Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Someone want to kill a crime lord?


So, I'm looking for someone to kill Myra off. I thought it'd be a little more fun than rather just "Yea, she died" and maybe write a little story. You could be a bounty hunter cashing in a bounty, a jedi looking for justice, or even a rival crime lord!

Feel free to DM me or post below with your idea, and I'll grab which ever one I'm most interested in.

(Will warn you she'll more or less come back, and cannot guarantee she won't want some sort of vengeance)
[member="Myra"] I would be willing to cash in on that sweet bounty money. I also have another char [member="Ayoven"] who I've been wanting to do something with, shes not big on crime lords so it could be a revenge/justice thing. Logging off for tonight but can whip up some ideas and send them in a PM if you are interested

I could use the bounty cash but I think it can be a story with a twist. Could be that Myra hired Jair for a bounty but Jair goes through some morale mambo jambo due to the bounty target so he decides to whack Myra instead. Or something.

Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.

Yes, absolutely yes. I can even come up with a creative kill. Red would do it for the good of others, especially if she is a crime lord, as Red is a vigilante himself. And, it would be perfect if she came back! A bit of action and tension and excitement. Sounds awesome, I'm in!


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