Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Social Anxiety Is Awful

Lace's first day on Naboo was going in an awful direction. Sure, Oleander Webb Oleander Webb saved her life, but then he brought her to some building for a weirdly familiar organization and left her alone there! First one person walked by and looked at her weirdly, then another, and another, and none of them looked like her or Oleander and she didn't know how to handle strange people looking at her like that!

So she ran, right out of the building, absolutely having some kind of anxiety attack, soaking wet, emaciated, and dressed in what could barely pass as a dress.

Running through the streets of the city, Lace looked like a wreck. She knew this, and she could feel the stares from the civilians as more tears streamed down her face. Where could she go? She was too far away to go back and find Oleander, and honestly? Lace was lost. Lost in every way a person could be lost. She needed to find somewhere safe, but where? There were so many people around, where could she hide?

Then, she spotted and alley, and dashed into it, just enough to be in the shadows. Lace leaned against the wall, let out another sob, before collapsing on the ground. She was exhausted, hungry, and having an anxiety attack. Could her day get any worse?

Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

Tag: Lace Verd Lace Verd
Location: Naboo

"And If you think I'm the kindof person who sit here kissing your ass and begging for your miserly crumbs, you've underestimated how little i need you're ass! You can take your deal, shove it where the force can't reach it and go straight to hell!"

The slamming of a nearby door would see Felix storming out flanked with his guard who he would quickly wave off, moving down the street and declining a call from one of his advisers shortly afterwards. Instead deciding to casually drop his communications earpiece into a nearby trash bin as he would storm his way down the busy Naboo streets, loosing himself in the crowd. He was sick of dealing with carrion feeders hoping to prowl on the decline of his family name... he'd kick every single one of those filthy Toydarian think-alikes to the curb if he had to, House Aquila was fine on its own.

But given time he found the anger and frustration melt away, the pristine streets of central Naboo were fantastic this time of year. He had always thought this was how cities should be built, in harmony with nature, bending with it, not dominating it with their presence. Naboo weaved with the rivers, and was not afraid to bend to ancient greenery that supplanted its streets and open malls. Clean air filled the skies as members of the CIS military regime passed him on the streets, nodding to the knight obsidian as they passed along their walk.

It wasn't long however until something caught the Knight's piercing blue eyes, curious yellow staining them as he would turn to a nearby alley, the shadows curving naturally and instinctively from his vision specifically as he saw the visage of a girl crouched within them for cover, stains of wet streaming down her face and staining what one might have considered a dress at some point. Thankfully neither bright nor dim light mattered much when it came to Felix's unique eyes, his relationship with light allowed him to see more or less anywhere he needed to, so long as any of it could reach there.

Intrigued by the sight, but turning to move, he felt the familiar pang of guilt in his chest.... and soon enough he was approaching the girl's location, walking softly so not to spark a fight or flight response, the noble scion would poke his head from around a corner.

"Hey there . . . uhm, are you lost?"

His words were a little lost themselves, unsure of how he was able to help, so, moving into the space he would begin to weave the force just that little bit to expand the shadows of the alley to drown out the sight of the crowds around them that little bit more. There wasn't much he was able to do for the sound, but, this he could do. reaching approximately her position in the alley and allowing himself to slide down the adjacent wall, wrapping his arms around his knees, not caring in the slightest if his designer attire took a scuff from the dingy knooks of the alley. He'd be patient in awaiting a reply... but he couldn't help in not allowing her to be alone... it was the least he could do. Simply waiting for her to speak, with any inclination to revealing why she was upset.
Lace's ears perked up at the sound of footsteps in the alley, and her body tensed up. They were soft, and somehow she knew whoever was approaching meant her no harm. Something about how quiet, and slow, they walked. Even so, she couldn't control her sobs. The question asked registered in her brain, but an answer would have to wait. It took a few minutes, but eventually Lace calmed down enough to look up at the man who entered the alley.

"Lost... Yes, I... I would think so? I... I was in a place for the... Knights Obsidian and, well, they were going to try to help me, but there were too many people and... I ran, and I don't know how to get back. They were going to see if the Isley I'm looking for is the Isley they know, but. Well. .."

Curling up into a ball, Lace's body shivered from the cold. She should have gotten a towel, or maybe a blanket, while she was waiting for Oleander. Did he do what he promised? Or was she back to square one?

