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Slaves to None [Republic v. Ladies of the Cauldron]

Despite the ash that still littered some of the corridors in the Coruscanti temple, there was work to do.

Jedi Shadow, @[member="Vulpesen"] had recently uncovered a terrifying truth that he’d encountered some truly vindictive Sith. Without reason, he’d been held against his wishes After conversation at length with him, it was further noted that these were the same two women heading an illegal (by Republic standards) round of gladiatorial games. Unfortunately, those very games were held on Rattatak, a location protected by the Tethos Treaty.

So, word of these ladies were leaked to a ring of shadow Jedi throughout the galaxy. Eventually, clue after clue was revealed enough to connect the dots. The Sith sisters were building an entertainment system that demanded expansion. And to fuel their expansion, they’d need slaves.

Not wanting to waste too many bodies to the cause, points of interest and known slave trading rings were designated and qualified Jedi were sent out to investigate them with troopers to assist and reinforce the laws of The Republic. One of the locations was Zygerria; a well recognized planet for slavery.

Currently, the selected Jedi and soldiers for this mission were cruising through space in an unmarked Republic armed transport. They were all clad in brown cloaks and ponchos to mirror the desert terrain they would be visiting. Within a few more hours, they’d reach the slaving planet and truly begin the search.

@[member="Darth Ilyena"] | @[member="Evelynn"] | @[member="Flint Dexen"] | @[member="Coci Sinopi"] | @[member="Vexander Graves"]

Lira Dajenn

Ilyena stood on the bridge of her H-type Nubian Star Yacht, a pilot standing in the seat before her and her Sister beside her. The orange iris' of her eyes swayed from side to side as she watched Hyperspace go by. The stars whizzing by held a nearly hypnotic quality and she found herself becoming lost within the blue streaks of light. A slight turning of her stomach made her snap back into reality, the feeling of the ship quickly exiting hyperspace.

She felt slightly sick as the Star Yacht came to what seemed like a full stop, no motion touching them of course but a feeling of something changing coming over Ilyena. She frowned slightly, though kept her feelings to herself.

Immediately ahead of them was the planet known as Zygerria, a slaver world for the last thousand years. The Zygerrians had a time honored traditions of holding slaves and selling them to the highest bidder, their thousand year Empire had lasted longer than most in this galaxy and even now with the Republic encroaching on their space they continued to survive and even thrive off of the slave trade. It made it the perfect place for Evelynn and Ilyena. She smiled slightly as they approached the planet, turning to her sister.

“I know we usually take these trips for your pets.” She spoke referring to the large zoo of creatures both in the Cauldron and beneath their palace. “But today I think I will be getting some pretties.”

She smiled, a coy almost evil smile, as though she were teasing.
@[member="Evelynn"] @[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
Vulpesen's eyes stared intently at the datapad. As the discoverer of these sith, it was only natural for him to be on the mission to apprehend them. Still, the shadow's hand drifted over his throat. The first time they had met, he had barely escaped with his life, and now he had a hairline scar as proof of the encounter. As a jedi, he was not to seek revenge, still, it would be nice to know that these p"ladies" were put in their place after realizing their mistake. Lifted his eyes upward, he spoke to @[member="Kiskla Grayson"], "Whats our ETA?" The sooner they got this over with, the better.

@[member="Evelynn"] @[member="Darth Ilyena"]
@Darth Ilyena | @Evelynn | @Flint Dexen | @Vexander Graves | @[member="Vulpesen"] | @[member="Kiskla Grayson"]​
Her black eyes looked over to a man called Vulpesen, her eyes the only thing to move as she sat in one of the armed transport seats. Her eyes narrowed as he raised his hand to this throat, and she could sense a disturbance within the young man. But that is his business. Her eyes moved from him to a long flat black metallic case in the seat next to her. Her gloved hand reached for it and rested in on her lap. Coci clicked the latches open and ran her hand over the The White Mouse. Piece by piece she began to assemble the nightstinger rifle until the final piece clipped on the top, the telescopic sight. Even though she maintains this rifle to a high degree, she will always check it, turning is around to find any sign of fault or damage, but found none. She raised it to her shoulder and nestled it against it, and looked down the barrel, then through the sight and pulled the trigger. The sound of a clean snap reached her ears and told her the rifle is in good order.

