Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish [SO/GA] The Cleansing of Thule


Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua

A nod, short and crisp, was Braze's reply. " Soresu it is. Be careful, Bat Babe is a bit... Batty - a few too short in the belfry if you know what I mean! "

Braze acknowledged Jasper's directives with a crisp, curt nod, quickly re-calibrating his stance to serve the needs of their defensive formation. His lightsaber was held at the ready, its humming blade prepared to carve through any of the Sith-spawn bats that ventured too close. And for those that dared to maintain a safer distance, he had something special in mind: a tightly-focused beam of swirling wind and blistering white fire, all aimed with pinpoint precision to take down the wretched creatures.

The bats' screeches were grating, akin to the torturous sound of nails scraping against a chalkboard more so when they melded with the Batty Bat Babe's screeching. As Adeline let out a piercing Force scream, Braze felt it like a shockwave, resonating deep within him. It wasn't just a sound; it was an assault on his very essence, the scream clawing through the air to sink its talons into his mind and soul. His eyes widened in a moment of sheer panic, and he clutched the sides of his head with his free hand, as if he could physically hold his sanity together.

It was as if every nerve ending in his body had turned into a live wire, conducting sheer agony along every pathway of his consciousness. The scream seemed to distort reality around him, bending his perceptions and pushing him closer to a precipice of mental unraveling he had never known. Even the hum of his lightsaber, usually a reassuring anchor, was drowned out by the echoing wail that filled the air and invaded his senses.

He gritted his teeth, fighting for control as his focus wavered. His lightsaber felt heavy in his hand, but he gripped it tighter, holding on to it like a lifeline. This was an attack, he reminded himself, an attempt to shatter his will. He could not afford to break—not here, not now.

Summoning what reserves of willpower and mental strength he had left, he forced himself to breathe, even as each inhalation felt like drawing in shards of glass. He tightened his stance, lightsaber at the ready, forcing his hands to steady even as they trembled minutely. This scream would not defeat him. He would not let it.

He winced briefly, his expression tightening into a frown, but he didn't let his gaze waver from his primary responsibility: guarding Jasper's flank with unwavering vigilance.

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The temperature rose steadily in the room. It should have grown colder. That was how most experienced the dark side, it was a chill in the air, a hollow discomfort that bit into your bones. The chilling cold wasn't there, though, no... instead the temperature seemed to rise, cloying humidity clinging to those present. Warmth basking across them. Such was the heat of PASSION. Nwul clenched his fists and raised his head high, feeling the power build, the fanaticism intensifying. The religious doctrine that he had created and imparted upon his followers was neither wholly the truth nor was it wholly incorrect. The Dark Side was the Dark Side, it was nature, power, freedom, strength, and the unabashed reality of the cosmos.

Reality was often filled with inconsistencies and deceptions.

He bore his teeth, this was his truth, this was just a layer of his passion. While their fanaticism was built on a half-truth, an incomplete understanding, his absolute devotion to the Dark Side was built on truth. He heard its voice, understood the whisper, and ensured that it's will would be done. In exchange...

His mind drifted as he felt the Jedi arrive and he let out a breath of satisfaction, the 'humble' Sith Knight, or that's what he called himself, inhaled as if he was breathing in a delicacy. His golden eyes, untainted by the redness that came with the corruption of rage and hate, opened and an unholy golden fog trailed from them as the power built in his chest. "Ah... they're here..." He breathed just as an eerie whisper spread amongst the priests. Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé had kindly alerted them as well, he felt their trepidation rise, another emotion that they, followers of the Full Spectrum, faced and converted into power.


"And your coming is well met, Priestess," He responded to her telepathic call with a whisper filled with passionate flame, heat billowing from the memories of a thousand lives he had consumed the minds of, each had moments of intensity and warmth that he shared with her as if it were but a humble handshake from afar. "Revel in the moment, play to your hearts content, enjoy."

He sensed the deep devotion and belief of another... Quintessa Quintessa ... His lips twitched. While her belief was not for the dark side, but for her chosen Sith'ari... no... it was more than enough. She believed. That was all that mattered. He let the fire of passion build inside of her as well, granting her the flames of fanaticism as his meditative mind reached out to touch hers.

