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Public Sing Me A Song (performances/karaoke night, open to anyone who can justify being on Coruscant)


"My master thought I should hang out with other Jedi. Didn't think I'd get to see you being really cool singing." Too focused on the smugness of having a Master now she missed her insult. Then blinked. Sputtered for a second before clearing her throat.

"Cool at being lame." Salavged it.

She didn't linger on it, turning to look out at the others. "I dunno why there's so many. Guess it's just a thing Jedi do now and then. Hang out. Get drunk." Huh. Maybe Lukan Rath would've liked this.

".. Wait. You do this regularly don't you? You came here on your own! You're a karaoke nerd!" She was way too excited about this, grinning from ear to ear as she stared up at him.

Tenn Kalos
His friends or not, Corin did not believe them so. His years removed from them and their presence, their order and movement, severed the link that was once there. He remembered Illum, the near touch of death with the rest in a mission made to lead them. He failed to recall much else with them as a true Jedi, beyond what was needless difficulties with members of the Silver Jedi. It was a title held, Jedi, in name alone. It was with time that Corin became less and less of one, the complexities of the Force never learned and without an intention to do so, the touch of a warmed saber hilt under a hard-held hold was lost to the would-be Jedi Sentinel now. Sentinel, Watchmen, some guise to remain planet-side.

Sometimes he wondered if it was best to leave it all behind. Delve so truly and blindly into the unknown. On other and most days, the burden of hesitance prevented Corin from a hasty decision undoubtedly followed by a sharp regret. The Jedi made him, even if Corin did not always like who that was.

"Mm," was all Corin muttered in neither agreement or disagreement. Though he refrained from answering much else, instead with features that found a narrowed brow tinged through with confusion, eyeing what was clearly a batch of children. "Are those..." He lazily pointed towards padawans with an arm held-clutched at his side.

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"Fine then, keep your secrets." If he wanted to change the subject, she wasn't going to argue. Not tonight. .. Not while she was still kinda drunk. If anything she just scooted over beside him, rather brazenly leaning close to look where he was looking. And nodded.

"Mm. Some of the new generation. That one's mine." She lifted a hand, pointing off towards where Zak Dymo and Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri were talking.

"Zak. Thinkin' of adopting your own?"

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor
His response was a wry smirk, as if there was some joke shared between them. The idea of his own was a horror within itself, even if Corin believed Kaze also once thought the same. Of Jem, of himself, wherever the former may be now. He lost contact some time ago, that or cut himself off - sounded more accurate, despite the bitter twist that came with it.

"Never," Corin answered definitively with the shake of his head, "Too much work."

It was akin to having a son, in some respects. He concluded as much, anyways.

"I didn't think you'd take one so soon, though."

Iris Arani Iris Arani


"Didn't plan on it. But.. He's like me. See's the Force different. Or hears it, in his case. I can help him. So.. I am." She shrugged. It seemed simple enough in her mind, even with all the stress it brought. .. And boy did it.

"Wanna sing together?" She blurted it out without much thought. Silas and Thelma seemed to have fun with it. Even if it was corny as hell.

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor


Coruuscant, Cobalt Club
Tags: Corazona von Ascania Corazona von Ascania , Maran Maran , Tenn Kalos


"Excuse me, bar man! Yes, I would like another one of these, please."

"Wow, you are a lightweight," Jasper remarked with a laugh. "Lets lay off the cocktails for a bit. Why don't you go up and do a little karaoke?"

With the responsible stuff taken care of, Jasper himself needed to make his way up to the stage. Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el was skulking about somewhere, and he had convinced his little brother to go up with him at some point.

"I'm going on break," he announced to the bar. "Leave your orders with the bar droid."

As he made his way up to the stage-prep area, he came across his newly taken on padawan Maran, there with an unfamiliar face. He had only managed to catch a slight hint of what it was she had been saying...

".. Wait. You do this regularly don't you? You came here on your own! You're a karaoke nerd!"

"I thought I told you to make friends, not be rude," Jasper interjected with a grin. "Is nerd really the best you could come up with?"

