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Scions of the Darkside [TSE]

Sith Training Academy

Bastion loomed overhead like an oppressive steel beast on its hind legs. Star Destroyers flew in low orbit and appeared like bloated monstrosities. It was too busy for Pythia, who since becoming the apprentice to the Dark Lord of the Sith and spending much of her time on Korriban training in the ways of the darkside, had become accustomed the desolate isolation of the ancient tombworld. Stepping off of the disembarking plank from her Sith Starfighter she took in a breath of the damp cold air of Bastion. She curled the sleeves of her crimson robed cloak and crossed her arms. It was cold. She much preferred the heat of the deserts on Korriban.

But, it was not only the environment that brought her unease, it was her destination. The Sith Training Academy on Bastion was the center of the Sith Order and the other acolytes like herself. She had not meet any other Sith during her training under [member="Darth Carnifex"]. She wished to be near her master, but, it was her master that had commanded her to enter the academy to test her knew strength and knowledge of the Dark Side - as fledgling it was. Pythia wandered down the main promenade that led to the academy.

Nearing the entrance, she could sense the power and darkness that breed from within the academy. Passing beneath its archway and past the threshold Pythia stepped into the main chamber of the academy. Acolytes and Knights were busy with their activities, passing by and paying the lost twi'lek any mind. Pythia let the dark side permeate her as she wandered about. However, she did not only come to wander aimlessly. She was also looking for someone. A Sith Knight whom she had heard her master mentioned [member="Venthis Zambrano"].

Pythia paused and brooded.

[member="Lark"] [member="Kizaark"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] [member="Syss Rembala"] [member="Vaylin"]
Bastion had become home to her. It had been many years now that she had spent as an initiate of the Sith first as a member of the One Sith, a fallen coalition and now as an initiate in the great Sith Empire, for her development had been hindered by her disappearance once the Netherworld dragged several force-users into unknown, far away places. However, the Umbaran could not care less about how much time it took her to become a real Sith, she trusted her abilities and she would never question the judgement of her Lords, it would come with time and even if it didn't, she still grew in skill and knowledge. Syss was exactly in the place in which she wanted to be, given the present time of her situation and the expanse of her future plans. She was again under the roof of a Sith Academy, she had been taken as an apprentice by a Lord, [member="Darth Ananta"], and she had every needed element at her disposal to continue improving her abilities and feeding that insatiable hunger for theoretical understanding of the Dark ways of the Sith and their history.

The main chamber of the great academy at Bastion had too become one of he favorite places in the enormous edification. For here most of her preferred activities and intentions were sufficiently satisfied. Seeing as how most Sith only used the chamber as a connecting point, walking by with little to no conversation to be had it allowed her to concentrate on her reading satisfactorily, given the constant flow of faces she was able to observe with subtlety everyone who passed and learn about them and most importantly, she was easy to find should any of the Lords or Knights require her presence. So another morning was slowly going by, as she gracefully stood against one of the tall pillars of the hall, an open book resting expertly in one of her hands as her white eyes meticulously scanned through the pages.

She was distracted by an unknown presence, once she could immediately tell was clearly a new one for she was not in the slightest way familiar with it. So her gaze abandoned the page she had been reading to focus on the form of a young Twi'lek, a couple of years younger than herself. It was easy to tell she was a fairly new apprentice, yet what her observing gaze was able to decipher is that there was something she could not yet define that called the Umbaran's attention.


[member="Lark"] [member="Kizaark"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] [member="Vaylin"]
Bastion, Sith Training Academy
851 ABY

So many faces.

The Fallen Son had only recently arrived to the academy, barely getting used to the sheer size and presence of both the structure, people and dark side influence that hung around the air like a spiders web. Culture shock had taken over and his mind was full of questions, though the hermit despite this felt a strange homely feeling to the whole place. Like-minded people with a like-minded goal, stood in a place that wept the same affinity to the force that he had learnt to wear like a cloak on Barab I. It wasn't the cavern that he had called residence for the majority of his life nor was it possibly going to kill him either during the day with radiation or at night with the sudden floods of water but... Perhaps this was a good thing, despite it giving the hermit a chance to walk about without survival senses kicking in. Admittedly he had become used to it, using it as a guide almost, following his instincts and emotions to a degree to path out his plans on the desolate world, it would take some getting used to, adjusting to the new way of the new world he found himself upon.

