Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shimmy shimmy cocoa pop!

[member="Jamie Pyne"]
Kaile gave a snicker and a giggle.

“No, you are far nicer.” Kaile told the younger blonde woman, as if the compliment on her nature simply ignored whatever sort of accent she had. “I’m just dolling it up a bit.” a wink followed suit.

When Jamie conducted her silly last call, Kaile followed suit and gave a slight bow, “Thank you right kindly, Captain. We are most looking forward towards this trip to Sullust.” she popped back up, all smiles and deviliry in her eyes.

Bounding up the ramp, she came next to Jamie and hooked her arm through hers. “I think we are all aboard.” she said with notable mirth. Bobo could only stare at the two women with confused wonder. Well they -were- women.

The greatest mystery of the ‘Verse!

With another giggle, it was Kaile this time who would tug Jamie into the skiff. Two could most definitely play this game!
With a brush of her hand across her forehead she gave a relieved sigh. "Phew! For a second I thought I was a mindless highbrow!"

The moment Kaile expressed her gratitude with a fancy bow and a thank-you Jamie started to laugh before correcting herself promptly and giving something resembling a military salute, her hand rigid and stern above her eye at the side of her temple. She wasn't even certain whether she was using the correct hand or placing it in the right spot.

"Absolutely, Ma'am! You'll be sure to enjoy all of our wonderful amenities throughout your stay!"

Jamie's feet then stumbled forward as Kaile hooked her arm through hers and pulled her straight up the ramp. The blonde caught her balance right before nearly falling face first, having not quite expected the sudden jolt upwards. "O-Okay then!" She found herself laughing in tandem with Kaile as they made their way up and inside, her finger pressing the button to close the entryway once inside.

"Right! Okay! This place isn't huge, but I can give you a tour if you'd like!" Her eyes beamed with excitement and eagerness to quickly get settled in and on their way to Sullust after quite a day filled with unexpected events.

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

“I have twenty credits in my pocket,” Kaile said with an avid grin and a delightful grin. This was great! She rarely ever had the chance to really be able to spend time with another woman. Someone who was as bubbly and energetic as me!

Odd to think that there might be another silly girl out there, but most people had a tendency to label Kaile as ‘annoyingly adorable’. Friendly, sweet, but with far too much energy to stand being around for far too long. Kurt did fairly well, although that was likely because they now lived together, and he seemed to get a kick out of her quirks and tendencies. Plus, the sex rocked! They had their own little balance.

It was a complicated simplicity that worked well for them both. Because of it, Kaile had come to see Kurt not only as her best friend, but as her home. The Lorrdian couldn’t imagine him not being a part of her life. In fact, that made a tight little sensation crawl in her belly.

Happy thoughts!

“Okay,” Kaile began, the ramp giving a slight hiss as it shut behind them. “So what do we have?” Jamie had been right to start. From the get go, it wasn’t filled with all the doodads, but it was comfortable. At least, what was in front of her so far.
"Well, my lady," She'd start, ushering Kaile and Bobo through the corridor just behind her. "Your fare has purchased you travel on one of the finest luxury liners in our fleet!" A sudden outburst of laughter caused the blonde to snort. "To your left -" gesturing with her left arm as if displaying a product during a HoloAd "You'll see our lovely common area, complete with lavish chairs, table, and sofa. An assortment of meals to be prepared by the chef." Jamie coughed a bit "Myself, that is."

Continuing down the corridor she pointed to the three doors that were spaced evenly apart. "And here on our right we have two guest rooms, which you may choose at your leisure for yourself and your delightful little friend here!" The girl petted the Bobo again before pushing open the two available room's doors so that Kaile could peak through. "The room on the far end is currently occupied." Her fingers curled to her chest. "By yours truly, of course."

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kaile slipped her arm from Jamie’s own. With the scrutiny of what one would expect of a fine noblewoman, Kaile would bring her hand up to her chin. There her finger would tap lightly.

“Hmm….” she made a dramatic sweep of her gaze from one end of the skiff to the next. Her mock harrumph of “This will do,” quickly faded into giggles. Brushing her hair back from her face, Kaile gave a wag of her brows. A low whistle was next.

“Not too shabby there Miss Jamie.” she teased the younger woman with good natured light-heartedness. “I like it.”

The girl had been correct. It wasn’t to fancy, but it did the job. Certainly was more spacious and comfortable than the Messa. Had to admit, it was a nice ship.

“Ready to get going?” she would rock on her feet once, kinda half bouncing in excitement. “I can help you with the navigation and everything if you like!”
Jamie gave a bow of her own to Kaile. "Why thank you, my lady! I'm please to hear your accommodations are to your liking!"

