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Approved Species Senkaku

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Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
  • Intent: To update older subs
  • Image Credit: Golden Dawn
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Name: Senkaku
  • Designation: Semi Sentient
  • Origins: Pellu
  • Average Lifespan: 100
  • Estimated Population: Scattered
  • Description: An anomolous species from the moon of Pellu, the Senkaku are amorphous and mercurial and shift their looks to appear like what is around them. In the most common case Atrisians with pale skin, dark hair tones and ebony pools for eyes. Their ability to control their size and shape has led to them being seen different as things from legends. Collosal titans that could roam around the world and eat or attack people. One being so large they pinned the great empress under a mountain that was formed from their fist. IN their larger size they look much the same only smooth and almost featureless with their mouths, eyes and nose being there but no detail along their bodies.
  • Breathes: N/A
  • Average Height of Adults: 2.5 meters (108,000M in their legends)
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Pink
  • Hair color: Red-Brown to Dark Brown
  • Distinctions:
    • Glowing Marks
    • Hermaphriditic
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: Standard
  • Unusual Sizes: Not having a traditional body and bone structure. The Senkaku can alter their shape from small to titanic with legends saying they could reach tall enough to become a mountain.
  • Hypersensitive hearing: On par with a Bith, their hearing is extremely acute allowing them to hear people approaching but it is also very dangerous as sonic, ultrasonic and sound based weapons can not only disorient but cause severe damage in their brains leading to dangers. Bleeding from the eyes, ears, nose and head when it can explode.
    Age Rapidly: Much like canines their bodies age faster and look more mature quickly. Usually around five times that of other species making it possibly for a normal human observing to see a handful of generations of the same family.
  • Diet: Plankton, smaller fish, each other, meats, fruits.
  • Communication:
    • Resonating sounds underwater like music
    • Verbal Out of water
  • Technology level: Galactic Standard
  • Religion/Beliefs:
    • As a species the Senkaku are barely out of their diapers, moving around the planet and living for themselves and sometimes having children. The species gathering after they have met a couple of their basic instincts. The use of tools at best is just becoming a thing as they have been learning how to break open thicker shelled food they can get to. Sticks to poke and fight with each other or their stranger cousins that have slowly begun to appear.

      In terms of where they fit in around New Holstice they are seen as a novelty, something that has appeared but doesn't really interact unless attacked or provoked in which case they are vastly out classed tactics wise and weapon wise. So they run away from people and seek to avoid being around humans or whatever else might be on the world. Their only time attacking is the stranger cousins they have who have started to crop up.
  • General behavior:
    • With Each Other: They are generally peaceful when not involved in displays of virility for mates or combat for food. The males of the species vicious tearing and kicking at each other to ribbons. Outside of battles for dominance or instinctual needs they are a fairly social species. Gathering in places to clean and interact with each other. Teach the children and work on some of the things. Sometimes they will venture as a group into places that are unknown or to face threats to large for just one of them.

      With Outsiders: With unknown species they are generally fearful and will seek to avoid them. Running away if seen or chased instead of remaining there but can be lured in with food and some of the more shiny lures. Generally responding to thumpers as it mimics their own ways of communicating through their feet and tails. Only when backed into a corner and attacked will they viciously attack the oter species as a last resort when and if their lives are threatened.

      With Their Cousins: They are violent, the strange and unknown cousin is generally seen as something wrong same as an albino or other different ones of their species. Some will mate with them but most will attack and try to really kill them. Forcing the strange humanoid types to band together into communal caves for protection and to get away from the danger. Between them they are different using more of the tools like rocks, sticks and red light the storms bring.

      The Force: Is an alien concept to them, they do not know what it is, how it is used or really anything except it makes those who have shown the smallest ability to use it different and different is bad. As with some species that can use the force without real knowledge they will bash the skulls of the one using it in over accepting them.
Discovered on Pellu by a team of researchers and explorers long ago the Senkaku were regarded as nothing more then primitive creatures that ight one day grow into a sentient species that would prove useful to the galactic society. They were left alone on the world as the research teams were constructing hospitals and monuments to lost jedi. Not really bothering with them when they came near and sometimes feeding them or setting up ways to keep them away and safe.

With time the species seemed to become more a stable while some progress was made throughout the planet expanding outwards and encroaching on their habitats. The species themselves as they learned a little things here and there mostly fled staying away from them before they could be caught or killed with the simplest of tool and equipment use being a big thing for them. Their ability to crack the shells of some of the local creatures.

Over time as they continued to live on the world things started to happen, the population was hunted, the population was killed by sickness and disease as well as some anomolies started to appear. Less animal like ones of them who interacted with them and were every bit as scared of the outside world as they were but were also different. Different enough to cause problems and be killed with rocks and claws when they were encountered.

These humanoid ones were not really that much smarter but they were a little taller, they were a little more able to use the simple tools. When they were discovered with some of the things by other teams and those who could be saved were protected and taken to their own cave on the planet with others like themselves. The teams that were coming in were working to restore and explore the planet for all of the things it could offer with the memory moths.

Years of research and study have shown the Senkaku to be good at adapting and learning. A number of them picking up the basics of speech among each other and traiing the others so they could communicate with visitors to the moon itself. The Chi_oni dealing with them and the Atrisians being able to study.. like something out of legends a few have been taken off world and allowed to experience the galaxy.
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Insert Hilarious Title Here
Apologies for the wait, but I wanted to be thorough.
I don't see any problems with this, really.

Approved, Pending Secondary
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