The outsider that had been sent to bring him to Bastion had gone off elsewhere, or perhaps with such a sudden influx of faces, points of interest and the significant rise of dark side presence, he simply lost track of where he had gone. Instead, the armored Barabel looked among the sea of new faces and it was here that he really took note of the diversity of the crowd; races that he had never seen or heard about before were dotted about the moving crowds, the attire they wore and the strange hilts carried upon their belts, this place was fascinating to him. He didn't at all really know where to start, nor where he should go. Instead, the heavy footsteps of crude armor moving along with a taller-than-most sentient that was the Fallen Son, carried him off to one of the pillars and took refuge there for the time being. Given time to reflect, collect himself and figure out where to go from here, that was the best idea he had.

[member="Syss Rembala"] | [member="Pythia"] | [member="Lark"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
Bastion, a place where Venthis found himself spending a majority of his time. Training, learning, and beginning to teach. He had been staying here for a good few days learning about a specific ability he was interested in. In the main chamber, laid the serpent. In one of the corners of the room, was the young Zambrano watching over the chamber taking note of all those that entered.

All the noise in the room seemed to dissipate within the corner he remained within his own bubble of silence. Though for the outsiders to his 'bubble', they would... seem to not want to look in the corner. There was a subconscious message being broadcasted to everyone in the room to not look in the corner. It came from the cloak he wore, which was alchemized.

His eyes flicked over each of the members of the Empire entering, nodding to himself. Though his eyes laid onto one he had heard rumors of. An apprentice to his cousin; [member="[/FONT][FONT='courier new']Pythia[/FONT][FONT='courier new']"]. There was a temptation to leap from his hiding spot and to investigate though he hesitated and held back. Hopefully, she would be strong-willed enough to fight the aura emitting from his cloak and to approach the Sith Knight.

[member="Kizaark"] | [member="Syss Rembala"] | [member="Lark"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] | [member="Pythia"]


Little Miss Psychopath
The air was cold with death's chilled breaths as the Offshoot walked towards the Academy's doors. This place was evil, she could tell. Dark powers seemed to seep from every stone as she made her way over them, black energy that called to her, whispering of power and strength. Whispering of freedom. The careful, light steps she took contrasted the arsenal she carried. The revolver on her hip, the blaster in the small of her back, the pair of knives on her belt, the sword across her back, and the black cylinder on her belt managed to earn her more than one second glance from the others. The woman did her best to ignore them.

Here there was a promise of power. She intended to earn it for herself.

The stygian abyss of the Dark side clawed at the back of her mind, begging her to drink of its tainted chalice, to drown herself in its power. She let it take her, burn through her body and eat away at her mind as Dalansa took her first steps into the Academy proper.

Having never been one for the colossal architecture of these cyclopean cathedrals to the Dark Side, the Offshoot's first thoughts were of the wasted potential in the extravagance of the entryway. It was massive, and surely impressive, but could the space not be used for training grounds? It was an excess. And excess sat wrong in the woman's gut.

Blue eyes scanned the crowd, looking for someone of any importance. A massive lizard, towering over the others in a suit of armor that seemed to be built from scratch on a barren world. The thing leaned on one of the pillars that held up the ceiling, and for a moment, she wondered if the thing could tear out and swing the thing he leaned against. Maybe. That would be interesting to see.

Another pillar held up a smaller figure, although when compared to the goliath she had just seen, everyone looked small. She held a book, perhaps some tome of ancient knowledge, or maybe a book of history. Not that it mattered to her, as it may as well have been random scribbles. Still, the stranger seemed to notice another. Maybe a new potential? Cold blue eyes followed the woman's gaze.

The twi'lek looked young and thin, like the dancing girls she had seen so often in a previous life. She was strong, dark in her own right, in a way Dalansa would never be. That had been made clear enough to her in the past. She was fit for little more than a brute. This girl was different. Most of them were different. Once again, the Offshoot was the weak link. She always was.

Cat-like tread carried her further in, towards the Twi'lek. She didn't know what drew her forward, but it pulled her, tugging at the subconscious layers of her mind and driving her to force knows where.