The younger girl gave a nod of the head and a gesture for her friend to continue following towards the cockpit. "It's not bad, more than anything I need, that's for sure."

It was rare that Jamie took the Skiff on her own. Typically her trips were made with Keira, but more specifically, she was generally the co-pilot. Still an awful pilot herself, she generally had a bit of trouble during both takeoff and landing. Most notably, nearly crashing during almost every landing, and causing the ship to violently shake due to incorrect order of operations when starting the ship and prepping it for takeoff. It was a good thing the Skiff was well maintained and well built as Jamie surely put it through the paces.

"Sure! I'd love some help. I'm not exactly a great pilot. And by not exactly, I mean, I'm terrible."

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kaile gave a bark of laughter at that. The corners of her eyes crinkled and she brought her hands to perch at her hips. "You can't be that bad!" she reasoned with Jamie, following her to the cockpit. They crossed the threshold, where Kaile made herself at home. She went straight for the co-pilot seat. Once there, she draped her body upon it in a comfy sprawl.

"I mean, if you were, I reckon it would have been pretty darn difficult to get to Bespin to begin with," she said, her arms coming to rest upon the arms of the chair, fingers giving a small gesture of emphasis.

"And even then, reckon everyone starts out from the bottom. Not everyone was born an ace." well, unless you were Kurt Meyer. Then he certainly enjoyed being rather cocky about his piloting skills. If Kaile could be honest with herself, well, that bit of confidence was well worth it for the former three time Boonta Eve Classic Champion.

The strawberry blonde gave a slight push of the floor with the tip of her boot, allowing her chair to spin towards the navigation computer. Taking imitative, the woman would lean forward to flip a toggle. The array would illuminate in a soft glow of light and nob, a small holographic panel revealing Bespin as the last planet coordinates entered.

A grin shot over her shoulder, "It's like sex. Just gotta keep practicin'." she told Jamie, while Bobo went scampering from one shoulder to the next.
Jamie let out a wicked laugh. "Oh, you have no idea what you've gotten yourself into!" If Kaile thought she couldn't be that bad, boy was she in for a surprise. It was a true testament to the patience of one's self for any who could bear to witness Jamie's incredible lack of prowess at flight. The girl shook her head, "Better strap in Bobo! Ole Kaile here just sealed your fate!" Another cackle and her hand would raise to the panel above her head, causing the girl to squint, tongue poking out as she considered the switches for a moment.

"One, two, annnnnd THREE!"

Her fingers slapped each switch in rapid succession, hoping that she'd done everything in the right order to fire the engines and reactor. A low end rumble, a few shakes, and a loud grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrooooosh! brought the ship to life. Jamie's cheeks puffed, releasing a bit of a relieved sigh as the ship once again didn't explode. Part one was a success. The real trouble now was navigating the ship away from the landing pad without crashing into anything.

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

Kaile buckled herself up. She was still a bit amused, but then again, she really had no idea just how bad of a pilot Jamie was. In her mind, everyone started somewhere, and if she made it to Bespin on her own, then Jamie would be alright.

“See, you are doing fine.“

Well, that was until they were starting to move away from the landing pad. The start up and hovering ascent worked great. Jamie had high props for that. However it was when she needed to turn....

W-elll, things became interesting. Kaile did her best to remain encouraging, but as Jamie began to turn, that’s when the girl notice she was physically slowly starting to move her own body to the left. That was because internally, she was hoping that the ship would start to move towards the left. As it was, the tip of the skiff was a bit TOO close to a nearby building’s antenna comm dish.

“Doing just… fine.”
"Eeeeeeeep!" She pulled the controls to the ship hard to the left to avoid hitting the antenna, just narrowly avoiding an expensive collision.

"Just remember Miss Kaile! You signed yourself up for this!" Having managed to turn the ship out and away from anything else she could potentially destroy on exit she gave the ship a bit more throttle and pulled up, sending the ship outwards towards the orbit of the planet in order to breach the atmosphere.

"And awaaaaaaay we go!" That had been one of the better take offs she'd managed in recent memory. Though they weren't out of the woods yet, she still would have to land the ship again before Kaile's ride would be over, and any panic she might might have had during take off would surely return when they reached Sullust.

"Like a glove!" Jamie turned her eyes to Kaile, who clearly looked as if under a bit of duress and let out another wild laugh.

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

She was crazy! -- And Kaile loved it.