Now that he was looking at this other kid, the dots were beginning to click. This was the kid who beat Maran in a duel. She had spoken about it when they were laying out plans for training.

"Jasper Kai'el," he quickly introduced to the other padawan. "I'm her teacher."

Suddenly, a shuffling noise caught his attention. Hood up, face covered by one of his anti-toxin masks, and clutching the hallikset he had made, Jalen made his way over, offering a meek wave.

"H-hey," he stammered behind his mask.

"Oh, there you are," Jasper said, "Been waitin' for ya."

"Absolutely not." Corin said without a second of breath between them, the words lurched from his throat without much in the manner of consideration; the answer to be the same even with it, of that much Corin was certain. Too sober to set aside those inhibitions, with no intentions to see that change either. "You can sing well enough for the both of us."

Iris Arani Iris Arani
Amani snorted, "Don't push your luck," They shook hands in a gesture of acceptance. No grudges, no lingering anger. It was done, and buried. Suddenly, she felt as if a weight had sloughed off her shoulders. One she didn't even realize was there.

Amani sighed, and rounded back to what Inanna had said prior, "And, thank you for that. With the whole… stopping the assassination thing," There were few times she felt quite as helpless as then. But he was alright, thanks in no small part to Inanna.

"I hear congratulations are in order, by the way," She grinned, glanced back at the music, "Your engagement," Amani unconsciously fiddled with her own engagement ring as she said it.

"Just a few days," his smile was small and sad, brimmed with an apology. He never left Denon, the few rare moments were still in service of it - much as this occasion had been too, though the vigilante refused to let that sliver slip. Not yet, the lie was cast and best to let it lay. Seedier underworlds needed to be tread in due time, for now Corin got to survive in a civilised world. Before then threw himself into the pits. "It's half-business," he conceded in the end, "Just need to meet someone, figured I could stop by you while I was here."

Iris Arani Iris Arani

Tenn Kalos

"My master thought I should hang out with other Jedi. Didn't think I'd get to see you being really cool singing."

Tenn raised a brow. She either had no idea what she was actually saying, or was accidentally slipping some unadmitted thoughts. Or both. He smirked at her weak attempt to recover, "Uh huh."

Tenn looked around once more at the gathered Jedi as she explained the reason for their presence. His expression turned skeptical, "...Master Valery Noble Valery Noble and Knight Serys are literally right over there. They're cool with that?" He wondered how they'd react if he went and told them that Maran was getting drunk in her spare time.

Then she tried to poke at his singing again, and Tenn became a bit more flustered, "Whatever. I can't have hobbies? Maybe you should get up there and try singing," Maran was getting far too much mileage out of this for his liking. Like it wasn't enough that he'd have to deal with any future conversations with anyone else that witnessed the spectacle.

"I thought I told you to make friends, not be rude. Is nerd really the best you could come up with?"

Player three entered the game. Tenn pulled his head back, about to interject that it wasn't any of his business. But it quickly registered that this guy was siding with him. Then, it registered that this wasn't just some guy. It was Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , her master. He wasn't sure whether to be relieved or even more nervous, "...Tenn," He finally remembered to say in return.

"Look, real swell to meet you and all, but uh, I should probably- get back. My... dog is waiting for me," Tenn said, gesturing to the door, clearly constructing an excuse to not linger here any longer.

"Don't push your luck."

"What? Doesn't Inanna Organa have a nice ring to it?"

The strawberry lemonade arrived, and ooh, it had sugar around the rim. Inanna took a sip, then waved her hand. "All in a day's work."

Inanna cast occasional glances toward the stage as performers came and went. It was beginning to remind her of the old days - you could always tell when a club was owned by Tahiri Levine. Something about the atmosphere of the place spoke of her, like the faint lingering sillage of her signature perfume. The Cobalt Club was at least more family-friendly than the joints where Inanna had worked back when Tahiri was her boss. Ms. Levine had cleaned up her act. So had Inanna.

