Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Sith Crusades: Attack on Voss OOC

[member="Aedan Miles"]

Miles, I was trying to avoid fleeting so I just imagined them as a mass of generic ships.

I was more invested in the story and a duel than anything else.
[member="Darth Raxis"]
Okay thats fair I am focusing on some of the last bit of my piracy so I shall be borrowing your ships without the intent to return.

Sorel Crieff

Ready are you? What know you of ready?


You can assume it's a date :)
[member="Antherion"] [member="Tirdarius"] [member="Satia"] [member="Serenity Loveheart"] [member="Krest"] [member="Saverok"] [member="Darth Abyss"] [member="Enyo Typhos"]

So SJO as a majority is very upset about this thread already.

I'm considering bowing out and applying my efforts elsewhere. I'm not a big fan of keeping an RP going when there's folks that are angry, it only causes problems.

Where else can we have a crusade? Ideas?
[member="Darth Raxis"] It's been explained several times before that we wished you had talked to us before launching a random attack like a day after we got our new FO, and the day before Easter weekend. In any case, we're posting to it, albeit slowly because of holidays, and I'm not going to stop personally attacking until I destroy your fleet.
[member="Tirdarius"] We don't have an issue with the skirmish itself. SJO is actually cool with Skirmishes. It was the issue of timing and execution. I mean, one wouldn't go into Sullust or Dosuun with a flotilla, then teleport to the ground with no trouble. Raxis is making it sound like we were salty about the thread in general, which is not the case at all.
[member="Arisa Yune"]

I'm only involved because Veiere and I saw a good opportunity to engage in a duel we'd been thinking about. And we weren't privy to what discussions did or didn't go on between you guys in organising it. As it stands, though, there's plenty for everyone to do atm, so let's get to it, huh?

[member="Darth Raxis"]

Sorry you feel the need to bow out, but as you say, I'll see you around for our next battle.
[member="Tirdarius"] What's done is done. As a writer, I'm happy to give my new ship a spin. Rest of the SJO and co will eventually pile in as the holiday comes to a close. Was kind of surprised to see this bowing out as I was looking get into some ground action, too.

In any case, it's still on. Might as well ride this out and see where it takes us.

[member="Darth Raxis"] War isn't done until the other side says so. I'll be seeing you wherever you turn up next, my friend. I also write with the Dominion, so good times ahead.
[member="Darth Raxis"]

Hey some people just be salty to be salty apparently someone threatened to attack Aedan even though he is the Vassal of the Emperor of IE and the IE is allied with the SJO I was laughing for a good 10 minutes at that. Who really threatens the people who work for someone you are allied with when they are coming to provide assistance?

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