"I... I'm Lace... Just... By the way?"

Felix Aquila Felix Aquila

Tag: Lace Verd Lace Verd
Location: Naboo

The sobbing girl seemed to respond to his presence, it was a start, as he stayed there waiting for some minutes more than happy to commit to this course of action. He would have stayed there for hours, quiet, waiting for the opportunity to respond and allow himself to help her situation. Yet, as her tears continued it seemed that she summoned up the will to answer, claiming to be lost somewhat. It seemed that his fellow knights had attempted to help her once before, but they hadn't been empathetic enough to realize her discomfort with the crowded base... or... wherever they had taken her to- ...

~wait... did she say Isley?~

It wasn't a common name in the grand scheme of things, the number of Isleys in contact with the Knights Obsidian could probably be counted in one hand... and one stood out amongst them like a sore thumb. He would definitely remember that, and her possible resemblance for later. But for the moment, there was a scared and lost person before her that needed to be helped. Not to mention she also seemed to have been recently hurt, scabbing could be seen here and there from recent wounds that had been dealt.

"My names Felix, its nice to meet you. Did they give you had anything to eat? Or anything to treat your wounds?" The man would reach into his jacket, grabbing what would appear to be a protean bar and holding it out for the girl, it was little more than a snack, but it could be enough to hold potential hunger at bay for a minute until they could get something substantial. For a wound spray however they'd need to get back to his place so he could get his hands on a first aid kit.

"You can have this, if you like..."
He'd say with a soft smile, using the opportunity to bridge the gap between them a little, pulling forward to be in range so that she could claim it from his outstretched arm. He wasn't about to offer aid yet when it came to what she wanted, it was perhaps a little too soon to throw his ability to possibly get a meeting with the late Metus, who just so happened to be a difficult person to pin down. For now, he was going to work on gaining trust, building rapport. It seemed that she was a flight risk, there would be no point in attempting to help if she simply ran out the doors again​

"N-no... I think one of them planned to? I wasn't... really... paying attention..."

Lace frowned at the ground, somewhat concerned on if she had offended that admittedly quite pretty female Knight who had checked on her after Oleander left. The crinkle of a wrapper grabbed her attention, and she snapped to attention. Glancing between the outstretched bar and Felix, Lace debated on if she could trust him, though she decided her hunger was too great to ignore any longer, and gently but quickly took the bar.

"Thanks... I... don't remember the last time I ate, must have been a while ago though... Can't remember anything besides my name and Isley's at the moment, actually..."

Muttering under her breath, mostly in thought, Lace tore open the wrapper and took a small bite. It wasn't that flavorful, but it was food! Eating quietly, she slowly began to relax, and sat up straight to lean her back against the wall. Felix Aquila Felix Aquila seemed nice enough, so maybe she could trust him... Right?

Tag: Lace Verd Lace Verd
Location: Naboo

Deep wells of radiant blue eyes would glimmer with lighter shades of calm, empathy welling into this unconscious tick causing his wild eyes to alter their colour based on his moods. Equal parts sorrow, calm vulnerability with a touch of pink as he would smile hopefully, picking up a bit as he would raise off the ground and dusting himself off, small plumes of the muck from the ground puffing off his hands as he clapped around and sliding his hands into his pockets.

Hearing about the lack of her memories however was heart wrenching, though by the looks of the marks on her wrists and ankles as she ate, he could tell immediately that she was likely some kind of prisoner. Whether it had been in slavery or something far more sinister, he dared not speculate. But whatever it was it seemed to have caused a trauma strong enough to perhaps put her mind into survival panic mode, and simply delete everything from the event backwards. But... that was a problem for the future.

"Getting something in your stomache will help you feel better, just. . . don't eat it too quickly. Your stomach acids are probably quite potent at the moment and easily upset. I'd stay away from rich foods, just for a little while. Bland is probably better... However, I'm worried about those wounds, they could still get infected would you let me treat them?"

If she accepted, he would take a step forward and offer her a hand. "I don't have a medical kit here, but, if you come with me I can get you away from people, let you calm down a little in a place where there's sun. Or we can stay here for a little longer if that feels like too much, I dont mind."

