Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rescue of Jedi Outlaws in TSE Space

[member="Romi Jade"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"]

You should be thanking your boyfriend for inviting me back into the Jedi :p

Without Coren's influence, it'd be Bekk Magra that I'd be bringing in here.


Saint of the Damned
I know the Jedi's primary objective isn't to engage the Sith, but if anyone is feeling a bit rebellious and wants to do some PVP I'm game. Maybe a cat and mouse type of thing. Its been awhile since I've done any PVP so I'd like to try and get back into it.
Two quick questions, because I'm a slowpoke on replying these days (new puppy owner!)

  1. Is there opportunity for an evac pilot to help join in?
  2. How fast are y'all replying..would we deem this as a quick thread? Or one post per user per day kinda thing

EDIT: Oops, I had 5 minutes and thought it could be for days. Nevermind! Have all the fun!

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