Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Public Roots Radical [Darkwire / Open Social]

  • Thread starter Darkwire Storyteller
  • Start date

Orron Typho

"Well Shira, I might just have to take that offer. There's always work to be done or someone to... please. I've got a ship not far from here. That's where I usually go about doing my jobs, or have you got a job here on Denon?" He smirked again. The Dragon Palace Casino was getting to rich for his blood, as he saw the clearly wealthy pair of Mr Black Mr Black and Ariel Yvarro approach the bar. His goal here tonight was find something to do, and it looked to him like her may have found what he was looking for.

Shira Varanin

Holo-disks spun under the DJ's multiple hands to keep the beat moving, moving the dancers on the floor to the pulsing throb of the music like a collective heartbeat. As the crowd swayed and stepped to the tune, Daiya moved in harmony with them. Her arms raised, she tossed her hips from side to side with the beat, passing a hand against her scalp so her hair could move freely. The music pumped through her blood, the rhythm sunk deep into her bones, and when it pulsed she pulsed with it.

The girl watched as Zenie tried to mimic her at first, and gave up after a couple songs. Daiya let her try to flail around for a while, watching Zenie move the way she was feeling. Halfway through, Daiya motioned to another woman in the crowd, dancing along with a bunch of droids around her, hoping that Zenie would find something to emulate there. After too long, the girl couldn't hold back her cringe anymore, Zenie's halting moves were just too painful to watch. The younger girl didn't seem to have much natural flow to her, even though it seemed like she could follow a beat well enough. Daiya decided it was time to intervene, and tapped Zenie on her shoulder.

"Follow me," she shouted, leaning close and talking slow so Zenie could make out the words. Daiya waited until the other girl nodded, and then started moving with the music again, slower now. Taking the cue on every other beat, Daiya tried simple things, moving as far back as she dared in the crowded dance floor so she could show Zenie the moves out in front of her. Starting slow seemed to help, and over the course of the rest of the song, Zenie picked up a few tricks that looked like actual dancing. Daiya leaned close with her words of encouragement, the grin she wore borne of approval and not just adrenaline from the music anymore, "Yeah, you're getting it now!"

The crowd roared around them as the next song came onto the playlist, transitioned smoothly by the DJ's expert hands. Picking up her pace, Daiya urged Zenie to follow the faster tempo, and raised her arms again, hoping Zenie would do the same to try out her dancing now that the inexperienced girl had the basic motions down. Daiya's smile broadened as her young friend followed suit, and the girls danced through to the end of the DJ's set.


[End Soundtrack, Begin Band Performance]

"Oh, the band's here!" Daiya squealed to her friend as the trio of musicians took the stage. She had been disappointed when the music faded out to the generic kick beat, meant only to keep the energy level up, but the dance floor knew when it was being had. The girl had slowed down, taking the break as an excuse not to exert too many motions, but kept to a gentle sway instead as the stage was cleared for the new performers. The shock-blonde of the lead singer elicited an extra squeal from Daiya in delight over their shared hair color. "Their singer looks A-MAZING!"

"She's like your older sister!" Zenie shouted over the crowd's cheers as the band started warming up their audience. The other members were introduced, including a tiny bassist with a gigantic guitar. Zenie giggled as she pointed to it, and Daiya laughed along with, wondering how the little Nautolan boy could manage such an instrument. He soon showed them, as the band started up a song completely unlike the club mixes they had danced to before.

"I'm pretty sure this is the same music my mother listened to when she was a kid!" the girl exclaimed, but mostly to herself. The music was oddly compelling, despite the generational gap in tastes.

The guitar and bass created layers on top of the drum's kick, a sound that was far more organic than the synthesized electronic of dance music. It moved Daiya in different ways, slower and more methodical. The chaotic motions of the previous songs gave way to a simpler method, stepping from side to side while she clapped to the offbeats. Daiya found it easy, but incredibly unfulfilling. How could the rest of the crowd have so quickly shifted from their creative moves to this perpetual applause? Didn't they have any sense of taste?