The quiet sound of chewing was the only noise that came from Lace as Felix Aquila Felix Aquila stood up. Part of her wondered if he was just going to leave her there in the alley, the other part prayed he wouldn't as he dusted himself off. Surely he wouldn't leave, right? He was nicer than that, from what Lace could tell, or at least assumed. Especially now that he was concerned about her not upsetting her stomach.

Obviously Felix was too nice to leave her alone if he was concerned about that!

"I suppose so... I could probably deal with eating bland food, as long as it's not flavorless? But... Am I really that wounded? It all just... kind of feels sore."

Lace frowned even as she took Felix's hand, and stood up on shaky legs. His offer was too good to pass up, though now she wondered if she had the energy to follow him to... Wherever he was going to take her.

"As long as we can stay away from people on the way there, I think I'll be fine? I just... don't have a lot of energy after... Well... Almost drowning... Earlier... That wasn't... pleasant. At all."

Tag: Lace Verd Lace Verd
Location: Naboo

Her balance was something he was worried about, as she stood, wobbly on her feet there was no way that she'd be able to make it the four or five city blocks to the place he had hired out... then there was the problem of other people. Which he had an idea of how to tackle, short of blindfolding the girl... which he doubted would go well considering her circumstances. Felix would allow his hand to remain in hers, hoping to balance her as he would move closer, lending her a shoulder on which to prop herself up against. The fact she was sore all over and it was blending together did not inspire confidence either... ~she needs someone to treat that... damn... ~

"Do you mind if i lend you my coat? Being wet and cold seems like a bit of a drag, and also, I think that dress you're wearing may just fall apart before we get to where we're going. And they might not be too bad, but better safe than sorry right?"

Should she accept, he would carefully slip his coat off, wrapping its warm high quality form around her, feeling the touch of rich satin making contact with the warm marino coating the designer wear. Soft, comfortable and warm. Afterwards he would offer the girl an arm as they would begin to make their way back towards the street. There were people, quite a few of them, the street was busy after all. But the trickster of the Knights Obsidian still had a couple of cards left to play... ~this is going to hurt... a lot... ~

"Hey, as we're moving, just try to keep your focus on me, ok? We can get through this together. I promise." He'd look into her eyes as he said it, confidence radiating as he would take note of the reflections in her Iris', familiarizing himself with the force and reading where and how the light was hitting the receptors in HER eyes... millions of receptors picking up everything going on in the world around her, overloading her senses and causing her to panic. He just had to make sure to create blind spots for her... thin the crowd, he couldn't eliminate the sound but... half of the people... should be doable.

And sure enough he would begin to weave his art, setting out into the street, to her, and only her, it would appear far less populated. Felix focused intensely, almost straining but still keeping up that smile as they continued to walk. "So... what were the knights you met like?" He wanted her attention, distraction, to let her mind fill in the blanks he couldn't catch... for now it was mostly fine, but later... there were going to be flaws.

He hoped she didn't catch them.

Lace leaned onto Felix's shoulder, more so out of necessity than anything. She knew he wanted to help her, but something inside of her hated to rely on him, and she couldn't place why. His offering of his coat elicited a small nod from her, leading her to step away for just a moment so he could take the garment off and wrap it around her.

It was heavy, compared to what she was used to, but more than that it was soft, and warm. Lace wrapped herself tighter in it, and was just barely able to hide some of field of vision behind the high collar as Felix Aquila Felix Aquila began walking the both of them toward the street. Though the coat obscured some of her vision, she could feel the panic rising again in her chest, and felt her heart begin to beat faster.

Glancing up at him, Lace's face was pale, and washed over with worry. Felix's words did little to calm her, but she nodded in response anyway to his promise. Briefly looking around, it did seem like there were less people than before, even if it was still just as noisy, and that fact alone calmed her ever so slightly. As they walked, Lace kept her grip on Felix's arm firm.

"Well... The only one who really talked to me was Oleander... He's the one that saved me from drowning, and brought me to their headquarters. At least... I think that's what that building was? One of the female knights did say she was going to see about a towel and food, but so many people kept going by..."

