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Character Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi

Full name: Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi

Nickname: "The Winter King"

Order of the Lotus Moon

Clan: Mashayekhi

Species: Epicanthix

Birthplace: Panatha

Home World: Tokmia

Faction: Eternal Empire

Rank: Knight Warden

Force Sensitive: Yes

Force Alignment:
Light Side


Human Height: 5'9"

Human Weight:
175 lbs.

Gender: Male

Hair Color:
Brownish - Black

Eye Color:

Complexion: Tan

Athletic / Muscular Defined

Voice: Jason Beghe


  • Chapter 1 - The Backstory

    Originally born Marxu H'tom, he was forced to live the life of a street urchin at the age of 8 after his parents, poor and destitute, died of an unknown illness. Living in back alleys, with other homeless vagrants, he was forced to steal to eat, sleep in run-down and infested abandoned buildings. He quickly learned to pickpocket, spying the best marks who sought to make lavish purchases in the marketplaces. Over the next few months, he began working for a rather nasty and nefarious character. His name was Josep Ghorle.

    Josep Ghorle was known around the homeless communities as taking in young boys and girls, transforming them into criminal activists. He provided little protection, yet demanded results from his 'children'. Young Marxu was one such kid, and he learned swiftly that stealing was the only means to eat; and survive. He pulled several jobs for Mr. Ghorle, seeing little in return of credits. He was thankful, at least, that his belly was always full.

    One day, Marxu attempted to pickpocket a semi-middle aged man; only to be caught in the process. The man held Marxu tightly around his left wrist, whilst the man's eyes starred into his. Marxu grew fearful, reacting by kicking the man in the knee; fleeing to the haven of Josep Ghorle. The man, however, followed the young Marxu back to the confines of Ghorle's territory. Ghorle, upon seeing the intruder, slap Marxu a few times across his face with a series of violent backhands.

    The intruder, furious at the attack of the young boy, intervened. Ghorle's men lunged at the man, only to be knocked back by an unseen force; then quickly subdued by the visitor. The man tried to reason with Ghorle, even offering to purchase the young Marxu; which eventually he did.

    The man took the boy to a cold, icy, and snow covered planet. At the planet's surface, they trekked across the frozen tundra, where they arrived at an old, ancient structure. Inside, there was warmth, but also several boys and girls ranging in different ages; all being taught by elderly men. In time, Marxu was educated on the nature of the building and what was going on between the walls. Each person here, as the man who purchased him said, was connected to the Force; which the man had to explain to Marxu what the Force was, and that he, Marxu, bore the gift of the Force.

    The man gave him a choice, which gave little opportunity for Marxu to refuse knowing what the alternative was. Marxu accepted the offer, and was quickly indoctrinated into the Clan, known as the Order of the Lotus Moon.

    Over the course of the years, three things had changed for the boy, besides growing older and wiser. The first, he was trained in the ways of the Force; giving ample time to decide what abilities to focus on, and strengthen. The second was the hardcore training of melee weapons, and eventually the lightsaber, and martial arts. For 16 hours a day, Marxu trained. The last was two fold. The first of two was he was required to read, understand, and live by the code and conduct of the Order. The second part was the trial, which when he succeeded he was told to choose a new name; elevating him into a new life and world. After a few moments, he settled on the name Ro-Tahn, the name of the man who forever changed his life but died before seeing the former named Marxu succeed. Per tradition, the surname Mashayekhi replaced his original surname.

    Chapter 2 - The Betrayal

    Around the time he was twenty, an unknown force of armored men attacked the home and haven of the Order. A furious fight between the two raged on; both sides afflicting heavy casualties on one another. By the end of the battle, the enemy had been dealt with, but the Order had been recklessly devastated. Majority of the Masters and Teachers had died, and those who survived were grievously wounded, later some of them perishing from their wounds. The students, and those of higher standing, also suffered greatly. The buildings itself, near ruin.

    A small investigation founded the leader of these unknown assailants was a former Master and Teacher, who fell to the opposite side of the Force alignment; seeking to force the Order to submit to him, or risk destruction. The man's ambitions were quelled, but the Order itself was on the verge of extinction.

    The remaining Masters held a counsel among themselves regarding the state of the Order. After much deliberation, it was decided if the Order was to survive, they needed to go into secrecy; accepting only new students worthy of their ancient teachings. Many of the remaining students, like Ro-Tahn, were sent out into the galaxy to further advance their education and skills; returning every few months to bring back with them the knowledge they possessed.

    It was here that Ro-Tahn discovered the Galactic Alliance, and subsequently the Jedi Order.

    Chapter 3 - The Jedi Order

    Upon his acceptance into the Jedi Order, Ro-Tahn quickly immersed himself within the Jedi code and conduct. He found striking similarities to what the Jedi Order and The Order of the Lotus Moon taught. He discovered there were differing ranks amongst the Jedi, and after studying each one in great depth and applying those applications to himself directly; he moved toward the path of the Jedi Sentinel.