[member="Pythia"] [member="Syss Rembala"] [member="Kizaark"] [member="Venthis Zambrano"]


Saint of the Damned
Lark paced through the hallways of the Sith Temple at a nonchalant speed, with no specific destination in mind. Perhaps the library, or maybe a nearby training yard. It had been some time since he had visited the Sith capital, his schedule had been a busy one as of late. Most recently he ventured to the apocalyptic planet of Barab l, to recruit a Barabel hermit who showed great potential in the powers of the Force. He and [member="Kizaark"] had gotten separated in the horde of bodies that collected in the main gathering points of the temple, but perhaps that was for the best. The eremite needed to become accustomed to seeing living creatures besides his lizard-like pet, no more was the life of seclusion. Hopefully he'd soon become acclimated among the numbers of the Sith, and if Lark ever needed to seek the beast out, he knew the Barabel wouldn't be difficult to find.

"Kaxia vel, nu atiduo kia tave aikste iv kitok natura," Lark whispered aloud. Once more, I return to the place of new life. Something like that. He had slowly become fluent in the ancient language of the Sith, on occasion he even found himself thinking and dreaming in the Old Tongue. In one hand he held a short book written entirely in the Sith tongue, rarely did he require a translator, the words and unique grammatical structure were coming to him naturally.

It truly was a place of new life, Lark didn't have to look up from his book to see that. Since his last visit to Bastion the number of those who dwelled in the temple had grown exponentially, all hoping to tap into their true potential. He remembered back in the early days of the Sith Ascendancy, when one could stroll through the hallways for hours and come across nary a soul. Now, with the emergence of the Sith Empire, one would have to push through dense masses of bodies just to get to the nearest bathroom.

Thankfully, the main chambers were a bit more spacious, with plenty of room to breath. He immediately noticed Kizaark leaning against a column, Lark was relieved to see that the beast hadn't begun tearing the place apart in confusion. Perhaps I'm not giving him enough credit, Lark thought to himself. He seems to be adjusting well. Sparks emerged from a space a few millimeters away from his fingertips as he continued to read and take in all the new faces around him. When he previously summoned forth lightning it left his pale fingers charred black for weeks, he needed to learn to use the technique properly. His eyes flit from book to surroundings as he practiced, the sparks weren't potent enough to cause any sort of disturbance. A ghostly woman propped herself against a pillar, also reading. Another woman approached a young girl who looked lost amongst her new home. Something was going on in a nearby corner, something Lark had to will himself into looking at. But he got the sense that whatever was going on there wasn't meant for him. Instead, he climbed to the top of a nearby arch, content to relax and continue reading amongst the future of the Sith Empire.

[member="Dalansa"] [member="Venthis Zambrano"] [member="Syss Rembala"] [member="Pythia"] [member="Vaylin"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"]
Quite the difference from Kro Var, and Arkania. Kro Var being a planet with lush life and fauna every where, Arkania being an iceball of a planet. Yet here I was on Bastion. The one place I didn't want to be. I felt sick to my stomach. So much of the force lived here. Much more than what my father and mother could ever control. Why was I here? Because my father had gotten me a spot into the academy so that I could learn of the force. My father was a Vagabond. One man who moved about without rhyme or reason. Leaving me when I was but a child.

I honestly didn't care about my father, what he did, or who he was. I cared about myself. I needed to fill the shoes of my father, and uncle who had set a path before me. I wanted to make them proud. My only problem with that, is that they both had close relations to the Sith Empire, or other Sith groups at some time. My father now was considered a Sith. Yet why did I not want to be one? Was it just because of my mother's hate for them? Or was it because I just didn't like their doom and gloom feel?

I couldn't answer that at the moment, and didn't feel like it either. Looking over to my father's former apprentice, and my ally, Kinta, she gave me a look that would have made any man shake in their boots. Her yellow-orange eyes piercing through mine and into my soul as she reached over and slapped the back of my head.

"Get your ass into gear. We have landed, so get up, find your quarters here, and get some grub."
"And you are one to command me? I said from the beginning that we are working together."
"That is not what your father wanted."
"I am not my father! Bring it up again, and I will act according to his wishes."

