Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Silver Upon the Sand [SSC Dominon of Korriban]

"Korriban shall be as it always was. A graveyard for the darkest of the Sith Lords, still whispering within their tombs.
It shall always be a source of evil, spawning threats throughout the millennia." - Darth Traya
Horuset System
Objective: Explore the Valley of the Dark Lords
Post: 1

Korriban. Moriband. Pesegam. This ancient world has gone under many names, all of them synonymous with the might of the Sith. Home of the near-extinct Sith species, and later the seat of the Sith Order much in the way Tython used to be to the Jedi. Many have claimed ownership of its deserts; Mandalorians, Republicans, Primevals... Since the fall of the Sith Empire years ago anyone but the Sith have tried their hand at taming, or harnessing, its dark powers. The Silver Sanctum Coalition now descending upon the unprotected planet had no such delusions.

Riding a shuttle down through the atmosphere alongside Antarian Rangers and Silver Jedi alike, Thurion watched the world unfold before his eyes through the viewport. He'd never been to Korriban before; during his pilgrim days the old Empire had been very much alive and kicking, making it an impossibility. After receiving plentiful reports about the Primeval disbanding, the Assembly made it a priority to explore these otherwise off-limit worlds once the source of so much darkness. Much could be learned from their visit, about Sith history and heritage.

Now several dozens of shuttles joined his in approaching the planet, all filled with security forces, historians, archeologists, medical personnel and more. They had come not as conquerors of a dead planet, but as custodians and servants of the Light, as well as knowledge.

[member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Krest"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Ryn'Dhal"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] | [member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Karen Roberts"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] | [member="Rasu Gan"] | [member="Jada Raxis"] | [member="Aika Kawakami"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | Anyone else


  1. Explore the Valley of the Dark Lords.
  2. Locate and search the Sith Academy w/ PC opposition from [member="Harley"], among others.
  3. Assist with the construction of lightside enclaves to provide healing to both the planet and its inhabitants.
  4. Do your own thing!
There will be random Sith roaming about, so be prepared for anything!

As always, make sure to number each post you make. No more than 20 posts per unique writer.

Above all, have fun! ;)
Objective 1
Location: The Valley
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"]
Enemies: Past memories

As Korriban's fields of orange stretched across Patriot's windshield once again, a shudder escaped Krux's body. He hadn't noticed before, but it was true whay all of the Jedi said about Korriban. It had such a dark, disturbing aura to it that was almost physically painful to be around. The planet reminded him of Dagobah, only instead of welcoming all types of the Force, it lived and breathed off of the Dark Side.

It took me this long to see how evil this world is... he thought, feeling shame overwhelm him as his starship touched down on the surface.

From the first step he took on the world's surface, he found himself wincing. Looking out over the Valley of the Dark Lord made old memories cloud his vision. He looked across and saw the very pillar he stood upon to address a crowd of Sith Acolytes and Knights he said he would train. He saw the crumpled remains of broken rock he used to demonstrate his abilities to the students he taught. He saw the rock Setzi stood by as she gazed up at him, proud of how far he had come since the day she met him on Lorrd.

A frown crept across Krux's face. "Korriban...i'm back."
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
The Valley
[member="Rasu Gan"]

There was some changes on the world and if gave the jedi master a pleasant thought or two, mostly with the chance to really get in there and work some of the older tricks while she hovered over some of the rocks taking in parts of it. The glove on her hand humming with the force energies she had been pouring into it and she could feel the danger here while testing its abilities with more zeal. The gold band wrapped around her wrist and forearm, the tips and glowing gemstone at the center pulsing while she tinkered with the Tora glove to really open it up to consuming energy to make batteries and help in redirecting it. For now the blue shimmering energy on her palm worked as she wanted.
Objective: 1 & 4
Location: The Valley Of The Dark Lords
Allies: [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member=Krest] |[member=Ryn'Dhal] | [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Valae Kitra"] |[member="Nima Tann"] | [member="Karen Roberts"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Kurayami Bloodborn"] |@ Rasu Gan | [member="Jada Raxis"] | [member="Aika Kawakami"] | [member="Audren Sykes"] | The Silver Sanctum Coalition
Enemies: Himself
Post #: 1/20

So many new faces. So much change.

