Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Should I Stop?

Michael Shado

Alor of Clan Shado
[member="Darth Vitium"]

[member="Darth Vitium"], No. I haven't RPed with you yet. *I lied, I have but not as much as I want to*

EDIT: That sounds like I am just using you.

In all accounts, I want you to stay. Some people stay to just have the occasional RP, and others because they are fanatics. There are many reasons to stay. And here is why.
  1. I have always loved your stories
  2. You are a good writer who has earned her right to sit as a RPJ
  3. I want to see more of your writings because they are good.
  4. Sometimes, we just want to fool around and have fun. No reason for you to leave just because of something happening on the site, or off the site. Yes RL comes first, and LOAs are okay, but you don't have to leave-leave.
[member="Darth Vitium"]

It's your choice and yours alone. We aren't in the position to tell you yay or nay - (as daft gifs/memes clearly prove) - listen to your head and nobody else and make your choice.

Who cares if everyone worships you, or can't stand you, or in-between.

If you have no desire to write here, or to write certain character, or aren't getting satisfaction anymore, then stop for your own reason.


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