He looked down at his feet and saw his dear friend in deep meditation, his powers growing. Darth Caedes Darth Caedes had always been so close to him, ever since their first meeting. He had come without question to provide more than a little aid. The King of Korriban himself. Nwul's eyes softened as he felt his friend's mind reach out. The depths of his darkness becoming more intense, more amplified. It was not fanaticism that drove him, but rather, belief of another kind. The depths of concentration and intense focus. Understanding... and more importantly. "You feel it too..." He whispered as Caedes sunk into the dark side with him.

Zal Aditi Zal Aditi was there, standing with him. Her presence offering another layer of protection for the coming ritual. He felt her hunger, her desire for power. He smiled in approval, though he did not look her way, his eyes turning up towards the roof. The baseline power had almost built for the ritual.

His eyes fell shut and he cast his mind throughout the city, his connection to the indoctrinated civilians granting him perspective. Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua , the devourer who had met him in a coffee shop. He knew she thought little of his eccentricities, but it was enough that she'd come. More interesting was her opponent. Little Braze Braze ... his lips curled into a smile. He was proud of the strength in the force the young man had developed, though they had parted philosophically. He felt a brotherly swelling in his heart that he drew on for strength. His thoughts turned to the other party in the battle, while he didn't know the jedi, unfortunately, he would be party to Nwul's games. His eyes fluttered and he grinned, picking that battle as one of his targets.

His next object of curiosity was his apprentice, Shasill Kaarte Shasill Kaarte , the young man was still a long way from being a practicioner of the Full Spectrum. But he was growing, sure enough. He grinned a toothy grin, deciding not to provide his apprentice any help for the moment, wanting to see what he was capable of without his doting master providing him with strength.

And then... he exhaled with delight, "Valery and Cora..." He breathed thoughtfully, "They came together... oh I see... Master and Apprentice. Oh Cora," He chuckled and shook his head with a wry smile before rolling his eyes back into his head. His whisper crossing the city in an instant.

"Vaaaaaaaal~! So glad you could make it! It's my birthday! Did you bring me a present?" His jolly voice crawled towards Valery Noble Valery Noble . "I'm waiting... don't die."

Was all he said in his whisper to Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , but with it, came the same outpouring of feelings that she knew all too well.

With his greetings done, he clenched and unclenched his fists, rolling his neck. The power necessary for the ritual at last reached the point of no return. A faint pressure washed over the ritual hall and the priests dropped to their knees as one, prostrating themselves before the central sorcerer. Nwul nodded to them as the wry smile, the halmark of his face, the coy expression that nothing seemed to dissolve, fell from his face. All that was left was a steely determination.

"Let us pray." He intoned and began the first line of the spell.

"Tapti'zuir, nu kuris sua tave xarnait'ar-jen'qyasik. Nwul. Shasot'ari."* His mouth moved, but the words didn't come from his lips, instead, they seemed to ripple out from his body in a shockwave, cascading over all those present. "Nu byloti nuyak vadiniti'ar, ir jen'qyasik dzwol-kin."*

The profane declaration swept across the spell circle again, lightning popping and snapping in the air before it settled across the ground, energy spreading like spilled soup. From it, black tendrils rose and wrapped around Nwul's arms as flames danced across his lips and eyes. The other priests followed suit, a low drone rising from them as they poured their minds into assisting the ritual.

"Kelisas Primyn, tu xarnait iv jena'tes. Kusk iv wonosa anas kash nenx j'usta. Tik pro shasot galez j'us vykti zhol!"*

The words erupted from his chest again and a swirling vortex of power began to form in the assembly hall, he had made his declarations, called upon the dark side, and issued his challenge. The dark side heeded him as he knew it would. Its eye was focused here, and soon... madness would spread. From within the buildings, civilians struck out, their eyes filled with madness and hatred for the Jedi. In their hands were flames, an army of dark-side powered pyromancers eager to burn the Jedi to the ground.

