Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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*Slides in on a roly chair*


I'm bored and I miss writing with people and couldn't find a decent SAO RP site so here I am. Kidding, but seriously figured I'd dip my feet back in and see what is up. Plus, trying to get into voice acting as a career and Lady Kay who happens to be my mentor of sorts said she was starting back up the Audio dramas for this site when she had time so figured of I was going to voice some of your characters, I might as well know who they are.

*waves* Nice to meet all you new people and old people (Looking at you pops) let me know if you want to write together.

P.S. probably scraping the whole spider Gwen stuff in Star Wars, that wasn't a great idea.

Was Lynn Nantaris, Hakora Feanor/ Lord Valdra

Welcome back to hell. I'd fire the confetti cannon but it's kinda expensive to operate and cleanup is a *Keep it PG-13* so yeah. Hope you enjoy your renewed stay here, glad to have you back....

Who am I kidding?

*Fires the Confetti Cannon*
[member="Lynn Nantaris"]

The last I had heard about this, the decision had been made that all the cannon items were now to be considered replicas, but of course I'm not sure if this is retroactive or not.

Imma have to invoke the powers of the knowers of things on this one... Get back to you in a second.
[member="Lynn Nantaris"]

The powers that be are informing me that you're welcome to pass it off as the OG lightsaber, but OOC you wouldn't have any claim to having the ONLY Mace Windu lightsaber. Though I must admit that rule was established before I dared show my face round these parts, so if someone that knows better than that tells you otherwise, go with what they say
Are you telling me I paid good money for a cheap replica?! How dare they swindle me.....ok I paid nothing for it, I just found it. I think there was a vision involved, but Bantha, all I really remember about my character here is she was a makeshift Spider-Qwen and her father had a Twi'Lek fetish....fetish might be putting it lightly.
Well, relatively new. Been here since August (so actually just before the rule change on canon items), but was definitely new enough I was still trying to adjust to the site and figure out which end was up. I'll go by whatever I'm called, but that usually defaults to Voph. On the one hand I look forward to crossing paths with you out in the wide wide galaxy. On the other are a Jedi... XD (Unless you scrap that along with the spider gwen thing, in which case Voph's opinion may change)

[member="Lynn Nantaris"]
Well personality and backstory won't change if old Mr. Nantaris is ok with it and if you give her a read, you'll see she is a Jedi or light side user for sure. May add to it and give her some experience with fighting to make her more balanced and explain the disappearance, but no idea at the moment.
[member="Lynn Nantaris"]

Then with any luck you'll be one of the more reasonable Jedi. Else Lynn and Voph might not get on to well. Not that he's...evil, mind you, but old habits do die hard...

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Sure...just give it away won't cha, Mariya. -_-

[member="Lynn Nantaris"] ... hmm...Nantaris... now where did i...
Yea, I think I heard that name bouncing about around here..there...

Anywho, welcome back [member="Lynn Nantaris"] . If you like Mariya's wines, then pass the word around. They are premium stock and are definitely for sale. :D
*Smiles and takes a small glass of wine to try.* O-oh, that isn't a grape.... That is an unusual, pleasant flavour. I like it!

*Looks at the other person joining and smiles.* Oh, I hear my name has a familiar quality, like a familiar face. Odd though, usually it is Twi'Leks saying my name sounds familiar. *Loads wine for both of them and Voph.*

[member="Voph"] [member="Mariya Fleischer"] [member="Marina DeVoe"]
She moves like she don't care
Marina DeVoe said:
Sure...just give it away won't cha, Mariya. -_-

[member="Lynn Nantaris"] ... hmm...Nantaris... now where did i...
Yea, I think I heard that name bouncing about around here..there...
That's because she is probably related to Valiens Nantaris, the head admin.

Maybe [member="Lynn Nantaris"] can clarify the relationship.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Valiens?... hmm, Valiens......Valiens... *puts on her thinking cap as she slides her glass over to get filled*

N....nope. :huh:
Don't think I heard that name before. Just sayin I hear Nantaris here and there s'all...
I must be thinking of someone else. :p

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
*chuckles* ... no, I only drink it. :laugh:

My bestie Mariya makes it. :D
Well, honestly speaking, I never caught her barefoot crushing the grapes in the open tubs really. But she has this awesome winery on Alderaan where she produces the wines. I call them Sovereignty wines as they are identical to the ones Alderaan once produced. That's before ancestral Alderaan were destroyed by the Death Star. That's what the first largest Imperial battle station was ominously called back then.... and rightly were a horrid weapon....sigh... :(

Anywho, the Sovereignty wines somehow could not be replicated for like almost 9 Centuries. Not until [member="Mariya Fleischer"] established her winery on Alderaan. Paradox!
Yea, she became the game changer. ..*urp*... Oh my. :blush:
I...I think I had a sip too much red... :p
She moves like she don't care
Yup, Alderaan is around. Supposedly terraformed or something. There was even a major faction based in Alderaan called Free World Coalition. My vineyard is still around and still making wine though...

One Sith is definitely before my time.

[member="Yan Li Nantaris"]

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