Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Revolving Fondor | GA Dominion of Fondor

"Steady ships are better for commerce. Unsteady ships lose investors," Marcus chuckled, "What can we do to help keep the boats from rocking."

"Ah, but Mr. Tritum, we do not build boats. We build some of the greatest vessels to ever grace the black reaches of the void."

"Oh, my apologies. I'm just in the business of mining. It doesn't have the same prestige," he smiled. "Your ships are beautiful. Is this the same dockyard that built the Executor all those hundreds of years ago?"

"No, sadly that one was lost in a war. Most of the dockyards have been destroyed and rebuilt time and time again."

"You don't say," Marcus shared a look with Luca.

The Pontiff led them into a private office that was very lavish, adorned with specifications of old ships and models. Marcus especially admired the wroshyr wood desk that made up the center of the room.

Luca Caldogne Luca Caldogne
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// OUTRIDER // Senator Governor-General of Eufornis Major
// LOCATION // Fondor | Lodge, Guild of Starshipwrights
// OBJECTIVE // Join Me, Luke Alban
// THEME // blood // water


The air was thick with the smell of corporate intrigue.

Fondor, the great beast of the Old Confederacy, has joined the Galactic Alliance, and in turn the Alliance had inherited yet another mess of megacorporations with ulterior- and political, motives.

It was expected Donovan would attend the crowning of Fondor's first Senator, afterall Mr. Roble was a giant in engineering, and had single-handily revolutionized the Confederacy's military. There were many reasons why he was there, one being it was his duty as a member of the Defense Committee to see fresh contracts established, especially after Bilbringi and Kuat were declared off-limits, as if they weren't aware of the superweapon building cult lurking in the Unknown Regions. Another was his vested interest in expanding the Free Alliance Coalition. Roble would be a perfect addition.

"Tiresh" He extended his hand out to meet the Senator's body. "I see we had the same idea in mind" He indulged in his alcohol- or rather nonalcoholic, alcohol- he could never actually tell. "Fondor's addition to the Alliance will prove most beneficial. But eventually, we'll have to end that bloody charade over Kuat" He referenced the Civil War.

"I trust you'll support Elaine, if it comes down to it, yes?"



ALLIES - Amun Amun
ENEMIES - Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix | Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo


It was made a much easier task once the use of those falsified credentials came to be, otherwise an ordeal that needed much more caution. But that was another matter, one that had since been resolved. The Duros and the Neimoidian wandered about, a small amount of attention not worth mention had been afforded to the two - businessmen and Senators alike that wished to identify the two, it seemed, but the Galactic Alliance had a swath of territories beneath them now and countless individuals attended such events.

Neither Fett nor Amun entered conversation to have their lies torn from them, but the two had moved from one another.

'Garan Vamma' had not stayed in the main hall forever, and instead moved to one of the residential suites. His footfalls had carried more heft than one was to first think, it seemed, but a heavier man was not rare at such events; the sort that cherished their sweets, all that their lavish lives had allowed them. On the inside, the Duros reached for his own chest and rather than be blockaded by his own mass, his form fizzled and vanished as the Mandalorian Bounty Hunter had stood there instead. But his time was brief, to endure a similar fate as the armour of a Senate Guardsmen had then taken form.

Doubtless to be noted that one man entered and another one left the suite later, much later that is, once it all was said and done. But the duo had not made an effort to remain, or return, some time soon.

His new identity had reached for his arm and a series of buttons alerted Amun, either still the Neimoidian or not, as to shit in identities. He was to return to the main hall, all the intent to resume a patrol near Tiresh and Donavon in time.

Objective 1: Open for Buisness

Tags: Alban Roble Alban Roble Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo and others...
Targeted by: Amun Amun Koda Fett Koda Fett

She smiled as her eyes settled on Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo , the woman taking hold of his offered hand in a polite greeting. A slight hint of relief could be witnessed on her face, as Senator Arturo was likely a much better candidate at making a meaningful connection with Alban Roble Alban Roble than she was. Seeing his presence here, and discovering their shared agenda, increased the odds significantly. Of coarse, it was not a surprise that Donavon would attend such a function at all. It made perfect sense for him to be here.