Tag: Lace Verd Lace Verd
Location: Naboo

He was happy she took the coat, snuggled into it in a manner he'd almost attribute to a creature that nests. The glee that would wrap around her face as she did so, even against its heft was reinforcing. The deep blue of his eyes almost became that like rolling waves of the deepest seas, sunkissed with touches of sapphire as they would almost seem to animate before the world. Then came the harrowing task before them, he could feel the clutch she had on his arm, it was tight, firm, supportive as the two of them made their way out into the world.

As she spoke, she mentioned another of the Knights, sadly it wasn't one that Felix as of yet was familiar with, Isley... if it was the same one he was thinking of, everyone in the Knights knew, he was a war hero, one of their founding members and more. More of an idol and something that stood as a symbol of what one was capable of becoming than a person to a middle rung knight like himself... Though Felix had other talents... But it was at that very moment a flash of motion moved past his own eyes;

~A reddened phantom sprung to life to Felix and him alone, consisting of a passing stranger leering, one of those erased approaching the pair and asking something of them. Lacy caught by surprise by an invisible figure speaking to them directly, spiralling everything out of control...~

Felix would see the man in the distance, he was already focusing so much on Laces' eyes, he would rebound a ray of light off a passing speeder to hit him just at the right angle and intensely enough it would sting, cause the man's eyes to water and the two of them to slip by while he recovered... but the slit in focus took a massive toll on Felixs mind, but still he continued, attempting to center himself again, laying his hand on top of hers for support and giving her fingers a light squeeze.

"I understand... too many people, I'm guessing it just became too much? I don't know Oleander, but they seem nice for the most part if they were willing to help you. I do know some of the Knights, once we get you looked at, if its ok with you, I'll send them a message to tell them you're fine. Sound good? Stop them from worrying."

Sweat was beginning to bead on his brow as they passed the second block, with one and a half more to go, but now cracks were beginning to form, a subtle shadow without a person attached passing by across the road, bags on a seat with no attendant. Subtle things one who wasn't hyper alert probably wouldn't notice. Felix hoped to distract her with his voice, though, on the plus side... he'd figured out his new training regimen.

'J-just another block or two... I got this...'

Lace's eyes stayed trained on Felix Aquila Felix Aquila as they walked, and she smiled slightly as he squeezed her fingers. It was a small gesture, but it was comforting. She nodded to confirm that there was just too many people, and that Oleander was nice. Lace hoped he wasn't too worried about her. Or thought she didn't appreciate his help, for that matter.

"Yeah... Everyone kept staring at me as they walked by, and it just... I got overwhelmed... But yes, I'd like to let them know I'm okay. There was one pretty female knight that did try to check on me before I ran too..."

Gosh that Knight lady sure was pretty... Lace was so caught up in talking to Felix that she, thankfully, did not notice an discrepancies in their surroundings. Though, her energy was quickly dropping, and her feet began to drag, until she tripped over her own feet. A small noise of distress escaped her as she began to fall, though she gripped tighter onto Felix's arm so she didn't fall completely to the ground.

"Sorry... Sorry... I think I need to sit down..."

Tag: Lace Verd Lace Verd
Location: Naboo

She was doing well, holding her own though she was obviously very weak, she seemed to contemplate his words for a touch before responding, though Felix would crack a smile as she seemed to fawn over one of the lady knights in particular, hitching her up a little as they continued to move.

"Oh yeah? Should I be jealous?" He'd say, cracking a chuckle as they made their way forward, Felix being careful to only hide those who walked by who moved too close to the two of them. While the density of the people around them never seemed to alter, further away there was beginning to become a couple more people over time as the man was forced to conserve his energy.

But, Felix could feel her getting heavier, but as they continued to move she was beginning to slip off his shoulder, Felix was in the midst of moving to a stop when she tripped suddenly falling and Felix would move to catch her, his control on his further away illusions faltering with her sudden movement as he stepped in her path with an arm out-stretched catching her along the diaphragm as he shouted in surprise. Lowering her to the ground for a moment and meeting her eyes. Worry explicit across his face.

"H-Hey! Are you ok? We can take a seat when we get home, I think it would be a bad idea to sit in a crowded street. Here..." His illusions still active, but he managed to wrestle control back... this wasn't good. He had about 2-5 minutes of this left in him before he fainted from the strain. He would turn, exposing his back to her kneeling on one knee.

