Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shimmy shimmy cocoa pop!

[member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Oh ho no," Jacen said with a shake of his head. If they've gone back to someone's quarters I don't think words can express how little interest I have in going and finding them. Why don't you grab your things and we'll find a place to stay. You can catch up with your friend later, or drop her a message."

He could have found Rohn by reading out to him through the Force, but he had even less interest in trying that trick out right now.
Jamie couldn't help the sudden outburst of laughter. "Okay, okay." She finally said in between laughing and trying to compose herself. "I'll grab my bag then. I'll just be a moment."

The blonde hustled up the ramp to the ship and headed straight for her quarters. There wasn't much to take really. Her datapad, clothes, and some other small personal belongings she'd need.

Kaile could take the ship with her if she needed it. Jamie was sure she could hitch another lift somewhere if it was necessary.

A few minutes would pass and she would come running back down the ramp of the ship to find Jacen waiting where he had been. "Okay. This is everything! Where to? I can send Kaile a message and let her know where to find us."

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

Meanwhile, Kaile was happily in the refresher. See, she had to clean up a bit after fixing that hyperdrive. With Rohn off the ship, there was no need to worry that his poor innocent eyes would come across anything that may kick his blood pressure a notch.

For now, little Miz Kaile was singing it up to the catchy tune of, ' 500 parsecs...'

"And I would walk five-hundred parsecs... and I would walk five hundred more... just to be the man that walked five hundred parsecs to fall down at your door... SURRENDER! Surrender! SURRENDER!"
[member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Travel light then?" Jacen asked rhetorically, looking down at the bag of goods. "So...I probably should have asked earlier but how are you with being underground?"

He asked because most of the padawan's accommodation was not in the gleaming glass dome that hung above the ground. They were down on the caverns beneath the surface. Nice enough views if you liked uplit chasms, not brilliant if the notion of a few thousand tonnes of rock overhead put you on edge.
She looked down to the duffel bag she was carrying, then back to Jacen. "Yeah." She gave a shrug. "Not a whole lot I need to carry really."

The question about being underground though caught her a bit off guard. She hadn't thought much about the training grounds and such might be underground. She wasn't afraid of it, but she wasn't overly eager about it either. Jamie had spent her whole life examining the beauties of nature, even if she did occasionally appreciate a bit of cave exploring. Living underground for any period of time didn't exactly sound too appealing.

"I...Get the feeling I don't quite have an option to pick the scenic nature suite above ground?" She hefted the bag up to her shoulder. "It's fine. I just usually keep spelunking to day activities and not so much as shelter."

[member="Kaileann Vera"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
[member="Jacen Voidstalker"] [member="Jamie Pyne"]

One sonic shower done and over with, Kaile came out humming in her birthday suit clean as can be. Thankfully the doc had done a good number on her head, so that small cut she had that had been bleeding like a stuck nerf kept well. No worries of it opening it back up again. The pain killers would stay in her system for the next few hours, so it was just a matter of staying awake and making sure that she didn't nod off.

Getting dressed once more, the Lorrdian shimmied into a clean shirt and short shorts. It was Sullust. The place was rather hot to begin with. And depending on where Mister Hunky Jedi Spelunker took Jamie, odds were they were either gonna stay in the bubble or go down below. Checking her chronowatch, she figured it had been all of forty-five minutes now.

"Huh, wonder how the tour is going?" she mused, chuckling to herself.
[member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Kaileann Vera"]

“Yeah I’m afraid on Sullust we mostly live underground as the natives do. When the Temple comes under attack it means we can fall back to the caverns and hold out against pretty much any amount of orbital bombardment. If you message your friend and tell her you’re moving into the novices’ quarters, room besh twenty three she can help you move in,” Jacen explained.