She closed the case and placed it on the floor under the seat and rested the prepared rifle next to her in the vacant seat. She let out a long breath as her nerves for flying only just in control, she had kept herself busy to take her mind of the flight, but now they are only hours away and she could not wait to get off this ship. She occupied her mind with fussing over her robes, a brown set of Jedi Shadow Robes complete with mask which incorporated a HUD system. She could not help but smile at this moment, remembering her interesting friend she .. from time to time .. runs into, Ethelwulf, ( @[member="The Cyan Blade"] ).
The armed transport was ahead of CSF operative Ben Trasker now and in his sights. The CSF curiser was one that was fast, but had no weapons of any kind. He had to rely on his wits and navigation skill to get him out of any trouble that may turn on him.

Tapping a single green button on the control deck of his cruiser, he pulled the yolk slowly left, banking slightly as he aimed to fly up above the transport.

Thankfully his remit under the CSF wasn't just restricted to the glittering jewel of Coruscant, but he was able to assist in operations to protect and serve the Republic, those who stand for justice and righteousness in the galaxy. Thankfully he was one of few operatives able to do this, and it was something he valued rather than being stuck behind a desk.

He had all he needed with him; blast vest and helmet, concussion and frag grenade, DC-15s sidearm and a heavy duty blaster rifle.

His eyes were fixed on the armed transport he was closing in on. All he had to go from CSF was that the transport had been commandeered for a search and rescue mission concerning citizens of the Republic and it involved Rogue Jedi? He didn't know how much of that was accurate but it was enough for Trasker to pursue and identify those aboard as friend or foe as it had escalated on Coruscant before, so that made it his business.

Flicking a small switch above his yolk; he was close enough to cut into the frequency of the transport.

"Unidentified Republic transport. This is Coruscant Security Force Agent Ben Trasker. Please identify yourself, your destination and persons onboard. Over."

Trasker leaned over slightly, now just to the right of the transport and went over it with his eyes and hoped whoever was on board was cooperative.

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"] @[member=Vulpesen] @[member="Coci Sinopi"] @[member="Nemene Talith"]


here for your dad
At times their bond was a thankless thing, as they came out of hyperspace her sister's nausea transferred over, causing an unwanted spike in saliva production. The girl shook her head slightly, ridding herself of the unwanted feeling.

During the travel Evelynn had her nose buried in her datapad. This was how the silent sister passed her time whilst in transit. Her quest for knowledge was never ending and today's topic of study was of a more botanical nature. The ins and outs of the gorsa tree. Technical details and biology aside, the girl was enraptured by the idea of flowers that bloomed in the darkness.

How apt.

The mute nodded at her sister. The number of slaves that the girls owned had taken a dip recently. Inevitable. Between the upkeep of Evelynn's carnivorous menagerie, Nemene's fickle cruelty and an isolated pool incident they were in need of a few more. Naturally there had been some wicked pleasure taken from watching the slaves struggle to achieve the same standard of work with diminished number but eventually they had to replenish the stock.

Be sure that they've got stronger necks this time.

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"], @[member="Nemene Talith"], @[member="Vulpesen"], @[member="Coci Sinopi"], @[member="Ben Trasker"]

Lira Dajenn

Nemene looked at her sister with a raised eyebrow for a second, then turned back to face the fast approaching planet. She had only been to Zygerria once before, a long time ago when her father had bade her to choose her very first slave, oh how the years drifted on by.