"Great minds think alike it seems." She said as she glanced back over her shoulder in Senator Roble's direction. "It's good to see you, Donavon." She took a sip of her wine and adjusted her posture towards him, "I fully agree with you. Kuat could not have happened at a worse time for us. And yes, she will have my full support." Tiresh tapped her lips lightly with the tip of her finger in deep thought, "I believe it might be prudent for me to retire, since you seem to be here for the same thing as I am. I think that the new Senator of Fondor will have much more in common with you than me… Unless you think there would be any benefit in my presence remaining?"
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if they're watching anyways

She laughed at his joke. A reminder that they hadn't come from the most political backgrounds, even if Auteme now counted two Chancellors among her friends.

"Thank you," she said. "I've been quite fortunate."

She paused a moment, unsure of what to speak about -- but it seemed that she had more of his attention than the guide did, and that woke her up a bit.

"The Senate is certainly not the Jedi Order, but... I've found the food on this side to be a bit better. People complain about the expense, all the great temples and whatnot, but- it was always like the mess hall of a small ship," she said, smiling. "Simple warrior-monk lifestyle. This, though, I find more exciting."
Objective: Meet with the Hospital staffs and find out what they need
Tags: Anyone

Faith's small group was headed to meet with the medical personnel in offices set aside on one of the shipyards high above Fondor.

She tried desperately to read the information on the facilities. While some where top of the line others required upgrades in regards to equipment and training. She would have to arrange for some of the doctors to come to the Alderaan Hospital to get the additional training needed. First Responder groups would need to be formed and.....that was where she got so far.

Orbital shipyards offered different types of injuries, and things that Faith had never considered it was why she asked Tia to come with her. Tia was calm and quiet. She also offered Alicio Organa Alicio Organa a place on the ship if he wanted to go. But it was not mandatory. The other committee members such as Eboi Seth Eboi Seth was also included on the invitation.

"Tia, how did you ever manage to do everything you did?"
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Rianna lifted her gaze from the folds of her robes and looked across to her niece Faith. The Elder Organa had taken many paths in her life sometimes alone, sometimes with great company. Today she shared it with many around her.

Rianna was old her hair showed streaks of gray her eyes showed the experience of a lifetime. Her children traveled the galaxy and her riduur had crossed into the next part of the journey.

"How did I do everything? Faith I am not quite sure what you mean by everything." She smiled softly then looked over to the others who seemed to be listening as well. Did Rianna has some wise sage advice for this, no not really she could only offer what she offered the hundreds of students she taught over the years.

"Take your time" She looked from face to face, "It may not work the first time, you will definitely need practice" She smiled, no one learned how to build a hospital, or a friendship in a day it took time. "it's like growing a plant, it needs attention, water and conversation. Never neglect it, it will die." Rianna the forever Gardner could compare anything to a plant.

"Hospitals are the same you can build and fill them people but unless you tend to everything inside the people can suffer. So be mindful."

That was all she had at the moment. If there were other questions she would provide what she could. In the mean time she would go back to thinking about what they were going to face on Fondor.

Location: Fondor; The Lodge
Allies: Koda Fett Koda Fett
Enemies: Alliance Security
Target: Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix | Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo
ATTN: Nearby Senators and other parties

All according to plan; all was left was to execute the attack on the Senator. Maybe take out another target that was on the list, if it was possible. Just as long as they took care of Lujo’s Senator, then their client would be pleased.

The Mandalorian changed his disguise from a wealthy Duros, to an armored Senate Guard. That was Amun’s cue to proceed in the next step of the plan. There needed to be chaos, have everyone running for their lives. Have some Bounty Hunter be a menace to a distress senator, only for a Senate Guard come to her aid. Except she would fall into a trap and willingly step into it.

Koda departed to find the ideal position to come to Tiresh’s desperate rescue, leaving the Kyuzo approach the busy hall full of politicians and businessmen talking and enjoying the luxuries of the Lodge.

The Bounty Hunter reached for his bandolier to prime and activate a smoke grenade, tossed out into the open between people. A thick smoke would soon begin to veil the room, but right before shock grenades were thrown at random. Enough to incapacitate, but not enough to cause lethal injury. No one would be dead…yet. Chaos would take place, and the Bounty Hunter raced right for Senator Tiresh and her fellow peer.
Rekha looked at the Wolf sitting there across the table speaking as if nothing changed as if there was no ill will between them.

