and correct me if i am wrong. What is person of your caliber doing mixed up with the likes of them and us? Reading your profile and i get the impression you could be the big show on a central core planet of your choosing instead, well here. Makes one believe your on the run or some form of hiding?" Yeah, that was personal but Strider had a ship full of his kin and vode. He was justifiably over protective of what was his and this line of inquiry was just a sample.

This was a blip on the comms "Mesh'la!" He called back to the mother of his grandchild "Can you answer that?"

[member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Mesh'la Dral"] [member="Tahiri Veya"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"] [member="Rashae"]
The Doctor was quite happy to go over data in the silence but some felt it necessary to fill the quiet up with noise. Those light blue eyes that tended to be piercing looked over at Drof. Despite her youth there was a hardened expression one should not have at the ripe old age of twenty. There was a soft exhale of air as her eyes did not move from his own. There was an intensity there as if she was gauging the young mando.

“It can always be worse, far worse. “ The lady said in a neutral stoic voice. Those eyes went positively ice cold. It was a caution not to be over confident. The statement had an air of experience behind it.

That lovely face turned from the Mandalorian in a quiet dismissal. Rashae tried to return back to her streaming data. To get a good feel of potential health issues that would be problematic. There in her com went off as she took it up to respond to her Commander who had received certain overtures from The Iron Angel. Commander Stephen Cantolas was an incredibly patient man, calm and steady.

“Coordinate with them. I want all teams ready to go on my mark. We are in this together, Commander. “ Rashae ordered.

“Aye, Minister. We shall coordinate our efforts. What order shall each team be deployed.” The Commander was still a bit concerned about her not having her escort, but after his discussion with Strider previous, it was moot.

“I dont know, Commander. I will give an update soon as I can assess the situation. Update circa one hour. “ She supplied in the same stoic neutral even icy tone.

“Aye, Minister. Good luck.” The coms were ended after that.

Commander Stephen Cantolas, a veteran military man who has seen it all just about. His communications officer would send back validation and acknowledgment of accepting link ups with communications at large as well as coordination efforts. Any medical and biological scans obtained were provided. Their biological scanning abilities were quite good. The Padme had their mobilization underway as ordered by Minister Lovous.

Red team were the trauma experts. They included surgical and extreme traumatic injury situations. Yellow team was moderate injuries and issues and small injury repair. Blue team was clinic services, social services and triage. This team did initial assessment and damage control. This team is the most social and was front line to help calm and ease things. Green Team was research and CDC. It worked remarkably well as it was flexible and versatile to many situations.

Doctor Rashae was getting data from team updates and data from scans that would impact medical in anyway, like those electrical storms. When Strider finally addressed her, those striking ice blue eyes tilted passed the chair and looking at him. Those eyes were piercing and startling at the same time. You can feel a chill go up your spine. The woman raised an eyebrow at his question.

“Honor, Mr Garon. “ To answer his question about why she was here. Her voice was just as icy as her expression. In that neutral voice that was also velvet like. In direct contrast to his own voice, hers was smooth and luxurious on the ears. “Alderaan and Mandalor have a long standing relationship. Duty and honor are why I am here.”

She left it at that. Rashae didn't feel a longer explanation was necessary. She was a doctor. There was a call for help, she answered it. There was a deeper drive of keeping working. Work meant she didn't have to deal with people on a personal level. The raven haired doctor had staff for the personal crap. Her eyes fell on the Mandalorian who was clenching and releasing his hand rhythmically. Oddly she knew how he felt. There was a long almost martyred sigh as she returned to her data.

To that was a bit of a grimace as the woman retreated into the shell of her science. “My atmospheric filters are tied up at Altrisa, even the small one. I will have to see when they can be spared. The atmosphere is less than satisfactory. “

[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Mesh'la Dral"] [member="Tahiri Veya"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"]
Mesh'la was nervous and Aden could tell. Everything inside him wanted to tell her this was going to be okay, but the last thing he wanted was to give her the chance to tell him he had not been there when she needed him. Aden was here now, and he would be with her to see this through. Aden hadn't saved her life, but he was determined to save her from herself, and the nightmares which haunted her.

