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Character Romul Saxon | Cerar, the Mountain



ThemeClan Saxon Suite:
Full nameRomul Saxon
AliasesChampion of Clan Saxon
Master of the Kom'rk
Class(es)Mandalorian Juggernaut
Personality TraitsStoic
Education TraitsSkilled Tactician
Lifestyle TraitsBrawler
Rank(s)Alor | Clan Saxon
Faction(s)Mandalorian Enclave
LanguagesGalactic Basic
Huttese (Low Proficiency)
Force SensitiveNo
Character AlignmentChaotic Neutral
Height6' 10"
Heavily Muscular
Zef Halo made this div

  • smalldivgold.png

    Eternal War.

    The life of Romul Saxon has been eternal war. Nothing less would be expected of a Mandalorian, but from an early age, Romul knew an additional burden: leadership. Born to a galaxy recovering from the Gulag Plague, his people were hungry for war. He spent all of his childhood and early teenage years training, preparing, and fighting in skirmishes along the legions of Clan Saxon. Clan Saxon was particularly bloodthirsty; determined to remove the stain of dishonor that had blighted them since their betrayal of their fellow Mandalorians eight centuries earlier, they saw a new crusade as an opportunity for them to rewrite their standing among the Mando'ade.

    Taunts he endured from other Mandalorian youth growing up created a lasting hunger that fueled Romul. He spent day and night in the practice yards, at the range, often speaking into martial combat with full-grown Mandalorian warriors twice in size. He grew; in stature, in skill, in ferocity. And unlike others, he didn't stop growing. Soon the young Saxon was known as Cerar -- the mountain -- among his clan and others. Easy to provoke and quick to anger, the unlucky few who did learn to never again. His ferocious size, strength, and skill soon became the pride of Clan Saxon.

    There was no better time for a Mandalorian who thirsted for battle to live. As a teenager and young adult, he fought in multiple campaigns. The sack of Dromund Kaas, where crusaders crashed an asteroid onto the planet's surface, vaporizing the Sith stronghold. The crusade into the core, where the Galactic Republic was dealt its final blow. Romul fought, Romul slew, and Romul won. Glories, trophies, and accolades were his. At an age where most were still stock infantry, the massive Mandalorian was raised to lieutenant of his Alor, helping lead and command Clan Saxon forces.

    Then, the Mandalorian Excision razed most of Mandalore's surface. Clan Saxon's dwellings were destroyed in the disaster, forcing the Clan to evacuate and relocate their holdings to a flotilla of mismatched warships, freighters, and haulers cobbled together by Romul Saxon, who found himself de facto leader of the Clan after their Alor was lost in the disaster, leaving no other apparent successor. Though a resurrected Ra Vizsla would lead Mandalorians back to the planet to resettle and rebuild the world, Clan Saxon among them, the evacuation flotilla remained in service. Romul was determined that the devastation of the Excision would never be suffered by Clan Saxon again.

    As the giant grew older, so did his contempt and distrust of Mandalorian leadership. His own experiences had granted him a measure of wisdom alongside battlefield knowledge, and he all but disdained the likes of Yasha Cadera and Kaine Australis. Clan Saxon's independence grew during the days of the Mandalorian Empire, becoming less involved with the Mando'ade at large though minor branches would occasionally venture out for glory and blood. Romul focused his time on expanding the Clan's wealth, refitting and upgrading the flotilla -- transformed into the mighty Clan Saxon Warfleet -- and training his clan to shape them into hardened warriors.

    When the Sith Empire broke the trust of the Mandalorians and laid siege to Mandalore, Romul and his Clan fought bravely against their onslaught alongside their kin. But when all was lost, Romul made the decision to evacuate before it was too late. He had promised that the devastation of the second excision would not be revisited; and thus most of Clan Saxon, with their strength, wealth, and heritage -- escaped the devastation of the Sith, leaving into the galaxy at large.

    For several years the Clan wandered until Romul Saxon came upon a mysterious, enigmatic Mandalorian known only as the Quartermaster. Unlike every single Mandalorian leader he had known in the past, she possessed something different: humility. Taking no title, no glory, not even deigning to reveal her own name as to raise her clan above others, she had endeavored to establish a safe haven for their people where they might rebuild. And she, being no more than a smith, with little battlefield experience, gained Romul's respect over any other Mandalorian he had ever known.

    Romul agreed to join Clan Saxon to her Enclave, and brought their forces to the recently-taken world of Kestri. The wealth, materials, and manpower that Clan Saxon could provide proved to be significant in building the world. He found his time dedicated to building the Kom'rk, a training citadel for the Si'kayha commandos. Offering his expertise and experience, he took the Si'kayha and forged them into one of the greatest supercommando organizations known to the Mando'ade. Soon after, he was raised to the position of Akaan'alor -- Warmaster -- by the Quartermaster, given charge over the Enclave's military at large.

    Though no longer Warmaster, Romul Saxon still leads his clan as Alor and diligently trains new generations of Mandalorians at the Kom'rk, preparing them for the wars of the future.

    "We fight for vengeance and for glory. Darasuum Kote."
    Romul to assembled Mandalorian warriors before boarding the Avatar of the Maw

  • LasuAdM.png

  • smalldivgold.png

    Dubbed Akaan'alor by the Quartermaster and made leader of the Enclave's military, Romul Saxon found himself beyond a simple Alor or training instructor. Commanding forces of multiple clans, Romul found himself pushed to make uncomfortable decisions, but also found himself capable of far more than he assumed. Under his leadership, the Clans razed Panatha, home of the Sith Emperor who had been the architect of the Sith Genocide of Mandalore. During the monumental Battle of Tython, he led Mandalorian forces to board and sabotage the Brotherhood of the Maw's massive Avatar of War superweapon. And during the Battle of Rothana against Maw forces, he fought bravely to save the Enclave's new Star Destroyers from premature destruction -- though he could not save the Quartermaster, his biggest failure and regret that haunts him to this day.

    In the wake of the Quartermaster's death, Romul assumed power as the next-highest ranking member in the Enclave. Despite wielding this unchecked power, he ruled out of respect and in deference to the memory of the Quartermaster, but try as he might he was blunt and unskilled in the political realm. He attempted to reform the Mandalorian Enclave into a crusader state, something that he was at least familiar with, but that movement was short-lived. Under his leadership, the Enclave saw a state of decline, losing much of its former territory and power. Crises such as the Fireflash virus, tensions with the Empire, and the Vong containment breach added to a general lack of faith in his leadership. Five years into his reign, Romul abdicated and returned to governing his clan and the Kom'rk.

    Now as Alor and Master of the Kom'rk, free from any political or larger responsibilities besides his clan and trainees, Romul lives the life of a veteran. Age has tempered his fire, affording him more wisdom than plain brashness, although he remains as ferocious on the battlefield as ever. He prides himself in his work, and his regime forges the finest warriors the Mando'ade have seen. Though the days of his personal glory may be past -- though that is not to say his days of fighting are over -- he is content to for once, sit back and watch as a new generation unfolds.

  • smalldivgold.png

    Tytos Saxon Tytos Saxon Clan A'sucyar
    Gallius SaxonClan Lieutenant



    The Quartermaster The Quartermaster Leader of the Mando'ade | Close Confidant
    Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla Si'kayha Protege, Akaan'alor Successor



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