Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Selene


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    Our faces did not differ until the sleep took hold. We were once twins by the very definition of the word. The same in everything, but the long sleep changed more than then galaxy around us. When we woke again, we had walked through heaven and hell and seen many things our waking minds could not imagine. We emerged a reflection of our experiences. A mirror image of the powers that lay within our other half.

    One boasts the bright white hair of a thousand stars, with eyes as black as the deepest void. The other has hair soaked in midnight black, with eyes that shine white like the moon against a raven canvas of twilight. Years locked in our tomb leeched the colour from our skin. It is so thin now we can read the veins beneath, like reading pages from a book. It robbed us of our flesh, leaving little left to cling to our bones. Our once full and pleasant features were hollowed by the merciless touch of time, but it gave us an ethereal and mysterious beauty.

    The sleep took much from us, but we gained far more than it stole.
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    My second form embodies the spirit of the air; a moon-blessed creature of night and shadow. As the owl, I hunt silently, my feathers of speckled black and white barely daring to whisper as they brush the air. They look soft, but don't be fooled, for my talons can rend flesh from bone, and you'll never hear it coming.
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    The wolf is a spirit of the earth; and her fur is the colour of the full moon. In this form I am large, I am warm, I am quiet and I am deadly. Look closely, you will see that I am but a facsimile of a genuine wolf; leaner, longer, with more tail and less coat.

    With large ears, piercing eyes, and a snout built for the earth from which I came, this form can track you across plains and through forests, over desserts and under starry skies. I am a hunter, and no prey will escape me.
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    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas est nibh, congue eget dolor eu, pretium mattis mauris. Maecenas placerat molestie odio nec molestie. Suspendisse nec porttitor sem. Morbi odio arcu, luctus sit amet placerat nec, bibendum pulvinar turpis.

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    Nam quis diam pretium purus placerat porttitor. Aliquam quis mollis est, a ornare sapien.
  • fluff4.gif
    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas est nibh, congue eget dolor eu, pretium mattis mauris. Maecenas placerat molestie odio nec molestie. Suspendisse nec porttitor sem. Morbi odio arcu, luctus sit amet placerat nec, bibendum pulvinar turpis.

    Aenean at leo quam. Phasellus pellentesque, est sit amet pulvinar dictum, tellus justo feugiat justo, in eleifend justo leo eget felis. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In convallis et mi quis sollicitudin. Curabitur varius leo nec ullamcorper porta. Nulla scelerisque semper tortor, et rutrum leo vehicula in.

    Nam quis diam pretium purus placerat porttitor. Aliquam quis mollis est, a ornare sapien.
B I R T H N A M E | Selene

S P E C I E S | Gemini

H O M E P L A N E T | Illyria

A G E | 261

G E N D E R | Female

S K I N | Pale

H A I R | Void-black

E Y E S | Star-white

W E I G H T | 120lbs

H E I G H T | 5ft 6in

F O R C E - A B L E | Confirmed
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    The Galaxy was a different place when we went to sleep. Names that now hold no power once shook the hearts of men.

    My sister and I watched this different galaxy form and mold as we grew up; our tribe teaching us of the gods, of the mother, and of our place in it all. Like all children, we were imperfect in our youth, and as the mother ebbs and flows around us, our own loyalty and discipline ebbed and flowed until we found our place in the tribe.

    Then the plague came.

    We had completed our rite of adulthood, but were yet to step into the stars and touch that which we’d seen and heard for so many years before. However, the galaxy above us changed; the heavens filled with fear, anguish, death and despair. When the call came from our elders to return to the ground and sleep, we went willingly into our tomb.

    Until came the Warlord.

    How many came before, we cannot say. Our long sleep dropped a curtain between us and the galaxy, for the first time in our lives. But when he came, it parted. Once more, we woke, stepping into a galaxy born anew from the ashes the plague had left. New names replaced the old, new treaties and new wars and new stars and new people; my sister and I stepped into the sun for the first time in a long time.

    It was time to finally see it all, at the side of the one that had freed us.
  • fRYqESh.png
    G E M I N I | A pureblood Gemini, Selene possesses natural abilities such as being able to take the forms of a wolf and an owl, or to look into the hearts of men. When with her sister, the pair have the ability to look into the far future or distant past, as well as to speak directly into the minds of others

    L O N G - L I V E D | All Gemini possess a lifespan that numbers in the thousands of years, unless cut short by disease or a mortal wound

    E T H E R E A L | There's no mistaking that Selene and Solara are striking to look at. Combined with their natural empathic abilities, the twins are capable of subtly affecting their auras; to appear either meek and defenceless or powerful and intimidating, at their whim
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    D E L I C A T E - C O N S T I T U T I O N | Not necessarily a Gemini trait, but Selene and Solara were entombed for hundreds of years to escape the Gulag plague. While they succeeded, their immune systems have not been able to learn the plethora of illnesses now in the galaxy, leaving the twins vulnerable

    D E P E N D E N T | The twins need each other. Not just because they are close, but biologically, they are bound together. Not only doees the use of their abilities leave each physically vulnerable, needing the other to protect her, but if forcibly separated, both twins will grow weak and sick

    A L L E R G Y | The twins - as many Gemini do - suffered an illness in their childhood. While both recovered fully, it left Selene with an allergy to silver. Contact with the metal in its purest form causes her skin to break out in painful hives (which are oft in turn felt by her sister as well)
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    - Solara
    Relationship | Twin Sister
    Biography | {x}
    Interactions | {x}
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    U N D E R - C O N S T R U C T I O N
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    U N D E R - C O N S T R U C T I O N
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    U N D E R - C O N S T R U C T I O N
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