Zenie seemed to be getting into it, too, her feet leaving the ground when she jumped during the more emotional hooks. Daiya grinned at her friend's enthusiasm, though. At least one of them had figured it out. Between watching Zenie and the Nautolan boy thrash his head over the bass guitar, Daiya found the energy to keep dancing with the new style of sound.

As the first song ended, though, Daiya found Zenie leaning on her arm. The poor girl seemed to be all out of the same energy Daiya found it so easy to generate from the crowd. But Zak the Bass Player was already rocking the upbeat line for the next song, and Daiya felt the urge to jump and dance with the rest of the crowd, her plans halted only by the feeling of an auburn head coming to rest against her shoulder.

The blonde-haired teen giggled at the young girl's smaller amount of stamina, wrapping her arm around Zenie's shoulders to guide her out of the crowd. It didn't seem like the caf had done as much for her companion as she'd hoped. She had to switch to being behind her friend to get through, at least until they were out of the crowd's throbbing mass. She glanced around to find a place to sit, and didn't notice Zenie stumbling ahead, right into some masked figure who had planted themselves right in the middle of traffic.

"Oops," the younger girl said, giggling euphorically at her own mistake. Daiya came up behind her again, putting hands on Zenie's shoulders to take up guidance once more.

"Sorry, she's really tired, Daiya explained, then pointed Zenie in the direction of a booth she'd spied. It was only half full, and the other ladies parked there seemed like safe company. "Let's go over this way, Zenie. Less people to run into."


Shira Varanin

Shira leveled a metal finger at Orron Typho, but a really witty comeback failed to materialize. Feth it. He seemed like a decent guy, quick on his feet, clean-cut, good hygiene. She could do worse. At least he wasn't a Mandalorian

And more to the point, he didn't seem put off by the implants that sprawled across a good portion of her upper body, sheathed her in durasteel from jaw to fingertips. He didn't seem put off at all. If she was going to make a mistake, that seemed like an appealing reason.

"Alright, Typho, show me your ship and we'll see what kind of work you do."

She'd already paid for her first drink, a weak one. Typho had covered the namanaquila shot. That left her with no tab to pay and no impediments to just leaving the Double Dragon Two or whatever this place was called.

Ariel Yvarro

Ariel wasn't interested in Mr Black Mr Black , if she wanted to be stalked she'd just go back to college. The cover of Shira Varanin and Orron Typho would be gone soon enough by the sound of their conversation. She could do one of two things, leave or call for her own security. Neither sounded like an option so she took her drink and decided to get lost in the crowd. There was at the very least the band - that played music from her mother's time, the glam music. It was tolerable and there seemed to be more people, safety for now. If necessary, Ariel could make use of those security forces, Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf had following nearly every member of the family.
She finished the Atomic Varunda and deposited the glass on one of the many roaming trays. The song had come to an end as soon as it had started and Ariel took a breath and exhaled. She took another look around the club and decided that the Palace just wasn't her scene. There would be other venues on Denon she suspected. One where she could sit, relax, drink and enjoy. Ariel did shoot a message on the CryptNet inquiring for a meeting with a Darkwire representative, in private. Ariel decided on option one, as made evident by her working her way back through the crowds.
Ariel made haste for the exit and dug in her clutch for a roll of black label. She patted the inside of her jacket for a lighter and sighed with relief as the cigarra burned with a sweet-warm feeling. The bouncer gave her a look and she began to head back down the narrowed streets of Denon. Places the Palace used to be places where she could get lost in the crowd, now no longer. Should've stayed on Avalonia. The young woman heard the scowl in the voice, Natasi's of course, Ariel swore she would be haunted for the rest of her days.
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Hacks stood there listening and for a moment she mindlessly picked at her nose with a thumb, stroked the tip of her nose and put her hand by her side, remembering maybe doing that wasn't professional. I dont karkin' know, she thought, ain't my job to host meetings. She wondered briefly what the hell Darkwire would even do with ships, perhaps some personal freighters and fighters, sure, but anything bigger and they'd sell it for scrap at the nearest junk world. She could do for weapons, something small, handgun sized, with an extremely high rate of fire. Yeah, that would be nice, she thought.