The two had been living together again, but that was the only part of together that was happening for the wedded couple. Mesh'la considered their riduurok broken, but Aden refused to. It drove the golden haired medic to frustration, but Aden had always had the ability to do that to her. He enjoyed driving her crazy, and maybe he would have been better served not to over the last few days, but Aden refused to behave as if there was something extremely wrong. There was, but he didn't want to admit it.

His head turned to hers. Mandalore was nothing to look at anymore, and it had never been the home to him that it had to her. There was only one part that had felt like home to him, and that was their place along the Kelita river in Keldabe. They had memories there, good ones, and Aden hoped to help draw them out. As the passed over Aden was about to speak, but his father interrupted. He waited for Strider to finish, and dropped in the private comm channel before Mesh'la could answer the blip.

["I'm not going anywhere this time. You don't want to, I know, but if you need to lean on me I am here..."]

[member="Mesh'la Dral"] [member="Rashae"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Tahiri Veya"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"]


Mesh'la was startled when [member="Aden Dral"]'s voice crackled inside her helmet. She had expected to get orders from [member="Strider Garon"], which the young medic did, but not to do any conversing per say of a personal nature with her ex-husband except concerning their two year old son, Valen. They were parenting partners only in her eyes, but what was in her heart... and there lay the problem. Mesh didn't know, nor would she let her stubbornness allow her to discern it either.

The petite blonde's darkened T-visor turned to face the young sniper, but she did not answer him verbally only a nod of understanding was given, then Mesh reached forward with her gloved finger and the keyed the ship's comm unit.

[ This is the Avril. We are inbound to Sundari with a surveying crew from the Aka'liit, the Mandalorian Faithful - over. ] Mesh'la responded to the hail from the ships ([member="Tahiri Veya"]) within the system near their location.

@Rashae @Ardgal Raxis [member="Drof'del Tavor"]
A K A ' L I I T[/font]​

Cargo Bay, The Avril

Here, with no company save the hum of engines, Malok had a chance to think.

The relative quiet of the vessel's cargo bay was a small comfort. For weeks now, the Ma'alkerrite's life had been a constant blur - each day brought a new battle or mission that demanded his utmost attention. That wasn't to say that he took issue with the present, of course, but it was always nice to be able to exhale. And so he did - seizing the opportunity to relax...and to reflect upon where he was going. Malok's life had certainly changed over the past few months. In the beginning, he was but a mercenary. Yet now? Well...that question hung in the air.

As he sat quietly amongst the various crates belonging to [member="Strider Garon"], the Behemoth gazed upon what laid in his hands. 'Twas a lightsaber, one born of his own twisted into being by his own hatred. His mentor had guided him through the steps and served as his liaison into the world of the Sith. It was by his side that Malok gazed upon the freshly risen Resurgent Empire. It was by his suggestion that he stepped closer to the Sith Order-turned-Ascendancy. But...even though the Darkness promised so did not make him feel whole. If Malok was being wholly honest with himself, he knew slaying Sylok would not bring those years back.

He knew that, if he returned to Ma'alkerr this instant, he wouldn't be the same man as before.


So why did he allow that hatred to drive him? Why even seek vengeance? Why hunger for revenge? Malok's grip tightened upon the lightsaber's form as his eyes clenched shut. He knew the answer. It whispered viciously...tauntingly...within his psyche. Power. Plain and simple. When he walked upon Korriban, he felt what the Dark Side had to offer. When he stood against Tanomas Graf and did battle on Hypori, it was the Darkness which fueled his ferocity. Alone he was strong, but with the Dark Side he was Mighty

The Force is a Tool.

He mouthed the words - a mantra his vode swore by. What would those above think if they knew his thoughts? Saw his internal turmoil? They, who offered Malok a life that accepted him as he was now had an answer to his dilemma. The Darkness wanted him to become a slave. Addicted. Yet the Mandalorians wanted more for their mammoth brother. He felt that on Concord Dawn. He felt that now. His grip slacked upon the lightsaber until he ultimately stowed it upon his belt. Ascension gripped his colossal form and heavy thuds heralded his movement into the Command Deck.