She was quite from then on as I tightened the laces on my leather gauntlets. She shook her head. I could see it from the side of my vision as I stood. Making sure I was carrying my holdout blaster at the small of my back, I then walked out of the ship and down the ramp. Making my way into the temple. Stopping for a moment, I looked around. Taking in the sights as I could hear the footfalls of Kinta behind me. The scantily clad Zabrak placed a gentle hand on my shoulder and spoke in a whisper towards me.

"It's my job to watch over you. I will do what I must Ignis."
"I know."

Speaking plainly, she walked off with lightsaber on her hip and was already making her rounds with her own contacts that she could finally speak to after so long of a time away from here. I breathed in and walked down the main hall. Watching and paying attention to various people who seemed to be going about their way. People continued to move around me. Some shoulder-checked me just for being "Green" here. Shaking my head, I was done. Walking over to a pillar that happened to be vacant, I looked around just for a moment before I lept up, and grabbed onto the top of the railing that held the ceiling up. Pulling myself up, I sat down and took a moment to breathe as people walked below me.

I hoped that no one had seen me jump up here. Or the fact that I was a brand new face in a sea of people. I guess I found my quarters. The ceiling of the temple, to be left alone from anyone.

Nearby: [member="Lark"], [member="Dalansa"], [member="Venthis Zambrano"], [member="Kizaark"], [member="Kizaark"], [member="Syss Rembala"], [member="Pythia"],
Vaylin's Master; Aria, had always valued independence when it had come to training the Zabrak. And while the vast majority of it had come from the woman, Vaylin had also spent a great deal of time on Bastion - within the Sith Temple, there learning what she couldn't otherwise find out in the galaxy. At the start it had been solely to find opponents to fight, still a rather rough around the edges and hadn't gotten all the vicious jungle out of the Zabrak.

She had built up a bit of a reputation, always one for dueling and even if she had gotten her arse kicked, she was immediately back on her feet to continue. Vaylin had been tenacious like that, and it was something that hadn't dwindled over time. Only now a days, it was tempered under further training - the lust for blood was not kept tucked away until she was on a battlefield, or fighting against Jedi.

Whether it was Bastion or Mygeeto, Vaylin's time within Sith Space was split between her further learning and duties to the Valkyries. The latter of which had been the reason for her last visit to the capitol, hauling a group of Jedi prisoners before the throne of the Dark Lord of the Sith.
Today though? Vaylin was bored.

Not feeling the urge to burn hours away in the library, the Zabrak had opted to walk the halls of the Academy. She passed by a few people she knew, some of which had been old duelling partners - others just acquaintances she had made.

But what had caught her attention was the gathering she was feeling, the presences of several other seemingly gathering in one area. A pair of doors slid open as the Zabrak strolled into the area, her twin lightsabers resting on her belt.

Vaylin looked around, noting who she knew and didn't. There were only one or two she was familiar with, remembering them being planetside during one of the Empire's numerous expansions out into the galaxy.

[member="Lark"] | [member="Kizaark"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] | [member="Syss Rembala"] | [member="Dalansa"] | [member="Venthis Zambrano"] | [member="Ignis Imura"]​
Annoyance crept into Jorryn's mind as she made her way into the Sith Temple, ignoring the many other hopeful Sith Acolytes that had comes to the Academy in order to learn the how to best serve the Dark Lord. The looming building did offer much to teach them, but to Jorryn it just reminded her how low she really was in the Sith rankings. Still she did visit the place often enough when she wasn't on a mission in order to sharpen her skills against the other Acolytes attempting the same.

Most often she came here to practice sparring with some of her peers and strengthening her ability in the Dark Side against the beasts and droids that the Sith Empire hunted to allow their students to practice against, locking them up and starving them so that the acolytes would be fighting at their most desperate. Often enough however, she found herself browsing the records that the building held. She never valued past knowledge, as it did not effect what the Sith were now, but learning as much as she could about the current Lords and Ladies could never hurt.

Jorryn could appreciate how they were not forced to be locked away on Bastion, their freedom restricted to the wishes of the Lords they served as it had been on Ruusan. She felt a bit of relief as the memory of leaving that place behind came into her mind, as she took a deep breath to calm herself.

Erik had already begun bringing her belongings to one of the small quarters that had been prepared for the acolytes and, as much as she despised the small living room, it was better than sleeping in her ship all the time.