"You left my blood on the floor of my own bar. Your people were sloppy you should have told them to kill me because you left me no choice but to make sure I repay you for all of it. You're lower than slime Wolf, what happen to you?"

He shook his head, "Cher you've grown soft since the days with the Captain. You let people use you and toss you away. How many friends do you have left that you call two...........none..........what was that one ahh Eliza Steele Eliza Steele right...and...the guy... Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser did they finally see you did they learn about your secret?"

"You're turning the tables Loup it doesn't matter if I needed someone like Coren, Eliza or Akabane Jarvik Akabane Jarvik they'd be on their way. But you why bother them about you...besides this is between you and me. You were stealing my goods on Coruscant, I believe you still do slip out a case or two I haven't caught you yet but I will. Let's get to the other thing you trying to kill me"

He shook his head wondering how she got to be so stubborn was she always so and he had just failed to realize it. "The Cartels are on Coruscant Rekha and they are moving slowly through the businesses convincing them to see things their way. Politicians are in their pockets, feth I hear the Chancellor himself Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe is even in on it, but that's rumor nothing for certain." He leaned towards her over the table watching her as she drew back with the blaster in hand, "Not much difference between a Corporatist and a Cartel Lord."

He chuckled staring hard at her, "One day you will wake up and find the Red Circle branded on the doors of the Lucky Lady you need to accept change and do as you're told"

She shook her head, "I've never done as I was told. And if you and your buddies are making play on Coruscant you'll find you're outnumbered and we will not do as told or play in your sandbox Loup. You're delusional cupcake maybe too much spice, why not take vacation then get lost. Don't make me kill you as much as I want to"

"Of course cause we know you are capable of it"

Rekha could feel her teeth grinding, "That's right we both know our limits...don't push this, get off Coruscant go get lost. Let's not play this out it's a no win"

Loup nodded, "yes but for who. I'm already leading, you're injured and alone no matter what you think no one is coming........but I did happen to notice that young cop Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers around a lot..........maybe my friends should pay her visit."

Rekha dropped the smile, "You wouldn't she's law enforcement"

He shrugged, "Cops get hurt all the time don't you watch the holonews?" He took a deep breath, "Even Holly Starstorm Holly Starstorm reports on that occasionally getting away from the fluff...." He laughed.

"You're trying to play on my weaknesses bringing up friends and making these threats and insinuations that I'm all by myself facing the big bad wolf. You forget I've seen your belly I know where to put the knife." She hated this she hated all of this what she wouldn't do to talk to Drakken Frey about it all.

"you and your buddies making a play for Fondor too'

"It's already done Cher you're behind the times. And speaking of time, I got to on Coruscant is calling an other places here in the south just waiting for....assistance."

God how she hated him deeply..."Don't let the door hit you on the way out"

What was she going to do? She was one person and her instincts said he wasn't lying about Cartels moving into the South like here on Fondor, but also in the Core. Who do you tell about that? Maybe they already knew and she was late to the game.
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FONDOR - Orbital Shipyard Platforms
The Coaxium Must Flow - BYOO
Auteme Auteme

Was being a senator really more exciting than being a Jedi Knight? For some reason, Dracken doubted that. That being said, the life of a senator was a nice change of pace from his constant state of war. In the last twenty years of his life, he'd only had only 5 where he wasn't at war. Sure, there had been small skirmishes and small pitched battles where they needed him and the Starchild to encourage fools to stop fighting, but he hadn't even really gotten to see his own kids grow up being stuck in the ass-end of the Galaxy every other week for months at a time. At least now as a senator, despite still being in the middle of a war, he could at least be with his family more often than not.