"Give me a break, chief," Hacks said, snorting at the comment about being a dangerous enemy, "CorpSec has been hunting us down for months and they've yet to do fuck all to Darkwire. There is no hierarchy, we don't have casinos, strongholds, hideouts. We don't have force orders and armies or navies. We are everywhere, everyone. We're your neighbor, the man walking through the markets, the woman walking a dog, the air-taxi driver."

the bounty hunter Valentine relaxed and took a step back, but his hands never left the blasters. Raven droids were watching now, and so were several others. Enough power cells and slugs in the palace to turn beskar to ash."But I ain't here to start shit with anyone," Hacks said, "Slip a comm tag to the barman, he'll get it where it needs to go. Darkwire don't make enemies without contracts and the Spire contract is frozen." She shrugged, as if life were so simple. "You'll get a call when the next contract comes in, be ready."

Hacks was just about to leave when she turned to Beltran, "I'm sure the Storyteller won't be accepting further contracts on Obsidian Star while you're in service to the network." Valentine fell in step with Hacks, the droids looking away and continuing to parole the palace and others got back to their drinks. A group of skins and punks were approaching now, "Anymore to discuss?" she asked.

Beltran Rarr Beltran Rarr
Location: Denon, The Dragon's Palace
Objective: Secure a meeting with a Darkwire Representative
Tagging: Hacks Hacks

Beltran wasn't much for laughing, so he didn't even so much as smirk when Hacks Hacks started on about CorpSec. Sufficed to say, he wasn't CorpSec. Instead, he simply offered her a small shrug, as if to say If shit ever does go down, don't say I didn't warn you. There were a lot of advantages to the decentralized nature of Darkwire, as Hacks described it, but that didn't mean that they-or anybody-were invulnerable. Anything could be destroyed. Anybody could be killed.

That being said, the words that the woman said next pretty much ensured that everything would remain nice and civil. "No," He replied easily. "That's all."

He would turn back to the bar as Hacks Hacks and her armored friend returned to wherever they'd come from, or went some place entirely different. They'd served their purpose and now he had no more need of them. He would savor the rest of his bourbon, enjoying the music and the letting the atmosphere remind him of different times. When he was finished, he would pull out another credit chit along with another copy of the card he'd given to Hacks Hacks . The com channel on the back would, after being rerouted few dozen times, connect with his personal comlink. He would slide both to the barman before standing.

He would then smooth out his dress jacket once more and turn toward the exit and walk out. He would nod to the bouncer once, as the large being stared at him and then cross the street, getting back into the same armored speeder.

"Well?" Debbis Endo asked, puffing on the same cigar-or at least Beltran hoped it was the same cigar-as he had before Beltran had gone in. "Do we have a deal?"

Beltran glanced out the window, not answering for a moment. "Drive," He ordered the chauffeur droid and the speeder began to move away from the club. "Yes," He finally answered. "I believe we have. Or, at the very least, we've gotten ourselves noticed."

Heavy riffs and a mugful of caf, and we're good.

With cocksure fingers plucking the strings, Zak brought them into their next act of the show, a more bass focused tune that Chris knew he had been dying to play. Chris strode back to the microphone and nodded her head approvingly to his strumming, the little nautolan had a talent like few else on the bass. Not only from hours of practice, but from the force as well. Glade rejoined with the drums and, herself soon followed with the electric guitar and initiated the lyrics to the song.

''So this ain't the end, I saw you again, today...
I had to turn my heart away...''

The sound from trio of musicians melted together nicely into a song that leaned to the raw and improvised side of the rock spectrum. The lights and strobes accompanied them and shifted in pink and orange light, much like a late Denon summer twilight. Two young girls ( Daiya Daiya ) stood out from the rest of the pretty much adult-only crowd, many with punk hairstyles and attire to match with it. Their jumping and squeals of delight made Chris flash a smile at them and giving them a thumb of approval and a wink. It was always sweet to see that their music attracted a variety of ages and genders.

''You gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn to the wick...
Oooo, Barracuda, oh yeah...''