She made her way through the halls of the academy as her mind began to come up with some ideas for how to begin her training for today, looking to brush up on her skills with a lightsaber and wield the force which she had been laying to the side for a bit.

Fortunately something came along that could occupy her time as she saw a group of her fellow acolytes beginning to group together in the main chamber of the academy, noting a few similar faces amongst the somewhat scattered group. Maybe there was something she could learn in this group, Jorryn thought as she made her way towards them.

[member="Lark"] | [member="Vaylin"] | [member="Kizaark"] | [member="Syss Rembala"] | [member="Dalansa"] | [member="Venthis Zambrano"] | [member="Ignis Imura"] | [member="Pythia"]
"Ugh! What a complete dung-pile."
Juliet was far from impressed with this place. Too drab, too dark, too cold. And the people? They all brooded so much, it would be a miracle if she saw a color a shade above black on this entire planet. The woman herself was clad in gossamer silks the color of lavender, her hair immaculately done, and her nails worked on to perfection, for nothing less would do. As she stepped off the rental shuttle, she made a face at the sight of the others entering the Academy. Great. Plebeians to interfere with her study. This was not perfect.

In the time since the fall of the Sith Triumvirate, Juliet had been busying herself. Studying her powers, the mysteries of the Dark Side, the usual things one did as a Sith. But more than anything, she bided her time, waiting for another group of likeminded individuals worthy of her time to rise. Perhaps this new Empire would be that group. Only time would tell. For now, she was going to visit this Academy and see what knowledge it had to offer.

She sashayed her way inside, elegant as ever. It would not do for the common masses to see her as anything but the epitome of beauty and grace, after all. The fashionista sighted plenty of hopeful acolytes and such, and shivered at the very thought of being forced to sharing breathing space with them. She would do it, but it would be far from enjoyable. Her chambers were small, and after a brief rant to the empty space around her as her various belonging were brought in by several aides, she made a note to file a complaint. She deserved a far larger room than this.

On her way to orient herself, she found a group of her fellow Sith gathering in the main room. Curious, she strode to the group, standing with her hand on her hip, violet eyes examining this group of people, waiting for whatever was going to happen to happen.

[member="Jorryn Fordyce"] @Vaylin @Ignis Imura @Lark @Dalansa @Venthis Zambrano @Kizaark @Syss Rembala [member="Pythia"]
Climbing up onto the rafters was no big deal. It allowed me to be on my own. My own space. No one to bother me. Letting my feet hang from the side, I reached into my pocket to pull out a datapad. Scrolling through it, I took my time looking through the information about this temple. Trying to do something other than staring at people. Bastion was one of the major planets that the Sith Empire had. And has been growing ever since. With the recent attacks against, and defending against the SJO and their, what was reported to be very un-jedi like ways, I just shook my head.

People got so upset over how to live and the perception of who was right and wrong. Looking down, I saw a few more people gathering at the pillar off away from me. Gathering some interest, I stood up, walking along the rafters and made myself draw closer. Everyone seemed to be meeting up here with something in mind. A few of them were very powerful. I could feel the strength radiating from them like waves.

At this moment, I felt a voice hit my head. It was the voice of Kinta through telepathy. And well.....

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING! Get down from there!"

The sudden voice in my head when I didn't expect it, made me lose my footing on the rafters. Slipping and I fell. There was nothing for me to grab on to. Being well over 30 feet up, I plummeted to the ground. I tried to use the force to slow my descent, but it didn't matter when I landed hard on the floor. A solid umph came from my lips as the air from my lungs escaped me.

I was holding onto my stomach as I rolled over to see a smaller young woman who was very well dressed, and clearly was trying to walk along her path. And I so happened to fall right into her path. And for some goddamned reason, I had the nerve, the gall to say this.....

"Yes ma'am, it did hurt when I fell from heaven."