"Speaking of temples," he whispered, the guide had already begun to give the pair occasional sharp glances for talking too loud during their tour, "How are the Jedi? My friends in the Admiralty say they've all but vanished from the front lines. I know they wanted to distance themselves from the Alliance but what have they been up to?" All they had were rumors. Now that the Jedi were mobile in the Prosperity it seemed like they showed up out of nowhere to handle more local issues and when large amounts of Jedi were deployed it was all very hush-hush. To be honest, he'd rather have had them under the GADF still and have them on the front lines in Chiss Space fighting the Maw raiders instead of off on their individual quests. But the Force moved in mysterious ways, or so he'd read.
if they're watching anyways
An inkling of inspiration infiltrated her mind, but for a moment she did not have the words, so she answered his question directly. "I'm hardly in the inner circle of the New Jedi, Senator," she said. "Even if their absence was merely a respite from the war, though, I would not blame them."

A half smile. "Though, I don't think that's in character for them. I've heard they're... decentralizing, in a way; working more independently, solving smaller problems, for the moment. Jedi Watchmen. A more flexible role, one with more responsibility. I can't say when they will decide to return in full, but the Force-"

She paused, before smiling a touch wider.

"Do you know anything about the Force, Senator?"

The negotiations between the Galactic Alliance and the Fondor Guild of Shipwrights proceeded as if they were preordained. Which, they were. The ascension of Alban Roble to Senator had been agreed upon weeks before Tithe had arrived, a partnership that would pave the way for the planet to be integrated into the Alliance. The situations as Kuat and Bilbringi gave Tithe demand, and Fondor could provide supply. Simple economics.

A number of the Shipwrights choose to depart the proceedings once it became clear what had been orchestrated. Their pockets would be lined in good time. Kickbacks and campaign donations would flow into the coffers of the Corporatist party, a small price to pay for the lucrative GADF contracts that Fondor would secure. Fondor was on the cusp of a market resurgence.

Senators, Shipwrights, lobbyists and assistants came and went through the meeting hall, each serving their interests and investments. He paid no heed to the two who slipped into the room.

Tithe rose from his chair to again address the Shipwright just as the first smoke grenade detonated.

The Chancellor’s close protection team swung into action immediately. They had a single mission: extract Tithe from danger. A pair of blue-uniformed Senate Guards yanked the Aargauun from his chair and hurried him toward the nearest exit. Identifying the source of the danger or engaging it was outside their responsibility - the more heavily armed and armoured counter-assault team would be on scene shortly to neutralise the threat. Right now they needed to get the Chancellor to safety. A plainclothes Senate Guard joined them as they hurried out the exit.

“Control, Seven-Nine, status zero, exiting meeting hall,” Tithe heard one of the Senate Guard calling into their comlink. “Bursar is Oscar-Mike, moving to extraction point.”

“The Senator,”
Tithe called over the alarms that filled the air. “Is the Senator safe?”

“Kobitana? Arturo?”

Tithe scoffed. “Roble you fools!”

The Corporatist voting bloc was on a virbosword edge. He needed every vote he could get on the Senate floor.


Location: The Lodge
Attention: Niki Priddy Niki Priddy Luca Caldogne Luca Caldogne Isar Isar Josephine Halscott Josephine Halscott Amun Amun Thrassk Thrassk Koda Fett Koda Fett Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo Alban Roble Alban Roble Dorian Sevanar Dorian Sevanar
LAAT/le Aurek
LAAT/le Besh
LAAT/le Cresh
LAAT/le Dorn

Senate Guard Forces
  • Senate Commando Team "Vornskr" [12/12]​
  • Senate Commando Team "Rancor" [12/12]​
  • Senate Commando Team "Nexu" [12/12]​
  • Senate Commando Team "Acklay" [12/12]​
  • Senate Guard Detail North [5/5]​
  • Senate Guard Detail East [5/5]​
  • Senate Guard Detail South [5/5]​
  • Senate Guard Detail West [5/5]​
  • Senate Honor Guard "Bursar" (Chancellor's Protective Detail)​

! ! ALERT ! !
On the call from the Honor Guard team "Bursar" which was charged with the protection of the Chancellor reported an attack upon the head of the bastion of the Free Galaxy, an alarm began to sound throughout the building as the Senate Guard sprang into action. Ruus had been inspecting the members of Senate Guard Detail East whenever the attack had happened "Control." he said in a stern tone as he motioned the nearest detail of 5 Senate Guard to follow him down the corridors, pointing to Senators on his way through to which end the Guard began to pull them by their shoulders into an ever increasing bubble of blue robes, "Contingency authorized. Prioritize Bursar recovery." the off-site dispatch office would do what they were trained to do. Activate the rapid deployment forces concealed high above the clouds.