The last section of the song was a lenghty instrumental one that gave each one of them a moment to just enjoy and slam or pluck their instruments to high heavens. Chris gave Zak a glance and discreet nod if he wanted to follow her to the edge of the stage, closer to the crowd.

Zak Dymo Glade Glade
The type of music that was playing was totally the taste the young woman had. Techno beats filled her ears and even though she was quite tipsy, she managed to find her way to the dance floor. In the middle of her path was a strange creature to her bleary eyes and she bumped into him.

Stopping, her hand came out to rest on her droid EL before she fell over.

"Quite sorry about that."

Of course, her speech wasn't entirely clear and the words slurred out of her mouth. At least, she was trying to be polite. With the drink running through her veins, she was not as easily able to touch the Force...not that she needed to. All the technology around her tempted her to try though. This was good for them. She wouldn't be able to steal any of the items she wanted tonight.

As the small group stood, flew or sat in her arms, another two people headed their direction. One girl looked like she was about to fall over from being worn out. The other seemed to be only a little older, but full of energy. Moving to the side, if they wanted to get past, they could.

Nodding in their direction, she took her hand off of EL and turned her attention back to Cassus.

Daiya Daiya Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin

Music blasted, people came and went talking throughout, and Cassus didn't do much of anything. He just stood there, waiting, and watching. It was like he was in a daze as if he hadn't slept in days, confused why he was here. His whole life for the past few months had been, acquire a job, complete the job, acquire the job, complete the job... there hadn't been a moment in between where he hadn't been working towards something. Even in prison, his mind was still orientated the same way, and in the end, just being there ended up becoming a job opportunity. At this moment in time though, the only thing he could do was stand in everyone's way and watch a female he assisted in hurting emotionally very deeply try desperately to make her awkward pre-pubescent dancing less cringe-worthy.

Why is she here? The question seemed to repeat in his mind, even as the poor thing walk right up into him, letting out a soft sound in response. Then, her friend - the same one he recognized from Belazura, Daiya Daiya - made a response to him excusing her clumsiness.

"Is this your idea of grief management, kid?" Before he could say much of anything else, another figure drunkenly (he could tell this time) balances themselves off of him by disrupting him off of his path. He wasn't sure exactly why he said what he did, and wasn't even sure if his voice alone would be recognized, but now his focus was on the new body that just made itself apparent to him, her attention focused on him.

"Apology accepted, you need something?" He said, possibly with a bit more edge than he intended to the stranger Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade .

Zak Dymo


This arrangement had Zak playing the E chord as the root note.

Compared with the prior song, this one was pretty simple for the bass guitar, through there were a few chord transitions that allowed the small Nautolan to show off the versatility and breadth of range that the fretless instrument afforded. The Force guided his hand, anticipation allowing his curled fingers to preternaturally arrive at the right point on the neck, at precisely the right time, in order to execute the notes in flawless execution.

Another nice thing about the song was that it took the emphasis away from the instruments for a moment and allowed Christine Dellard Christine Dellard and Glade Glade to really showcase the power of their vocals.

Bobbing in time with the music, the roll of the boy's head caused his short head-tails to whip back and forth with the fervent energy of the song. At the invitation from Christine, the Nautolan shuffled forward toward the front part of the stage, joining Christine in a side to side ensemble as the two each continued picking out the rapidly accelerated melody of the song's conclusion.
Starleaves n Stimcafs
Drum roll coming to close their number had our kiffar girl jazzed. Her body completely loosened up, her expression a rare moment of unrestrained joy, she looked to her bandmates, and the Bith gave them another focused spotlight amidst warm and engaging lightshow. Whether they would play 50 more sets or 5, the night seemed to be winding down into a pattern as those ahead settled in.

Pulling strands of her hair back over her face, bubbly smile to them both before it was hidden. Glade, yeah okay full Natoline, gave them a drum solo each, Zak got a steady precise drum paradiddle with drag ruff fitting together like steady marching sound on the bass drum, her kick drum steady to give it some back and forth play. For christine’s moment of highlight she gave a wham bam flam effect, which rattled off the high hat and rebounded away smoothly to finish lowering until silence. Small contributions to the end of their melody and as their spotlight faded from view, chance to bow, get a cheer or a word to the crowd.