Amani's voice reached her through all the background noise, and Inanna's gaze flicked toward the ring on her finger. "Congratulations to you too," she said, taking another sip of her drink. "I guess my advice was heeded after all." Though knowing Alicio, he had probably asked everyone and their mother for advice on when and how to propose to Amani, not just her.



"Oh." Iris blinked. For a moment there was actual surprise on her face before she looked off, back up to the stage to see the next people singing. Think, just a little. The buzz didn't really help that part.

"You can come see me whenever you want. Though I probably won't be here. Coruscant's a rare place for me these dats. .. But still. I'd.. Yeah. It'd be nice to see you more, I guess."

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor


Tag: Open

Despite her attempt to enter the club quietly, familiar faces were quick to spot her in the crowd. Perhaps not all too surprising, considering they had Jedi senses and knew her, but she had still almost hoped they wouldn't. This was their night to get away from the stress of war and duty, and she already felt much more relaxed just seeing and feeling their joy. She hoped her presence didn't put any of them on edge.

Unless some of the underage Padawans were drinking, of course...

While she listened to the various performances, Valery continued to look around as well, until she spotted her former Padawan Iris Arani Iris Arani , who seemed to be flirting a little. After the conversation they had about relationships, she was quite curious about it, so she watched from a distance with a slight smirk. She may not be able to hear what was being said, but she could feel more than enough through the bond she had with Iris.



Oh he took her hand. She blinked, once more surprised. More than surprised. It took a moment for her buzzed mind to make sense of it, like she was expecting to be rejected. Iris was, really. The faintest bit of red took over her face as she glanced to their hands, then back to him.

".. I uh.. Dunno. Where's they need me, usually. Send me a holo and I can tell you where I am..?" Again her gaze drifted back to their hands. And she squeezed his.

"You're not gonna say sorry again, are you?"

Corin Trenor Corin Trenor
Cora's flattery earned her another happy chirp, Cadence seeming to take quite the liking to her. "Thank you, Cora - and Kyber Rennaissance will do just fine." Another smiling face appeared on the screen, though truth be told Cadence did not ordinarily bother naming her music. It seemed unnecessary when it was mostly for her own sake. <She's nice!>

Raising an eyebrow as she requested another drink, Desric could not help but question her judgement.

"Perhaps it would-" Before he could finish that sentence, the 'bar man' did it for him. Even better.

"I might," He responded, his amusement obvious. "I have it on good authority that my singing is perfectly adequate." Taking a sip from his cocktail, he nodded towards the stage. "How about you, feeling confident?" Perhaps he shouldn't be encouraging her to perform, but the worst thing that could happen was a bit of embarrassment.



Seeing him flustered just put her on the offensive. All she wanted to do was tease him. Make him the one feeling ashamed or panicked. She opened her mouth, about to say something when a different voice spoke up.

Panic indeed happened. But from her.

She glanced over to Jasper, giving a very nervous laugh. Nerd was indeed the best she could come up with. Not that she was going to admit that to either of them. Even if it wasn't really accurate. Singing songs didn't make people nerds in the slightest. His dog.. Was waiting for him? She blinked, looking at him again. Was he lying? To get away from them both? .. Oh.

Maybe- Yeah. She nodded, reaching up to rub at the back of her head.

"Yeah. Uh. Don't let us keep you. .. You do uh, sing well." A rare Maran compliment. Probably because Jasper was right there and any further attempts at teasing him would just get her in trouble. She seemed flustered herself before she turned to just leave. Waved towards Jalen before just briskly walking off. "I'm gonna go get a drink. Not alcohol. Uh.. Yeah."

Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el | Tenn Kalos
Desric Terassi Desric Terassi Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el Tenn Kalos Maran Maran Makko Vyres Makko Vyres Valery Noble Valery Noble Starlin Rand Starlin Rand Amani Serys Amani Serys Corin Trenor Corin Trenor Inanna Harth Inanna Harth Iris Arani Iris Arani Zak Dymo Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Jand Talo Jand Talo

Even though Cora pouted at being turned down from another tasty drink, the prospect of singing was beginning to appeal to her. Even Jasper and Desric seemed to think so, too.