It was doubtful many would know him from the next Silver Jedi belonging to the Sanctum. Connor had changed considerably both physically and mentally. Physically, he had let his hair grow a little, adding a small beard that he had warmed to during his travels. Also, his hair was streaked with grey after the Force had channelled through him during the visit to Wild Space and almost “marked” him. It was nothing to do with age, much to everyone’s amusement.

The call had gone out for the Sanctum to travel and take Korriban. It was something he felt was the right time to use as his way back into the fold, but it probably wasn’t going to be as joyful as expected. Going back to his changes, mentally he had siphoned away the Dark Side luring him, but he was still wrestling with demons; he wasn’t perfect.

The breakdown with Taeli; the bond with Keira; the closeness with Seraphina; the redemption of Krux; the emergence of Abaigeal; the loss of Corvus.

He had spent more time away from Voss than on it, helping new and old faces in times of need that become more personal to him with each day. He had burnt bridges with many, many old friends and allies – Thurion, Coci, Nima, Serena – to name just a few who hadn’t been killed by the Sith that he’d failed to protect. And it had been a long, long time.

He didn’t recognise many faces, and felt he was the newbie amongst the transport. He had chosen to wear a crimson and dark blue robe and outfit from his travels, a far cry from the blacks and greys of the old Connor. Closing himself off to the Force, he was on one of the last to leave Voss as he just wanted to keep himself to himself and observe who and what was around.

The transport arrived on the planet in good time, and a whole mini-fleet had amassed with men, women and younglings of all talents and abilities to help establish the Sanctum over the key points of the planet.

It was time for Connor to establish himself in the Sanctum again; those that accepted or rejected him would be another matter altogether.
The Valley​

Turmoil. Much of it. It assailed the young Knight from all sides. His core. His heart. It hurt. Perhaps..... perhaps coming here with the Silvers was not such a great idea, especially after so much..... pain..... Perhaps he had not recovered enough yet to handle this.....

Or..... perhaps....

Perhaps this was his test? Perhaps being in this Dark nexus, will determine whether or not his soul was truly damned by that witch. He had to endure.... This will not break me.... he snarled inwardly behind his mask. The slits were sealed this time, his HUD lit up and revealing all he needed about him. He'd move off, feeling pulled.... Drawn.... where to? He did not know.

All he knew, was that there was something here he needed to do.... What it was, would be determined in due time....

Yes.... his gloved fingers slid along the length of one of his twin sabers..... In due time....
Objective 1
Location: The Valley
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"]
Enemies: The fear of not being edgy enough

The sand below his boots felt so familiar, yet the planet around him felt so different. It felt almost physically painful to walk its surface now. The light off the sand was blinding. For a world so dark, Korriban sure was bright.

Krux felt a presence nearby. It was familiar. Could it be... A familiar presence on Korriban? The first name that came to mind was one he found himself thinking of far too often these days. His lightsaber snapped into his hand as he started making his way in the direction of the presence. It felt mixed. There was light, and there was also dark. It reminded him of himself, but it felt too much like...

Krux crossed the Valley of the Dark Lords, looking up to see countless starships coming down to Korriban. Coalition starships. Yes, he had heard about this. But...that means the presence he felt was not who he thought it was.

He turned around and saw a transport touching down nearby. From out the loading ramp walked a man dressed in red and blue. Not just any man, though. Krux's savior. He who opened his eyes to his errors. Goodness, where had he been? While Krux was busy training himself all of this time, the man who had claimed to take him as his Padawan was...just now showing up again?

Still, Krux couldn't help but smile very slightly. He wasn't even wearing his mask today. Korriban's corrupted surface did feel painful on the slowly-receding Dark-Side corruption on his face, but it was time to stop hiding behind a mask and let the Jedi see who he really was.

