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Should there be a great force using purge?

Should their be a great force user purge?

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Jardo Snow said:
I'm more than willing to answer. I believe that a lightsaber is fine to carry around friends and those you trust. What I think people are forgetting is the amount of thieves around. Carrying a lightsaber in public is a massive risk, a risk people seem to forget exists. A blaster is something that can be bought, they are replaceable. A lightsaber is a hella lot harder to replace than a blaster, that's what I think people seem to forget, and that's why I think they shouldn't be openly carried in public.
So... no different than the risk of carrying an identicard or credit cube.

And what a wonderful roleplay opportunity you present. I, for one, welcome someone to come into an open thread with one of my FUs and attempt to pickpocket, steal, or rob him of his lightsaber. Didn't the Clone Wars make an episode out of Ahsoka losing her lightsaber?

The point you make actually touches on Boo Chiyo's origin story. As a starving, homeless orphan living in a pack of street kids who pickpocketed for change with which to eat or survive on, he stole from a Sith Lord who then caught the boy and decided to make him pay for his crime by becoming his slave.

But, I'd hardly see that as a motivation to hide the lightsaber. It presumes an attachment to the lightsaber akin to Golem's obsession with the ring, and Jedi are supposed to be without attachments (a lightsaber can be replaced, after all). Especially in the case of the Obsidian Order, where the lightsaber is a stock item and not unique to the individual.
Beowoof said:
And just look at the RPs on this site. An NFU is hardly worth a potato chip...

I'm not going to get any likes for this post (as if I cared), but popularity never equates with truth.
What you call truth, I'd say looks instead to be the textbook definition of opinion.

I have two NFUs and will happily thread them against a FU any day of the week. Why? Because I'm not trying to compete, one up, or compare my character's to theirs. I'm writing my character. They are writing their character. And neither controls, dictates, or otherwise trumps the other.

The story will figure the rest out itself.
Frankly, I agree with [member="Beowoof"] to a fair extent. I recognize that there are huge reasons why it'll never happen. But there are some compelling IC reasons why it should.

In the interests of practicality, my take-away from this is that I'm going to have my Forcers disliked/distrusted by your average NPC. Not on every world, not in every circumstance, but enough that it's noticeable. I think that's a realistic and fun background detail that I can use on my own time.
[member="Jardo Snow"]

You claim that carrying a lightsaber is a risk. A risk of what? Star Wars galaxy has a population of 100 quintillion (100,000,000,000,000,000,000). Of that number, let's say there are ten thousand on each side, so twenty thousand FU's who have lightsabers. That number would be 99,999,999,999,999,980,000.

Of course this assumes that Wookieepedia is using the American calculation, and not the British, which would make the number quintillion go from 10(18) to 10(30) - or otherwise, 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. That is a significantly higher number than the US version, which would make FU's even more rare. Lightsabers are a rare commodity.

Lightsabers are so significantly rare that almost no one knows what they are. When Han Solo tells Rey, "It's real, all of it," it's because no one believes Jedi, Sith and the Force exists because it is so rare. When Han Solo disses the Force in the original prequels, it's because he doesn't realize it exists, he just thinks it's a bunch of loonies.

People are more likely to see the hilt of a lightsaber and assume it is some type of tool, and not a weapon.
Beowoof said:
There should be ICly. The Force users on the site have given the other 99.9999999999% of the galaxy no reason to want them around. When every war and calamity is caused by a certain few organizations of supernaturally privileged individuals... Yeah. People tend not to act kindly to that.

Agree completely. The average commoner probably just sees space wizards wrecking havoc and lording it over them, with commoners being caught in the crossfire or used as cannon fodder.

Archangel would obviously love this for reasons of its own. Huge reasons exist why this won't occur for the reasons that have been mentioned, but on the whole I agree with what [member="Beowoof"], [member="Nima Tann"] and [member="Jorus Merrill"] said.

Jorus Merrill said:
In the interests of practicality, my take-away from this is that I'm going to have my Forcers disliked/distrusted by your average NPC. Not on every world, not in every circumstance, but enough that it's noticeable. I think that's a realistic and fun background detail that I can use on my own time.

I'll have to keep this in mind. Should be an interesting development for my Forcers. A number of them have technically committed war crimes, after all.
I vote no, because you're not purging Force users, you're purging writers like you and I who have invested their time and creativity and any OCC motives into a character in a fictional galaxy for fun writing on a site that, at the end of the day, is nothing but a place to express your character you want to see in said galaxy and have fun.

Story wise is all very well and good, but logically it would only make people feel there is some godly control going on.

The second you hang "purging" of characters over people who have made Force users, you're either going to make them feel targeted or that there is some deathly control to limit or control their creations and they will lose faith or the innocence of having fun here.

Anyone can write anyone, and be anyone in the galaxy, and thus we all write and adapt to embrace them into small or large stories.

No purging - no cleansing. Just writing and having fun.

Ronan Nakasla

I voted "Maybe" for two reasons.

  1. I enjoy middle-of-the-road answers.
  2. I put up something similar to this in the Event of 2016 thread as a suggestion, but there was a difference of sorts. Rather than just uprooting all Force Users and diminishing their place, there was an active faction trying to hunt, kill, and/or disconnect Force Users. Basically an anti-Force fanatic war event. It could be fun, but the thing here is that there would be a chance to fight it off, for minimal impact, and major factions may not be affected too severely.

So I really do stand in the middle-of-the-road perspective. On one side, I don't think it should be forced on people and Order 66'd, but I think an anti-Force event (that doesn't involve Yuuzhan Vong or an alternate universe as main plot points) could be something we could all enjoy.
[member="Jardo Snow"]

I can't help but notice you yourself are a force user....Which leads me to ask, Are you suicidal? A purge would purge you too.

Also. Trying to limit people to not using the force would cause this site to die a slow painful death, And as much as I love causing slow painful deaths I love this site more.
My suggestion to [member="Jardo Snow"] would be to join [member="Amelia Sorenn"] 's Templars or to find/make a planet that is like a hole in the force (similar to the vong) and just RP there as much as possible. You could have it be rich in resources to motivate force users to take the risk of coming there despite being powerless there, and writers who were up for the challenge could partake, and those who were not could say "kark that. I'm staying over here."
Yeah I'm not in favor of this.. Now I think it would be cool to see an independent NFU faction blaming the galaxy's problems on the forcers and making their platform about bringing major regulation down on their powers. Maybe even implementing drugs or some sort of cybernetics installed to keep the force repressed. Kind of like the Templars in DA as an example. Maybe it would be better for you to go in that direction OP? Because then you're not forcing a style of RPing on people.

P.R.I.M.U.S. said:
My suggestion to [member="Jardo Snow"] would be to join [member="Amelia Sorenn"] 's Templars or to find/make a planet that is like a hole in the force (similar to the vong) and just RP there as much as possible. You could have it be rich in resources to motivate force users to take the risk of coming there despite being powerless there, and writers who were up for the challenge could partake, and those who were not could say "kark that. I'm staying over here."
Oh, is there a Templar like group already out there? The more you know...
I voted maybe because, though I'm a Padawan IC, using 'but the Force, though' in order to do anything pisses me off. Space wizard powers are neat and fun but don't make our characters gods. Finding ways to hamper yourself for slightly more 'realistic' RP is a fun challenge!

Nick Sept

Worst Ghost in the Galaxy

Don't sell yourself short. You don't need the force to go full crazy. Just ask any of the orphans made on Chazwa, I bet they couldn't tell you which smoking craters were or weren't caused by the space warlocks.

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