The Butcher

- Intent: To update an old sub
- Image Credit: Repo
- Role: Healer
- Permissions: My Subs
- Links: N/A
- Group Name: Sith Medical Corps
- Affiliation: Al-Khālī: The Academy of the Dead
- Classification: Medics, Healers, Doctors, Researchers
- Description: Various species brought together under the banner of the sith who specialized as doctors and healers. Force users and non force users alike but with questionable ethics in ways. Seras assembled them and clad them in thick coats and masks. Twisting and perverting much of their research into better means to kill and harm. THey have spent years in the academy of the dead improving their skills aand sending out teams to extract experiment subjects from across the galaxy.
- Unit Size: Medium
- Unit Availability: Rare
- Unit Experience: Master
- Equipment:
- Specialization Function: Advanced viraal and biological weapons research, kidnapping, experimentation and plague research.
- Force Abilities:
- Healer Focus: Skilled in healing and designed to augment their own skills with the force for it in ways that can be used for good or bad.
- Accelerate Another's Healing:
- Accelerate Healing:
- Detoxify Poison:
- Detoxify Poison in Another:
- Cure Disease:
- Cure Poison:
- Morichro:
- Place in Hibernation Trance:
- Control Another's Disease:
- Control Another's Pain:
- Control Disease:
- Control Pain:
- Hibernation trance:
- Remove Another's Fatigue:
- Remove Fatigue:
- Lessen injury:
- Force healing:
- Transfer Force:
- Dark transfer:
- Healer Focus: Skilled in healing and designed to augment their own skills with the force for it in ways that can be used for good or bad.
- High Specialized: Dedicated to years if not decades of training in research, healing and medical services.
- Corp Size: While trained and taught they are refined over decades... the academies isolation means the ones who survive are the best of the worst at the terrible things they do but there is not a lot of them roughly a hundred.
- Non-Combative: While they are given armored equipment they are not highly trained fighters. Aside from defensive moves.
Built for the One Sith to mirror and give the illusion of caring. The Siths Medical Corp is headed by one of their more questionable doctors. A remnant from the old Sith Empire who survived being encased in a preservation suit. Seras has taught them to not really care about their original oaths through treatment. The doctors are strapped to one of the racks within the camps and treated by Seras until they are angry enough to come off the rack. Inflicting the same pain and torment applied to them upon others.
The few and far between healers within the corps are not masters. Their healing is weak compared to jedi healers, it is more akin to applying a band aid instead of real healing. The levels of darkside mastery and control far beyond what they are able to do.
Their morals on the battlefield are more in question, with the Roanoke ships the brutality of the corp is on display. Prison and forced labor camps, experimentation on prisoners instead of sealing them away in cells to wait and consume resources. They're used as laborers by their betters until their bodies fall into the dust and serve further experiments. The morals that have been abandoned by the corp is treated with a mentality from the original dark jedi who formed the basis for the new order of the Sith.
They took what they learned, they took what had been taught to them and twisted it into something darker. A corrupted mirror that perverted the teachings and schooling given. That is the appeal for those who join, if they are so inclined they can now use their skills to handle those dangerous patients. The one who killed a bunch of people and is fine, or one murders... Now he can be removed from the galaxy. Seras working with them to make sure they are every bit as sick as herself, twisted men and women in iron mask.
THe years since the fall of the ONe Sith have seen the medical corp retreat deeper into isolation.. their lab and academy being largely ignored helped as well. No one came to a dead planet... most charts wouldn't even show it. THey have continued to develop biological weapons as well as experimentation on older ones like the orchid and imperial blackwing... the reawakening of species like the drengir that can corrupt and assimilate beings into their root mind.
Seras has worked with them to improve even more as their containment of experiments has doubled... the academy being given fresh defenses from selling to the highest bidders who want to handle population problems with weapons that won't come back to them. Their actions on worlds attacked by other sith, mandalorians which allows experiments to be tested or subjects taken is better. Their numbers not exploding and becoming massive when compared to other groups in the galaxy but they were always better at reducing numbers more and more.
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