Krux approached his master, [member="Connor Harrison"], "Connor." was all he said. His aura could do all of the talking for him. His face had color again, it was not pale and covered in cracks and veins with corruption as it was when Harrison found him in Voss' medical center. His aura was still tainted and scarred by the Dark Side, just as Krux's physical body was, but it shone with the Light Side now. He was conflicted, but only because of Korriban. Krux's loyalties truely lay with the Jedi now, and the Jedi Master could probably tell now.

Will he be happy to see the progress i've made, or do I need more?
Objective: Explore the Valley of the Dark Lords

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] |

I would walk with you through the gates of hell ...

She once told Thurion as they proclaimed love for each other, that day had come.

As the shuttle that carried her landed on the dusty surface of Korriban and the ramp lowered to allow the stench of the darkside into the ship, Coci walked with determine steps. The Ranger immediately dispersed already having received their orders from her, went to scout the surrounds along the top ridges that along the valley.

She could not only sense the dark side, but felt it .. seeping up through the core of the planet, into the dust and air, ever present and trying to creep into her soul. She pulled on the lightside, shrouding herself in protection against the bile, acidic waste. It is hot here, no life no nothing but death. Coci walked to shuttle to find Thurion, she could see the Rangers piling out and with purpose.

Before them stands towering status of Sith Lords of old, as tall as skyscrapers looking down threatening those that dare to pass. A strong wind from nowhere eddied up the valley and through the 'gate' to wrap around her body, it was like a warning, to stay away .. already their presence was felt on the dark place. And it didn't like it.
[member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Ryn'Dhal"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Matsu Ike"]| [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

Objective 1


George had travelled along side a huge Coalition fleet to the world of Korriban, the home of the Sith. A place so filled with the darkside it was surprising that any light resided there at all. Knowing full well the past of the world and the state of it currently George moved out with both Rangers and Jedi alike. Ready for anything the dark planet would throw at them.

As the shuttle from the main ship entered the atmosphere George looked out at the vast desert that was awaiting them all. The closer he got the surface the more influential the darkside presence became. Although he was not being pulled to it, but more attacked by it. He felt as if it was destroying the soul of light within him, whilst also giving him the feel of uneasiness. George kept his hands by his sides close to his lightsabers as he looked around, making sure there was nothing around.

With a small squad of rangers exiting the shuttle behind him he turned to Grandmaster Thurion who was leading the investigation. "Grandmaster, the presence here is disturbing. The feeling of someone constantly watching you is all I feel... Its almost painful." He said to Thurion. It was hard for George, his usual happy demeanour he been replaced by one of complete and utter paranoia.
Objective: Explore the Valley of the Dark Lords
Post: 1/20

Valae was accompanying her master on this journey to another new world. She had heard a lot of her fellow Jedi talking about Korriban lately, and she was curious to know more. The padawan was aware of the planet’s connection with the Sith, and it was surely going to be a sight like she had never seen before. She was feeling good about her progress with her training, and was far more confident than before. However, she was still very thankful for Thurion’s presence on this trip, his strength and guidance was always very welcomed to her. Not to mention that she felt less likely to do something silly in his presence, like nearly drowning in the oceans of Arkas…

When their transport set down, Valae walked down the ramp with the Rangers and looked around. There was something about this place that reminded her of a haunted house, seemingly empty on the outside, but who knew what awaited them in the shadows. The thought made her shudder and she shook her head, pushing the feelings of unease out of her mind. The padawan straightened out her robes and readjusted the rucksack on her back as she waited just outside the transport.

Her dark eyes scanned the scene and she saw Coci meeting up with Thurion and she smiled. She couldn’t help but marvel at how the two of them were so well matched. Valae slowly approached the pair, but was careful to maintain a respectful distance at first. She turned as a man spoke, she’d seen him before, but they’d yet to be introduced. She perked her brows as he mentioned that the presence on this world was disturbing, and she stood silent as she continued to listen.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"], [member="Coci Heavenshield"], [member="George O Rourke"]
Objective: 1 & 4
Location: The Valley Of The Dark Lords
Allies: [member="Krux Mullarus"] | The Silver Sanctum Coalition
Enemies: The Dark
Post #: 2/20

At the sound of his voice, Connor’s eyes turned first, head second, then body, a slow look around while he stood away from the Valley, across from another landing party already making moves and establishing bases to command from.