    He found aiding the everyday citizens rewarding, whilst learning more about the galaxy as a whole; such as how it conducted itself. The Order of the Lotus Moon were not hermits, but they did however love their seclusion and isolationism. Those two concepts had worked in both positive and negative ways, the latter Ro-Tahn believed led to the betrayal of the former Master.

    However, never growing up as a youngling, or as a traditional Padawan, like so many of his peers in the Jedi Order, he possessed different views both culturally and mentally than what the Jedi Order taught on certain subjects. It didn't take long afterwards that he began to drift into another path, a more opposite pendulum of the Jedi dictates; the
    Wayseeker. He would work with other Jedi and the Galactic Alliance military and senate, but most often he worked almost nearly independent. There were those among the Order that looked upon the Wayseekers with skepticism; some fearing they would fall prey to the Dark Side. But Ro-Tahn, unsure how many Jedi faced the true threat of the Dark Side in manifestation form, vowed to destroy the Dark Side; and any who immersed themselves in it's shroud of lies.

    Chapter 4 - Present Day

  • Ro-Tahn, like everyone else in the galaxy, has his own personality traits that define him; both positive and negative. To start with, he falls under the trait of openness. This means, naturally, that he is open-minded and open to new ideas and experiences. This lends to creativity imagination and intellectual curiosity.

    Ro-Tahn has what is referred to as conscientiousness. This trait is defined as controlling his impulses while maintaining both responsibility and productivity. To expand further, he prefers to keep things in order.

    The trait, extroversion, is also with him. Under this definition, he has a high level of energy in which he interacts with other people and the world around him. The trait makes him quite sociable and enthusiastic.

    Everyone has
    positive traits, everyone has negative traits too.

    One of his biggest negative personality traits is narcissism. He puts a fine point on his self importance and entitlement relative to others. He is an attention seeker whilst desiring an excessive need of admiration.

    Because of his narcissistic behavior, he suffers from Histrionic Personality Disorder. The disorder relates to inappropriate, provocative behavior, theatricality, and a discomfort with not being the focus of attention.

    Ro-Tahn possess Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder which is marked by perfectionism and a demand for order and control, which can manifest in a counterproductive fixation on rules and details and a devotion to work that crowds out other parts of his life.

  • [+]Fighter - He never backs down from a fight, especially when defending those incapable of defending themselves.

    [+]Persuasive - Ro-Tahn is a charmingly smooth talker, even without the Force. He can talk himself out of situations as well as act as a partisan in disputes. No real love for politics, he has been dispatched more often than he likes to settle government disputes.

    - The phrase "loyal to a fault" was coined for him. People and causes he strongly supports has his undying loyalty, which can be his downfall if a person twists that for thier own agendas.

    [-]Lone Operator
    - He can work with a team, if needed, but he prefers to work alone. This is a reflection of his narcissism. His Jedi superiors repeatedly remind him to be cautious here. Certain situations, when left to deal with alone, can lead to emotions that can take him down a more darker path in life.

    - He is everything of the definition of the word; and more. He explains it has having a bad habit, and one that he cannot simply break.

    - He is not greedy, just selfish. He doesn't lack the consideration of others that this word is normally associated with; he is chiefly attuned to his own personal gains.

  • Armor / Clothes
    • Coming Soon



    • Coming Soon

  • Ro-Tahn is a devout student of the Light Side, harboring suppressed anger for those you walk the other side of the Force pendulum. His extension knowledge of melee weapons such as vibroswords and blades has transferred over to his ability to wield a lightsaber. So for this, he has chosen to learn those Force abilities associated with defense and healing; whilst letting his lightsaber do the 'talking'.

    The Force

    +(Learned), ++ (Adept), +++(Master)

    1. Sever Force: ++
    2. Force Light: ++
    3. Alter Environment: +++
    4. Electric Judgment: +
    5. Similfuturus: +++
    6. Force Binding: ++
    7. Force Resistance: +++
    8. Malacia: +
    9. Morichro: +
    10. Protection Bubble: +++
    11. Force Stun: ++
    12. Tutaminis: +++
    13. Force Heal: +++
    14. Cure Disease: ++
    15. Cure Poison: ++
    16. Imbue Item (Force): ++

    Lightsaber Forms

    1. Shii-Cho: +++
    2. Makashi: +++
    3. Soresu: +++
    4. Ataru: N / A
    5. Shien / Djem So: +++
    6. Niman: N / A
    7. Juyo: N / A


    1. Trakata: +++
    2. Jar'Kai: +

  • Completed/Ongoing Threads


    A. Race Against Time (EE-Keskin)


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“Heroes are made by the paths they choose, not the powers they are graced with.”
Ro-Tahn Mashayekhi, Knight Warden

Lightsaber / Winter Ring of the Snow Moon




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