“That was nifty.” She said blowing some hair off her eye, and sighed content. Back of the stage yeppers someone brought her a drink. Because that chair wasn’t just a pretty face, it had cupholders, a blanket, even a spare fyor nayus droid somewhere underneath. That dead jedi droid-man got around.

Always the way with the show, it was there and in full color, top of the world and then…. The light on her went dark.

Fin? Either way three very fun posts thank you all for setting that up :D

Tags: Christine Dellard Christine Dellard | Zak Dymo | @Party People!

"Is this your idea of grief management, kid?"

That stopped Daiya in her tracks. The adrenaline rush from the crowd and the energy of the party was happy to switch from elation to irritation on a hair trigger. Zenie seemed far too zoned out to have caught the masked figure's tone, and better for it. The girl would rather her only memories of tonight were full of dancing and fun. Admittedly, Daiya's motivations for bringing Zenie out tonight were partially motivated by selfishness, having a companion to share the forbidden adventure with made it much more exciting for the young teen. It wasn't until the figure mentioned grief that Daiya realized how therapeutic the evening could have been as well for the now-fatherless little girl.

Just how did this bucket head know about that anyway?

"What's your problem, bolts-for-brains?" The disgust was clearly evident in the girl's voice and face as she spun around to look at the disguised figure. No mask deserved the ability to protect its wearer from a well-earned comeback. In fact, Daiya had half a mind to reach out and rip the leering piece of plasteel off of Bucket Head's slimy face.

Still, hazy as it was from drink and dance and sleep deprivation, Daiya's mind tried to focus instead on Zenie's well-being. Ire clouded over her face as the girl guided her younger friend from behind towards the booth she'd spied before, but an insidious guilt crept up underneath. She had brought Zenie out of bed, out of hiding, for this. For all she knew, Bucket Head could be someone sent to finish the job Darkwire had started on Belazura. The job she had mostly failed by not seeing the danger before it took charge.

Not this time.

The booth ladies seemed kind enough to watch over Zenie for the moment, tossing their concerned eyes towards Daiya for a few moments before they seemed to settle on the drowsy girl on the bench next to them. The girl nodded to herself, setting her jaw as she set her foot on the edge of the booth and reached for the small blaster strapped there.

Not this time.
Heavy riffs and a mugful of caf, and we're good.

The final tune died out to the crowds increasing cheer. Drinks were raised to the roof and hats were flying as Chris and Zak humbly accepted the crowds appreciation from the edge of the stage. She would never grew tierd of this, she thought as she knocked back her hair and observed the small sea of people that they had given quite a good show for as it seemed. Fortunately, it was easy to combine the duties and work of a judge in the Outer Rim with that of a musician. Zak and Glade were two wonderful ragtags to work with, also. With a bright smile that stayed until the lights had gone out and well after that, she bowed and raised a hand towards the crowd before she took Zak with her back to Glade for last high-fives and fist bumps. The club music again began to stream through the speakers and the band went backstage.

With a beer bottle in hand, Chris soon appeared in the masses of people that were enjoying a seemingly endless night filled with music, alcohol and different kinds of shady business that occurred in the background. She moved effortlessly through the crowd, having added an open, black swoop biker leather jacket to her outfit.

An young girly voice, sounding rather annoyed reached her from the side and as Chris turned her head she noticed the same two girls from the show. They seemed to be bothered by some guy in a helmet, or at least not appreciating his company very well. It did not sound promising, so she walked up behind the masked dude, casually however being on her guard for any hostile actions.

''There's a problem here?'' she said repeatingly after the young girl, giving them a backing glance, before looking at the guy.

Glade Glade Zak Dymo Daiya Daiya Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin

"What's your problem, bolts-for-brains?"

That was not the reaction he was expecting from his comment, and unless she had just invented an insult for him specifically (which he doubted), it appeared she held no recognition of his voice or the connection of his comment to Belazura. It had been some time, there were many strangers here, and Cassus' face was concealed. A common person likely wouldn't recognize a stranger they had met more than a few weeks ago at a raging party, traumatic association and witty comments or not.