It was Krux. The man, not the monster. He looked well, recovered and carried disappointment which was justified. The last he had seen of the former Sith was parting from the medbay with the promise to look out for him – and then what? Whisked away across the Outer Rim again, leaving Voss and the Sanctum for another day.

Connor smiled gently and put a hand on Krux’s shoulder.

”I knew you’d be here, Krux. Nice to see you again.”

Glancing over the Padawan’s shoulder, Connor turned Krux, hand still on him, and walked a few steps out from the transport as others passed and didn’t look twice.

”Krux, I’m sorry for not being there straight away. You know from what I told you the Sanctum isn’t an easy place for me. I’ve not been hiding away, but so much has happened to friends and allies away from Voss, I’ve finally managed to help them and so am back to help you and the others.”

He pointed towards the Valley, the monolithic statues of the Sith Lords reaching into the clear sky and the structures surrounding them.

”I know you think you know this place more than others, but Krux doesn’t. The Sith monster did. You don’t. Not in this state of mind. Don’t let the shadows lure you back. It’s will power that is required here, and faith in yourself. Korriban will test those here not confident in their own ability. You…we…must watch over them and help them if they stumble along the way. We must protect those who need it.”
The Valley of the Dark Lords​
[member="George O Rourke"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Connor Harrison"] | [member="Matsu Ike"] | [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] | [member="Valae Kitra"]​

He felt them. Many. Some familiar. Some less so. And one in particular complete foreign to himself. A frown cut across his features, obscured by the faceplate. He sought a point of elevation, atop a large monolith, where he could see out over the expanse. In the distance he could see two individuals. Reaching through the Force, he felt their presence, their mark within the Force. Krux.... He thought to himself, recognizing one of the two, and a stranger.... strong.... but unknown....

His attention gradually shifted, roaming across the plain, before pausing to take note of Master Ike doing..... well..... whatever Matsu wished.... Shrugging, his attention eventually faltered on the various landing craft touching down. Having landed in the first wave, Ryn had a little time to get situated. Unfortunately, that also meant the Darkside had that much more time to start worming its way in.

Concentrating now on the ships, he felt for those presences familiar to himself.... Ah.... George is here.... that is one of my Nautolan friends.... wonder if Zak will be in attendance.... he mused, cocking his head to one side as his Presence roamed, ascertaining the identy of the next.... Master Coci.... perhaps I may seek her aid in easing the conflict in..... his eyes narrowed, as the next presence all but overwhelmed Coci in his perception. Should have know.... he would be in attendance as well....

Suddenly, he'd shake his head, face scrunching up in agony as he rebelled against the rage desiring the well up in his heart. "Fething moron...." The young Knight snarled behind his mask. You know better! It wasn't him! That witch made it all up! It was always her! he'd chastise himself, gloved hands covering his faceplate as he sat atop the monolith. "But.... it was so real...." He would whimper, the pain refreshed by the Darkside nexus that was Korriban.
Objective 1
Location: The Valley
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"]
Enemies: The lure of the Dark Side

Krux couldn't help but chuckle at his master's concern for him falling to the Dark Side again. A part of him wasnt too surprised. Unlike many other of the Silver Jedi, Connor hasn't seen the progress he had made and how sure he was of his decisions. "I understand. There are many old friends of mine I want to save, too, from the Dark Side. If I were completely confident in my ability to do so, i'd leave Voss behind in a second to aid them."

As Connor spoke of 'Krux' being someone entirely different, it made his face twist a bit in thought. Funny. Connor looked at Krux and Mullarus as two different people...just like how he looked at Setzi Lunelle and Darth Azurea as two different entities as well. So he wasn't the only one. But...

