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Open Market Baobab Astrography (redux)


  • Corporation Name: Baobab Astrography
  • Headquarters: A market stall in Zoronhed.
  • Locations: No other locations at present.
  • Operations: Navigational data, navigational components, and navigational services.
  • Parent Corporation: N/A
  • Subsidiaries: None
Baobab Astrography is a small Outer Rim company that sells navigational data and instruments. It also offers unique services like charting and stabilizing hyperroutes.


Jorus created this company in the mid-840s, not long after he and his wife Alna walked away from their fortunes. Originally he based it out of Cloud City, but a First Order takeover prompted him to relocate to one of his favorite ports of call: Zoronhed, capital of Zonju V.

Though Baobab Astrography has never been a large company, these days it's usually just Jorus and some droids. The company name covers Jorus' sales of star maps and modified hyperdrives, along with various consulting services.
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Way Back in the Ninth Century

In the mid-840s, a few years after Jorus and Alna Merrill walked away from ownership of Silk Holdings, Jorus set up a much smaller operation. Baobab focused on sales of navigational databases and star maps, as well as survey contracting. He also offered training in astrogation, including Force-sensitive instinctive astrogation, under the Baobab Astrography trade name. The Navigator's Ring is a curio associated with these times.

Initially based out of Laekia in Levantine Sanctum territory, Baobab shifted to Bespin after Jorus acquired some Cloud City property at auction. He also maintained a small office in Ahto City. During this period (circa 850, give or take), he attempted to set up Baobab as a self-sustaining non-profit, but this arrangement did not last. When war struck Cloud City, Jorus relocated to the stall in Zoronhed where Baobab, as a small-scale business in the decidedly slapdash legal landscape of Zonju V, has been based ever since.

In the mid-850s, Baobab continued to sell star maps and coordinate navigational consultancy. After an extensive Outer Rim Coalition-backed mapping expedition to Companion Besh (Firefist) along the Nagai Trade Spine, Baobab began offering the 'Companion Besh Survival Guide.' Around this time, nav data sales were minimal and Jorus temporarily closed up shop. However, as he completed his piecemeal retirement from all manner of duties and obligations, Baobab became his retirement. By the mid-870s he was still happily making contacts and taking in the occasional contract.

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