Cassus stood there a moment, waiting for a comment from the stumbling drunkard woman that had bounced off him before he started making his way through the crowd towards the young females of Belazura. He wasn't sure why he was doing what he was doing, but for some reason, Cassus desperately needed to be recognized, he needed to repay the unkind face and words to the slightly older girl.

''There's a problem here?'' A woman's voice from behind him interrupted his path to the booth, one he didn't recognize. At the booth he saw a defiant female form trying to conceal the posture of someone ready to draw a weapon, and concluded that he no longer wanted this "female form" to be some nameless entity, he needed an identity, something he could refer to with ease and malice.

"No, there isn't." Cassus continued his stride as he responded to the stranger's voice, and his hand was reaching towards his mask. "I simply wasn't recognized with the mask on, is all." His finger pressed in a depression on his helmet, and a hiss escaped his mask as it parted from the seal to his suit. He lifted the mask as it collapsed in on itself, and pressed it to his chest where it attached itself magnetically to his suit. The fresh face exposed itself on his approach to Daiya Daiya and Zenie, the child gun for hire looking as if the "Pool Boys" head had been digitally plastered on to the body of a more intimidating man.

"If you would excuse me a moment, I have an apology to make to my associates here." Cassus said politely to Christine Dellard Christine Dellard while never looking behind him, his eyes locked on Daiya and Zenie alternatingly.

"I didn't expect to see you again after Belazura," Cassus said to Zenie, almost ignoring Daiya completely, his face difficult to read as if he wasn't really there. "Since I've got this chance here, though, I wanted to take the opportunity to properly apologize for my part in the death of your father, and emotionally manipulating you for my own personal gain." Cassus said with a brief side-eye towards Daiya.

"You're part of our world now, however, so you should expect no further apologies from the likes of us." Cassus now looked Daiya full in the face.

"Welcome to Darkwire." Cassus finished with a neutral expression, in a way that suggested some level of expectation.

Aren D'Shade Aren D'Shade
She was glad the person she bumped into didn't seem to get mad or irritated at her. He stood there for a few moments and then turned his attention to two girls approaching them. EL came to her side and helped get her back onto her feet. It was a good thing too because he then turned an angry voice on her.

"No, nothing at all."

The two teens were close now and the man turned away from her. If EL hadn't been there, Aren probably would have just fallen over and she didn't actually want to further upset him. Luckily, he decided to move and his attention shifted back to the girls.

One of them seemed to drop off to sleep once she was in a booth. Poor thing was tired. Not wanting to get in the man's way again, she leaned against EL. Hoping that she was finished drinking would help clear her head, she watched as one of the girls and that guy started trying to have a conversation. With all these people, the noise and music, she had no idea how they could manage to chat.

Looking at EL, she took hold of her droid's arm and motioned to a door.

"C'mon. Let's get out of here. I need some fresh air."
Heavy riffs and a mugful of caf, and we're good.

Chris heard what the man, or the disguised boy said, alright. Was that a hint of ignorancy or just an honest but rather callous answer to her question? It was hard to make out in the crowd and the electric background music that had made a feeble attempt to take over their live show. The situation made her unsure of his true intentions, so because of that she stayed for a moment and walked up just beside the guy.

''The word problem along with being called bolts-for-brains usually tell of something else...'' she stated and gave the guy a neutral look. Not acting unfriendly, but instead rather disarming and collected. The guy should understand her concern. Chris directed the attention toward the two girls in the booth.

''Are you guys alright?'' she asked calmly, before the guy stated his relation to them two more detailed. She wanted to make sure what the man said was true. If not... Well, a judge from the OPA would not let a stranger bother two young girls that easily.

Daiya Daiya Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin
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The blonde-haired girl tensed, waiting for the moment when she would need to defend herself from an attack.

That moment never came.

Bucket Head's tone was strangely conciliatory as he spoke through the mask for the last time, pulling it away to reveal the last person Daiya would have expected to find on Denon.

The boy from the pool on Belazura!