Above The Lodge...

Four LAAT/le patrol gunships screamed towards the front of the building. Their sublight engines hummed loudly as neared the ground so that 48 Senate Commandos, an entire platoon sized force of Alliance's elite protective service, were deployed. As the LAAT/le's began to ascend and the Senate Commandos began jogging towards The Lodge with their blaster rifles a voice echoed from synchronized speakers from all four gunships "Attention! Attention! Pursuant to Chapter 2, Section Vev, Subsection Enth of the Charter for the Department of the Senate Guard Forces set forth by the Senate; all individuals are hereby detained effectively immediately. Failure to comply with any and all orders will result in swift action including compliance measures up to and including lethal force. Attempts to leave the detention zone by unauthorized individuals is prohibited. Jurisdictional authority of local law enforcement has been suspended. Attempts to interfere with the lawful fulfillment of the duties of the Senate Guard Forces will result in compliance enforcement measures." seconds after the message ended it was replayed. The eerie noise of a shrill siren preceded and ended each message. As piercing as it was there would be few that would be unable to hear it.

"Vornskr taking point." came a firm, gravely voice, from the senior guardsman of Senate Commando Team Vornskr. The four teams began to stagger their approach in blocked units bristling with heavy blaster rifles. The first group of Commandos entered with such violence and speed that those that were attempting to escape were pushed back. Several were thrown to the floor by the Commandos while others were struck with a resounding crack of a barrel or stock of their weapons "On the ground! Do not move! Do not move!" commanded a cacophony of voices as the foyer was flooded with intense shouting and the scattering of armored boots.

With a bang and the shattering of furniture Senate Commando Team "Nexu" entered the Member Council Chamber with rifles raised even as local security tried to display their credentials "Down! Get down! Do it now!" shouted a Guardsman to an officer who, when she did not comply instantly, stiffened as a flood of blue light shot across her body. The officer fell stunned to the floor. Two Commandos walked forward and grabbed a Senator from among a group near them and pulled him into their ranks which closed as fast as it had opened "Do not move!" repeated another guard.

Senate Commando Team "Rancor" barged into the Archives of the Shipwrights, dealing with local security as Nexu had done within the Member Council Chamber "Floor clear!" shouted a voice "Clear!" another echoed "Clear on third!" came two more voices "Clear! Room secured." the senior guardsman reported over the shared comm network.

The doors to the Parlors were yanked open or kicked down in any method that worked by Senate Commando Team "Acklay" those that were within shrieked in panic as the group of armed men entered with great speed and determination. Sparing none from the glare of a blaster barrel leveled at them, even if only for a split second as they identified who they could as threats or VIPs "Senators of the Alliance stand, all others on the ground. Comply!"

Ruus, and the Detail East, continued towards the front Entrance with a gaggle of Senators in toe. The senior of Vornskr rendered no salute or physical acknowledgement, so intent on the mission as he was "Captain! Our teams are securing the facilities. Orders?" Ruus turned to motion Detail East to take the Senators outside before the LAAT/le's "Maintain security on this position. Create a corridor for Bursar. Activate the mobile shield emitters when the Chancellor is in sight - ensure his safety at all costs." the former Mandalorian Guard Captain's voice was as unwavering as his name. The orders were clear. Ruus waded through the tightening crowd moving the opposite direction or in cross patterns "Details to Commando locations. Commandos on standby, when relieved by the Details proceed for Search & Destroy mission. Lethal force." the gloves were off. Ruus' heeding's had fallen on deaf ears, all but the Chancellor's for the most part, but no more. He would make use of the latitude provided by Tithe's security instructions. Present, imminent, hostile actors would be located and summarily terminated.

A static voice sounded in Ruus' ear "Captain, Control, we have reports of unaccounted Senators across all levels of The Lodge." the news was not what Ruus had wanted to hear. He had pressed, urgently, for more serious consideration of accompanying Senate Guards for each Senator - though he was powerless to force them upon the representatives "Acknowledged, Control."
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Faith shrugged, "You always seem to have it together Tia, I always feel like I'm just barely holding it together. If there was a secret well" Her voice trailed off.