Brief brush with potentially crashing aside, it really wasn’t too bad. Kaile’s response to Jamie’s wide cackle was a silly scrunched face and the sticking out of her tongue. Oh that wasn’t to say that she hadn’t been a bit antsy, but hey, one had to think positive right?!

Besides, what was one antenna comm satellite anyways? Bespin had plenty!

“Well, you are doing better than I did my first time around,” She told her, chuckling. “Granted, I was trying to fly a starfighter then.”

A pause.

“And I was eight.”

Another pause.

“I crashed into the maintenance bay…”

A sheepish expression and the tucking in of her shoulders.

“... in reverse…”

How that was even possible, people still didn’t know. Starfighters didn’t go in reverse! But somehow, Kaile did it. Needless to say, the Rebel Commander was not happy with her. At the very least, no one was hurt.

The end result was helping the cook peel potatoes for a month. It had been a star awful boring time.
"Eight!?" Jamie exclaimed. "What were you doing learning to fly a starfighter at the age of eight!?"

At eight years old Jamie was playing pretend with her friends, hardly anything even remotely close to even sitting in a starfighter, let alone piloting one. This girl sure had some crazy adventures throughout her life.

"Is the navicomputer ready?"

Jamie had thought she saw Kaile typing in the information when she sat down. But before she could even respond the girl had already leaned over and with her left hand, began to charge the hyperdrive.

"Hope so. Cause here we go!"

The drive would begin to whirrrrrr with a bit of pickup, the sound growing louder and louder by the second until the screen just in front of her alerted her that the drive was ready to engage. With a smile and a bit of nervousness boiling in her veins the blonde slapped forward the lever, lunging the ship forward and thrusting it into the brightness of hyperspace. Too late to change the decision now!

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

"Things just hap--" Kaile found herself pushed back against her chair as Jamie had them burn lines in the sky. The mottled tunnel of hyperspace enveloped them as streams of white shot past the viewport. Bobo immediately ducked against the curve of Kaile's neck, latching on a bit tighter than normal. Kaile could feel the slight bite of his claws, digging just a bit further along her blouse an into her skin.

Eyes wide, the Lorrdian latched her arms onto the armrests beside her. Wow, that was a bit more ambitious than she was used to. Kurt was all about speed. In fact they had specifically tinkered with the Messa to make it the fastest ship in the known 'verse. However, even he knew that they had to level off a bit easy starting out.

Okay, so Jamie wasn't completely kidding about barely learning to fly. A bit overambitious, but -- as she began to pat herself down - at least they were still alive.

"Well.. " as the ship leveled off. With the Nav Computer set to Sullust, things weren't too crazy. Just had to take the few hours to get there. "Still alive," she gave the younger woman a half smile of encouragement.

"That's a point already on your side."
There was something to be said about scaring someone half to death by throwing caution to the wind and simply hoping for the best. The faces that people made were always worth the risk, and it put a wolfish grin on the blonde's face as Kaile had nearly lost herself when given no warning, the ship simply bucking and thrusting into hyperspace before she could finish her thought.

"That was fun, huh!?" She let out a loud laugh, knowing Kaile was probably scared half to death from that.

"Living is good. Being afraid just means you're sensible enough to know you're still alive." Jamie lived for thrills, but more specifically, enjoying the thrills of seeing others live. Eliciting a reaction of surprise, fear, or excitement were some of the best ways to gauge a person, to get a feel of their personality. Raw emotion brought out the best and worst in people, and even though Kaile had confirmed to Jamie that she was a good person much earlier in the day, the reaction she had given through the hyperspace jump told her that she was genuine.

"Now that that's done, all that's left to do is wait!"

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
@Jame Pyne

“Well, I reckon it did wonders for getting the blood pumpin’” Kaile chuckled out. Oh her heart was still rushing, and she was sure that Bobo was just about as skittish as could be. Gently, with a chuckle, Kaile would pluck the tiny lizard from her shoulder.

“How you doin there, buddy?” Kaile would coo, a half smile on her face as she gently rubbed the minature Ysalamiri with the pad of her forefinger over the ridge of his head. “He might be a bit antsy.” Kaile apologized, giving a small smile.

“Careful to not hightail it out so often like that,” she would add in a warm bit of advice. “Your hyperdrive and reactor might take a beating. Don’t want to end up running it hot so fast unless your comfortable enough to take over if something goes wrong.”

With a wink, she unbuckled herself. “Come on, Miss Jamie. Reckon we’ve some hours to handle out a bit of training.. maybe even some girl talk.” she teased.

“Last time I had any I was talking to Lara back at Yum Bunnies on the merits of thumb sizes and their relation to men.”

Enter a wag of silly brows and a laugh at that.
Always spelling my name wrong, lady.