"You did your best, let me take the next shift, whaddya say?" His ever-present smile would inspire confidence in most, he was certain, willing and from his frame it seemed that he would be able as well. Should she reach out around his shoulders he would gently lean back to hitch her legs around his hips so better to piggy-back her to where they were staying. Her emaciated body would not doubt be far lighter than he would have expected, making the load far easier, if not a tad more worrisome as he would steadily rise the two of them from the ground, and continue with a renewed steady stride. And he would begin once again to attempt to distract her, position for her head to rest on his shoulder.

"So, you mentioned something about a pretty girl?"

Lace felt so, so, very tired as Felix Aquila Felix Aquila lowered her gently to the ground. Exhaustion was evident on her face as she listened to his words, but they just weren't processing in her brain. Nothing was, really. Not the shadows without bodies, the bags without watchers, none of it. She stared, almost blankly, as Felix turned to let her onto his back, and nodded weakly as she actually put her arms in the coat, before climbing onto Felix's back. Resting her head on his shoulder, Lace laughed slightly at his question while closing her eyes.

"Mhm... She had these pretty green eyes... And white hair..."

Slowly, Lace's voice would trail off into nothingness, and her consciousness faded.

. . .

"Ori'vod! Ori'vod, I can't see!"

"All right, all right, just give me a second, okay?"

A five year old Lace reached her tiny little hands up to her older brother
, waiting to see the fireworks that had already started going off. She could hear Isley laughing as he kneeled down with his back to her. For a second, Lace didn't understand, and tilted her head to her side as Isley turned his head to look at her.

"What are you waiting for, Lace'ika? Go on, get up and you'll be able to see the fireworks."

A squeal of excitement came from Lace as she scrambled onto her brother's back, and wrapped her little arms around his shoulders as he stood up. Suddenly, the colorful sparks of fire that were just barely visible through the gathered crowd, were wholly reflected in the little girl's eyes. There were so many colors, and Lace didn't have the words to describe how pretty they all were.

"Well? Everything you hoped for, Lace'ika?"

"They're so pretty! Can I touch them? Can you make them for me, ori'vod?"

"Definitely not touch, but maybe one day I could make some for you, and we can have our own fireworks show. With everyone. That sound good?"


As the sound of fireworks faded, so too did Lace's vision fade to white.

. . .

As Lace opened her eyes, all she saw was white.. It was quiet, as she stared up at a white ceiling, and she was laying on something soft. Her wounds had been bandaged, but by who she didn't know. Blinking the vestiges of sleep away, Lace slowly pushed herself onto her right side to look around, and felt her jaw drop as how embellished this room was. Gold detailing along the walls, ornately designed vases filled with exotic looking flowers, especially comfy looking chairs, and expensive looking end tables.



Tag: Lace Verd Lace Verd
Location: Naboo

"Oh yeah? She sounds wonderful, maybe you will be able to see her again soon once we get you all cleaned up. Haha, maybe you should ask her if she has a sis-..." As much as he responded he could feel the weight of her head land on his shoulder, applying all of its weight. Panic would begin to run through his mind, however, he could feel her breathing on his neck, it was close, intimate even, but he knew she must simply be exhausted. ~we'll pick this up again later.~ He thought with a smile as he would pick up the pace, the busy streets of Naboo being allowed to come into view and relieving the Knight's mind with an audible sigh of relief.

Picking up the pace he would ensure his grip on the girl was tight, leaning forward that little bit more as he would make his way back to the loft apartment, up an elevator and into the presidential suite. Rooms with personal balconies and full screen glass windows, there was a pool, lavish lounge room and low dining tables. Full caterers kitchen and more. This was hardly the highest quality place on Naboo, but it was certainly top fifteen.

Sitting down on one of the large beds he would careful not to bump or jar her any more than she already had been, turning to lay her down carefully as he would move for the first aid kit. Taking the scissors he'd remove the rags that once, perhaps a long time ago would be considered a dress and apply a bacta spray to her wounds before bandaging them up carefully, moving methodically over her body, checking for hidden bleeding and discovering just how extensive the wounds were... everywhere.