  • Shasill Kaarte Shasill Kaarte 's battlefield will lose some of the dark side intensity there, his master demands that he prove himself with his own strength.
  • Ripples of madness have begun crashing out across the area. Visions of past failures, mistakes, and opportunities for changed choices will plague those without strong enough mental defenses for the next round.
  • Braze Braze and his battle against Adeline Noctua Adeline Noctua has been targeted, whispers of the Mind-Eater's consumed memories have begun to plague the area and psionic feedback as begun to squeal in the vicinity. Unfortunately for Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el he has been caught up in Nwul's antics and suffers along with his comrade.
  • The intensity of the dark side increases another stage, the air is now hot and stifling and emotions are even more difficult to control. Watch yourself, lest you let your emotions carry you away, Jedi.
  • The locals have come out of hiding, wielding pyromancy through the flames of their passions. They are intent on incinerating anyone they find in their madness.

*Come and See, I am the Steward of the Dark Side, Nwul, Lord of Passion. I speak my title and the dark side abides with me. Go now you servants of darkness. Dream of freedom that is not yours. Only through passion may you take it!


As the civilians got within range they would swing wildly at jonyna normally controlling six people for combat would be incredibly taxing on her force powers but in a place like this it was easy she drew on the darkside energies of the planet and the restless souls of the planet. She didn't care about the ritual all that much she wanted to see if she could grab treasure or people to experiment on more than anything.

Jonyna didn't skip a step, pulling out her Fang blaster, setting it to stun, and taking out each of the civilians with a quick trio of shots to each. She wouldn't let the witch distract her, nor the feelings swarming her now. She ignited Lucy, the ruby blade's glow shining across the field as she approached Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast , ready to strike down the sith witch. She'd already faught off Darth Wallgof Darth Wallgof 's mental attacks, this was nothing in comparison.

Astrid pentoghast Astrid pentoghast



Iris Arani Iris Arani | Assembly Building

Xeykard watched the ritual in silence. Many of his peers revelled in the dark, others joined in solemn prayer and ritual, and others still leapt at the very thought of Jedi arriving on the world. As the sorcerer bid his followers embrace passion, the Inquisitor found himself dispassionate. There was nothing for him here.

He wondered if this was how the Dark Lord felt; an apathetic figure, surrounded by a maelstrom of darkness. Then he berated himself for the hubris of the thought.

And yet, he needed to think in such a way, did he not?

Unlike the others -- Jedi or Sith -- Xeykard had not sensed any sort of disturbance or call. He was bid here at the request of another; he was eyes and ears, a gentle support. Any sign from the sorcerer was washed away by another, a blaring call in his mind that he beat back like weeds in his garden.

It told him in whispers at first, then in shouts, that the path he'd set was not one he could stray from. He could never have strayed from it. It took hold of his soul, and yet he resisted.

He looked to the work ahead.

As the fighting began he took up his position, guarding the Assembly Building's entrance. For now he waited for his moment, saber-hilt resting quiet in his hand.


Behind the expressionless mask Iris could better see the world around her. Information came in, piecing together her path forward, leading her to her target. A Sith Knight, an Inquisitor no less. One that had long been active in the Sith but never in a way that caused him to truly stand out. A survivor of the Imperial rebellion. That was the limit of the information that scrolled past her eyes on the screen within her mask, but it was enough.

He wouldn't be the type she could sneak up on.

Iris made no attempt to hide herself as she approached, Domxite still burning in the air in her grasp as she held them gently to the side. She only came to a stop a few feet away. Said nothing as she instead scanned him over. Not with the mask, but the Force. His colors, and what they meant. Intentions, emotion, most were often clear. Though the haze of the ritual in the background certainly made it more difficult to see.

She didn't waste words. Just lifted Domxite up in both hands to level the thin blade in his direction. Then rushed for him in a blur of speed to strike first.

Xeykard Xeykard


Location: Thule
Objective: Deal with Sith
Lightsaber - Blaster
Tags: Thal Mantis Thal Mantis Lady Venge Lady Venge
Shan was more of a defender and protector than an attacker. This is exactly why Shan didn't leap straight into the battle against the Sith. It would be playing into their hands and considering his offensive skills weren't his best, he relied on his defense, getting into his Soresu stance. It seemed clear to him that Thal had plenty of strength and potential anger in his strikes, and it reminded Shan of his fight against Nyaeli back on Elom. He refused to let himself give into his anger like that again. With his current mindset, he wouldn't be able to hold himself back from trying to kill the Sith. He just had to keep himself calm, cool, and collected.

