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Small Business

[member="Dunames Lopez"]

The Anzati had received a request for a meeting, from Dunamez Lopez-head of Star Tours HQ. He had wondered to himself specifically what his meeting was for. He was aware that Dunamez was a citizen of the First Order, although from what he knew, she wasn't a member of any military branch in the First Order.

His distaste of the First Order was known to a few, mostly b/c they seemed to ally with the Sith. Krayzen however was neutral in the ongoing war, as he also had a personal distaste for the Galactic Alliance as well, even though they were allies of the Iron Empire's allies, the Silver Sanctum Coalition.

Krayzen had ordered for Dunamez to pass through most of the security measures that were usually in place, mostly due to the attempted assassination of the Emperor of the Iron Empire. He had done it because he wished to begin the meeting immediately, and he believed she didn't have any malicious intent coming here.

"Sir, Ms. Lopez will be arriving soon."

"Thank you." he said, as he left his office, and went to the entrance of the headquarters. As he waited, he had his standard armament, as he was still a General as much as he was a CEO.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Csilla, the location she never got a chance to go to. While it was, admittedly, a little close to Mindabaal, she took the Madeen to Csilla (although it was by no means the Madeen's first flight, not even in Star Tours service). Star Tours is a noncombatant party in the war brewing to their south, especially along the eastern border of First Order space. Yet, since war was declared, traffic going on routes from First Order space to Galactic Alliance space is down, with many preferring to transit through neutral space, like Pergitor if their final destination was in the southern area of GA space or Mindabaal for the northern area of GA space. These were dangerous routes to fly on, with constant reports of altercations between GA and FO passengers. While blasters on stun were just fine for dealing with most unruly passengers, Jedi and Sith needed more specialized equipment. Using one of the Madeen's Neimoidian Yachts, she descends into the atmosphere of Csilla, where she lands in an area surrounded by Chiss. Not surprising since it is the Chiss' homeworld. Once she has arrived at the Csilla headquarters of that security equipment manufacturer, she meets with the receptionist...

"Dunames Lopez, from Star Tours. It's regarding the purchase of security equipment"

[member="Krayzen Dratos"]
[member="Dunames Lopez"]

The former Sith Knight heard Dunamez as she spoke to the receptionist. Krayzen motioned for the receptionist not to respond, and he introduced himself.

"My name is Krayzen, the owner of Drakos Systems. Perhaps you can discuss what you just stated in my office?" the Anzati replied respectfully. If she accepted, the Dark Jedi Knight would signal for her to follow him, and invite her to his office would then go and get a small cup of wine, for both of them, as he sat in his office, ready to discuss the details.

"You wanted to discuss details the supplying of weapons right?" he asked, hoping to pick up the conversation from where they left off.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
Something was odd to Dunames: the receptionist somehow kept quiet. That was a little weird: she would have expected the receptionist to relay her arrival to [member="Krayzen Dratos"], so that Krayzen guides her to the office. If only that. But, since weapons are the main item of what she considered security equipment, perhaps it was more about personal security equipment. But there were those times where it was necessary to employ lethal force, and this is where the stuff she wishes to buy comes in. So she went to Krayzen's office, where she is offered wine. Wine? That was for the more... high-level kind of business meetings. Yet, unless she had the intention to stay for at least eight hours on Csilla after the operation ends, she shouldn't drink it. Usually, admiralty law states that, when in flight, the regulations in effect are those of the faction where the ship has its home base, at least as far as maintenance and flight safety is concerned. Since the Madeen (along with the majority of Star Tours' fleet) is registered on planets in First Order space, she has to make sure that First Order regulations are respected while on piloting duty.

"Oh yes, you have to understand that, due to the sheer amount of security personnel assigned across Star Tours' corporate shipping fleet, any order of weapons we are to make here will be made in bulk. Now, what kind of weapons would be best to deal with hostile lightsaber-wielders?"
[member="Dunames Lopez"]

Krayzen did not mind that she had not drank the wine he had offered. All that mattered to him was that he had attempted to make her feel comfortable, and friendly. He wasn't aware why she didn't drink it, nor did he care that much. He however, at this moment, cared about what was going on, as he saw an opportunity for Drakos Systems' revenue streams to increase.