"Kark damnit" Felix was stunned for a moment, lost at the scope of the torture she'd been through, but he would move diligently and methodically. Not giving a damn for modesty, this was important, and there was no-one else here, that could come later. One he was done bandaging and spraying, disinfecting and treating with a blast of UV light from his own power as well as another two bottles of bacta later. He'd slip her into clothing. A Blue sleeveless dress of impeccable design, and worth a small fortune before tucking her in and letting her rest.


The sound of her waking was met by the smell of breakfast, and a crash as Felix would gasp in pain having stood adroit slamming his head into the roof of a cupboard. Groaning as there would be a grinding sound of stone against stone and Felix would enter the room with a platter. Nothing special, eggs, toast, mushrooms but in borderline vast number as he'd lay them down on the bed bed beside her. Moving his hand to cradle the back of his head and wincing feeling the haematoma.

"Good morning Lace, I hope you don't mind I made us some breakfast." He'd say, grabbing one of the forks and helping himself to a sauteed mushroom. He made sure to keep the food bland, but not flavorless. It would do, there were some seasonings on the food, enough to make it aromatic and tasty... at least to his nose. He was a novice in most respects, hardly a chef but a fine cook.
Lace winced in sympathy when she heard Felix Aquila Felix Aquila slam into something, and pushed herself up to a seating position. Her joints felt a little stiff, and though she was tired, she wasn't exhausted like before. How long had she been asleep? A day? A week? Maybe somewhere in between? The food Felix walked in with certainly smelled awfully good though.

"I don't mind at all. Something tells me this is more than I've been able to eat in a long... Long time. Is your head okay? I heard you slam into something..."

Taking a piece of toast, Lace looked at Felix with concern as she took a bite. Sure, he was definitely much better off than she was, but head injuries could be serious! He could get a concussion! What that meant, Lace couldn't remember, but what she did remember was that they were absolutely awful. Maybe she got one at some point?

"How long was I asleep? It feels like it was a while..."


Tag: Lace Verd Lace Verd
Location: Naboo

Felix smiled, glad that he was able to help at least a little, grabbing himself a piece of the buttered toast as well and beginning to much, trying to take stock of whether or not she looked better, he wasn't able to tell if she had any internal injuries apart from the heavy bruising, anything that looked black and insipid he had attempted to put some special effort into... however, if she was bleeding out internally he doubted she would have gotten this far... or woken up at all.

"I'm glad, eat as much as you'd like, but before eating, i'd drink some water first there's some medication in it, I'll warn you that much, so if its a little bitter I wouldn't worry. I did a little reading and it turns out tha- ... well, I'd drink the water."

He didn't want to worry her any further, but the last thing she needed was ulcers in her stomach from the strength of the enzymes and their acidity, attempting to turn inward on itself and devour anything they could get themselves on. The worst kind of cannibalism. Felix wasn't sure how true it might be in this case, though while she was out he'd been doing some reading... and none of it had set his mind at ease. Thankfully Lace seemed strong, despite her condition, to have gone through all of that and come out the other side... was nothing short of amazing. He'd say it was a miracle but... ever since he could see the future, he didn't believe in them anymore.

"It's been about nineteen hours, honestly it took me about half that to get all the things i needed and treat you. I'm no Dr, but I know field medicine and I'm fairly well read. With some decent food rest and some light exercise you should be feeling yourself again in a week, tops."

Grabbing one of the eggs he would break the yolk, using it as a sauce to dip his toast and taking another decent bite.
It was quite obvious that Felix Aquila Felix Aquila was trying to not worry her, with how he avoided answering her question about the slamming noise. Her bottom lip was pushed out in a pout, as she grabbed the glass of medicated water. While she noticed her gloved hand, it didn't register until after she had finished the entire glass. Setting the glass down, she inspected the gloves, and was impressed at the quality. They were so soft she barely noticed them on her skin!

Then, she realized she was in an entirely new dress, and suddenly felt embarrassed. If she was dressed, then Felix must have found something for her, and dressed her in it while she was asleep. Sure, she didn't like the rags that barely passed for a dress, but this was just... It was far too expensive for him to give to someone he found on the streets!

"Felix... I'm sure you won't tell me just how much this outfit you've put me in is, but... It's far too expensive for someone like me!"

Lace huffed in embarrassment, before taking another bite of her toast. Really, what was Felix thinking, dressing her in such expensive clothing?!