He could feel a sense of foreboding darkness spreading through the air, sending a chill down the Mirialan's spine but he had to stay focused. As soon as the sense of darkness came, Shan started to reinforce his mental protection. Forming a barrier to defend his mind against the crashing tides of the red Sea forming in his mind from how he saw the Force. This was going to make things a lot harder for him. Part of him debated if blocking himself off from the Force fully would be for the best, but then he wouldn't be able to help Thal much at he decided only some slight reinforcement would be enough.

Instead he kept his focus on Thal's battle, whilst keeping an eye on the other Sith not taking part in the saber battle. Every so often, when Shan thought a blow might slip past Thal's defenses, he'd send a wave of Force to his ally's person, reinforcing around him in the form of a Barrier to try and take a lightsaber blow or two. It would be hard work but it was something that came naturally to Shan, as opposed to fighting.


Xeykard's presence was tight, coiled like a spring; not hidden but concentrated on himself. He wrapped it around his body like a suit of armour.

The Jedi that emerged advanced slowly, saber blazing bright. The attire and stance betrayed his opponent's nature as a Shadow, but she made no effort at concealment. A more powerful enemy might've been able to evade even his excellent senses. The Jedi's decision, along with her presence, told him that they must be evenly matched. He ignited his saber, taking it both hands and settling into a tail guard stance.

The Jedi was quick -- a little quicker than he'd expected, but not enough to take him by surprise. His saber swung to meet the Jedi's first strike, a devastating parry, but not strong enough to break the flow just yet. He returned, focused on the mid-range exchanges of blows, testing his opponent's strength all the while guarding against her speed.

"Pathetic," he snarled. "You are a disappointment to your master!" The words came out leaden; he hated the inane banter, preferring the style of silent battle practiced by the Jedi before him, but the words came out nonetheless.




Son of the Wolf
Child of the Tower
Man full of hate

Fighting: Darth Amarok Darth Amarok
With: Shan Pavond Shan Pavond

Thal pressed the attack while the Sith focused himself with talking, his eyes narrowing into a more ferocious stare. Thal was physically larger than the Sith, and he intended to use that to his advantage. Gritting his teeth as the Sith blocked his attack, Thal pressed his bodyweight to the right- then turned off his lightsaber while the Sith was being pressed on by it.

Hoping to catch the Sith off balance by his brutal, dirty tactic, Thal's fist curled and aimed for the Sith's hopefully exposed chin in a swift, violent uppercut.

"Don't talk."



"She missed you from the last summer." Banter and insults were never Iris's strong point, but she didn't hesitate to speak the words none the less. She held little strength behind her blows, but she continued the assault regardless. A lightsaber didn't need power to be lethal. Just a swift, properly aimed strike was more than enough. And by the footwork and control she held of her blade, it was clear that's what she was aiming to accomplish. Parry, thrust, weave between his strikes and set the pace.

She dipped under another strike, leapt away to make space as she again pointed her blade towards him.

"You have no place here, do you? Why else would you be left here alone."

Xeykard Xeykard
Ally: Valery Noble Valery Noble
Approaching: Madrona A’Mia Madrona A’Mia


Nwul’s mind brushed against Cora’s own, flooding her with a perverse sense of affection. It was utterly strange, alarming, and alluring all at once. Her heart beat erratically for a handful of seconds.

Sith trickery at its finest, she reasoned to herself as her eyes fell shut, Do not let him unbalance you.

Cora pinched the bridge if her nose and inhaled deeply, calling on the Force to shield her mind just as Valery had taught her. This wasn't like plundering an ancient Sith tomb, though - the ichor of the Dark was thick and all-encompassing, attempting to smother them. Clearly, the Sith were leveraging the playing field to their advantage. That made sense, but it also felt…strangely alive. Like they were on the verge of something. Something fanatic, like Nwul himself.