"So from my understanding, just to be correct, these are for security personnel, not for any military purposes correct?" Krayzen said, as he sat on his chair.

The Anzati,like many was prepared, and he believed that (since most of Drakos Systems' products are weapons) the CEO of Star Tours, Dunamez Lopez would attempt to get a contract with him on weapons. That was why he had a contract offered up, just in case. It did however have an important agreement that the weapons wouldn't be used for any military-purposes, such as it being used for merc companies, or any faction that were neutral, light or dark.

"We offer a variety of weapons designed to fight off force sensitives. The SK-2 Ripper uses the mechanics of a verpine shatter gun, and a Mandalorian Ripper to create a weapon encased in a cloud of blaster energy to fight off force sensitives. We also have the GS-3 Weapon System, which allows our GS-3 Rifle- a weapon that encases slugs in sonic energy while being magnetically propelled, to be modified into a sniper, and pistol. Our GS Grenade also emits concussion blast, as well as phosphorous gas." Krayzen said.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
"These are just for security purposes: we fly to many different regions of the galaxy, some of which have declared war on other regions we serve, and it wouldn't make any sense for us to have them used for military purposes. Then we would be hit with travel bans"

And we can't afford a travel ban on any major faction right now... especially not the Alliance or the First Order; these are the main two thrusts of our business, she thought. But [member="Krayzen Dratos"] seems not to have traveled on it lately; Star Tours was a little weak in the galactic northwest after all. Mindabaal couldn't do everything for that area of space, and neither could Cademimu. It was obvious that Csilla would become another key component of Star Tours' network, provided, of course, that the Iron Empire authorities would allow it. And, after the assassination attempt of a group of Chiss extremists on the Iron Emperor, one could never be too cautious when it came to the Chiss and the Iron Empire. Yet, so long as there was no travel ban in force, there would only be travel advisories issued by the factions' central authorities. She had to think long and hard about the merits of each weapon being considered. Yet, she was no security expert.
[member="Dunames Lopez"]

Krayzen was satisfied with his reply. He then brought the contract, and showed it to her.

"The contract is there, along with the fee, and what we have discussed. Do you wish to add anything?" Krayzen asked, as he waited for her response.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
"I'll just have to check whether the breakdown of the items is satisfactory"

One Ultima-class ship alone had about 300 security guards or so. And the dozens of Exoduses, not to mention the smaller ships, each having dozens of security guards apiece! [member="Krayzen Dratos"] will end up supplying several thousand units of each ship. But the contract had the merit to be pretty simple: it had nothing on the contracts entered to purchase bankrupt companies. These were often complex beyond belief, especially since the paperwork bankruptcy lawyers have to file to even allow the purchase to proceed can be pretty daunting. The cost of those items was easily enough to purchase a brand-new Maersk or two, maybe even a brand new Rasta Sub or two. Or even an Exodus-class ship. Yet that was the price of security as she understood it. While she often took on Mandalorian security crews, especially for those ships based out of Cademimu, Star Tours grew too big to rely entirely on them, and Dunames knew it. She finally signs the contract after double-checking the breakdown of the items...

"There. I hope that the business conducted today has been satisfactory" she told Krayzen after handing back the signed contract.
[member="Dunames Lopez"]

The former Sith Knight nodded at her, and he could see the contract. Krayzen didn't believe he was being hypocritical when he signed the contract with StarTours. They had not committed any violent acts from his knowledge against any light-sided faction, and the purchases would not be used for any military activity in any manner, which allowed Drakos Systems to continue their new chapter of dissociating themselves with the Sith.

When she signed the contract, the Major General did the same, the Anzati's signature now evident.

"May this be a long lasting partnership." the Anzati stated, before reaching out his hand to greet her, as he awaited for her response.

Dunames Lopez

Megalomaniac CEO of Star Tours
"May the Force be with us all, even though I cannot use it"

Dunames shook the Anzati's hand once the signature of said Anzati was confirmed. This story was having a happy ending: now Star Tours was going to have the security equipment necessary to engage unruly Force-users. Especially along those routes taking from First Order to Galactic Alliance space. Clearly this bulk order was going to be mutually beneficial: now Drakos Systems was going to have extra business from outside Iron Empire (and Chiss Ascendancy, which have significant overlap) space. [member="Krayzen Dratos"] was happy by now, and so Dunames was.

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