“But that would make them harder to snap.” She said in mock confusion. What good were slaves if you couldn't kill them? If she did not let out her anger somewhere she would likely explode, and what happened then would not be pleasant. Though perhaps this time they would last longer, she had become oddly...calm as of late. She had stopped beating the slaves at random and had just degraded to killing them instantly when they displeased her. She frowned slightly as she thought of the changes in her personality.

They were changes strong enough to notice, strong enough for her to notice. Her frown deepened and briefly her eyes flickered to Evelynn. It was because of the bond they shared. Her sisters frightfully calm manner was transferring to her, at least in part.

Nemene's skin prickled slightly as she thought of herself as Evelynn was, cool, calm, collected. To her surprise she liked the thought of it.

The Star Yacht meanwhile cut through the atmosphere of Zygerria, flying low above the ground and quickly reaching the planets main city. Transports floated in and out of it, most filled with slaves, others with precious silks and gems, all here to make money. The Sister Queen's of Rattatak were permitted to land in the highest section of the city, the spot deigned for Royalty and very important persons. The Ship landed with careful grace, and within minutes Evelynn and Nemene found themselves standing in the arid heat of Zygerria.

“Just as I remember.” Nemene chirped as a pair of guards approached them in welcome.
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"], @[member="Evelynn"], @[member="Vulpesen"], @[member="Coci Sinopi"], @[member="Ben Trasker"]

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
@[member="Kiskla Grayson"] @[member="Vulpesen"] @Evelynn @Coci Sinopi @Ben Trasker @[member="Nemene Talith"]

Flint leaned over to look over at the datapad that his fellow Jedi Vulpesen was so intently looking at. From what had been known to him, he was traveling with Master Grayson and his Republic comrades to put a stop to gladiatoral games being sponsored by the Sith. "Well, the Sith certainly haven't learned their lesson, even after the downfall of their empire." Flint commented to his fellow Jedi. "What exactly is our plan for when we arrive, Master Grayson?" he inquired to the Jedi Master.
[For the sake of the Sisters, we'll say this is a few hours prior to what's currently going on Zygerria]

Lots of questions. Good.
As a curious person herself, she welcomed the inquiries and was about to reply before a message bleeped over the comm. Thankfully, they were still en route and weren’t yet on the Zygerria border and still in Republic space, but it was still somewhat of a nuisance.

With a world-weary sigh, she unclipped from her webbing and went to address the message that rang through the channel.

“CSF Operative, this is a cleared mission en route to Zygerria to uncover an illegal slaving and slaughtering ring. There have been reports of Sith activity, and this vessel con taints qualified agents of The Republic to handle this affair.”

Something reflecting mischief crossed her lips — the voice seemed only slightly familiar. Then again, the current of the channel could very well be modifying the sound of everything, and she’d only met the operative for no more than an hour on Bastion. Thankfully, he’d also stated his name, which cued her remark;

“You’re welcome to join us, agent.”

She then clicked off the channel and instructed those in the cockpit;

“If he tries to board, slow appropriately. We don’t want to enter with an escort to a planet beyond Republic jurisdiction.”

With that, she ducked out of the curved pit and back where the Jedi were. Two knights had asked separate questions, and she’d address them accordingly.

“Another few hours, unfortunately.” She replied to the knight who had been held by these Sith before. She felt little trepidation from his aura.

“And, once we do arrive, you’re to blend in. I will be staying with the shuttle as reinforcements should they be necessary." In truth, this was to give the knights an opportunity to work with those beyond The Order. "Seek out the two Sith, hopefully see them involved in illegal activity. If not, we still have enough evident to give them trial back in Republic space. Therefore, arrest them on sight if they’re not preoccupied with said illegal act.

Do not exterminate them — we need them for questioning.”

@[member="Flint Dexen"] | @[member="Ben Trasker"] | @[member="Coci Sinopi"] | @[member="Vulpesen"]
Seconds passed...then minutes....

He tapped his fingers on the yolk as he waited as the static crackled into life and a softly spoken female voice provided the answer he wanted.

