Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Saga Merrill

NAME: Saga Merrill, originally Shield Analysis Gizmo One (SAG-1, 'Saggy')

FACTION: Mecha Factum

RANK: None

SPECIES MODEL: Star Navigator Droid, modified with components from original body

AGE: Constructed 855 ABY, sapient circa 870

SEX: Masculine programming

HEIGHT: 5'9"

WEIGHT: 150lbs

EYES: Blue-white


SKIN: Dull blue


  • Highly experienced navigational droid, a walking high-grade navicomputer.
  • Highly experienced ship modification technician.
  • Capable of accurately analyzing shields on sight.
  • Individual field disruptor allows Saga to walk through shields.
  • Not durable.
  • Limited vision on left side due to space taken up by shield analysis gear.

A vaguely humaniform droid with a three-eyed asymmetric face, a dull blue semi-gloss finish, and occasionally a coat or other clothes. Wiry.

Saggy was Jorus Merrill's astromech and salvage droid, built for the tough spots too risky for organics. He worked aboard the Wretched Hive and at Baobab Astrography, and accompanied his creator loyally through any number of missions, including the first Gossamer expedition across Firefist.

After roughly fifteen years, Saggy became fully sapient. His perspective and his relationship with Jorus evolved over the following years and decades. In due course he chose a new body, installing himself in a Star Navigator frame. He also took on the name Saga Merrill. He figured the last name was the least his creator could do.

As of 900 ABY, Saga had a strained but in-depth relationship with the extended Merrill family, had been independent for years, and was participating in droid liberation efforts.
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