She loved her Aunt Rianna but she was always cryptic in her answers and in Faith's mind always sounded like she was in front of a classroom. Perhaps it was the Jedi in her Aunt that had formed her life before her Uncle, perhaps it was the experience of her life that made her seem to take in everything without effort.

Whatever it was she wished she had more of it.

"I hope we can convince the Hospital Board to let us help them and establish a small presence here. It would be helpful to build a good relationship with them."

Faith looked out of the window and saw they were coming up to the main hospital she had thought it would be a huge complex but it was no more than a few buildings that were conveniently next to one another. The shuttle was making the wide swing to go in for a landing.

"ok time to work everyone, be nice, find out what they need, sometimes just watch they might need something that we have that they don't know they need...." Confusion yes that was the look, "See a gap in the care, lets see if we have something to fill it"

She then looked to her Aunt. "I seek your advice in this please"

There was a nod from her Aunt of consent. Would be bad if suddenly Tia said no.




The starfighters of Revenant Squadron dove toward the pirate vessel and the helpless transport it was trying to seize. Lightning-fast A-wings, capital ship-killing B-wings, and multi-role X-wings quickly closed the distance to the Kraken Coalition vessel. Silence descended across the comlinks as the pilots steeled themselves for action - Kaul’s background music a notable exception. Surprisingly, their gruff Leader didn’t say a word about the break from protocol.

Maybe Chaar getting soft.

The pirate queen transmitted a warning message to Revenant, threatening the destroy the cargo hauler and kill the crew if they didn’t withdraw. Chaar’s astromech made a recording of the transmission. If anything happened to the innocent pilots of the hauler, the pirate's threats against Alliance lives would exonerate Revenant. The rules of engagement were clear - drive out the criminal elements and reopen the space lanes.

“Read her the regs,” Chaar ordered over the comlink. Revenant Leader always delegated the role of dealing without outsiders to the rest of his squadron. A quartet of cloaked pirate starfighters materialised and as a pair of missiles lanced forth from the pirate ship. Alliance laws regarding piracy had become increasingly strict under the profit-obsessed, Corporatist controlled Senate.

“Lock strike-foils. Three Flight, get those torps!” Chaar yelled. The fast-moving A-wings were well versed in anti-missile operations. “Two Flight, scratch those starfighters.” While the combat analysis computer while still working to identify the small pirate ships, Revenant’s X-Wings had the shields and weapons to handle anything thrown at them. “One Flight, on me.” The four B-wings wove through the maelstrom of laser and missile fire toward the pirate ship, their cruiser-busting suite of weapons coming online.


[Revenant Squadron at your service]
[A-wing Supremacy]

“Read her the regs,”

"Copy, sir," she chimed back, a mad grin still plastered on her face while she recalibrated the A-wing's transceivers. "[Captain Gemini: This is flight lieutenant Tyliame of Revenant Squadron... I'm afraid we have a very specific set of mission objectives here and we won't be able to comply with your offer,]" a passing moment of silence drained the last hint of laughter from her tone, "[By order of the Galactic Alliance, you are to stand down. Any offensive actions against us, or that hauler... will be met by lethal force.]" A pause, again. The squadron drew closer to the pirate's vessel. "[Lay down your arms and we can talk. Or you can find out just how hot fire is. It's your choice.]"

So much for that... Spiraling scanner readouts lit in bright red, glowing in clusters dead ahead of their centers. Two shapes quickly overtook the four fighters that had emerged from a cloak, rocketing head-first into Revenant Squadron's lines.

“Lock strike-foils. Three Flight, get those torps!”

"Copy!" Qellene heaved the handle of the yolk backward, free hand scraping the surfaces of the piloting consoles and darting to throw the weapon triggers into gear. The A-wing shook, pushed backward as hastily calibrated cruise missiles launched from the belly of it and its wingmate, the ordnances turning sharply to converge on the hostile munitions.