That familiar....but maybe it was just his imagination. No, that was the woman from Bastion alright. The galaxy was a small place indeed.

He laughed to himself; so she was a Republic agent tackling slavery and Dark Jedi? Impressive! He touched the com-link to send a reply.

"Received and understood, Agent Kiskla. Will accompany your shuttle down to the surface and assist. Any mission for the Republic just as well falls under my mandate anyway. See you planet side."

This was going to be a little more than a simple blue-milk run if these Dark Jedi, or Sith, we involved, but as an agent of justice and defender of all things he valued, it was simply another job for him to carry out.

Another small laugh escaped his mouth as he kept a nice distance from the Republic ship en route to their destination.

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"] @[member="Flint Dexen"] @[member="Nemene Talith"] @[member="Evelynn"] @[member="Coci Sinopi"] @[member="Vulpesen"]
@Flint Dexen | @Ben Trasker | @Coci Sinopi | @Vulpesen | @[member="Kiskla Grayson"]

Slavers holding gladiator fights wasn't an alien idea to Marek, he'd seen it before, hosted a game of the sort at one point. That had been years ago though, he'd changed since then, instead of working with the darkness eating away at his soul he was now against it. The only ties to that past he held were the scars and the mask, one he now wore. The Sith Stalker uniform had once literally been a part of him, now he wore it as a reminder to himself to be cautious, and a warning to those against him to run Not that they'd heed it, hardheaded bastards.

"Why not kill one and question the other? Less of a liability." He suggested, his tone unforgiving as usual. Sith and mercy didn't go together, never had, he saw no reason to change that. You offered them at chance at redemption, and if they denied it, you cut them down, plain and simple, not to mention efficient. Awaiting a response he was sure would involve some sort of scolding the Jedi looked around at the Knights and other Master within the craft, trying to guess which one would call him down first.
Vulpesen tilted the datapad slightly, taking notice of @[member="Flint Dexen"]'s interest. On the screen would be the details regarding the mission, the planet, and what intel had been gathered by the two sith. As @[member="Marek S'hadar"] suggested killing them off, the jedi lifted his head, showing a rather irritated look. "If we kill one of them, who shall we use to verify the story of the other? Its called lying and sith are famous for it. Besides, we're jedi, not murderers. If we kill them so easily then we are no better than them." They were jedi, not soldiers. If he, the knight they had tortured, could resist the temptation to kill the two schuttas they were after, why couldn't detached master do the same?

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
"It's called the force, it's rather hard to be lied to with it at your back, and they have less dangerous subordinates who can confirm the story. And you're a shadow, your duty is to destroy darkness, not persuade it to play nice. Should've been a counsular if that was your path." Marek shot back almost instantly. He could sense Vulpesen's bafflement. How could someone who'd been through as much as him not want to kill these two but this stubborn master would do it without hesitation? The answer was simple, Marek had been through far worse, he'd been lower than those two, done worse and more of it, then eventually he saw clearly, and his mission became clear, he had to stop these monsters as fast as possible. Usually by stabbing them. It was easy to hate what one used to be, especially in his case.

@Flint Dexen | @Ben Trasker | @Coci Sinopi | @Vulpesen | @Kiskla Grayson

Flint Dexen

Wandering Lost Soul
@[member="Marek S'hadar"] @Ben Trasker @Coci Sinopi @Vulpesen @Kiskla Grayson

It was then that Flint realized that Master S'hadar was also on board the Republic transport. It was rather unfortunate however, that Flint's former mentor and Vulpesen held dissenting opinions. "Perhaps we ought to concentrate on the task ahead.." Flint commented, in an attempt to stop a possible argument debate. "So what do we know about these two Sith?" he inquired in a change of subject.
@Evelynn | @Flint Dexen | @Vexander Graves | @Vulpesen | @Kiskla Grayson | @[member="Marek S'hadar"] | @[member="Ben Trasker"] | @[member="Nemene Talith"]​
"Understood", was Coci's only reply to Master Grayson as she gave them their orders and directive. A slightly smile still rested on her face as she had heard the communication between Master Grayson and CSF Agent, yes a familiar voice indeed and she knew he would have their backs.

