Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Respecting Younger Members: A Perspective

I am 31 years old. I started RPing Star Wars when I was 15. I've been on both ends of the spectrum in this regard and I kinda have a hard time with this subject. I guess just cause way back when, it was a lot differant in all respects. But truth be told i think even the oldest of us can still act pretty darn juvenille at times. We are Star Wars fans, after all. @[member="Jay Scott Clark"] makes a pretty good point. :)

And yeah, Ben is an O.G., fo sho :D
Ben Watts said:
I turn 50 next month.
My writer is going to be 53 in May
Ket Van Derveld said:
I am 31 years old. I started RPing Star Wars when I was 15. I've been on both ends of the spectrum in this regard and I kinda have a hard time with this subject. I guess just cause way back when, it was a lot differant in all respects. But truth be told i think even the oldest of us can still act pretty darn juvenille at times. We are Star Wars fans, after all. @[member="Jay Scott Clark"] makes a pretty good point. :)

And yeah, Ben is an O.G., fo sho :D
I know I act juvenile at times, cause I'm a kid at heart still.

I do however try to treat everyone equally, sometimes I fail but I do try after all, I don't know how old everyone else is.
@[member="Ket Van Derveld"] @[member="Ben Watts"]
:) Its ok Ket. But I have found that age descrimination, does work in the reverse. Sometimes when people find out my age they tend to avoid writing with me. Its only a story and done out of love of a genre, and a need to relax.

@[member="Ket Van Derveld"]
Well-Known Member
I'm actually very surprised to see such a large teen demographic. I thought modern 16 year old's usually resorted to less artistically constructive paths than a WRITING forum. Obviously there are exceptions, but I did not expect to see that people like Darth Acris and Kaine and others would be in my demographic as well.

I thought I was special for being young, too :p Naive little me.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and 16 since September.
Fatty said:
I'm actually very surprised to see such a large teen demographic. I thought modern 16 year old's usually resorted to less artistically constructive paths than a WRITING forum. Obviously there are exceptions, but I did not expect to see that people like Darth Acris and Kaine and others would be in my demographic as well.

I thought I was special for being young, too :p Naive little me.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and 16 since September.
Ah, youth...wait I have youth, what am I saying???!

21, will be 22 in July. I feel significantly dwarfed by Ben >.>
I just turned 30 last week. I vaguely remember being a teenager and doing this exact same damned thing, though... I dare say my writing has improved since 98/99.

It's great that there's so many younger people here, and I am happy to write with the majority of them. I love that there's still, to this day, such a huge interest in roleplaying forums like this. I've got to tell you guys that some of the friendships you make doing this here thing will be with you for many years to come. Your characters will evolve, as will the universe around them continue to do... and you might not be able to imagine your life without it.

And with the fine people I have been blessed to write with, then and now, I can say that with confidence.

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