Tag: Lace Verd Lace Verd
Location: Naboo

Felix would almost take an amount of joy in the revelation of the dress she was wearing, while it was true, it stood at the forefront of naboo high fashion for the season. He hardly considered it something of an expense... It hadn't taken long for him to phone a friend with a brief description and have them drop off a couple of adjustable numbers which would look good. There were a dozen or so choices from the conversation they'd had at the door, but this was one of the two that he had picked out. The other lay hung up in the corner of the room, though it was about the same as far as price and quality went.

The outrage made him smile a little broader, if not smugly, finishing his toast as he would cock his head quizzically to the side, furrowing his brow playfully.

"Oh... don't like it? And here I was thinking I'd made a good choice. . . I'm so sorry" He'd pout just a little, allowing some time for it to sink in before the faux visage cracked and he couldn't help but chuckle indicating towards the alternate outfit, a little more practical and had something resembling pants as opposed to the more flowing garb.

"There's another over there if you'd prefer, but as far as I'm concerned they're both yours. You need clothes that aren't rags and good clothes are key to any first impression. So consider them a gift, and if it makes you feel any better, don't worry, it's hardly going to break my bank account." For the most part, his head was feeling better now, he could see the worry that was on her face, as much as he deflected he'd stop tending to the side of his head and flash that sincere smile, something that would inform her in no uncertain terms that 'I'm ok, really.' He was a little more worried about her.

"How's your body feeling? Any better after some rest?"

The smile Felix Aquila Felix Aquila gave her in response to her frustrations only caused her to puff her cheeks out in mock anger. It was obvious even before he stated it that this dress was not a financial problem for him, but even still! In Lace's mind, it was far too high quality for someone he just picked up off the street!

With a sigh, Lace turned her gaze to the second outfit. It called to her a bit more, but she didn't mind the dress for now at least. They were gifts, and it would be bad to look a gift horse in the face... Or was it mouth? What was the phrase? Lace couldn't remember, but what else was new? Lace nodded to his question with a small frown, thinking about what she dreamt of. Or rather, what she remembered.

"I still feel sore, but definitely better than yesterday... I think... I think I know who Isley is, to me, at least. I... Remembered something, while I was dreaming. I think Isley is my older brother. I could be mistaken, but... Something told me it was him I was calling big brother in that memory."


Tag: Lace Verd Lace Verd
Location: Naboo

Felix could not help but crack, laughing a little at her puffed out face, shaking it off with a shake of his head he would sigh contentedly with her presence before moving to a nearby table. Grabbing a datapad and inquiring if it were okay for him to take a seat beside her, close enough that they would be able to share a view. It had come to the part of this meeting where he thought that it was time to deal with some of the problem at hand. Which Isley.

In his heart of hearts, especially with the revelation that whoever it was, was her sister, he was able to begin to look at family resemblance... and there was no denying there was some available to a scan from the naked eye. So he figured that it was time he tested something. He had gathered a couple of faces together in a mock lineup of people who looked a little similar to Metus, as well as a couple of other people named Isley within the CIS. There was a quartermaster named Isley Morrington, as well as politician by the name of Cairn Isley amongst the lineup just in case... But the face of Metus, in two different forms lay among the group of about twenty faces.

One of Metus' portraits was when he was about ten years younger, he figured if she remembered nothing a longitudinal approach with attempting to spark the memories of the two was a good idea. She may not remember Metus as he was now, but rather as he was in his younger years. And finally, there was the picture of Darth Metus now, or Isley as she called them. The two of them burrowed a sense of paternal dread into Felix's soul as he would bring up the pictures and hand over the Datapad to her. All the while watching her eyes as they would gaze over the images laid out before her.

"Are any of these people the Isley you remember? Its a list I was able to pull from the public records. I pushed them all together for you. If any of them jump out at you let me know and we will be able to go and meet with them when you feel well enough to do so. There's no rush, we know where all of these people are and can meet with them at any time... for the most part."

His words would be kindly and understanding, reflecting the idea that this was all to be at the pace she set and had nothing to do with needing to go immediately and overwhelming her with the stress of a ticking clock. Felix would put a hand to her back, running it in circles sportively as she would pour over the images, assuming she did so, simply wanting to be there for her in any way that he could. A way of saying you're not alone he supposed... like he was when he dealt with his family.


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