However, Coci remained silent as she was seated near by the other Shadows and listened with interest to their conversation. A clear distinction between two in particular .. the third trying to quell the situation. This did not bode well for the mission if already there is conflict. She however, had to agree with the one dressed in some sort of uniform she had not seen before. Agree with him she does regard what a shadow is required to do, the Jedi Shadows position is one that places them outside of the Jedi Code and they are required to kill. There is no place for normal Jedi sensibilities in this field, and if that is to interfere .. then they should go home.

But she is not here for a debate and will leave that to them. Coci would not remain silent now. "Our objective is clear, as Master Grayson has ordered, we are not to eliminate but apprehend for questioning", she simply stated. "As for what is known of these Sith, I am hoping Master Grayson can field that question".
Kiskla gave a gap in the conversation for Vulpesen to project his knowledge. When it didn't come, and one of the agents of The Republic requested that she field the question, the blonde did.

"The reports reveal that these two women are the heads of an entertainment system that thrives off the mutilation and mortality of its participants. They are purchasing or otherwise kidnapping slaves and warriors alike for this arena of theirs. It's rumoured that this facility is on Rattatak. Unfortunately, that's in Fringe space, and as far as The Republic goes it would be best to avoid confrontation in their territory.

These Sith sisters have also kidnapped and mercilessly tortured Jedi of The Republic. They're likely to strike again.

As for threat levels, both are practitioners of the dark side. However, it appears they prefer melee attacks over those of a more metaphysical level."

She paused, glancing over each of their faces. "Does that answer your question?" If not, she could continue, but they were entering Zygerria's atmosphere now.

With a shudder, the transport broke through the inaugural barrier and down until the stars turned to wisps of clouds. She heard a transmission break through the alcove where the pilot responded, and they slowly perused down to the designated visitors docking bay, Beta-7.

"Once we land, I'll be staying with the ship." Kiskla reminded them. She had a silver tongue, and could therefore likely keep the slavers appeased with pleasantries better than the others on board. "May the force be with you."

@[member="Vulpesen"] | @[member="Coci Sinopi"] | @[member="Ben Trasker"] | @[member="Flint Dexen"] | @[member="Marek S'hadar"] | @[member="Nemene Talith"] | @[member="Evelynn"]
Trasker followed the Republic ship through the atmosphere of Zygerria and held control over the cruiser as he did, flicking a swtich on his console to alter the thrusters and ease his ascent through the atmosphere and down to the planet.

Listening in to the conversation in the transport thanks to his CSF frequency enhancer, Trasker felt a wave of doubt creep over him at the mention of the Sith. He knew of their kind and knew they were not to be under-estimated. Not for one moment. He'd done that before, and it nearly cost him his life.

But the fact melee combat was preferred, that was far more his style. And sisters? He smiled softly. That should be interesting!

Banking with the Republic transport, he followed them down. The fact these captors exploited mutilation to their "participants" made his blood boil. He would enjoy dispensing his kind of justice to these criminals plaguing the galaxy.

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"] | @[member="Vulpesen"] | @[member="Coci Sinopi"] | @[member="Flint Dexen"] | @[member="Marek S'hadar"] | @[member="Nemene Talith"] | @[member="Evelynn"]
Vulpesen nodded as @[member="Kiskla Grayson"] spoke. He knew at his experience might help the team and thus he decided to elaborate on a few subjects. "When I fought the girls, they seemed to enjoy rushin in for their attacks, flanking their enemy together. The white haired one is deadly in that she seems to enjoy the feeling of pain. I never once saw her flinch at any wound I caused her. She would simply stare at it, even when a dagger was buried into her palm. During their duel with me, the dark haired one also revealed herself as a practitioner of red force lightning while the other tried to choke me. They may focus on physical combat, but be aware that they will employ force tactics during a fight." Every detail of that conflict was etched in his mind as he remembered that day. Now, he was prepared to rectify that mistake and bring these girls to justice for all the pain they had caused, to him, and to others.