Blue eyes reopened with a sense of clarity. Cora accepted that, given their environment, she couldn't keep him wholly from her mind. However, she could tap into her own stubborn resolve to keep herself centered.

The hairs at the back of her neck stood, and she leaped to the side, a millisecond away from being roasted alive by what appeared to be civilian pyromancers. She raised a brow to Valery with a frown.

"Goodness…" Cora grunted delicately in displeasure while carefully fitting a dainty pair of satin gloves over her hands. "This humidity is not ideal for my hair."

A swift outward motion of her hands sent the civilians scattering with the Force. The Padawan narrowed her gaze; something didn't feel right. The Dark swirled around them like a serpent.

What are you doing to these innocents, Nwul?

The closer they drew to the Assembly building, the heavier the discourse became. It was more than just the civilians now. Presences of varying strength could be felt more closely. Master and Padawan ducked behind a stone pillar to assess the battlefield. In the near distance, she spied the structure they were after.

"There is our target."

Cora looked from her Master, back towards the building. She unclipped a pair of smoke grenades from her belt and hurled them into the fray.

From there, the Jedi would drift closer, under the cover of clouds of smoke. Cora’s gloved hand gripped the hilt of her lightsaber, keeping it unlit for now.

Nearby. I can sense someone…
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Location: Outside of the Last City, Thule
Equipmeint: Nargon Holocron, lightsaber, Fur-line coat
Tags: Shasill Kaarte Shasill Kaarte

Liam was on his way to Taris when his family’s holocron came to life. The gatekeeper warned of a spike in dark side energy coming from the planet Thule. A historically Sith planet near the origin space of the species and the group of dark side users that followed. Liam had learned from the holocron that the Nargon Jedi were talented seers, so Liam didn’t question the gatekeeper, even though she was not technically of Nargon blood. Following the gatekeepers direction, Liam rerouted his ship and before too long he was starting the landing sequence.

Though Liam had used the image and voice of the gatekeeper to become a Farseeker apprentice affiliated with the New Jedi Order, he had not met a true Jedi in an official capacity. That being the case he decided to avoid the landing area chosen by a bulk of the Jedi responders to the same phenomenon and land on the far side of the lone large city on Thule. He received a warning from the holocron to be careful as he put on his coat and hooked his newly built lightsaber to his belt. This would be his first test as a Jedi. He hoped he wouldn’t disappoint.

The rest of the Jedi must have already started to arrive because there was surprisingly little resistance to Liam as he approached the city. He saw the outlines of the crumbling church before he saw the form of the Sith Apprentice. When he realized there was an obstacle to his advance. ”Will you be standing in my way? Or joining me in ending the darkness that has begun.” As he spoke Liam’s hand went to the hilt of his lightsaber, though he was careful not to make any aggressive movements.
Shasill's gaze wandered thoughtfully into the sky as he felt the dark side power around him diminish. Master Darth Nwul Darth Nwul wanted him to prove himself then. Without his assistance. Very well. Shasill would show his Master what a worthy apprentice he was.

Ah. What do we have here?

A lone man appeared through the wavy air (due to the intense heat) and stepped over the remains of what used to be a ferracrete arch. And then Shasill was spotted.
”Will you be standing in my way? Or joining me in ending the darkness that has begun.”
The teenager grinned and tore off his cloak (thank goodness, he was sweltering in there), revealing...another black shirt. Damn. As sweat dribbled down his cheek, he responded, "Cut the chatter. Let's duel."

Shasill noticed that the man ahead was trying to go for his lightsaber slowly, maybe trying not to aggravate him? The Sith didn't have any such qualms, and extended his right hand, using the Force to draw his lightsaber from his left hip. He ignited the crimson blade with a snap-hiss, and placed his left hand on the hilt as well. He bent his knees, right foot behind left, lightsaber held upright by his right ear.

And then, suddenly, his vision faltered, and he was back with his family. His mother smiled at him, and moved in for a hug...What is this tomfoolery?!

Shasill squeezed his eyes shut and grimaced. He'd never experienced this before. He then remembered what his Master had taught him, and used the Force, attempting to flush this flashback out of his mind. It worked, and sight returned to him. The Jedi was still standing there, hand on his lightsaber.