It was getting quite warm under the sun in the dome now, despite all the atmospheric controls. As they walked towards the lifts down to the lower levels Jacen decided that formality had been completed and tucked his Jedi robes under one arm.
As the two continued their trek towards the lower level of the temple Jamie pulled free the datapad from her back pocket that had been tucked away throughout the afternoon. Walking beside Jacen she gave a nod to his comments as she searched for Kaile's comm number to send a quick message. Hopefully the other girl would get it in short time and be able to meet up with them again. Jamie had wondered what she'd busied herself with while they were gone.

"Have you been attacked many times?" She was curious, most of the Jedi temples she'd known of were all grand structures that were built above ground. "Do you expect attacks regularly or something?"

The idea of building underground was both interesting and rather nerve racking. It was a genius idea for preventing loss of life during attacks like Jacen had said, but it also meant that they were likely expecting attacks by what Jamie assumed were Sith. Just how safe was this area and planet she wondered. As her mind jogged between thoughts she managed to find Kaile's information and began to type a quick message before sending it off through the 'Net.

Hey! I hope you're feeling well! I think we're headed down to the novice quarters, your man-crush is leading us down there if you'd like to join us! Room besh-twenty-three.


[member="Kaileann Vera"] | [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

Her comm gave a buzzing beep. Mid hum, Kaileanna bent to pick it up from the table she had set it down while she cleaned up earlier. It was a nifty wrist version that had all sort of gadgets and gizmos, plus a full qwerty holo key display. That was important!

"Oh," she gave a small cry of surprise, brows arching up. It was Jamie! The corner of her mouth gave an upward quirk, butt leaning against the acceleration couch as she read the message.

"Looks like Jamie is aiming to stay a while, Bobo!" Kaile told Bobo, quickly sending a message back to the blonde.


[SIZE=inherit]HAH! My man-crush? You're the one go got the primo seat at [/SIZE][SIZE=inherit]oogling his butt! Okay, fixed your hyperdrive with Initate Rohn. He went back to go turn in the tools so ya'll probably see him round[/SIZE][SIZE=inherit]. I'll catch up in a bit. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=inherit]- Kaile[/SIZE]
[member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Kaileann Vera"]

"We don't expect to get attacked often, but we do plan for it," Jacen replied. He thought back to those early days. The Protectorate had collapsed and Fal had spread his Sith across the region. The Alliance had consisted of a few rogue jedi and a single fleet of ships that had barely escaped destruction at the hands of the One Sith.

"We've been attacked twice here. A group called the Vanguard tried to destroy us and then the One Sith mounted a raid. The former came close to destroying the temple. The latter barely came close."

The turbolift came to a halt and Jacen stepped into a smooth corridor hewn out of the rock.

"Don't worry, it's less... oppressive when you reach the edge of the cavern."
"I see." She said simply, following in tow with Jacen. "How long did it take to rebuild after the attacks?"

Jamie knew how bad some warzones could be from the stories her parents would share with her when they returned from some of their more dangerous excursions out in the galaxy. Namely those places that the Sith had hit early in their conquest across the core years before. There was never a short demand for relief efforts across the galaxy.

"Were there many losses here?"

The grim truth of war. People died. It didn't matter how many were saved, the lost, be it one or one thousand were always a tragedy.

[member="Jacen Voidstalker"] | [member="Kaileann Vera"]
[member="Jamie Pyne"] [member="Jacen Voidstalker"]

No message back, but perhaps Jamie was busy. With that hunk of a Jedi Master, the strawberry blonde couldn't hold it against the younger woman. A half smirk and Kaile got to collecting all of her possessions. It was a nice little side track adventure, but she'd have to eventually leave to catch up with Kurt. They had agreed that they would meet each other in the next day or so on Denon. If she told him that there had been a change in plans and to pick her up on Sullust instead, well... he'd get a bit curious.

That was the last thing she needed, and hopping on a transport to get to Denon wouldn't be any trouble at all. For now, she'll make sure that Jamie's ship was secured and was now in working order. The blonde won't have any trouble with her hyperdrive.

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