Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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LFG Resolution Threads

Coming out of a long and complex arc and I'm looking for peeps that might want to get something from it

Jem, kidnapped and broken to the darkside by Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , was set to inherit the Maw and control the ritual that woulda nomnomed life as everyone knew it. Instead she turned on her father and helped take him down at the last moment.

Jem, ashamed of her fall and afraid of fulfilling her father's prophecy, felt there was no path forward and tried to kill herself. The jedi prevented this, and after a lengthy review have determined that Jem is not beyond rehabilitation.

She disagrees. For reasons I could never tldr she is tasked to try regardless. Cue her in a long retreat on Spintir | Dawn Temple .

Who might be interested--
Jem's double cross affected many. Would you like answers? Would you like to confront, encourage, or just get closure? Jem is learning to find balance again, but with that comes facing what had happened to her and the lives she affected.

Jem struggles to see a future for herself, but moments like these will help define it. Maybe it could help you too!

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