Ah. Elbow room. What an illusion.

Malok did his best to politely squeeze by his fellows, but almost stepped upon the foot of [member="Rashae"] in the process. "My apologies miss." he grunted, before coming to a halt before the Old Man himself. "As lovely as your crates were for company, I'd like to stay in the loop a bit more. How long until we land, ner'vod?"

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Drof'del looked at the Hound of Keldabe when he was giving his answer- another place for our kind to call home-count me all the way in

[["Copy that ner vod, you have my thanks for letting me join in on this op; a recce you say? Be interested in seeing what we can find"]]

Drof looked away from Strider and saw Ardgal sitting nearby, nodding at him. He returned the gesture and inclined his head back at Raxis--the man who he first conversed with on Dxun- the man who "refreshed" him on combat and acted as a mentor since his uncle was gone.

Someone was hailing the ship and a young Mandalorian woman replied to the message stating their purpose here on Mandalore. This was quite the crew to be running with for surveying, thats for sure.
After the young woman was done replying to the message, a behemoth walked through the door- no other than [member="Malok"]

"Nice of you to join us big guy, was wondering where you were at"
Drof had never met one of Malok's kind before, he was a different being all in his own but Drof enjoyed hearing Malok speak but even more so in combat- He was a beast, a true warrior.

His thoughts returned to the mission--were they to set up an FOB close by? There would have to be a small encampment of some kind to base some operations before endgame is acheived. He could worry about that later though.
[member="Mesh'la Dral"] [member="Aden Dral"] [member="Strider Garon"][member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Tahiri Veya"] [member="Rashae"]
Strider's nut-brown eyes were like old barn door, flecks of deep brown married with lighter hues with so much strength remaining despite the years of weathering. So much life even with the amount of carnage and death they have witnessed over the decades. He would match the gaze of [member="Rashae"], icy cold. It pained the old man to see such a stare in a creature so young. The horrors she must of gone through, he could not imagine nor inquiry for he short quick responses were very much a tell sign of her social tolerance. The galaxy, such a savage meat grinder it was that they all get recycled through over and over again.

"Aye, Honor!" The old man broke the gaze and focused back on the task at hand. Both hands on the yoke he would adjust course slightly to avoid black clouds that were in their path. Though the Avril was well equipped to handle the most extreme weather conditions, Strider did not want to put any unnecessary stress on the boat. "When we land, I don't want to put you at risk of harm. You stay close and follow our orders. By the manda i do not want to have to get an ear full from your Commander if you come back damaged" He inwardly shivered for the security briefing he got from the very man was long, overly detailed and monotonous. But he got the clear sense that this man took his job seriously and cared deeply for his charge.

"That goes the same for the rest of ya. We don't know what is in the belly of this city. It has been abandon accept for some droids with evidence of very few ins and outs. Keep your heads on a swivel and watch your fellow vode's back" His words word ring out in the cockpit, the very same time the large ape decided to join them. Was good, Strider didn't want to have to repeat himself though he was certain that monkey could handle is own and new combat tactics just as much as he know how to wield a space wizards glow rod.

[member="Drof'del Tavor"] [member="Malok"] [member="Mesh'la Dral"] [member="Aden Dral"] [member="Rashae"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Tahiri Veya"]
"You will one day have to make a choice. And it may not necessarily be a right, wrong- it'll be yours to make."

His father's words echoed in his mind. He was an enigma, his father. His brother, [member="Silas Mantis"], had experienced him far more than he had as the younger child. Preliat left home fairly early to play Null-Hockey, and scarcely returned- or called. Preliat felt the guilt of this decision at times, especially with his brother and him being so close nowadays. But what weighed more presently on Preliat's mind was not his brother, his family, his losses or even his newfound allegiance. It was the rumors, whispers upon the winds of a man he thought long dead returning. And with his current status and loyalties, Preliat had to see for himself if it were true. It would...change things, immensely. But it wouldn't deviate him from the path. He just needed to see if it was true.

He needed to see if [member="Strider Garon"] was truly alive.