Daiya felt her jaw slowly working as Pool Boy rambled through his apology-slash-excuse to Zenie. She could barely think, much less speak. The words simply failed to form, though not for a lack of trying. He looked at the girl several times, as if his conciliatory speech wasn't meant for his real victim. Who was he talking to, Zenie or her?

Why was he even talking?

What was he even doing here?

And that didn't even cover the most important question of all...

"How..." the teen's voice sputtered back to life, her eyes narrowing to slits at the older boy. Her foot came down off the bench, slamming onto the floor in a deliberate stomp. Daiya stalked the short distance between the two of them, sticking her face directly underneath his. She pointed her left hand at his chest, jabbing forward with her index finger until it made contact with his sternum. "HOW!"

She poked his chest again.


She poked him harder.


Her feet pushed forward as she poked him this time, putting the girl a hair's breadth away from the pompous teenager whose antics had ruined two days now. She could breathe in Pool Boy's musky scent, the faint smell of the industrial rain still lingering in his clothes, and the strange odors of tibanna and gunpowder swirling into the mix. Inhaling made her feel dizzy, and she wasn't sure why. It made her lean harder into her extended finger, perhaps enough to make the teen boy take a step back.


The girl poked him again, gritting her teeth as she jabbed her finger into the boy's chest. Her own chest heaved with the effort it took to breathe, to force herself to confront this teenaged-shaped demon. She could feel the heartbeat pulsing in her temples, the heat emanating from Pool Boy and her ire both, the blood flowing through her cheeks, the tingle in her stomach as it leapt with every step she took forward.


Daiya felt the wetness in her eyes, and she blinked it back fiercely. She stared, fearless, up into the face of the youth who had ruthlessly tormented her new friend Zenie. Whose audacity had taken the prize she had deserved on Belazura. Whose very presence now taunted her to drive her finger into his chest one last time. The girl glowered at him as she delivered the final blow of her question.


She stood breathless at the end of her march, seething with the weight of her fury balanced on the tip of her finger. The girl could not fathom any answer he could possibly give to satisfy her, yet still so she wanted to hear it. It was absurd.

It didn't matter to Daiya. She couldn't stray from her course now.

"What, did you come to finish the job? Take away Zenie's life like you took away her father?" she spat in rage at the boy. She shook her blonde locks at the thought of such a cruel being standing before her, staring at his chest as if she could peer into it. Failing that, she looked back up at him to defend his own humanity, "Did someone steal your heart or were you just born without one?!"

All that remained was to wait to see what the insolent, bolts-for-brains Pool Boy would say.


Cassus stood still as her small form swelled with indignant energy. For a moment, the boy was caught off-guard. He knew emotions could get high, but he honestly did not expect it from... whoever this was to Zenie. He knew nothing about her, other than she accompanied this newly orphaned girl. Was she not on the same mission he was? Would she not have been rewarded as he was for emotionally manipulating this poor girl after the Governor's death? Is she not as culpable as he was in Zenie's grief? Where was her apology, or her excuse, to Zenie? It was possible she had already delivered it, but based on her emotional outburst... unless he misjudged, she was deflecting that matter on to him.

How dare he speak to her? In an apology, no less?

She also clearly misremembered what happened on Belazura, if he had wanted to end either of them, he very well could have. There would be no need to track her down, the loose end was tied and Cassus held no involvement in the Governor's death. Not much more directly than Daiya anyway, though he conceded he did have an assassin droid ready and waiting to execute. That was never his intention, but that wasn't knowledge either would have.

As she drew closer to him, her breath carried something in the air, something bitter and sweet, reflecting her current temperament.

"Someone without a heart wouldn't apologize, and who are you to say anything about the Governor's life anyway. We were on the same job, weren't we? Did you tell her that as you wrapped around her like a blanket? 'There there, it'll be okay, just cry into my shoulder, I knew this would happen'." The boy mocked her for trying to disparage him while he attempted to atone for what little he could. He paused briefly before continuing.

"Well, Wet Blanket, what else do you have to get off your little chest?" Cassus stepped an inch closer to the girl, his face stoic and neutral even as his words bit the air between them. His heart raced and he didn't know why, feeling vulnerable without the security of his mask hiding him from the eyes that stared him down. Why is he doing this? This girl was nothing to him, but the fact that her recognition of him brought so much emotion...