"With all due respect...I am still Mullarus. I am still the monster who warred against the Jedi and helped bring about the Republic's downfall. I won't run from my mistakes masquerading around as someone new who is devoid of his past errors. Connor, i'm here to make up for those errors and shepherd in those trapped in the Dark Side's veil to open their eyes and save them from their inevitable downfall. I want to save them from destroying themselves...just as I nearly destroyed myself. I dont want that to happen to them, too.

"I'm still the Mullarus you briefly battled on Toola, master. Don't excuse me for everything I once did."
he answered, which was ironic because he still did the same thing for Darth Azurea...

"Also...don't worry. I've spent a lot of time with the rest of the Jedi. I've studied the code and history. My eyes are open. I know the Dark Side is the wrong path now. I won't make the mistakes a second time. I only seek to learn to guide others down this path, now."

There was several things still on this world and he intended to see if such a thing or two could be found... or he'd just find some ancient tablet with carvings the sith used for things. Either way the padawan moved around and could work with that while most of his attention went to the bigger sections of the wall pushing at it with the force. The wall rocked and small parts of it fell away before he went up to it kicking the section that had been weaker feeling the resistance. Then he stomped again getting more of the wall away and wondered if his master [member="Rasu Gan"] was going to be here to help and if he should go and join her wherever. it would make things more interesting.


Disney's Princess
Valley of Muffin Lords
w [member="Krux Mullarus"] , [member="Connor Harrison"] p1

Karen exited the shuttle garbed in her brown Ner Olyk outfit. Silver mask and all. She looked about and nodded. Yep. She hated this planet already. Welp. Time to go home then. Ta ta. Bye bye now. Skittles ya'll.

"Alas." she sighed, "Were it so easy. Ugh."

Roberts gave a knowing shrug and stomped off towards the others. Content in her knowledge that this was a truly terrible place to visit. Bleh. Still pursed from her groaning, the cloaked woman approached Connor and Mullarus. Doing her best to ignore their conversation and butt right in. After all. Karen was, never shy.

"Hello gentleman. Pardon the interruption."

She have a nod of her mask. Her voice loud, commanding, and unfiltered.

"Karen Roberts. Of Denon. Wonderful to meet you both. Ahem. Master Harrison, naturally, you need no introductions. As, I'm familiar with your work in the Netherworld. Excellent stuff by the way. Very posh. Keep up the good work sir."

She waved her own comment away and turned to Krux with a tilt of her head,

"But this one is new to me. Hello hello. Might I have your name Master Jedi?"
Location: Valley of the Dark Lords - Outside Tomb of Adas
Objective - interaction with Silver Jedi -...what will happen???
Enemies: Unknown
Allies: Unknown

She lay flat upon the ground, cobalt blue eyes fixated on the skies above. Barely able to breath the wind having taken much of her will, and then the dark courses of the planet itself pulling at her.

No one would find her here, and if anyone did they'd likely kill her for her boots alone. Her pink cape was now tattered beyond recognition, the color washed away by the elements of Korriban.

Where others had found their power here Bella found only desolation, grave robbers, and a single terentek that had attacked her as she searched the tombs. Bella had never failed at anything in her life, how could she fail at this? Her blood mixed with the sand days ago only added a deeper hue of red to the sands that had already claimed the lives of hundreds, even its thousands. The rescue beacon had given no result. [member="Lord Mythos"] would not rescue her this time....he and his female celebrated.

She laughed the rasping of her breath carried on the wind. Perhaps now she would find out where her father had gone.

Perhaps now the voices of the dead that whispered to her would go silent.

Bella laughed again, [member="Muad Dib"] where are you now? Have you become one with the force...are you gone?" Her thoughts became confusing. Misleading. And still she laughed.


Perfection in human form.
Valley Of the Dark Lords
Post 1
Allies: [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Krux Mullarus"] [member="Connor Harrison"]
Enemies: The Dark Side
Equipment: Cloudburner's Original Lightsaber, Jedi Robes, Grappling hook.

The Jedi, who possesses a Dark Past, Cloudburner, walked out of the shuttle in his Jedi Robes. He was hoping not to get cornered by bounty hunters, as everywhere was infested with them. This place had Dark Side written in bright colours all over it.