That was strange. Perhaps the heat was getting to him. Shasill kept up his mental defenses, and took a step towards his opponent. He would worry about that flashback later. Right now, he had a duel to win.

Liam Nargon Liam Nargon
Venge could sense the sudden change in the air. It was becoming more stifling, far more oppressive. Quite the opposite of what one would typically expect from the Dark Side. Beads of perspiration suddenly stood out on her forehead. A long, luxurious soak in the tub later in the evening, along with a nice cold goblet of her favorite dark wine was definitely in order after the Jedi had been dealt with.

Glancing towards Darth Amarok, Venge could see that he was currently busy dealing with Thal Mantis Thal Mantis She had no worries there, as she considered Darth Amarok to be a formidable Sith Lord.

Turning her attention towards Shan Pavond Shan Pavond Venge ignited her matched set of lightsabers, as she launched herself into the air with a Force Leap, landing lightly on the balls of her feet, in a crouched position within the Padawan's line of sight.

"Tsk...we can't have you feeling left out on all the fun," Venge said with a smirk on her lips. "Care to dance, Jedi?"


Location: Thule
Objective: Deal with Sith
Lightsaber - Blaster
Tags: Lady Venge Lady Venge
"Unfortunately you're a bit too old for me, but I am looking to dance with a Sith. Aruzan. Maybe a little bit of anger issues...Nah. You probably don't know her. " Shan broke out into a little grin at that, twirling his saber around in his hand as his eyes darted between the pair of lightsabers Venge had in front of him. Hm...That would possibly be more difficult than he had expected. Two sabers to be aware of, whilst reducing his focus on the Force so that he didn't give into his emotions...

Either way, Shan focused on his Soresu stance. There was no way he was going to strike out first to make the first strike. Patience was a virtue, and it was one he was well gifted in when it came to fighting. Just focusing on his opponent as he debated things in his mind. What would be the next step? What would be his next move? Of course he could just rush forward to strike but like he had thought earlier, that would just be stepping into a trap. He'd need to come up with some kind of move.

There were a few tricks up the Padawan's sleeves, but either way, he just waited for the woman in front of him to approach. Preparing to defend himself and wait for an opening. There wasn't a chance he was going to let himself fall at this point. At least not until he had a chance to do the things he had in his mind.

Darth Amarok saw the fist coming, and knew there was no way to fully deflect the blow. Tensing up would only make it worse, so as the uppercut connected, he was rocked back on his heels a few steps. Twisting his head left to right a few times until his neck popped, Darth Amarok refocused his attention on Thal Mantis Thal Mantis

"So you like to fight dirty, hmm? Very well's my turn," Amarok snarled as he pointed his right hand saber towards the dirt and concentrated on all the loose twigs and stones. "Dodge this," he growled as the debris began to telekinetically fly towards its intended target.

A scream came, blasting at Jasper's skin and tearing through his ears. The shockwave ripped through his shirt, leaving lacerations in his exposed arm and flaking slivers of durasteel off of his mechanical arm. It wasn't long before some blood began to flow from his various injuries. The ringing in his ears became unbearable, but the knight gritted his teeth and committed to carrying through his swing. He wouldn't get as far with his blade, but perhaps he could at least get in a good slash with the end of it.

<Braze!> Jasper spoke, though telepathically this time. It was a skill he had managed to pick up before his time on the council, one which would be vital going forward given his current state. <Not to alarm you, but I think I've gone deaf. I don't see this getting any easier. Grab my lightsaber from my hip. Use it well.>

He had a second one, so he could pivot to his shoto if need be. All of his energy had to be focused on getting in as much damage as he could with the Lux Ultima though.

Whenever the blow finally was seen through, if it landed or not, voices began to ring through the knight's mind, disorienting him more so. They were in anguish, trapped in some twisted and unnatural form, calling out in unison. It was hard to understand what this was, or what was being said, but these memories were no simple mind trick.

Jasper anticipated an incoming blow. His guard was down. Mustering his internal energy, the knight
enhanced his rigidness, temporarily making his skin much harder, like the carapace of an insect. His prosthetic arm would be even more so this way, ready to intercept whatever this Sith had in store for counter attack. Force Light was formidable against the dark, but even with his sword Jasper's was weaker than others. He was prepared for the worst.