Daiya Daiya Christine Dellard Christine Dellard

"You wouldn't understand..." the girl began, the thought lingering on her breath for longer than felt comfortable. She could feel his hot breath on her cheeks, his presence looming over her, his words dominating her mind. Pool Boy's fierce accusation unlocked an uncomfortable truth, one she had tried to keep buried with anger and distractions.

Daiya had been on the same job, too, working towards the same ultimate end.

She glanced over to the young girl on the booth bench, looking so small in her slumber. It was Daiya's fault she was here, too, even if she hadn't known it from the start. Her job had been to get close to the Belazuran governor's daughter, Enigma hadn't illuminated any other objectives or reasons. Just get close, and she'd know more eventually. Only eventually had come too late. For her and for Zenie.

How could Pool Boy understand if even she couldn't? Daiya could have done so much more if she'd only known the reason for being on that job. She had followed it blindly much like one of her visions, half-walked/half-dragged into a solution. A solution that was ugly for all involved.

Zenie was alone now. Daiya had been certain that bringing her to the security of Shenn's safehouse would be a temporary thing, until Darkwire was done needing leverage and she could be reunited with her family. It was Shenn who had coaxed it out of Zenie, Shenn who always had a way with traumatized customers and children alike. A mother long since gone offworld. A father dead. No siblings or other relatives to speak of on Belazura. Zenie was well and truly alone now. Except for Daiya, and Tawrro, and Shenn.

No thanks to Pool Boy.

"And what would you even know about apologies?" Daiya said, leveling her ire back on the object of its making. "That fake chit you just unloaded on Zenie?" The girl asked, turning away from them to gesture back to her sleeping friend. "Like how you just unloaded her from your conscience after the job? Did you even think of the consequences of what you were doing, anyway?"

If anyone owed Zenie an apology, it was Daiya. For now, she would apologize every day, by making sure Zenie had a life to live and people to support her.

"No, of course you didn't, because you're a heartless boy!" Daiya glared back at him. The little soul sleeping soundly on the table bench made her own (very real) heart ache to think of what the younger girl had just been through. What she was about to face, and how. A life without her father, without her family, without anything familiar. All because Pool Boy brought a gun to pull off a con. "You think you're so tough, having the power to end life in your hands. You have no idea what life is."

"This is life!" Daiya cried, tears actually welling up in her eyes as she stamped her foot. The girl pointed again to Zenie, "She is life!"

She pointed, not jabbed this time, at Pool Boy, "You, even big dummy you, are life! For every person you kill, for everyone you torment, there's a life behind them. There's always somebody who has to come and mop up after you."

The tears flowed freely now, painting her cheeks with their rivers of pain and mascara, "So, I guess that's me. Is this what you wanted to hear? 'Hi, I'm Daiya and I'm the Wet Blanket.'" The girl made a gasping sob, "Well, feth you, Pool Boy! Some of us care about life even if we have to take poodoo jobs to survive it."

Heavy riffs and a mugful of caf, and we're good.

Trouble was coming. The girls sudden and fierce reaction grew stronger after she had closed the distance to and faced the taller and armoured boy. It was like a brave and unyeilding tusk cat lived inside the little girl. It was impressive. Surprised by the rather unexpected reaction, Chris raised an eyebrow and took half a step back. The girl definately read the boy a lesson directly from her heart, which had to be pumping pretty fast by now.

While the three stood there, Chris quietly observing the boy and what would be his reaction, the girls inner burning flame slowly faded out. Tears begun to search their ways down her cheeks. She had dismissed the boy completely but yet he remained for now. At a place like this, it was highly unlikely that this would turn out in any other direction than either him or them leaving.

She were unsure of wether she would say something, as they clearly had a history that was unknown to her and realy none of her business. What was her business though, was seeing that no one had to visit the medcenter after this. Chris kept quiet and bit her lip a little while awaiting the boys response. She were ready to intervene if it went south, though.

Daiya Daiya Cassus Akovin Cassus Akovin

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