"Well I'm not very good at singing, but it does look like fun!"

Cora had no idea that there was so much talent in the NJO—pretty much everyone who'd gotten on stage had a nice singing voice or proficiency in some instrument. Even Jand Talo had an enchanting voice, much to her surprise. Cora knew that she couldn't compare, but the alcohol had loosened her inhibitions.

"You know what? I think I will partake, yes!" She pushed away from the counter, giving Desric and Cadence an energetic grin. "Wish me luck!"

Taking to the stage, Cora chose a song that would be heard in nearly every karaoke bar across the galaxy—it was fun, peppy, and she knew most of the lyrics maybe.

A perky pop tune blared over the stage's audio equipment, and Cora began singing in earnest. She couldn't hold a tune sober, and after one cocktail, things were only bound to get worse. Or better, depending on whether or not you were recording her performance. Taking a deep breath, she launched right into it.

"She's innnn to superstitions!
Black nexu and voodoo dolllls
I feeeeeel a premoniiiiition!
That girl's gonna make me fallllllllllll~~"

Her voice wobbled as she swayed awkwardly from side to side, eyes glued to the lyrics projected on the screen above the stage.

"She'll make you takeyourclothesOFF and go danshin in the rainnnnn!
She'll make you live her hic crazy life an' shull take away your pain!
Like a slug thrower to your brainCCCCCOMEON!!”

The more she sang, the bolder she became. The crowd that had become so used to sweet crooners would now be treated to the determined caterwauling of Cora as she fought for her life through a cheesy galaxy's top 100 pop hit.

"UPSIDE! INside out! Sheslivin' la vida locaaaaa!
She'll push! and! pull! you! down!

Livin vi-uh locaaaaaah"

The padawan couldn't sing, couldn't dance, but my god was she giving it her all. Lyrics were slurred thanks to her tipsy state and the fast pace of the song. Getting into it, she treated the onlookers to an awkward white girl wasted dance.

"Woke up in New Coruscant Citayyyyy~
In a fun-kay ch-cheap hotellllll,
She took my heart and she took my credits!
She musta sipped me a sleeping pilllLLLlllLLLLllll!"


"Shunever- uh water and drinks Naboo champagne!!!
Once you taste her, you'll neber be da naaa! Na na naaa na na nahhh-she'll make you go INSANECOMEON!!!"

Cora pointed dramatically at the audience.

She was panting her way through the rest of the song, either forgetting the lyrics or not caring about them. It was all about the energy now, and Cora pushed through, shaking her hips and sashaying clumsily around the stage.

"Outside, indie outs, lives la vidannananaaaaa!
She push an- livin' la-
SKINsthecholera mochaaaa!

With the big finish, she took a bow, then fumbled her way off stage. Face red from exertion and extremities tingling from the high of performing, she had only one thought:

That went pretty well!
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Padawan for Eternity


Location: A bar somewhere, Coruscant.
Tag: Open.

'Holy shit..' was what Pradd was thinking when he saw some faces he already saw at the Temple, dead drunk or possibly drunk singing and getting more drunk. Well, Pradd said fuck it, took what he had left from his pocket and counted a poor amount of money. It was just enough to get a good ol' White Wampa Ale. He walked, dodging the drunk people, Pradd also noticed that most of them were underage.

"What can I get you, Sir?" The barman said, he looked like a Jedi. He definitively was a Jedi. Pradd answered by a simple "I'll get a White Wampa Ale, I'm kinda short on cash.." It was an anxious answer, he never drank, and never palnned to until he was bored as hell in his room, at the Temple.

He sat at a table not that far away from some Padawans, and with his bottle and a glass full of the cheapest thing he saw, Pradd was contemplating the drunkest people, mostly Padawans. Pradd would take a look, he noticed that he got a bit more drunk, which is normal after three or four glasses of this.. Thing? Pradd also noticed, with a blurred vision. Someone singing, or yelling lyrics of a song. Mostly trying to dance but, not doing it well enough. Pradd giggled and said to himself
"That's a proud one, or drunk."

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