Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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News Rumors of a Reset

Aerith Krayt

Doomclock has made videos about this stuff before, and I'm not sure where he gets his sources, but I feel like he is dead wrong in this case. I do know that years ago he was ranting that Kennedy was getting fired and that the sequel trilogy would be canceled, and obviously that didn't happen. I have my gripes with the new films, don't much care for them truth be told, but I just don't see a reason for Disney to do this. I think many people involved with the new trilogy want to wash their hands of it completely, and I can't see Kennedy wanting to go through the stress of doing another set of films; or anyone at Disney for that matter.

Just my 2 credits :)

Ulkahall Svaraghaun

Imagine thinking that because three movies weren’t the absolute golden hype deliverers that they never could have properly been for a series as massive as Star Wars, despite making a metric shit ton of cash, that a company would spend the money to reboot them.

They weren’t the Room, they weren’t After Last Season, they weren’t Jesus Christ Vampire Slayer, they were perfectly passable pieces of film. Good entertainment to pop on with the family. Kinda like SW was always meant to be originally, and I personally don’t blame Disney for not trying to satisfy us EU fanboys. Have you seen us? Would we ever have been happy?

I promise you, should they have followed the EU, some of us would be complaining about Ben Skywalker’s eye color!

Besides, the EU is still here, with plenty dedicated fans, not like those stories are going away anytime soon, we can still read them, can’t we? I personally just look as Disney canon as another timeline, and I personally enjoy seeing new explorations of Star Wars, even if they aren’t the stories I would personally tell, even if they aren’t the type of films everyone expected.

it’s still Star Wars damnit, we’re lucky we ever even got a Sequel trilogy, much less a Prequel trilogy, much less even anything after ANH!
Ulkahall Svaraghaun - All good points, but even if the movies made money, they aren't going to continue to make money. Star Wars didn't become a cultural juggernaut because of the success of the OT - it got that way because of merchandise sales. Toys and merch make up the majority of the money Star Wars rakes in, or at least they used to.

SW merch sales are at an all time low and have been that way since the second movie in the new trilogy. Their new theme park crashed and burned spectacularly. That movie money will dry up very quickly, and if not for TCW and the Mandalorian, the merch money would have been gone some time ago, and it still isn't recovering.

I can see them remaking the films because the 'whales' that would sink hundreds of dollars a month into Star Wars merch have quit the fandom after the new trilogy, and kids aren't wanting the toys either. Their cash cow is long gone, and that's likely one of the only ways to bring it back.

On an unrelated point, no one wanted the movies or the new EU to be golden, they just wanted it to feel like Star Wars. It feels like marvel with lightsabers, at least to me, and I think that's why such a large portion of the fanbase has checked out entirely, myself nearly included.
It feels like marvel with lightsabers, at least to me, and I think that's why such a large portion of the fanbase has checked out entirely, myself nearly included.

Saying that is doing a disservice to Marvel. The Marvel movies had a coherent sense of direction and planning. At the very least, it felt like the people making them actually liked the source material. We didn't even get that. Instead what we got was a cynical and creatively bankrupt trilogy made by corporate executives who don't actually like Star Wars, thus they felt no need to even attempt a creative vision. They knew the human cattle would line up by the millions anyway because of their loyalty to corporate branding. They weren't wrong.

Anyway, this would be awesome if true, but press x to doubt. Even if it is true, I want nothing to take the sequel trilogy's place. Star Wars as a large episodic blockbuster movie series is dead and has been since 1983. It's been dead and gone since before the vast majority of us were even born, and it's never coming back.

Everyone hoping this news is true and that Star Wars will be "revitalized" by a new sequel trilogy is living in the past. The patient is lying comatose in a hospital bed and you want to keep it alive just to listen to the beeps. Let go.

I think Star Wars needs to spend another two decades regaining its credibility in smaller mediums before any movies are attempted again. Convince me that Star Wars can be good again.

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