He walked over to the group of Jedi his Master was talking to.

"Hello, Master."

This was definitely not his conversation to take part in. He was only a Padawan learner, these were trained Jedi Masters and Knights. Yet he did so without a second thought.

"Are we hoping to take this part of land? What are we going to build there? Wouldn't it be easier for a Sith to sneak in unnoticed?"

He thought for a second. Then his face lit up with happiness.

"Wait. Is that you, [member="Connor Harrison"] ? I've heard so much about you. Are all the stories true?"

He smiled like a child meeting his hero.
Objective 1: Meet with Master's fandom, apparently
Location: The Valley
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"] / [member="Karen Roberts"] / [member="Cloudburner"]
Enemies: ???
Post 4/20 ( <_<)

Suddenly, a masked figure approached Krux and Connor. At first, the ex-sith went for his lightsaber, already on edge being on soil so tainted by the Dark Side, but upon closer inspection, the figure appeared to be a friendly, fellow Jedi who knew of Connor. Karen Robert of Denon, a name he'd not heard before today. Even beneath the mask she wore - which surprised Krux as well, the Jedi really did like to wear masks a lot - her voice was quite loud, as if she demanded attention from those around her. Not that that was a bad thing.

Netherworld? Sounded like a question for Connor for another time. Before he had much time to ponder on it, she introduced herself to him. It didn't feel like everyday people introduced themselves to Krux. It felt like it was vice versa most of the time for the ex-sith. Speaking to a woman in a mask, Krux felt like he would feel more comfortable in his, but he needed to not wear it so much. It wasn't a fashion statement for him. It was shame.

"Krux Mullarus. Nice to meet you, Mrs. Roberts. A friend of Connor's, I ta-"

Then, another Jedi, addressing Karen as Master now. Her appren- No, Padawan. Gotta get used to that, Krux thought. This time, this young man seemed to be a fan of Connor's. Was Master Harrison such a celebrity to the Jedi? Should he feel honored? Really, he already was to have such a wise teacher, even if he did disappear after taking him as his Padawan learner.

Krux's indigo eyes watched the duo curiously, clearing his throat a bit awkwardly, "Ah....friends of Connor's?"
Objective: 1 & 4
Location: The Valley Of The Dark Lords
Allies: [member="Krux Mullarus"] | [member="Cloudburner"] | [member="Karen Roberts"] | The Silver Sanctum Coalition
Enemies: The Dark...and an inflated ego
Post #: 3/20

Looking out to the Valley, listening to Krux, Connor wiped his beard and winced slightly. Maybe he said the wrong thing, or the right thing had been taken the wrong way. It wasn't Krux's fault at all, it just showed Connor was more out of touch than he thought and another reminder why he swore not to promise to take a Padawan after Syala and Chastity.

He turned to explain, but he didn't have the chance before more of the Sanctum arrived. Karen was the first new face. He hadn't heard the name or seen her around, but it sounded like his Netherworld exploits had survived through the years. With a gentle nod, a small smile on the edge of his lips, Connor clasped his hands and kept an eye on things whilst Krux was about to speak.

But then another face appeared - another new face. A Padawan to a Master and he didn't know any of them. He really was the new fish in the old pond. About to open his mouth, Connor didn't get the chance before another recognition of his name and reputation. This was a bit of an ego boost, and he couldn't help chuckle and hold his out out to shake the Padawan's.

”Yes that's me. And it depends what stories you've heard. If they're bad, then yes they're true. Good? I'll have to confirm them myself.”

Then, eyes to Karen, and his hand to shake her's.

”Master Roberts, a pleasure to meet you also. It's a pleasure to meet you both.” Indicating with his head towards the valley, he patted Krux on the shoulder. ”Come everyone - let's walk and talk and keep an eye on things. We still have a job to do.”

The old leader started to come to a head. It felt...good.
Objective: One
Allies: None
Enemies: SSC and everyone else
Post: 1/20

"Why have you brought me here?"


"Upon whom? This is barren wasteland."

