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Silver Shield Group


  • Image Source: The original image can be found here. All alterations to it were made by me. The avatar for this account was crafted by Arage Bao Arage Bao .
  • Canon Link: This submission is a certified Original Recipe™.
  • Primary Source: This submission requires no primary sources.
  • Corporation Name: Silver Shield Group
  • Headquarters: Phelar, Eriadu
  • Locations:
    • [Headquarters] Eriadu
    • [Research & Development] [Recruitment] Anaxes
    • [Research & Development] [Recruitment] Cardia
    • [Research & Development] [Recruitment] Corulag
    • [Research & Development] [Recruitment] Dosuun
    • [Research & Development] [Recruitment] Tion
  • Operations:
    • Private Security & Defense
    • Counterinsurgency Operations
    • Defense Training
    • Public Administration
    • Infrastructure Restoration
  • Parent Corporation: N/A
  • Subsidiaries: N/A
The Silver Shield Group was a private military company active during the 830s ABY. It specialized primarily in running localized military occupations on behalf of large government powers, typically in the wake of successful invasions. Silver Shield offered a comprehensive portfolio of occupation-related services, which ran from standard law enforcement and brutal counterinsurgency operations, to infrastructure restoration and ensuring safe transitions of power.
During the collapse of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, Silver Shield Group was most frequently called on by small regional and planetary governments to maintain order and stability. They would also be called on to root out subversive groups, such as cults and criminal syndicates.
While most active in the former Confederate territories, Silver Shield also conducted select operations within the Tingel Arm, selling its services to local authorities left devastated by the collapse of the Sith Empire and the xenocidal crusades of the Bryn'Adul.
Most Silver Shield personnel were drawn from the populations of Eriadu, Cardia, Anaxes, and Dosuun. Former First Order personnel were frequently targeted for recruitment, as were former New Imperial and Galactic Alliance military and law enforcement.
Unlike many other contemporary military contractors, Silver Shield maintained and enforced exhaustive protocols and procedures to ensure orderly, lawful, and humanitarian conduct by its personnel. Deviation and criminal activity were severely punished, often resulting in termination of employment and being turned over to local authorities.
Silver Shield also coordinated arrangements with a number of international aid organizations, ensuring their free and secured access to occupied zones.

You are not entitled to an explanation. You are not entitled to anything.
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|| S U P P L E M E N T A R Y ||
|| D A T A ||

Not all data has a proper place. Relevant details to the ongoing operations of Silver Shield Group are stored in this document. Perusal and consideration is optional except for the most dedicated Silver Shield Group fans.

Silver Shield Group Standardized Operating Protocols
S.S.G.S.O.P. - Informally referred to as “Silver Stew”

The Operating Protocols was the foundational document which regulated the conduct of all Silver Shield personnel. It was allegedly composed by artificial intelligence units under the supervision of the Silver Shield Group’s elusive research and development division.
The protocols were exhaustively thorough, covering every possible aspect of security operations - and a little bit more, just to be safe. Very little is left to ambiguity or interpretation.
The Operating Protocols was around 2,300,000 words long at any given time. It was very much a “living” document, fluctuating as updates were rolled out. The fluidity and denseness of the Operating Protocols led many personnel to call it “Silver Stew.”
In terms of content, the Operating Protocols enforced a high degree of restraint among Silver Shield personnel. Compared to other mercenary groups, they were much more professional and humane (if not altogether gentle) in their conduct.
Combat personnel underwent cybernetic augmentation, and this augmentation included installing the Operating Protocols into their cognitive interface. This allowed them to reference any section of the protocols, at any time, at the speed of thought. This combination of easy access and rigorous training made violations of these procedures rare.
Due to security concerns, the Operating Protocols were not publicly available. Customers could make inquiries as to the contents of the Operating Protocols by contacting the liaison assigned.

