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Regenerative Enzyme Treatment A

Lyssa Io

The Daughter of Blades
  • Intent: To Craft an easy to access alternative to Bacta

  • High Speed healing enzymes that mimic the effects of Bacta, allowing it to act as a substitute
  • Far cheaper and easier to obtain than Bacta
  • Healer: These Enzymes are secreted from the flesh by Medical Nuetralizers during the treatment of severe wounds. It mimics Bacta in terms of regenerative abilities, allowing it to be used in place of Bacta
  • By the gobful: As it is secreted by Medical Nuetralizers, which are mass Produced, that means this Enzyme will almost always have ready supplies available and sold for cheaper prices than regular bacta
  • Multi-Approach: Can be used in med kits, sprays, and Bacta tanks
  • No limbs: Cannot regrow limbs
  • Spoils faster: Due to its chemical make up, it spoils faster unless kept in cold until ready to use. That means it must be used quickly in the field once taken out of airtight cold storage
  • Vanilla speeds: Heals only as fast as normal bacta

A green liquid that can act as an effective Bacta Replacement, Type A Regenerative Enzyme is one more way of House Io to sink its claws into the rebuilding of the Scar Worlds, by offering a cheaper alternative to Bacta for credit strapped inhabitants who need to spend their money elsewhere yet need effective medicine and don't want to owe the Jedi or the governments they serve anything
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