"Always does." She offered. There was something to be said about scaring someone half to death. Only in this case the death part was actually a possibility. It was a wonder she'd never actually crashed a ship beyond repair yet. Though there was still plenty of time for that given the right circumstances, like a light breeze, a sneeze, or some kind of momentary shiny dangling in front of the girl's face.

"Oh gosh! Bobo! I'm so sorry! I completely forgot that he was on your shoulder!" The girl grimaced, neck muscles flaring a bit as her lips pulled back in worry. "Is he okay?"

In truth she knew not to do that with the hyperdrive. Excitement just often got the better of her, and the desire to scare others was too good to pass up. Still, she let the advice pass without a word, save for a nod of the head, before following Kaile out of the cockpit and to a more suitable area for something relating to training.

"Okay. That sounds great! The common area is probably the largest area, most suitable for it - Less stuff to break."

A curious eye glanced at Kaile for a moment at the mention of fingers, men, and their uses, eliciting a brief bit of laughter from the younger blonde.

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

My GDocs are evil! Blame it! :p

“Haha, he’ll be fine. He can sit down and rest a bit on the acceleration couch while we get to a bit of training.” Kaile reassured the younger blonde. Cradling Bobo in between her hands, Kaile lead the way.

“So, catch me up again to everything you know so far.” Kaile asked Jamie again, glancing at the younger woman. “You can do a bit of telekinetics…lift things and push things. What else?” They ambled along, the hum of the air recycler overhead.

Stepping out into the common area, Kaile gave a good inspection of the area. Not too shabby. Plenty of room. First, she needed a place where she could set Bobo down on his perch. One small nook area by the far right side appeared to be well enough for her needs.

“I’m just going to set Bobo over here. Wouldn’t do much training by example if he’s on me,” she said with a grin. Kaile might be a bit lighthearted now, but she knew that as soon as she was out of Bobo’s bubble...well, the vertigo would hit again. The Lorrdian had been practicing at moving in and out, lessening the amount of nausea that struck her.

“Then, we’ll get started!” a thought came to her. “Do you have a datapad?”
As the two walked Jamie winced slightly at the question as to what else she knew besides the basics of telekinetics.

"Ummm." The girl blew a puff of air through her lips in contemplation, her hand running back through blonde hair, brushing it to the side.

"That's kind of it, really." Embarrassing. "And I'm not even that great at it." That's inspiring.

It was pretty evident that Jamie was still pretty new to the whole 'Force' thing, and mildly embarrassed by her lack of knowledge and overall talent with the subject. A quick nod affirmed Kaile's decision to place Bobo off to the side of the room and away from possible harm; Also to allow her control over the Force as well.

"I still have a long ways to go." She snapped her fingers and smiled. "Oh, a datapad? Yes. Why?"

[member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"]

With her back to Jamie, Kaile was free to set Bobo down. "Alright Bobo," she murmured low, giving him another gentle stroke over the ridge of his green head. "Just sit tight. Another small tap and she took a deep breath. Exhaled. Always had to brace herself with this.

Okay. One... two...

Slowly she began to take a few steps back. Once she hit the edge of the barrier, Kaile's body would tense. Her fingers curled tightly, and she took a sharp breath. Breathe. Just breathe. The nausea hit her first. Then the vertigo. At the very least, she wasn't in the fetal position anymore. It used to be worse.

Far worse.

"Ah.. we'll be testing some things out." Kaile said with a slight strain in her voice. Her hand would reach to balance herself along the back of the couch. Okay. Not too bad. Kaile turned and gave Jamie a faint smile.

"And something that you don't mind dropping... maybe a couple of pillows..."

Always was nice to have something fluffy to fall back on... Just in case.
The younger girl looked on as Kaile separated herself from the lizard for the first time since they'd met. Unsurprisingly the girl seemed to react almost as a mirror image of how Jamie felt when Kaile had simply hugged her.

"You weren't joking when you said it's the opposite for you, huh?"

She stepped forward, offering a hand to Kaile in case she felt light headed or was about to fall or faint.

"Are you sure you're okay? We don't have to do this."

For a minute or two the blonde wondered if Kaile was going to be alright. She looked disoriented and physically ill. "Maybe you should sit for a minute? Will it pass?"

There was far more concern in Jamie's voice than there had been excitement to be trained earlier. She certainly didn't want to make Kaile uncomfortable by separating her from the ysalamir, but she absolutely didn't want to risk hurting her in some way, or making her trip to Sullust miserable the entire time. "Really. We can do this later if you want."

[member="Kaileann Vera"]

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