@Coci Sinopi @Ben Trasker @Flint Dexen @Marek S'hadar @Nemene Talith @Evelynn


here for your dad
Unfortunately for Evelynn the bond's effects worked both ways.

The girl may have sent over her calming influence beautifully gift wrapped in a little mental box but in turn she received a fistful of temper. More-and-more often the mute was finding her strings pulled taut, often committing vicious and atrocious acts upon any slave that dared to let their stare linger too long. The silent sister on one occasion caught herself in the process of flaying one of the servants, a violent mania gripping her mind.

She had to concede, the rampant cruelty felt euphoric at times, a release for those new-found frustrations but still, her failing control was cause for concern.

As they departed from their vessel Evelynn took a moment to appreciate her lack of vocal chords, choosing to let Nemene deal with the welcome party while she stood there like a child doused in wonderment, admiring the marvellous architecture that punctuated the landscape. Say what you will about the moral implications but slave labour worked.

It's beautiful. We must visit here more often.

She turned with those thoughts to look at her sister, grey orbs searching for orange. There was so much of the galaxy she was still yet to explore, so much to learn. Her expression was nothing short of marvel, suddenly, in that moment she was sixteen again. The two Queens began to move, done with their formalities and pleasantries. After all there was business to do.

Tell me of the last time you were here, sister.

@[member="Kiskla Grayson"], @[member="Nemene Talith"], @[member="Vulpesen"], @[member="Coci Sinopi"], @[member="Ben Trasker"], @[member="Flint Dexen"], @[member="Marek S'hadar"]

Lira Dajenn

As the two sisters began to walk down the open corridors and hallways to the slave markets Nemene recalled the last time she was on Zygerria. Her memory was not as fantastic as some, but she remembered this fairly well. She had been young at the time, so young that it was strange that she recalled this at all, but the memory was one of her favorites, it was one of the few times that Moridin had shown her affection, that he had shown he cared.

“It was nearly fifteen years ago now, on my Seventh birthday.” As they walked she spoke softly, making sure that only Evelynn could hear her “Father had decided it was time for me to choose my own servants.”

She remembered Moridin coming to her mansion deep in the outer rim that day, she sent an image across the bound a thought of Moridin standing tall and dark in a doorway, a slight smirk on his face. A little girl, Nemene, staring up at him from the floor playing with an expensive doll. “He brought me here. It was the first time I had ever been on such an arid world and I wore nothing but sundresses.”

Nemene let out a mirthful chuckle at that, reminded of her insistence on wearing nothing else. Another image flashed between them of the same little girl rushing down the very hall the two sisters were now walking down.

“It was here that I chose my handmaiden, my first handmaiden. Her name was Nien, a Twi'lek. I found her lekku divinely fascinating.” She seemed to practically swim in nostalgia. “Nien was like a mother to me for years. She taught me many things, especially when i was a teenager. All the things i would need as a woman, though she had always been stuck on my 'finding a man', something I knew was foolish even from a young age.”

Finally as they reached the slave markets Nemene sent over one more image, the little girl that used to be her sitting in a blue Twi'leks lap, both smiling, both happy, both seemingly without a care in the world. At the massive archway that served as an entrance to the markets Nemene stopped, looking at her sister. She spoke almost listlessly, a sort of deadness in her eyes. “She was the first person I ever killed.”

With that Nemene walked through the archway and into the markets.
@Kiskla Grayson, @[member="Evelynn"], @Vulpesen, @Coci Sinopi, @Ben Trasker, @Flint Dexen, @Marek S'hadar

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