The pirate missiles detonated within seconds, a matter of meters from Revenant Squadron. But it hadn't been the interceptors that had destroyed them; the warheads rocketed aimlessly into the night, having lost their targets. Instead, the incoming warheads had... Dear gods. Jettisoning amidst shrapnel from the bellies of the missiles were a dozen enraged buzz droids, ready to lurch for the nearest starfighter. "Commander, we've got discords!" The A-wing spun again, burning a wild trail of blue behind it as it rushed for the emerging metal beasts. The metal barrels of laser cannons turned bright red under the heat as Qellene let loose a salvo into a set of unlucky buzz droids.

Revenant Squadron: Tren Chaar Tren Chaar , Kaul "Joker" Emos Kaul "Joker" Emos , Leon Gallo Leon Gallo
Pirate Lady: Cass Gemini Cass Gemini

FONDOR - Orbital Shipyard Platforms
The Coaxium Must Flow - BYOO
Auteme Auteme

Pryce shrugged.

"I know a bit," he said, "There's Jedi and Sith- some others too I guess." Pryce bent his arms up and waggled his fingers a bit in a gesture he hoped conveyed shooting force powers. "You all have powers that make things move when you want, can shoot lightning." Suddenly he felt ridiculous and the Admiral returned, arms straight and posture fixed.

"I know the Jedi follow a code as do the Sith." He trailed off and shrugged. "Most people don't know but," he leaned over to whisper, "I'm a part of the Church of the Force." It wasn't that religion was banned or looked down upon in the Alliance or even the Senate. The Church was just...Well a lot of people had the wrong idea and thought they worshiped Jedi themselves and that could raise some eyebrows in the senate these days.

"Hot damn," Kaul said watching the display screen of the woman with great interest. "She looks beautiful!"

<Kaul!> R4 whirred. <What did I just tell you?!>

"I know!" Kaul said. "But just..... look at her it's just a damn shame she's the bad guy that's all."

Just then, Torpedoes shot out from the enemy ships. "Welp," Kaul said shaking his head and locking S-Foils in attack position. "Hey guys can we not like hurt her or anything?" Kaul asked through the intercom. "Because you know she might have valuable information that could be important to the Alliance?"


"I'm just saying," Kaul muttered as he began to navigate his X-Wing to shoot down the nearby Torpedoes. That woman was very alluring afterall be a shame to harm her.

Revenant Squadron: Tren Chaar Tren Chaar , Leon Gallo Leon Gallo
Cass Gemini Cass Gemini

Objective 1: Open for Buisness

Tags: Alban Roble Alban Roble Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo Ruus and others...
Targeted by: Amun Amun Koda Fett Koda Fett

As the last words were slipping out of her mouth, Tiresh though she heard a rather distinct clattering noise coming from behind her. She turned herself slightly out of curiosity to see what it might have been when she observed smoke beginning to billow out from a grenade and fill the room. She looked back quickly with a worried expression to Donavon Arturo Donavon Arturo , “What is going on?”

Suddenly stun grenades started going off all around the room, causing Tiresh to startle abruptly as she dropped her glass, shattering it against the floor as red wine spilled everywhere. She let out a scream in the confusion, quickly grabbing onto the table as her senses struggled with severe disorientation. She pulled herself up against the table and then crouched down onto her knees, hoping that the Senate guards would be there soon as she tried to make herself as small of a target as possible. She didn’t know if this was a raid from pirates, or a strategic strike against someone specific, but she found herself fearing the worst in this moment.

She heard dulled screams all around her as people panicked. Some fell to the floor unconscious while others stumbled around completely disoriented. She could vaguely see what was happening around her because her vision was severely hindered and blurry. She looked over as she caught movement of some kind approaching her quickly, and her eyes widened in terrible fear when she saw a large form bearing down upon her. “Donavon!!” She screamed desperately as she wrapped her arms around her head and tried to scoot herself quickly underneath the table with her feet, trying to get away from the terrifying being.

ALLIES - Amun Amun
ENEMIES - Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix Tiresh Kobitana-Draellix | Ruus

Beside several others that seemed to be much similar to himself, the azure blue of both his and their armour a blur on the rush towards the scene. Fett, however, had not set his attention on the attacker but instead the senator. Even if bolts started to blow by them, his attention was on Tiresh. Donavon too, to some extent even if less so than the former.

"Senator," a voice not of his own left his mouth and came out over the commotion, as if to take her attention. "It's time to move, we need to move you outside to safety."

He outstretched his hand in offering.

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