Interacting: [member="Juliet Varos"],

Nearby: [member="Jorryn Fordyce"], [member="Vaylin"], [member="Lark"], [member="Dalansa"], [member="Venthis Zambrano"], [member="Kizaark"], [member="Syss Rembala"], [member="Pythia"],
This gathering was turning out to be very boring. She had thought perhaps something exciting would happen, or at least somewhat mildly interesting. Instead, she was faced with standing around. Great. This was the complete and total opposite of perfect! Black, as far as the eye could see! Black, black, and more black! Did these people even know other colors existed?! There was an entire color spectrum, and all the Sith she had met seemed to ignore that in favor of the singular most boring color to even exist. She swore, every time she attended an area with a group of Sith, it was like attending a funeral.
On the outside, she was as calm as ever, as graceful, as perfect and put together. On the inside, she was pulling her hair out and screaming in pure frustration. When she was Dark Lady of the Sith, things were going to be different! She would make these Sith wear brighter colors! Greens, blues, pinks, the whole rainbow. Black would be outlawed. No more black, she was so sick of that un-perfect color, if she saw it again after today, she was going to become so upset, her skin would wrinkle. And if her skin wrinkled, she might as well be dead, because then she wouldn't be perf-

Annnnnnnnnnnd someone just fell. Right in front of her. What.
He even gave her a terrible line, and normally she wouldn't mind, but it didn't even compliment her! That was not how one should speak to her! She frowned at him, and put a hand to her hip, cocking an eyebrow.
"I do not know how you treat other common compatriots one such as yourself surely often approaches and takes, but I am Juliet Varos, and if you are going to court me, then you shall do so properly, immediately."

[member="Ignis Imura"] [member="Jorryn Fordyce"], [member="Vaylin"], [member="Lark"], [member="Dalansa"], [member="Venthis Zambrano"], [member="Kizaark"], [member="Syss Rembala"]
I was grunting as I was trying to stand up. I was taking a moment to make sure I hadn't broken any bones. From what I could tell, I would maybe have a bruise or two, and my hip felt like it was going to fall apart. Despite that, the woman I fell in front of seemed not to be happy with my one liner. Shaking my head with a smirk, all I could now see was instead of a pretty lady, some brat of a child.

"I'm sorry? Court you?"

Taking my hand and rubbing the back of my neck, I could feel the hard leather gauntlets scratching my skin a little as I tried to make sure I didn't injure myself there either. However, I will say that I did take a hit to my pride. I mean, falling down and the first thing I get is to treat the woman properly.

"Juliet Varos right? Well let me tell you this. Here, You aren't on a high horse. Pucker up buttercup, You won't be getting an apology from me."

Reaching out with my hand, I placed it on her shoulder. Steady myself as I used my other hand to make sure that my boots weren't damaged or broken. Once satisfied, I continued even if this brat was bitching about something else.

"Now if you are really wanting to date or court one another, I wouldn't mind taking you. The thing is..... You are too highstrung."

Interacting: [member="Juliet Varos"],

Nearby: [member="Jorryn Fordyce"], [member="Vaylin"], [member="Lark"], [member="Dalansa"], [member="Venthis Zambrano"], [member="Kizaark"], [member="Syss Rembala"], [member="Pythia"],
At first, she was not sure she had heard correctly. Surely, she had not. There was absolutely no possibility this man was speaking to her like this. She blinked, once, twice, three times, to give her mind a chance to compute what he had truly said. When no new words came to her mind, it was clear that she had heard him correctly.
Her violet eyes widened, and she opened her mouth to speak, to demand he apologize to her at once for such a transgression, when he put his hand on her. This, this, plebeian was touching her. Everything crashed, her mind reeling. This did not make sense, this did not make sense, this was not perfect, not perfect at all! Oh Force, his hand was touching her, and ruining her immaculate presentation, no, no, no, no, no!

Her reaction was almost immediate. She reeled her hand back, and slapped him across the face.
"How dare you speak to me in that fashion! You, you, you uncouth, rude, filthy, clumsy hooligan! I demand an apology at once, and remove your hand from my skin now, before I slap you again!"

[member="Ignis Imura"], [member="Jorryn Fordyce"], [member="Vaylin"], [member="Lark"], [member="Dalansa"], [member="Venthis Zambrano"], [member="Kizaark"], [member="Syss Rembala"], [member="Pythia"]
What the? She just slapped me! I chuckled with a mystified look at her. I had already removed my hand from her shoulder as she was threatening me with another slap to the face. I took my hand and rubbed the side of my face. The sting was quite impressive from a girl who was shorter than myself. One thing was for sure, she was feisty.

"Oh god what have you done Imura..."
"I might have a date? Not sure. Update you later."