The ship slung forward as he exited hyperspace. He was near Mandalore, approaching the ruined world- his ruined world. Coordinates were already programmed to his homestead. He grimaced, as he came and flew-over where his home once was. Ash and ruin. And painful reminders. He flipped on the IFF tag- his location was essentially a beacon to anyone scanning. He presumed Strider would be here- and he was going to place that had held his people safe in the years past.

Mesh'la nodded, but Aden didn't think she really wanted to acknowledge his offer quite yet. It was true they were not together in the sense married people were, Mesh'la was not certain of her feelings on the matter. Aden had to prove himself, earn her trust again. He trusted her heart would lead her back to him. They had always been bonded together, and it was a deep bond built on more than just emotion. This wasn't the time to sort it out, nor was Aden about to comment on the fact he was feeling a cold as ice stare from her. It was the memories, he knew it.

["Just find me a perch when we land, and I can scope out the scene. I've got things covered..."] His hand patted on the sniper rifle which was situated in his lap. The gun had saved the team's shebs many times over. The training had paid off as Aden was a crack shot now. He grinned under his helmet.

["I'll flag it when we're clear..."]

[member="Mesh'la Dral"], [member="Strider Garon"], [member="Malok"], [member="Preliat Mantis"], [member="Drof'del Tavor"], [member="Rashae"], [member="Ardgal Raxis"]

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
Drof'del listened to [member="Strider Garon"] and his orders were simple. This was a recce- with that being said this would be a clean and sweep type of operation.

[["Understood sir, Sundari will belong to us once again"]]

He hoped his eagerness didn't show ignorance--he was really eager to get this ball rolling. Going to Mandalore and reclaiming a city of old? Sounds like something you would hear in a bedtime story- a tale of legend.

Surely there would be denizens in the aged city. Droids? Sure.....but what if there is something else there?

He examined the crew embarking on this journey, he felt a sense of pride rush over him once again.
Drof raised his hand upward to the handlebar above head- in preparation for turbulence they might gather from the nearby storm. This was going to be one heck of a ride.

[member="Mesh'la Dral"] | [member="Malok"] | [member="Preliat Mantis"] | [member="Rashae"] | [member="Ardgal Raxis"]
Those solid as stone brown eyes held the Doctor's icy blues. It hung there for the second or two it occurred that seemed more like a couple of minutes. The woman didn't relent or back down her gaze. The man turned back around and didn't seem phased. Interesting. Rashae looked up at Strider's back when he said the statement about following orders once in whatever this facility was. This supposed briefing she was not in on and was unaware till after it happened. The Commander could be a rather sneaky bastidge but that was tactics and strategy for you. He gave her a much smaller briefing. She was now the Minister of Medicine and certain precautions were necessary.

“Roger, Mr. Garon.” The doctor responded. She liked living. One can not enjoy a good hot bubble bath and a bottle of Alderaanean red if you were dead.

They came closer to their target destination. By what the mandalorians said it used to be some haven or some sort. It was now ran by droids. The data feed she was receiving from her frigate included bioscans. There was a furrow of her brow as the data streamed. Her finger passed over it and back to reread certain sections. “Mr. Garon. The Padme is picking up life signs in Sundari. “ The woman reported in that velvet chilled but stoic tone. Padme's biological scanners were better than most. They had to be as she went on scientific expeditions for interesting plants that produced interesting things for her to study and eventually incorporate into new products. What would be considered interesting to a genetics expert would harbor on scary and even dangerous to others.

“Did you want the data feed?” She asked though she doubted any but the medic would come close to understanding the data coming into the feed. These same data feeds would be provided to the orbiting coordinating fleets of ships that by now was near or surrounded the small Medical convoy. It actually made her feel better about things as her Medical convoy did not hold a lot of offensive capability. It had some defensive but largely it was not tactical or military designed. It was a support vessel, that was it.

The big humongous personage that came by had her looking up. He at least was polite but it also had her wondering if she could collect samples. He was Huge!! the genetic material alone would be insanely interesting. That itch had to be suppress as she found herself staring. It also had her wondering if she had large enough wound patches. She would check her inventory when they landed. The collection of testosterone and muscle, even the female muscle was over whelming. Not that she wasn't used to feeling out of place. It was common as a bit of a brain. The mixture here bode for an interesting trip. You didn't have to have the force to know that one.