He just had to outlast her and the voiced.


With: Shan Pavond Shan Pavond
Fighting: Darth Amarok Darth Amarok l Lady Venge Lady Venge

The Sith was right in his critique. Thal could barely make a movement before the impact of the first rock hit him, then a twig- his Jedi Armor cracking under a few rocks. A rock caught him above the eyebrow, causing bleeding down to his eye. Even the barrier that Shan put up only blocked a fraction of them, but a few caught him in his unprotected face and towards his stomach, cutting him slightly. The longer the fight when on, the longer the one on his face would bleed- possibly obscuring his vision out of his left eye.

When it subsided, Thal lowered his arm that was guarding his face, and sneered again.

He then charged- just straight charged at the SIth. His hands curled around his lightsaber hilt, grasping it firmly. Thal pivoted on his heel and drove his lightsaber blade upwards in an arc- attempting to smash the guard of the Sith, where he would be able to follow up with another flurry of savage attacks.

Thal had roughly three inches in height, but more importantly, Thal had nearly fifty pounds on the man.

The Force moved around Thal. Darker, it grew. Darker than the Sith there, even. But not tapped into. It held the same feeling, the same energy as an animal in a cage in a zoo. It was clearly there, the anger, the hate, the rage, but it wasn't being acted on. But Thal was focusing on not letting it get to him. The same thing that kept him alive all those years in the Red Tower, he had to bury. He had to leave behind.

And when the Sith was around him, they could feel it too. Tap into it. But he was trying not to. Trying not to be like them.
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Tags: Braze Braze Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el

The blood, oh how it sang to her.. So sweet, the violence so vile. It excited the woman as her blade met with his, pushing on his defenses yet his skin would protect him from any further damage. The light within his blade making the strike less effective as well, Keres would take a step back to examine the situation.

"Fear guide you throughout the night, cling to it desperately for it is the only light left in this nightmare."

She beckons to the both of them, her voice as soft as silk, like a siren alluring you to the depths of the abyss.

"Be thankful for this blessing I have given you, for now you fight for your life more than ever, you become stronger from this or you perish. This is the immutable dogma of nature itself, it doesn't matter how far you run.. Or how much you try to ignore it... We all are sharpened by conflict."

Keres smiles under her crimson helm, pointing a metal claw at them, her words sounding very familiar indeed.

"Just as the Maw pushed your people to be better."

The black tendrils emerge again, three of them growing out from her like wild roots. Each of them coiled at the end as if they held something? While Keres kept her red saber alight, doubling down on keeping up the pressure she uses the other hand to send a bolt of lightning at Braze while his focus was breaking, while her saber hand struck at Jasper with a slash going for his eyes. In addition her tendrils swirled and also struck, with one seeming to hold nothing jabbing..
Nothing? At Braze, as the other two tried to wrap and coil around Jasper.

"I prefer to think that I've aged like a fine vintage wine,"


Location: Thule
Objective: Deal with Sith
Lightsaber - Blaster
Tags: Lady Venge Lady Venge
"Oh that's perfect! I've always hated wine. So that's a perfect thing to compare you to." Shan kept a little grin on his face, standing his ground for now as he kept his focus on her. He couldn't afford to let his focus slip for a moment. There were still plenty of ideas in his mind, but the Mirialan was still going to wait for the first move. He just had to focus on getting through this fight.

"Also, Aruzan is her species. Not her name. She's not...exactly a friend." He frowned at the thought of Nyaeli...but shook his head, snapping his mind out of those thoughts and instead pushing his robes open slightly to pull a second saber from his belt into his spare hand, igniting a similarly green blade. "In fact, she might be pretty annoyed at what I've done with her lightsaber...or maybe she'll be happy that I'm using it to fight." He just twirled the pair of sabers at this point. Having two of them would be better for his defense, even if he wasn't overly trained in dual-wielding sabers. Sure, he had run through a few training drills, but that was different to the real thing...Either way, he had confidence in himself and his skills.


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