All speaking to Kinta in my mind as I looked this girl over. Miss perfect huh? She had her perfect life and everything handed to her on a silver platter and fed with a spoon. I shook my head as my face felt a little hot from the sting of a slap. Taking a step closer to her, I had to now look down to look at her in the eyes.

"Darling, Slapping me won't do much. I mean, a slap is great and all, but you need to do a little more to satisfy me."

I took a step back as I then patted the side of my face. A glutton for punishment I guess. I was really pushing the line. But I just had to show her up for acting like she was top queen. While I did lower myself, my left hand was behind me. Moving this way and that. As it so happened, I was messing up the fastenings on the dress she wore. And with a little tug here and there....

Well, it looks like she may lose more than her temper in a moment.

"Oh, be careful. Don't want to rip your dress."

With one little tug, I smiled brightly.

Interacting: [member="Juliet Varos"],

Nearby: [member="Jorryn Fordyce"], [member="Vaylin"], [member="Lark"], [member="Dalansa"], [member="Venthis Zambrano"], [member="Kizaark"], [member="Syss Rembala"], [member="Pythia"],
Bastion, Overlooking Training Grounds​

In a galaxy embroiled by war, every action displaced something, or someone. A battle on Mirial forced children from their homes, and took husband's from their wives. Victory for the Sith inspired new interest in joining their ranks, and on Bastion, those gifted with the Force sought to prove their worth and secure position of importance within the rank and file. Some Sith viewed this as an opportunity, a generation of new blood to keep the faith once the old guard fell away. Others still saw the fresh meat for what it was, flesh to throw into a grinder that never ceased in its hunger. Whatever their purpose, Alkor looked them over now with a critical eye and glanced to the Knight charged with their instruction.

"This lot," he waved subtly in their direction. "How soon can your training have them ready for the battlefield?"

The Knight glanced toward Alkor, stunned. "Sir, half of these recruits are fresh, and I'm not certain any of them have ever held a weapon-"

"They have no discipline," Alkor observed as the sounds of an argument rose from the peanut gallery, and a slap silenced all but the incessant whinging of a lone acolyte. "How do you propose to shape clay already fired and cracking?"

The Knight cracked his whip loudly to signal for their attention. "Why," he answered with a tinge of pleasure in his voice. "We break them, Dark Jedi. Watch, and you may learn something."

Alkor folded his arms and deferred to the instructor.

"Silence, insects." the warrior hissed down at them, his voice low, but in a manner that echoed through the Force and filled their heads with dread. "You come seeking the path to Strength, Power, and Victory, but you begin as whelps. You will crawl through dirt before you stand as equals, but even before that, you will learn."

"You two," he pointed toward [member="Ignis Imura"] and [member="Juliet Varos"], "I will not abide dissension of this nature outside of a dueling ring again. Save it for the lightsabers."

Alkor stepped forward and whispered something.

The Knight stood, rigid.

"Lightsabers," Alkor repeated the word. "Do you two have any?"
The Miraluka had been 'observing' from a distance, before entering the foyer where the.... excitement.... was centered. A delicate smile danced across her face, as she couldn't help but offer a soft chuckle. The woman, [member="Juliet Varos"], was quite proud, a trait commonplace amongst the Sith. It was fitting, considering it was the Sith who are best equipped to guide the universe, pride is a required trait.

The boy, [member="Ignis Imura"], was more arrogant than proud, though pride was still present. He held some aptitude with telekinesis she felt, as he worked to loosen his victims dress. Shaking her head, she perceived the presence of a Master, [member="Alkor Centaris"], approaching. Not Sith, but strong in the Dark side. Proper respect was given as he observed the exchange, and seemed to prepare to encourage a duel.

"This.... could prove entertaining...." the young sorceress mused out loud, that soft smile still affixed upon her face.
The Zabrak had opted to keep her distance, having taken only a few short steps from the doorway she had entered through. Vaylin leaned against the wall, folding her arms against her chest and simply observed what was going to happen.

She was dressed in her Valkyrie armour, one of the few things that were an ever constant when Vaylin was on the battlefield. Evident by the various marks and scars that decorated it. It was what made her unique, never fancying herself wearing the usual drab robes the Academy students were instructed to wear.

