Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Remove Five Star Ratings


Disney's Princess
Suggestion to Staff
w obligatory commentary from the gallery, naturally :p

This website uses a 5 star rating system for both threads and writers. I am suggesting to Staff that is system be isolated and removed from service. Not only is it completely useless towards any application on this website, it also most commonly applied as a quick method of trolling others. Ex: rating dramatic threads and even writer profiles with, 1/5 stars.

I'd also like to note that this request may be completely unobtainable. Considering I have no idea even if the 5 star rating can even be removed from the software.

Cheers and thanks for reading. :D


Disney's Princess
Julian Solo said:
I had no idea there was a star rating system, and I've been here since 2014.
I have just visited your profile page and given you 5/5 stars for this awesome comment. :D :p
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]​
... moments later ...


Disney's Princess
Thraxis said:
Cause I am easily lost and that picture has completely thrown me off.
Kay. Google the app "Peeple". Read any current events article in the last six months about why people hate it. Then... Apply what you've learned to your earlier question.

Instant "lightbulb" moment. :p
People hate it because it allows bullying. But any platform where people have an opinion that they can present can become bullying. That is just a factor of life. They are not constructive, they are just dicks and yes there are dicks who will give 1/5 for any reason. But that is why I say constructive, someone should be willing to explain and divulge why they give a low rating.

Besides that App ain't even out yet and if people are going to complain it could cause 'bullying' need to look at all the other social platforms and realize that bullying happens on any platform where people have opinions.
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]


Disney's Princess
Thraxis said:
...But that is why I say constructive, someone should be willing to explain and divulge why they give a low rating.
And where do we do this Thraxis? Do we do it on the front of somebodies profile page? Or deeper into an IC thread? Or... Do we already have a feedback forum and a pm box which already facilitates this community function wonderfully?

Come on buddy. You're almost there...

Now let's look back at my original post for reasons why the rating system should be removed. 1. It serves no purpose. 2. It has been used for trolling. And... I'll add a number three in there. 3. It's function is already facilitated elsewhere on this site to great completion.

Now. All that said. Thraxis, do you still feel the need to post here and defend the 5 star rating system as "constructive"?
Well... normally I ain't one to concede defeat... but I do feel swayed.

Aw well there is a first time for everything I suppose and I will concede defeat here then.
[member="Jay Scott Clark"]
Re-read a couple of the posts here, I think I understand the main reason but I gotta say, I don't really wanna cave to it.

As a retired(?) troll myself, I'm a bit tired of pandering to ya'lls safe space. Administrators are voting on it, though.


Disney's Princess
Tefka said:
As a retired(?) troll myself, I'm a bit tired of pandering to ya'lls safe space. Administrators are voting on it, though.
I guess I'm just glad it's a suggestion thread addressed to all of the Staff then. Because if these kinda things just ended up on your desk alone? Yeah. I doubt we'd even bother with half of them. :D :p


"Hey Tef. What's your opinion on using a quad turbo strut blaster in the space of a x8 heavy vapor torpedo? I mean, shouldn't we be using hardened energy relays on the couple mounts instead? This is Star Wars after all."

Tef's Decision: - Um, what did you just say at me?

"Hey Tef. Kylo bite me while were threading together. I mean, I stuck my hand in his mouth and all. But he really didn't have to do that, ya know? Can you remove the hand feature from the website and ban me for a week so I can heal?"

Tef's Decision: - I serious do not care.

"Hey Tef. The Pub sub-forum for Super Weapons isn't getting any use since I put it up. Can I get a blanket answer for the use of Super Weapon in our sub-forums. I mean, as long as the thread remains buried at least 3 deep in a Sub-sub-sub forum. It shouldn't be a problem if we blow up Coruscant, right?

Tef's Decision: - Why did I think creating an RP website was a good idea? Hold on. I am going to kill myself now. Please wait.

"Hey Tef..."

Tef's Decision: - NO! STFU! GET OUT! ...sry... *bad day*

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