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Approved Species Gemini

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OOC Info

Intent: To create a new race with new ideas for writers on the board to explore
Image source: Here
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Links: N/A

General Info
Designation: Sentient
Origins: The moons of Illyria
Average lifespan: about eight thousand GSY
Estimated population: Rare
Description: From a distance, the Gemini look human, although upon closer study, the slender people appear almost other-worldly, elegant and graceful, almost unsettlingly quiet

Physical Info
Type I
Average Height of Adults: 1.6m
Average Length of Adults: N/A
Skin Color: Pale colours that mirror a sunset or sunrise; ranging from soft peach, to orange, to lavender or blue
Hair Color: Ranges from pale colours of a morning sky to a deep midnight black
Distinctions: Although almost indistinguishable from humans, the Gemini have one prominent feature that sets them apart from other races: Upon the foreheads of each set of twins are iridescent birthmarks that represent two opposing but harmonious natural phenomenon (For example a sun and a moon, or fire and ice). These markings glow strongly when the Gemini use their abilities, causing many to believe they somehow channel the force.
Force Sensitivity: All

Gemini is uniquely malleable, and intricately intertwined with the force. Each Gemini is capable of shapeshifting into two additional forms; each representing two of the four elements. Typically, each pair of Gemini twins will encompass the four elements between them, although there are exceptions to this
The Gemini communicate telepathically to one another, across vast distances, allowing them a measure of privacy. They can also communicate telepathically with other races (who may not possess the ability themselves) when a pair of Gemini work together. Additionally, they have an innate sense for the emotions and intentions of those around them who don’t take care to shield themselves

While the Gemini are capable of communicating and sensing the world around them, to do so requires them to look entirely inwards, and cuts them off from their other senses entirely. When using their abilities; the Gemini are blind and helpless
While adept at using their abilities to literally lure prey to their feet, the Gemini lack the endurance and stamina to match most other human races
Gemini are always born as a pair of twins, who will live their entire lives together. While their physical anatomy is independent, the twins will both become incredibly distressed if separated from one another, and if kept too far apart for too long, suffer immensely and have even been documented to perish from the trauma.

Strictly carnivorous
Communication: Telepathically (with their own race), Galactic standard basic or telepathy with other races
Technology: In comparison to the rest of the galaxy, the Gemini are quite primitive; eschewing technology for talismans, fetishes, and ritual items as they live off and in harmony with the land
Religion/Beliefs: The Gemini believe steadfastly in their relationship with “the mother”; which some scholars believe is their name for the Force. “The Mother” embodies the energy that fuels their powers, the changing of the seasons, the harvest, healing, and divination. In addition to their reverence of “the Mother”, the Gemini revere and worship a pantheon of gods (who, interestingly, do not have twins), often calling upon them during spells or rituals. Although these gods do not embody specific spheres or ideals, they do have definitive rolls within the religion :
  • Asatru: The father-King, seen as a father-figure and often called upon for his wisdom, and is known for great feasts and celebrating victory; attributed to the element earth
  • Tao: A seeker of knowledge and scholar, keen strategist and celebrates unique thinking. Tao is not attributed to a specific element, but rather is often represented as the link between the other elements
  • Greca: The robed lady, lives upon “The Mountaintop” and is a great teller of stories and singer of songs, attributed the element of air and clouds
  • Slavi: The battle-maiden. She is a fierce warrior and is attributed to the element of fire, Gemini often call upon her in the name of vengeance, and report that she is happy to oblige
  • Jesu: The martyr god, attributed to the element of water; a being of compassion and love in the pantheon
While the culture of the Gemini has their religion woven into almost every aspect, and worship is commonplace, it is not unheard of for some to shirk the beliefs. Doing so is not punished, but rather seen generally by the populace as a sign of arrogance.

General Behaviour: The most striking feature of Gemini behaviour is how deeply spiritual they are. Being a primarily telepathic race; they appear very quietly graceful, almost eerie, to those around them. Although they eschewed modern technology, Gemini are far from savages, their culture holding honour and restraint as the most important values. Important events in a Gemini’s life are marked with rituals to honour the gods or the mother, and they place high value on their talismans and fetishes.
Going through life paired as twins, it’s no surprise that the Gemini hunt in tandem, one using her ability to lure a prey to her feet, the other protecting her vulnerable sister from potential threats. Although strictly carnivorous, it is customary for the people to honour their prey, giving thanks in a rite after a kill.
Another curiosity one might notice about the strange people is that they are an entirely female race. This has led scholars to believe that in the distant past, they used to be far more widespread, as in order to breed, Gemini mate with males from different species, carrying and raising the offspring as their own. Pregnancy and childbirth amongst the people is rare, however, and therefore treated with great fanfare and celebration.
Although young are raised by a single pair of twins, an entire tribe will assist in education in rudimentary academics and rituals and ceremonies. Upon reaching adulthood, a new pair of twins will be presented with talismans of their own and welcomed into the tribe as equals, to begin the cycle anew.

Historical Information
Due to their aversion to technology, and specifically holocrons, much of the Gemini’s early history has been lost to the ages. Due to their need for another race in order to breed, it’s believed that they were once more widespread, at the very least, to the planet of Illyria, rather than just one of its moons.

What is known, however, is that the gulag plague decimated the species. Being low in number already, their survival was severely threatened. Wherever they were; the Gemini were called to retreat into a deep hibernation, especially any who were pregnant.

While technically, that means there may be other Gemini tombs sprinkled throughout the galaxy, wherever the race had managed to travel; sadly many of these tombs degraded over time, or were outright destroyed.

However, a few years ago, in 857, a tomb was opened. Those believed to be the last surviving Gemini have emerged from one of the moons of Illyria. Now, these few have reentered the galaxy, hoping perhaps that more of their people survived.
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