As she continued to watch, it became clear today was welcoming newcomers to the Empire. Their...behaviour was the most blatant clue.

Vaylin found her gaze fixed over towards [member="Juliet Varos"] and [member="Ignis Imura"] as the two 'bickered'. The Zabrak rolled her eyes, were they Sith or teenagers? They were both certainly acting like the latter right now.

Then suddenly crack of a whip brought the Training Grounds to a complete silence, eyes snapping up and over to the source. Vaylin looked on with a curious gaze, noticing a Master; a Dark Jedi of all things had made his presence known standing alongside the instructor.

She wasn't familiar with [member="Alkor Centaris"], the Knight beside him - well she knew him well enough having been in the midst of his dueling sessions from time to time. These days though she was more often out in the galaxy fighting rather than in a dueling ring.

Vaylin smirked slightly, knowing where exactly this was going. Looks like the two 'teenagers' were going to get the chance of beating the chit out of each other.

That should prove fairly amusing.

[member="Pythia"] | [member="Lark"] | [member="Kizaark"] | [member="Jorryn Fordyce"] | [member="Syss Rembala"] | [member="Dalansa"] | [member="Venthis Zambrano"] | [member="Rys'sya"]​
Pythia had been brooding in a corner when she had noticed that an umbaran ([member="Syss Rembala"]) had locked eyes with her. Instinctively he looked away hiding her face within her crimson hood. But, she stopped halfway during her motion. She could feel the chastising malice of her master for retreating, shrinking from sight. The dark side, which she had been recently introduced as the true nature of her powers and the shadow she communed with, hissed at her as well. This is foolish. Command your presence as an apprentice of the Dark Lord would. Pythia screamed to herself in her mind.

Pythia turned slowly, reconnecting with the umbaran. The empath powers she had developed since her time spent in the dark pits of Korriban, sparked and groped the cognitive void in the Force. It was as if a self-defense mechanism within the dark side had activated to her side. Approaching the umbaran, Pythia bowed - she bowed to her master, so she thought that was the etiquette to a fellow dark sister.

"Are you an acolyte here?" Pythia asked with levelled voice that retained it's Twi'lek softness. "I am in need of some instruction from a fellow, dark, sister." Her speech was proper and pious, a habit she mimicked from [member="Darth Carnifex"], and his imperial habits as Dark Lord and past reigns as Dark King and Warlord. As Pythia awaited an answer, she could sense an even darker presence. It swelled and danced like a black flame ([member="Venthis Zambrano"]). Distracted Pythia rolled her eyes to the side and surveyed the tall chamber. A very dark place indeed. She then noticed a large group gathered, various acolytes with two being confronted by a lone master ([member="Alkor Centaris"], [member="Ignis Imura"], [member="Juliet Varos"]).

It was a curious affair. But, Pythia turned her eyes back to the umbran. At this point an Akranian ([member="Dalansa"]) had also wandered over. I am attracting too much attention. Pythia cursed. Pythia gave the arkanian a curt bob of her head as she arrived. Pythia force aura bubbled with anxiety and rage as she hadn't expected this much attention. She was sure her dark sisters could sense. There was much she still needed to learn it seemed.
Ticking. His mind was constantly ticking, thinking over various ideas and strategies. Though he came here to tick off an objective on his higher agenda. Power. He dropped the cloak, tightly folding it and placing it in the corner, waving a hand over it causing it to completely disappear.

He marched across the room, pushing those in his way to the side. Grunting at each confrontation. He made his way near Pythia, standing some distance from her but close enough. Venthis clenched his fist, a dark mist forming around his hand before he would open his palm allowing the mist to slither out and slide down Venthis' body like a snake and slither across the floor, making its way around the crowds before climbing up Pythia's leg and eventually reaching the back of her neck. The silent and undetectable entity would imprint something into her mind...

The room began to slowly change for her, blood would appear to fall out of all of the eyes of the individuals in the room. Their mouths beginning to foam a purple bubbly subtance. The vision seemed real, the building shook. But, then it returned to normal in an instance. Weird. The only thing that remained was a soft hissing sound directly behind her in the direction of Venthis.

Venthis turned to face Pythia, extending his voice. "You must be Cousin's apprentice," He stated, squinting briefly towards her. "I'm Venthis Zambrano."


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