[member="Strider Garon"] [member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Mesh'la Dral"] [member="Tahiri Veya"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"] [member="Aden Dral"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Malok"]

Drof'del Tavor

Soldier for Hire, Mando at Heart.
This was a lot to take in. Various people of different skill sets were to embark on this Mandalorian settlement and reclaim it to start over, to "begin again"

He had replied to Strider's remark [["Copy that vod, you can count on me"]]

Drof eyed [member="Aden Dral"] and gave a brief nod, knowing that he would be overwatch for them

[["I trust that you can use that rifle well vod"]]

There was much work to be done. Good work.

Drof chuckled to himself and muttered "I dont enjoy killing, but when done righteously its just a chore, like any other"
He piped up on the comms to whoever may be listening [["Any ETA to Sundari?"]]

The Avril was bucking slightly from remnants of the nearby storm. Drof held on to the handlebar and sat staring at the interior of the ship, a ship that had a lot of TLC and a lot of flight time. Maybe when we get back, someone could teach me how to pilot? Maybe one day

[member="Malok"] | [member="Ardgal Raxis"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Aden Dral"] | [member="Mesh'la Dral"] | [member="Rashae"]
Ardgal didn't waver from his position as he looked at the ruined planet bellow. His eyes flickered with recognition behind his helmet as he saw the endless ravaging of the planet. It was almost hard to believe this was considered their home, their holy land. Now it was nothing more than a wasteland. He wondered if they could ever recover.

It made him think inwardly. He tilted his head down just a fraction of an inch, Could I ever recover?

His reverie was broken by the commands from [member="Strider Garon"] and the intel they had about Sundari. He blinked twice, activating his comm, "Willco, Garon."

His voice, even after the modulator, was still had a semi-refined, baratone nature that betrayed his accent. He nodded at the plan of [member="Aden Dral"]'s to perch and act as their sniper. As a rule, Ardgal hated snipers, but they were handy to have on your side, especially in moments like this.

"Once the area is clear, I'll cover breaching any doors we need opened," Ardgal added to their concocting plan. Part of it was that he was carrying enough explosives to level a few city blocks--he did like making things go boom after all. The other part was with his Fierreo nature, he was the logical choice for being on the front lines. Anyone or anything that hit him he would recover from faster than any of them, more than likely. His eyes flicked in a "Z" pattern across his visor, activating his HUD, "I would like to be patched in, Doctor on those readings. Whenever your ready."

[member="Drof'del Tavor"] I [member="Rashae"] I [member="Preliat Mantis"] I [member="Malok"] I [member="Mesh'la Dral"]
"Hmmm" Strider's contemplative hum was rough in sounding. There was many possibilities of why there would be life signs on Sundari, could be fellow survivors already using the city as a refuge.Or, his hyper vigilante mind took over, it could be hostile contacts. To be safe, they would have to tread carefully and treat the city as unknown territory for those life signs could be any form of threat for the galaxy was full of them and since the global events of this planet, security has not been tight in the system if existent at all.

"Doc, give Raxis the feeds!" He insisted. [member="Ardgal Raxis"] could process through the data and keep the team informed on necessary intel that [member="Rashae"] 's fleet would relay to them.

What was concerning to Strider, sides from potential hostiles with in the city, was of the traffic i orbit above them. Being hailed by a unknown fleet was enough to make one's own ass cheeks pucker, especially when the coms have not been replied to yet. " Have ya gotten through yet Meshla?' The old dog barked back to his ex daughter in law. She would know that his uneasiness had nothing to do with her and fully to do with the 'Guests" out there.

The Avril itself was passing into the desert, the white hot sands could be seen below and the faint image of the oversized sphere could be made out in the distance. Their mission objective was on the horizon.

[member="Ardgal Raxis"] [member="Drof'del Tavor"] [member="Rashae"] [member="Aden Dral"] [member="Preliat Mantis"] [member="Malok"] [member="Mesh'la Dral"]

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