"Against those who abandoned me, those who left me to rot in the ground at the hands of the mandalorians."

"There is no one here, whoever it is you seek your vengeance upon has left long ago. I am not your tool in which to use, deluded spiri-"

"SILENCE YOUR TONGUE!! Who do you think it was that pulled you from the Mirrorverse! Who pulled you from a life of sewers and scum! I did! ME AND NO ONE ELSE!!"

"Perhaps I do not require you then! You have not fulfilled your promise! I wish to see worlds burn not travel a barren valley in search of an enemy that does not exist!"

"I WILL NOT BE SPOKEN TO IN SUCH A MANNER BY AN INFERIOR MORTAL!! I was there when Kaas fell! I was there when the Sith Empire rose from nothing! I was there when it fell! I was there when the One Sith began and I will here when all fades!! You shall not question me, Dredge! I took you from those sewers and I will put you back if I have to!"

Dredge went silent and his mind flashed back to the horrors and loneliness of the sewers beneath the capital, a life of scavenging rats and dead bodies, a life of misery with nothing to look forward to but the end. But what killed him the most was the silence, how loud and overwhelming the sound of silence was. It was maddening to a point, to not know the feeling of wind, the softness of grass, the sound of running fresh water, every day silence and scavenging.

"What would you have me do?" Dredge said in a very quiet voice.

"I feel it, the light is upon us. Here in the valley, I want you to find the weakest among them and make them suffer. Make them suffer like I have waiting in that prison, make them feel what it is truly like to be helpless."

"So be it then." Dredge said as he stepped out of one of the many tombs to see the light.

Above him he could see multiple SSC ships coming down and bringing troops with them, and one other thing he had never seen before. Jedi. Living in the sewers of the capital he had never known what they were, he'd heard of tales while he lived among his people but that was it. Now he was going to have to see what they were capable of.

"What are they?" Dredge said to himself.

"They are Jedi, Dredge. Your former self rather despised them. So called guardians of the light, keepers of peace and justice. Hypocrites and liars all of them, I've broken many Jedi and at the end of the day they are fearful children clinging to life."

"So be it then, if this pleases you I will hurt them." Dredge then began to walk out into the valley, the taint of the two dark side nexus of his armor and sword spreading their unique and highly detectable influence throughout the area.


Disney's Princess
Following Connor's Lead
w [member="Connor Harrison"] , [member="Krux Mullarus"] , [member="Cloudburner"] p2

Master Harrison took the lead and Karen was quick to follow suit. Motioning to Krux for his welcome,

"Well met Jedi Mullarus. And no. Not friends. Master Harrison's reputation simply precedes him in fine company. I do not believe we've ever actually met before. Mm. Yes. Even given our common circles. Such as they are."

She did not use Krux's rank to address him, as he had not given it. Simply assuming that the more most common 'Jedi' would be title enough for pleasant conversation. When Cloudburner approached Karen gave a nod of her helm. Glad that the soldier was stepping out in his new Jedi shoes. They suited him. Even on this gods forsaken planet.

She turned to Cloudburner as they walked,

"I have no idea what Master Heavenshield or the Sanctum plans for this broken sphere, Apprentice Cloudburner. Gods help them if they decide to claim it. Ugh. ...I don't care much for the political aspirations of the Sanctum's dominions either. Oh no. Land means little to my clan. Mm. However, if the Silver Jedi can aspire to heal even a portion of this desert wasteland? ...Well? All the better. It speaks worthy of their merits. And their time. Force help them."

Roberts was careful with her wording today. Careful not to offend Connor nor suggest anything as to his freedoms. It was rather plain to anyone who had read Harrison's file that he was a roguish type. The very personal type. So it was always wise to respect his time and not speak too freely in his presence. Assuming nothing. Inquiring little.

"As for myself? Well. I am merely here to provide security to the workmen forces. ...Carving up the beasts and the burdens as they come. Tastelessly, I might add. Hopefully. Mmm. Yes. Hopefully it will be a boring trip. Hehe."

She smiled and followed Connor into the Valley.

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