Silver Shield Group Research & Development Division
Informally referred to as "33rd Floor"

The Research and Development Division of the Silver Shield Group, despite its seemingly clear-cut name, was a mysterious and distant entity. Most of the Group's personnel had very little information on the Research and Development Division's activities and location, save for the fact that it existed. Research and Development Personnel were occasionally embedded with contractors for a number of non-standard, top secret missions.
Peculiarly, these personnel were rarely, if ever, human, and gave the impression that the Research and Development Division was comprised largely of aliens and near-humans - a stark contrast to the predominantly human core of the Silver Shield Group.
Most of the Silver Shield Group's recruitment and training campuses around the galaxy seemed to house facilities for research and development, but only the highest ranking personnel seemed to be permitted access, and even then they seemed adverse to do so.
The exact nature of the research and development division was therefore hotly debated among rank-and-file employees and contractors. If there was a truth to the matter, then it was likely only known by a handful of individuals.

Silver Shield Group Comprehensive List of Assets
Because everyone loves a good list
This manifest is updated periodically and may not always reflect the full extent of the Silver Shield Group's resources and arrangements.
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  • Intent: Heeple Peeple
  • Image Source: Heeple Peeple
  • Canon Link: Heeple Peeple
  • Permissions: Heeple Peeple
  • Primary Source: Heeple Peeple

  • Manufacturer: Iron Sun Industrial
  • Affiliation: Iron Sun Industrial, Customers
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: ISI/ICD-01 Centurion-Series Battle Droid
  • Modularity: Yes - Patterning, Armaments
  • Production: Mass-Production
  • Material:
    • Skeletal Structure: Quadanium Alloy, Hexaplast
    • Armor Plating: Reinforced Laser-Reflective Hexalloy, Quantum Fiber Layering


ISI/ERS: "Environmental Resilience System." A cost-effective system which incorporated hexaplast, environmental shielding technology, and a rust inhibitor to allow droids to undertake prolonged deployments with infrequent maintenance – even in extreme weather conditions.​
ISI/SLA: "Standardized Layered Armor." A system of interchangeable, replaceable armor plates composed of laser-reflective hexalloy over a layer of quantum fiber. Another cost-effective system which effectively absorbed both the energy and kinetic impact of blaster bolts. These plates were modular, making them easy to replace and repair after sustaining damage.​
ISI/HSS: "Hydraulic Servoprocessor System." A complex system of hydraulic servoprocessors coordinated by a gyroscopic stabilizer. It was slightly more expensive than similar systems, but packed far more strength, coordination, and responsiveness.​
ISI/CILP: "Cold Iron Learning Package." A highly adaptive programming package produced in-house by Iron Sun Industrial. This variant was a library assembled from the tactics and training of the New Imperial Stormtrooper Corps, as well as selected flash-memories from veteran stormtroopers. Centurions were not only an effective and lethal combatants, but staunch Imperials.​

[ + ] Less is More: The Centurion possessed all the accoutrements necessary to make it a reliable, inexpensive combat droid. It exhibits high strength, durability, adaptability, and accuracy without a reliance on expensive components.​
[ + ] Set and Forget: The Centurion was capable of longer periods of activity without recharge or maintenance than competing models. It could also endure a much broader range of extreme planetary conditions without a decrease in efficacy.​
[ - ] A Mile Away: The Centurion's heavy footfalls and large profile ensured two things: that it was a large target and incapable of taking enemies by surprise. Only those with severe sensory impediments could miss a Centurion's approach.​
[ - ] Wide Turns: The Centurion lacked finesse and mobility, making it easy to outmaneuver and flank if unsupported.​

Iron Sun Industrial's Imperial Combat Droid Mk. I was given the name of CENTURION. Antipater described it as a "weighty name for a weighty model of combat droid." With its large, intimidating stature and relentless pursuit of duty, it was determined that there was no other name that could fit.​
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum.​
Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source.​
There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don't look even slightly believable.​
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